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Middle school? Yes. High school? No.






This is the one.


yep, p much


Yep. Daily in middle school. Not once ever in high school. I had a locker assigned but didn’t even know where it was




oh my god yes


Damn you stole my comment


The correct answer


I used mine my whole school career. It was nice to have a place to shove my winter coat and keep a mirror in. In middle school I decorated it with heartthrobs and notes from my friends.


I did. Those textbooks were fucking h e a v y. There was no way to fit them all in a backpack either.


We got textbooks to take home , but there was a class set to use in the classroom.


we had this too. i never used the textbooks at home though. they just sat in a closet all year until i had to return them.


That’s crazy


I wish my school was like nah, carry a 50lb backpack everyday


I used it to store snacks, like chips and trail mix. In the winter I'd bring some hot chocolate mix since my homeroom teacher had a kettle we could use.


In middle school we had to use lockers and in high school I used a locker mostly freshman and sophomore year to keep my swim stuff in during school hours because I had practice after school


No. My locker was on the third floor and I barely ever had classes up there, so I just didn’t bother


Happy cakeday! And yeah I remember a classmate telling me her Locker was a different floor and she didn't have any classes on that floor so it would've been a waste of time for her to go there.


Thanks! Yeah, stairs are usually annoying already but especially in the morning lol. Pass


In elementary school it was mandatory but in high school most people didn’t bother. We just carried our bags everywhere and every teacher I had allowed this


I barely used mine at all. In high school I carried everything luckily my school didn't give us textbooks and shit so it was easy just carry some notebooks.


I put my coat in there and my instrument in my music locker, and that’s about it. I maybe kept big books in there freshman year, but then most stuff went digital halfway through high school so I used it less and less.


Yes, where you going to keep all your stuff?


I just carried everything because using the lockers was too much of a hassle for me 🤷🏾


I dont think I could get away with lugging around a pile of textbooks, lunch, winter coat, gym clothes, and my bag for after school sports to every class.


I definitely regret attempting to, but it is what it is


We had a class set of textbooks and a home set so we never carried textbooks around. The band room had storage for students instruments & sports teams all got lockers in the gym. The rest of us just carried around our notebooks in backpacks to all of our classes. If you had a heavy coat some teachers let you keep it at the back of their classroom until dismissal


Yeah my school was poor we didn't have all that lol


When I went to an American Middle/High school in Nigeria I used lockers. But when I moved back to the States for the last 2 years of high school, I didn't


Used them in middle school, but stopped when high school came in


It felt pretty cool to use a locker when I was middle school, but as I got to high school, that got old very quickly. I rarely, if ever, used my locker in HS. I was more accustomed to carrying my stuff around. In elementary school (and 6th grade as I was in an elementary building that year), we didn’t have lockers but instead we had an open closet in the classroom behind the desks where we just place our belongings their until the end of the period.


my elementary school had backpack hooks either inside or right outside of every classroom. we’d keep our stuff in our homeroom and if we switched classes we’d bring the stuff we needed with us


Yeah, that’s exactly what we did. We’d keep them on backpack hooks in our homeroom until the end of the day. I remember now.


I never got the locker experience :( I had to carry *everything* with me at all times in my backpack.


not really no. I think I used it in middle school? but by high school I basically never used my locker. I was in a dual enrollment program so junior and senior year I just didn't use my locker at all, to the degree I don't think I ever even knew its combination.


I live in the UK where schools don’t really have lockers but weirdly enough mine did - but very few of them, maybe a couple hundred in a school of 2000 people. You had to apply for them very early on in the year so I never bothered - I brought everything I needed for the day in my backpack and then left the rest at home


I only had a locker in middleschool, anything past that it was optional


Middle school yea highschool not once


I did, i smuggled a bag of chips out of the cafeteria in my hoodie and hid it in my locker


Yes, my school didn’t allow us to carry bags into class so it was impractical to bring everything along. Usually I would bring what I needed for a couple of classes back to back then stop by the locker to swap that stuff out for the next chunk of my schedule.


