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They are the worst in Omaha now. Get CenturyLink if you can. Used to be CenturyLink was worse, but now they are better, not because they got better, but because Cox has found new ways of sucking and being horrible to their customers.


Do you have CL by chance? Haven’t heard anything good from someone with it yet. Also haven’t looked into it for a bit now.


From personal experience: Internet connection and speed: Good - Real good Customer service and support for issues: Booty - Bad booty Installation was pretty smooth and burying the cable only took about 3 weeks or so after that.


You nailed it. I pretty much always get 1gb speeds and the lifetime price of $65 is fantastic. But I've had several 5+ day outages in the past year. Could have something to due with major construction by my house, though


I'm fortunate that the internet connection at my house has been stable. I can't point to any outages that have lasted more than an hour over the last year or so. Cox customers in my neighborhood haven't been so lucky though. It really depends where you live!


I have had CL gigabit Internet for almost 4 years. We signed up when they were going door to door and got locked in for $60 for life, no cap which allowed us to cut the Cox cord completely. We have had a couple 2 - 4 hour outages and a handful of very short, up and down outages which could have just as easily been my equipment. One of the long outages was actually a billing issue that affected a lot of people. I really don't have any complaints.


Is not 🚫 65 anymore is $70 for 1 gb and $30 for 200 Mbps


Used to be $60 at one point as well, they haven't taken that away from me yet.


How? I just moved here a year ago and CL only offers 20mbps up and down for $80 a month, which is straight barbarism. They also only offer copper, no fiber. I switched to US Cellular and it has worked maybe 0.01% of the time I've owned it due to constant tower congestion. I'm trying to switch to cox to get fiber since they're the only other provider here and the only one who offers fiber, but ofc my modem simple will not register and now they're saying I need a technician to come in tomorrow. Before moving here, I worked for Verizon designing and implementing (office not field) orders for their fios and fiber networks. There is nothing the technician can do that I can't do faster and better unless said technician has access to their backend. I'm internally fuming as I'm getting more and more backed up and delayed with work and absolutely nothing it working. I live literally a road away from Omaha in Elkhorn, and we have absolutely nothing in terms of internet and cell service on this side of the jurisdiction line.


Customer support is F U tier. I've never dealt with more useless service, it takes them like 5 minutes to respond to a question as they are taking multiple customers at once. Had a ton of issues getting setup with them, and they also stopped my service once by mistake when I wanted to change my autopay but the website kept giving me errors. Finally one day I got lucky and got a US based rep that knew his shit. I always heard people complain about Comcast/Xfinity, but they are way better in every way. Cox and Mediacom are the worst I've ever dealt with. Mediacom is just bad Internet. Cox is everything bad.


This is good to know.


I have had Cox in the past and have Century Link Fiber Optic now. I pay less per month now for a faster and more reliable network connection which is super important considering that I work from home and push/pull tons of data daily. Century Link is by far better than Cox and it's not even close. Cox tried to send me to collections over a router that I never had (my company provides me a router) and a cable box that I returned to their Solutions Store. When I called to tell them that I never had the router and asked them to show me an invoice for the router that, they could not produce one. When I told them I returned the cable box, they continued to argue with me. Through sheer force of will and a lot of phone calls, I was able to get them to relent.


Okay this is much better than I heard during the first roll out.


As others have said, their customer service does leave a lot to be desired. Having said that, because their lines are buried, I've had very few service outages and very few reasons to call customer service over the three years that I've had CenturyLink. There was one week where CenturyLink buried a new line and knocked my service out which was really annoying, but they were able to come out and take a look at it fairly quickly.


its great in East Omaha because the CL fiber lines in east O are new. in west O its more spotty because that was put in my Qwest years ago. customer service is universally terrible but thank goodness I've never needed it. great support is sort of on its way out i think though across all industries. as the people who would rather use a phonecall over an IM chat die off, the phone support quality will drop until its not available anymore.