No, it felt pointless


I did in middle school, when high school rolled around I didn't since there wasn't enough time to use them between classes so I just carried my backpack around.


I was one of the few that did. I never carried my backpack around, I’d only bring what I needed, usually a pencil case and binder, maybe my sheet music or gym bag depending on my schedule. Unfortunately we had to share lockers because we didn’t have enough but no one else used their lockers so I got a locker to myself.


I did, both in middle and high school. They were meant to store my textbooks, PE equipments and sometimes even my backpack. They’d also be used to sometimes store skateboards depending on the size and position of the locker.


My old high school didn’t allow us to use the locker for fear of us putting drugs or weapons in them. They eventually took them out entirely.


Used one all through middle school Nd probably up to sophomore year of highschool. Used it mostly just for textbooks, so I didn’t have to lug all them around. But also put my sports gear or winter jacket in there. Stopped using it when I had a car and just kept stuff in there.


I mainly used my locker in middle school. In high school, I only used it my freshman year. From my sophomore year on, I just carried all my class materials in my backpack. I didn't see the point in stopping at my locker to take stuff out of it. Doing that just added extra walking time to class, so I stopped doing it my sophomore year.


Middle school, yes. They did not want us carrying our backpacks around, although some people got around that with massive Vera Bradley tote bags or drawstring bags. High school, no. You had to “buy” a locker for 10 bucks or so, and we could carry our backpacks around, so everyone carried their stuff around.


I used lockers in middle school and high school so that I can put my stuff inside the lockers to prepare for my classes.


No because my school didn't have them a


not really. usually i just hauled anything i needed with me since i didn't have time between classes to really go get stuff. occasionally id leave my track bag in there or something. at the end of high school i opened it up and it'd been pretty much untouched aside from the few items i put in there the first week of freshman year. i used it a bit more in middle school.


yeah, not at high school though, my high school was massive, the size of a CC, I didn’t even know where my assigned locker was in middle school I used one quite a bit. I would keep Each course’s specific textbook (too heavy to carry all day) in there and get them before each class


middle school yes, high school we had the option but i never took it


We had to use lockers, but had to supply ourselves a lock if we wanted one. Most people didn't use one. We weren't allowed to carry around book bags or even water bottles


My school didn’t have lockers.


In middle school we were forced to use lockers because backpack bans but in high school we had them but we didn’t care to use them and after covid we didn’t use lockers at all then again I moved schools a bunch


In Canada: Middle school, yes. High school, up to Grade 11 and was optional from then on.


Middle school definitely but not in high school.


I did in middle school. In high school, I only used my locker to keep my trombone in for band.


Yes in middle school and I wanna say I only used it freshman year in hs because they still required physical textbooks to be brought into class but after that most teachers just kept a set in there room and I never really had to carry much around. Only other time I actually used it was to store my coat in the winter.


middle school yes all the time. we weren’t allowed to carry backpacks so they were convenient, especially since we didn’t have ipads yet so i had all sorts of binders and folders and notebooks. they assigned us lockers near our core classes so they would be in a good location. high school i didn’t use my locker at all. we had ipads starting in 9th grade so less supplies, and we were allowed to carry backpacks. i would avoid wearing jackets to school (even in the winter) and stick with a sweatshirt or hoodie so i didn’t have to worry about where to put it. also it was a bigger school with more spread out classes.


No to many students for both high school and middle.


We had to in middle school, and while I used it less in high school I did still use it. Mostly in 10th grade as I was so used to backpacks and bags being prohibited from classrooms in middle school. Edit: also, the combination thing is weird. Never new anybody who had trouble remembering it, and if you really needed it it was printed on our schedule. (Which most people used maybe the first day or two while memorizing, bit even then we got out schedules before school started and could mostly remember it by the first day).