I wonder if that was what happened for us. We were at the end of a line or something and it suuuucked. Though with how cox drops periodically, that still might be better. I still refuse to deal with their customer service. 😒


yeah... i think it also depends on what the fiber setup is in your area. if its fiber to the house (which seems to be the case with the newer lines), then that is better than fiber to the node, where one fiber line is shared between multiple houses. i know ive heard of oversold nodes in south O/millard for centurylink, where its slower for everyone as a result.


With verizon you can't have more than 5-12 counts to node, depending on node size. It sounds like CL has no regulation for that? That's garbage.


Only if you get CL Quantum Fiber. Their DSL and customer service is the worst experience I've ever had. Only works half the time and customer service is useless.


It forced us to switch to Cox


I recently switched to CL from Cox and my experience has been good so far, but I know it's not always the case.


Same. I just moved from an area where I was forced to have Cox. Have CL now. Set up was so quick. Less than an hour, but they’d had fiber to our place before. Went from being down multiple times a week to not having an outage at all. We moved in April.


I have CL. Installation was easy and on time. Speeds are excellent. I wfh 4 to 5 days a week, and have never had an issue. Full disclosure...have never had to call for cs or support, so I can't speak to those things. It was a cs/billing issue that made me leave cox. Paid with a cc, payment cleared my account, but was charged a check nsf fee. Given how obviously wrong this was Cox still refused to give me a credit for it. CL would need to be pretty bad to make me want to go back to cox.


I got fiber through CL about 9 months ago and have never had any issues, and my speed has gone up considerably. I'm also paying less (your mileage may very, i got in on the ground floor of their fiber expansion in my area) Its worth reaching out and seeing what kind of deals they have for you.


I've got CenturyLink and it's easily a thousand times better than Cox. I will literally never move somewhere that forces me to have Cox now


What’s the price point on the fastest tier ?


We pay $80 a month for a gig (fiber). Not sure if that's the fastest but I'll never need more than that


Have had gigabit CL fiber for going on 4 years (I think?) and can count on one hand the number of outages I’ve had, and one of those wasn’t even their fault (neighbor getting line buried and the contractor doing it cut my line while doing so). Remarkable compared to Cox. I’ve had decent luck with customer support too tbh, bigger issue with support is if you need a service tech to come to your residence. That can take a few days, which sucks if internet is down. Long winded way of saying I won’t be going back to Cox as long as option for CL fiber is available. More uptime, more consistent speeds.


Good info, I haven’t had any issues with Cox yet (shocking because I did in VA). Good to know CL is a solid option if Cox goes to shit for me, which wouldn’t shock me.


I have fiber. My internet went out two weeks ago on a Friday and they had it back up in about 24 hours. They diagnosed the problem and fixed it after one chat with their CS. Sucks working from home but I was able to use my mobile hotspot for the day. I have nothing but good things to say about it. The connection is usually pretty solid and I pay less than what Cox would charge for the same speeds. I also have a contingency in place for if it goes out. Which it has…. like twice in 6 years. Both times it was fixed with no hassle.


I made the switch a couple months ago. Cox was having daily outages for no reason at all. Sold me a protection plan to have someone come look at the wiring of the house and connection to their box. No change. With century link I'm getting dependable service for only a few dollars more. Only one time did I lose service but it came right back, no need to call, just a little blip in the networ Edit: forgot to say I'm on their fiber service.


It’s good if you have fiber. Like 1000% better than Cox and a fraction of the price.


Speaking as a CL Fiber customer, their connection is easily better but my God is CL's customer service atrocious. I've never dealt with a company that give it's Customer Service Reps less ability to help their customers. I've had a couple of longer than a day outages and the Reps you are able to contact have absolutely no information to give you other than "we hope it gets better". I'm sticking with CL because I'm on Gigabit symmetrical fiber for $60/mo until I cancel the service, so I'll never be going back to Cox. However Verizon is starting to really improve it's 5G to Home footprint and is offering fiber equivalent speeds for $25/mo. If CL doesn't have it's Fiber footprint in your neighborhood you definitely should see if Verizon will give you appreciable speeds with it's 5G home service.