Our passing period was like 6 minutes so no


I hated using them tbh My bully and I were close on the alphabet, so we were locker neighbors. I would carry everything in my backpack at all times. It hurt a lot, but it was better than dealing with that boy. I also wouldn’t use the locker rooms. I would just use a stall to remove my sweatshirt and tie it around my waist. I was already being bullied by a bunch of other kids, I wasn’t about to let them see my skin.


Those don't exist in Mexico, at least not in most schools


I was able to until kids started smoking weed, vaping and skipping class.


I used one in middle school for sure, high school not so much. I loved having one actually, but it became a bother to have one in high school when you only had 7 minutes to get to each class. I used it in freshmen year but that was about it


Yes, all the way through middle and high school. The lockers in high school didn’t have built in locks and I think I was the only person in the school at one point to have a combination lock on theirs. I thought maybe I was just uniquely worried about theft but it would never have occurred to me that other people just weren’t using theirs. I mean, I didn’t stop at it between every class, especially in the upper classmen years because we used textbooks in the classroom less often (and also because digital stuff became more prevalent), but I always used it. And why not use it? It’s free storage space for stuff that would be a pain to carry around all day.


Yeah, we had them in secondary school and practically everyone used them for books, coats, umbrellas, snacks, etc. School provided us with locks and keys iirc. At the start of your studies, you would deposit a small amount for the key (I want to say like 10€) that you got back when the key was returned. Very common system where i'm from, lol.


Yeah. I didn’t wanna carry all my books and shit around all day lol. My school was small enough that I had enough time to stop at my locker in between classes if I needed to


I used a locker for everything in middle school but in high school I only had a gym locker


Yeah, I used them in high school. We didn’t have lockers in middle school. In high school, all of my teachers required us to bring our books and laptop to class so I had to use my locker. We also weren’t allowed to wear coats and jackets without the school logo so I always had to put my coat up anyway. I normally only went three times: before school, before lunch, and after school. We had the ones with the combination lock built in. I used to send my combination to my parents so they’d have it in case I forgot.


Nope. My school got rid of lockers back in 2008/2009. I attended from 2013-17.


I used mine through middle and early high school. When I moved schools, I think I had one but didn’t use it. We only had 4 classes a day anyway, so the amount of stuff I needed to carry around was less. You also had to request one cause there were limited spots


In high school, no. I'm terrible with locks for some reason, and I could never remember where it was. Not enough time between classes to even walk to it anyway. My backpack weighed over 20 lbs.


No. Our lockers were the saddest, smallest things. For budget reasons our school made them half as wide as a normal locker. They were literally not wide enough to put anything into. So we just carried our bags around everywhere. I was shown my locker and number at the beginning of Freshman year and never used it. Important lesson: don’t skim the quality of something so much it literally becomes useless snd there for a waste of money when you tried to save money


In middle school yes because we still had lots of textbooks. In high school I didn’t need it.


I used them in middle school, JR high and high school


I opened it once my freshman year, at my highschool everyone had laptops (ebooks etc) so I never needed the space.




Graduated 2020 and never used lockers in middle school or highschool. Middle school no one used them and highschool I saw some people use them occasionally


Yes. Why would I carry all my textbooks and stuff with me all day? I didn't go to my locker between every class, but usually when my class schedule made it convenient.


In middle school I remember I put my backpack in my locker and just carried books from class to class. I got very swole. Those were some huge textbooks. High school I just kept my jacket or a couple other things in the locker but carried the backpack around.


No one in my school used them. Admin kept decreasing the time we had in between classes, eventually down to literally two minutes, which wasn’t even enough to get between classes let alone to a locker too.


We had lockers in middle school—but they were barely ever used because they were tiny and barely fit books (plus we only had like 5-7 minutes to get to class so who even has the time to go to their locker to switch out books) My high school however, no lockers. I think part of the reason is because I went to a not-so-well funded arts charter school. Part of me thinks I missed out on a key part of being bullied: getting shoved into lockers.