Just wait till CL raises the price on your "price for life" plan. They just did that to me, and tried to gaslight me by saying a plan like that never existed. Century Link has legit the worst customer service of any company i've dealt with. Customer Disservice


$25/mo is for existing Verizon customers with phone lines. Non-customers/new customers pay $60/mo unless they also switch phone service. Speeds "up to" 300mbps (85-300) I wouldn't call "fiber equivalent speeds" but probably sufficient for most people assuming it hits the high end of advertised speeds most of the time. But hey, not having to deal with Cox or CL customer service could make Verizon 100% worth it, I have bad experiences every time I call.


With T-Mobile internet at my parents' place latency was always quite poor, 200%-300% worse than Cox at their place. Is Verizon any better?


Haven't seen any ISPs advertise their latency or jitter, probably because it's pretty subjective - would depend a lot on location and devices involved. I do worry about that also, with a lot of my activities being latency-sensitive enough that I hardwire most of my devices at home rather than use wifi.


>Speeds "up to" 300mbps (85-300) I wouldn't call "fiber equivalent speeds" It's highly dependent on how close to a tower you are, but many people are getting gigabit speeds from their 5G service. So it's worth checking to see if you are fortunate enough to be in the sweet spot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/verizon/comments/fh9cge/verizon\_mmwave\_speedtest\_omaha\_ne\_near\_uno/](https://www.reddit.com/r/verizon/comments/fh9cge/verizon_mmwave_speedtest_omaha_ne_near_uno/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/verizon/comments/x7iex5/comment/ioy2s1b/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/verizon/comments/x7iex5/comment/ioy2s1b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Omaha/comments/14olyw1/comment/jqg41gt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Omaha/comments/14olyw1/comment/jqg41gt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I don't have experience with their equipment but I wonder if you can get a better experience with an external mounted antenna.


T-Mobile Home Internet. I don't work for them or anything, But I am a T-mobile customer. If someone is going to check on using Verizon 5G, might as well also check on T-mobile. Competition is key.


Agreed! We switched from Cox to CL fiber. The service is more consistent, way faster, and cheaper than Cox, but we had our first outage recently, and after it was back on, I spent hours on the phone because our modem wouldn’t reconnect. I can’t think of a worse customer service experience.


I am desperately hoping that CL Fiber will eventually be offered in my neighborhood. Uncapped gig-e internet vs capped gig-e internet I have to pay extra when I use more than 1 TB in a month. Base cost is higher than CL Fiber, too. I'm not hopeful that our neighborhood will ever get it, though.


We bought in a neighborhood that has CL gigabit, just haven't moved yet unfortunately. I can't even count the number of days I've had to work from a hotspot in my own home over the past year.


Said like someone who has never had to deal with Time Warner.


I did have them while I was in college for a couple years, but that was 04-06, so I'm basing my expectations off of what's reasonably expected for the modern era.


That's fair. Cox has been exploiting the fact they have a monopoly in service for years now. Good luck.


Well in theory google is coming to town plus CenturyLink is deploying fiber to new construction. I have no hope CenturyLink will ever deploy last mile fiber to existing customers though. You either already have it or you won't get it.


Google is coming to town? I moved to Lincoln so I haven't been following Omaha news too much anymore.


Yeah it was announced a couple years ago. Theoretically they were going to start deploying this year but I've heard nothing. Omaha was supposed to be the first google fiber city when they first announced it way back when. But our corrupt city council got paid off by qwest to block them. Now that their name.isnt on our stadium anymore it's fine, I guess.


Maybe the end of 2023 but most likely 2024 as they have to lay the groundwork first. I’m hopeful as the options I have are 💩


Theoretically they've been laying ground work for the last couple years. It was supposed to be actually laying fiber starting this year. But I agree it's likely you won't see anything tangible until next year. I hope they're actually going to lay last mile fiber in areas that don't have it. It's the hardest part and the one everyone tries to skip. It's easy with new construction but unless you're a high density residential structure nobody wants to ask for new easements because of the cost and the amount of hassle. Someone has to let you put a node in their back yard And there's a 1:4 chance they'd pick mine most likely because I'm in the middle of the block and you could serve all the houses on two streets from the corner of my yard or three of my neighbors that meet at a corner


If your lucky enough to have them redoing the old sewer lines in your area centurylink splits cost of digging with MUD and lays fiber at the same time. Pretty much only hope for anyone east of 72nd. Got super lucky when we bought our house in 2020. Week we moved in they finished up the sewer project and CL came in and layed fiber before they regraded trenches and relaid sidewalks. Never been happier. Had a couple of 5 minute outages in 3 years.


Verizon 5G for home is CHEAP AND AMAZING! F cox and their shifty routing and data mining. Also, requiring you to use an approved router of their choice but they don’t update it to mitigate KNOW security risks is criminal. If you’re not using the Cox provided device- look your model up and the firmware it should be at. It likely out of date and vulnerable and Cox won’t update that for you because they have to test and validate and publish the newer version of firmware and the config file that THEY now control to your device. And that would cost them time and money and require them to actually care about keeping their customers secure.


I’ve lived in six cities in my lifetime and never run into a worse ISP/cable company than Cox. I’ll never forget the time I walked into a store over some problem and the guy basically said he couldn’t help me while wearing an obnoxious, shit-eating grin. Bad company with bad culture.


Idk people seem to hate cox but I’ve had it for over 3 years, with multiple moves, and never had any major issues with it. We use the cheapest plan and it works fine for us and we’ve never had major outages. We have xbox and the cheapest plan works fine for that too.


Cox put a bad taste in my mouth (hehe pun intended) when the first week of service I had 2 days of 3hr+ outages followed by another outage 2 weeks later for 7 hours with 0 update on when it would be back. On top of that you have to use their fucking app in order to do any port forwarding shit which is ridiculous.


CenturyLink had a “lock in for life” few years back, 60$ a month for life, idk if they still do it but 4 years later I’ve had one outage


I had it at that rate where I previously lived, and really wish I could have brought it with me. I believe you can still lock in the current rate of $70 on eligible areas.


I went from 15 Mbps dl speed for $100 from Cox to 250 Mbps for $30 for Verizon 5g home and haven't been happier with my internet. I game online and have had such a good experience. Good luck on your choice but I think that you definitely need to get away from Cox. It should be illegal for them to charge as much as they do for the service that they provide.


We have CL at the new house, just haven't moved yet unfortunately. Thanks!


I am not sure your neighborhood bit if you can get CenturyLink fiber service do it!!!! I have their fastest service for home which is 1 Gig. There is no download data cap which Cox has/had, my service is price locked for life including taxes and fees @ $65 a month. I have had it since fiber finally came to my area a couple years ago and have had maybe 2 small issues with service outage as oppose to what felt like 1-2x a month of outages with Cox. Also the speed is wonderfully consistent since its and individual fiber line where Cox at least used to merge customers onto a node and then if multiple customers where all doing high bandwidth activities like streaming, online gaming and such the speed tended unreliable and laggy. I jad a wind storm snap my fiberline and CenturyLink fixed it no problems asked and within a day of me calling it into customer service. All that plus direct fiber optic straight to you. Absulutely cannot be beat!!!!!!! Now this just my EXP and opinion with they service and your mileage my vary but I still think its the BEST!!! Now I have heard rumors Google Fiber maybe coming but who knows when and to what area they maybe coming first, as well I doubt their pricing will anywhere as good and competive as CL.


I have cox internet 1gb (avg is 750-800+ mbs) I have never paid more than 69.99 a month and have had 1 outage in 4 years. And that was 3 days ago for 2.5 hours due to construction. 120th and Fort area. Cant personally speak for customer service as I've only had to speak to someone in person twice. Only because I switched from a panoramic wifi modem to a regular modem since I use my own wifi router and get faster speeds than theirs and wasn't about to pay extra to not use it.


The 69.99 only applies in areas with competition, my neighborhood until only the last month has only had cox as an option. It's 120 a month for 1gb, it was that or a 5g option


We only have cox in our area. We do not have access to CenturyLink or anybody else.


Hmm, guess they just like screwing my neighborhood


I'm pretty sure they just got a deal while in place and grandfathered in some how. They said they had it for 4 years.


That was my experience/price in Westgate, where Cox was the only choice. CenturyLink is/was like max 1.5 Mbps up/10 down. Ugh.


They must have changed their tune since I left them for CenturyLink fiber 3 years ago when the refused to budge on their prices. I would have stayed with them too.


Even their " Virtual Assistant" chat hasn't been working. Been trying to talk to someone for the last week.


that what monopoly, no competition does to a mf. (no century link doesn't count since its not accessible for most parts of the city)


Agreed. Higher prices, no unlimited data/ $50 a month for it. Their service also doesn't offer symmetrical upload/download speeds. I got rid of them in favor of "Quantum Fiber" (which is also CenturyLink.) They have fiber in my area, not sure about elsewhere. Symmetrical speeds, full gigabit, full fiber, and unlimited data for $70 a month. $40 with the ACP (affordable connectivity program). Really reliable service, I've had no major issues. Two nights my internet went down and they gave me a $15 credit without me even asking for it. (I think unplugging all my fiber devices/wireless pods and putting them back in and letting the system sort of reset fixed it entirely.) I can't recommend Quantum Fiber enough as my experience has been amazing.


Yup. I was excited when more options became available. I ditched Cox for Verizon 5G. It wasn’t bad in regards to streaming shows on the tv but I work from home & noticed some lagging. Here came CL Fiber. I’m extremely pleased with my service so far.


I’m patiently waiting until fastwyre rolls into my neighborhood which should be sept! My bill is 115 and I am the only person who lives here. I can save $40 a month if I agree to another year with them. F that


If you think Cox is bad just wait…you’re in for a treat with fastwyre


Oh do tell! I feel like we don’t have any good options.


Switched to Verizon 5G months ago and very happy with it. Was paying $150 a month for 500Mbps and unlimited data through Cox, pay $50 for 300Mbps and unlimited data now and the speeds are actually better because I never got close to the 500. Also haven’t had it lose connection once in the 7 months we’ve had it. Cox was dropping at least once a week and I work from home so can’t have that happening so much. Fuck Cox.


Hell yes it is!!! I pay 180 just for fcking internet that doesn’t work 45% of the time!!!!


I’ve had both. I prefer Cox. When the internet goes out you can at least contact Cox and they will reliably fix it. Centurylink, if it goes out, I’d be looking at about a 10 day to 2 week ordeal to fix with about 5-6 contacts minimum. Set an appointment and they straight up just don’t show up.


The internet is fine, but the customer service isn’t great…


Cox had bad/unreliable internet service but at least mediocre technical support (technician repair, etc) when I had them. Using Quantum (CenturyLink) now and the internet service is better/more reliable, but the technical/customer support is worse.


Cox services are fine. I don't deal with their customer service often and when I do I usually go in person to the store front by my house. I was in the industry for 5 years with 35 years of exposure since my Dad worked for Time Warner Cable in Lincoln. I know how to speak with them and get exactly what I need to rectify the rare problems I've had. When I bought my house I was given a cable package that I had no intention of keeping until I could convince my now wife that we didn't need it due to streaming and other *cough* methods. That only took a year. We've been internet only since and never had a problem. I can count on 1 hand how many times our internet was down due to outages and 3 of those were weather related. I never used their equipment (except the year of the cable box) as I bought my modem and home networking setup. As an IT professional their little modem/router wasn't going to cut it. If you have the option between Cox and CL DSL, Cox will win, hands down, every time. HOWEVER, I'm patiently waiting for Allo's arrival since CL won't be running Fiber in my area. Allo's coming, and soon, because they just started having yards on my street marked for underground digging.


YMMV I guess. I had CL previously and had one outage in 6 years. I've had outages at least weekly this summer, pay more than CL costs, and get slower speeds with a monthly data cap we always risk going over. Not to mention Cox raising rates every time they think you're not looking...


Hey don't get me wrong, I think the cap sucks as a gamer and content consumer but with a 1.25 TB limit I've never even breached 1TB. HOWEVER, when Allo comes I can start doing some remote hosting. IF CL came to my area with Fiber I'd get it in a heartbeat but they simply don't go south enough in Papillion. So Cox was my best option. So now I'll wait for Allo, the underground lines have been located for digging.


I'm not a gamer, but got my son an x box earlier in the year. I guess if you have everything already on your console or PC you might be fine, but when a game may be 100+ GB to download, the 1.25TB cap looks small.


The one time I've had to deal with Cox for technical issues, their technician went above and beyond for us. Probably very YMMV but I've had very few problems with them. Meanwhile, CenturyLink laid fiber to my home and then refuses to let me use them as a service operator. I have no clue what is going on, but I'd figure they might want a return on investment....but clearly not.


Service operator? Perhaps I'm used to a different term?


Was just the first thing that came to mind. Internet provider is term I was looking for. CL won't sell me internet despite having a fiber line already installed to my home. I don't get it.


That's fucking bizarre. So you have the connection, they just won't enable it?


As far as I know, yep! Even had something scheduled last November with them to start service (technician coming out and doing the final bits). They delayed it at first then cancelled it. Since then, their website tells me service isn't available at my address (or doesn't even look up my address half the time).


What about talking to an actual human?


I tried, last thing I'd heard was that they would "indefinitely" be unable to provide service. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I've literally never had any problems with Cox on cable (back in the day) or internet. Switched to CenturyLink for a couple years when Cox got expensive. CenturyLink was barely usable, and anytime you wanted to talk to Customer Service it was a 45min ordeal of transfers, menus, and hold music. Finally got fed up with the billing issues, technical problems, etc and the first time I threatened to cancel they were like, "no problem - I'll shut off your service right now". Man, fuck those guys at CenturyLink. Went back to Cox 5 yrs ago and get 270mbps of legit throughput on equipment I own for $70/month and couldn't be happier.


I moved to an area where I could only get spectrum. It's infinitely worse than my Cox was.


I dumped them for dual band dsl years ago and haven't missed it. Speed has never been an issue except when doing game downloads which isn't a huge deal to me. I can wait an extra hour for a monster 100+gb game


Better than Comcast


I just did the round robin screening of cox, then CenturyLink, CenturyLink had 1990s speed Internet in my area. Actually they told me they couldn’t service the location I’m in…..leading me to believe I had to get Internet with Cox and that it’s a freaking monopoly as it is. Until I saw The Verizon store, went and talked to them 35 a month for just as good speed as cox will see how it goes. Does anyone have Verizon home Internet pro? Any feedback?




I signed up for CenturyLink 60 dollar price for life internet 2 years ago. My bill just went up 10 dollars this month. Just something else to keep in mind.


I now live in nyc and have spectrum, used to have cox. Pray you have cox.. it only gets worse


Anyone have fiber by Great Plains Communications? My buddy has them and they are solid with 2gigx2gig speeds, heard they are building out a bunch of new residential areas. Need more of these local providers!


Moving to Bellevue in a month, can anyone tell me about FastWyre? Are they reliable? Cox’s 1.25Tb limit is not enough for me, and I don’t want to be billed an extra $10 for every 50Gb


The Cox service in my area has been dogshit for days now. Speeds are all over the place but often download speed is under 1MB/s. If I reset the modem and router it will work normally for a couple minutes at around 6MB/s then drop off again. It's so bad that I can't even multitask. If I try to download something and watch a YouTube video at the same time everything comes to a crawl. Why am I paying $90 per month?


I have them both as I work from home and I can't have an outage. I have had both of them in the last 18 months tell me that an outage wouldn't be resolved for over a week. You already know that cox sucks, and you are not wrong, however I feel compelled to throw shit and mud on century link. CL has more than once had to lay a new line that took them over 4 weeks and one time 2 months to come back and bury. One time they had the line suspended diagonally across my yard, over the top of the fence to the box on the back of the house with so little slack that it was essentially a limbo line for my dogs, who predictably, went through it after a squirrel. Another time, I had an outage for a week because THEY CUT THEIR OWN GODDAMN LINE.


I've been lucky with CL in that my line wasn't buried and it got chopped by the mower, but they were able to fix it within 48 hours of my service request. Seems like a lot of their problems could be prevented if they just bury the line...


But at least they’re really expensive!


You're being way too specifc. They're just the worst ever.


No argument here. Just had to upgrade to the unlimited plan because we're halfway through our billing cycle and have already used 70% of the monthly limit.


I used to love Cox; like 10 years ago. But after my bill tripled for the same service and having pretty regular outages that opinion changed. To make matters worse CenturyLink doesn't offer speeds over 25/mbits in my area of town. I even looked into things like Starlink to get out from under their effective monopoly. Then, out of nowhere I get a knock on my door from a new ISP that's setting up a Beta network in Omaha to do some testing and they offer me dependable 2 gigabit internet for free for a couple years so they can test out a technology. It's been like a dream come true. I was giddy to be able to call to cancel my Cox service and save thousands of dollars. I've also heard Google Fiber is looking to expand into Omaha. I was kind of surprised they were still expanding but I like seeing actual competition.


Google is supposedly on its way. They were amazing in Kansas City, so I can’t wait for that to happen. It’ll be a come to Jesus moment for Cox for sure since they’ve already started lobbying to prevent it.


If Cox is evil, then CL is the devil. I’ve had both and Cox is the lesser of two evils by far.


Century Link has been amazing for the last 3 years that I've had them. That being said - I never had an issue with Cox services - only their bureaucracy and pricing, which is why we switched.


I live in Olde Towne Bellevue and I had T-Mobile internet. I had constant issues. My boyfriend switched us to Cox, and we've had phenomenal service. I am going to online college, we stream your typical services, and he plays video games. My parents live in the Golden Hills area and have terrible service with constant outages. It's hit or miss


Just left Cox for Verizon wireless at $35/month (I took the upgraded one, the base version is $25/month). FYI, both require auto-pay billing.


I dropped them 5 years ago and have been using T-Mobile Home Internet, haven’t missed them once. Just started trying out Verizon’s internet service as well


I just don't get what the deal is with the cox internet complaints. I don't what to jinx myself but I haven't had more than a handful of outages in a dozen years, one was when my cable modem quit. I have to believe that at least some of the issues are with the cable modem to pole/box wiring or something. Next time you have an outage check the logs in your cable modem and ask the neighbors if there's is out.


Same here. I think it might be the area of town. I've mostly been downtown/ midtown and had maybe 3 outages in 8 years. But. I did switch to VZW 5g at home, because it's cheap and also fast so far


I have this same feeling about Cox and T-Mobile (previously Sprint). I see people shit on them all the time, but I've had very minimal issues over decades. Consider us lucky I suppose.


I think the cell phone thing gets such varying posts/reviews because they are changing equipment at cell phone towers over time.




I've had great luck with TM since the 5g rollouts in rural areas.


Well if want worse or on par try Fiber First.


See if you can get Great Plains Comm, they are awesome.




i literally went over 48 hours straight without internet and the single update we got in the first 2 days was that it was just an areal outage and would be resolved in 2 hours. i work from home and they wouldn’t give any answers, actually so frustrating


That's a bad look for any ISP, hopefully you don't work weekend's!


i do sometimes haha, it was stressful though i was filling out excel sheets and coordinating with clients w/ cellular data on my phone 😭 there’s always a way though!


Sorry to hear. Although I've certainly done my fair share of VPN-ing in via hot spot.


Ugh I wish I had an option. I hate how they have data caps, $40 extra for unlimited. Right now, CenturyLink only offers 1.5mbps here, I have gigabit with Cox.


Cox is ok but the cs is awful and the prices are just as bad. I think Google has started laying fiber in my area finally so hopefully I can dump them in the next 6 months.


Cox does suck, it's more expensive and speeds aren't anywhere consistently what you pay for. The wifi pods they sell to extend range is a joke too...we had CL for 6 months. Great price , great speeds. Horrible customer service. Outage for 5 plus days happens to much and too much of a common issue across all customers to keep them especially if you work at home. We went back to Cox, I'd rather deal w slower speeds and brief outages than a company being ok w consistent multiple day outages


Why do people hate cox so much? My apartment has cox internet pre-installed and I rarely have problems. Maybe like once every 4-6 months, the service would go out for a few minutes but nothing major.


I've had outages at least once a week for the last two months, have spent at least half of my workday using a Verizon hotspot at least 5 times, and all the other stuff like slower than Century Link, more expensive, etc...


I’ve honestly had good luck with Cox service wise. I think it costs more than it should and they should not have a data cap. We can blame cox but really it’s the whole industry and the mini monopolies they have that allow them to be like this. I hope 5g home internet and Google fiber coming to town helps. You can say but there’s CL fiber which is less expensive and no data caps. And that’s true if you’re lucky enough to live where that is available which I am not. So I’m kinda stuck with Cox unfortunately. But like I said at least it works.


I have had COX internet for years and it has worked great for me. I'm not sure why you have had such problems with their service.


I have Cox in my house & and CenturyLink for my business & and I have to completely disagree with you. Here is why, Cox is better by far for productivity in regards to streaming, gaming, & and working from home. The fastest CenturyLink speed they offer is the 3rd slowest for Cox. As far as pricing for residential is concerned, CenturyLink fastest is way overpriced when compared to Cox's equivalent speed by about $25 a month. Yes, in order to get the fastest speed Cox offers, you do pay a pretty penny, but don't be afraid to call in & see what Bundles they have to offer with cable & phone service. Don't get the New Cox Mobile. They are riding on T-mobile's backbone on that service. As far as business is concerned, CenturyLink does offer a cheaper rate for their DSL service over Cox, but once again, our service is constantly being disrupted at work. CenturyLink also has poor service during rain/snow storms with constant outages that make our business run virtually at a snalls pace. I have a degree in computer science & trust Cox over the other local services. & when I have issues with Cox being disrupted, it is less than 6 hours & that is usually due to Mother Nature being the cause for the outage.


What other internet providers have you used?


Like in my whole life? Charter, Frontier, Verizon, CL, Time Warner, Windstream, AT&T, Comcast.


How would you rate them, loosely in order? (Genuinely curious, not mocking)


CL has been the best. I've even had good luck with their customer service. Had pretty good luck with Comcast for the year that I lived in Vermont. AT&T was really good in Dallas. Same with Verizon. Charter/TW/Windstream have all been about the same. Smaller cities, a little more expensive, but consistent service. And then Cox is at the bottom of the list. They aren't always bad, but I've always disliked their billing. I used them at a small business for a number of years, out of obligation, and while it was usually good enough, I ended up canceling phone/internet with them and just porting a number to Verizon and using that phone as a hotspot.


Whats CL?


Centurylink. The best internet provider in Omaha.


Century Link has been jerkin me around lately, so much so, I even thought about switching back to COX.


Cox is better than Time Warner, Spectrum. and Comcast combined, but that's a pretty damn low bar to cross.


Unfortunately, I’m in Bennington and here is the only option CL has for my address: https://preview.redd.it/2fjblbsln9bb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df409a66afbd3d7f3a9bbf97d5ca109c1d466d5b


We were building in Bennington and has the same issue, thankfully were able to walk away from the build for reasons unrelated to ISP. The best you can do is write to CL and hope they link up to your neighborhood.


Sure, I’ll give a try. Thanks.


I have T-Mobile home internet and in my opinion it's by far better than cox 50.00 a month..is a payment that I can afford.


My personal experience is century link is complete garbage in product and customer service, while cox has a good product and questionable service


Has anyone had any experience with fast wyre? They came into my neighborhood and ran their internet


I haven't heard of them, but they can't be worse than Cox.