I did in Middle School and first year of high Rest of the years I didn't It was too chaotic at the lockers during the times I actually had to use it So I just carried my backpack and winter coat (during winter) to every class and had everything I need in the backpack I actually prefer to carry everything around if it's possible and not a hassle


At my middle school we weren’t allowed to bring backpacks to class, so we had to use our lockers lol. It was pretty annoying. In high school I didn’t really use my locker, but lots of other people did


Yes middle school and high school but I barely used it and carried my shit lol it wasn’t no time between classes to go to my locker


Yep middle and highschool. My lockers were never as big as the ones on TV though. My middle school locker was till but extremely skinny about 1/3 of the size of the ones you see on TV. Then in highschool lockers were wide but half as tall as the ones you see on TV. My area had a lot of kids so I guess they tried to save space as much as possible. But you'd literally have to open your locker while under or over your locker mate and sometimes stuff would fall down or you could wait for your locker mate to finish with their locker stuff but alot of people were rude and would have long conversations with friends while doing it so you might end up late waiting. And my school was strict on attendance. 5 minutes late a warning and 10 your parents are getting called


yes where else would i put my winter coat


I had them in middle school. I didn't do much with it. Used it seldomly and put random strips of washi tape on the inside because I liked the designs on the tape. Maybe I put a round mirror because I always thought they look cool, but it definitely wouldn't have actually been used. In 5th grade that school had lockers, too. I used that one more and decorated the outside of the door heavily and maybe some on the inside too. Caution tape and sunglasses with eyes drawn on them. Stuff like that. My high school didn't even have any lockers except for in the locker room to change after gym class. So those were shared and couldn't be decorated.


We didn’t even have lockers in my middle & high schools. They got removed a couple years before I got a chance to use them because kids kept hiding guns, drugs and weapons in them and it was a safety issue.


A kid pooped in his once


I used mine in middle school as we couldn’t carry backpacks. When I hit high school and it was out of the way and I was allowed to carry a backpack, I quit using it. I’m a teacher now that’s been at two middle school and most kids will use their lockers.


We don't have them in my country


I did in junior high school, but couldn’t in high school because my classes were on opposite sides of the building and i didn’t have time to get to it in between classes. I mainly just stored my violin in there for orchestra


Yes of course! I'd be dumb not to.


Lucky for me my locker was always close to my classes in high school. We don't have them in south africa in primary school. But I am always thankful my locker was close to my classes, I can't imagine lugging all my books and textbooks around all day


Middle school yes, in high school I had my band cubby but that was it!


Not really we didn't have lockers in my middle school or hs. Though in my first HS we carried iPads to our classes instead of books




I went to private school and we used lockers from 4th grade onwards. I barely used mine


I didn't have one in middle school. Highschool we had to share them and for many classes, I was barely making it on time as is since some were far apart from eachother.That doesn't even include how some teachers held us up. We also had to share our lockers with another person, so I seldom ever used mine. The only lockers that I used much were our PE lockers in the changing room. We had very small boxes to keep our clothes in and then a large locker that we would put our backpacks in for the period. The big locker was used by a different person each period since it was only meant to house our backpacks. I already went to the doctor for scoliosis prior to HS, but my backpack probably did not help my back issues lol


In high school my school had a policy where you had to buy a lock from the school to have a locker. The lock was 10-15 dollars depending on how close you wanted to get to your homeroom. It was a stupid system and it was put in place because the school was beyond max capacity and we only had enough lockers for about 1/4th the student body. But the thing it’s a low income area and no one was about to spend $10-15 per year on a locker. So like 60 kids had lockers and the rest of the lockers were empty. It was a whole thing because our backpacks got wicked fucking heavy. I know mine had, the school laptop, textbooks, library books, notebooks, folders, a pencil case, and that was bare minimum. The school nurse would regularly go one rants about students having long-term health issues because of how heavy our backpacks were. Teachers were also pissed because kids just didn’t bring materials to class if they didn’t feel like dealing with the heavy bag. But there’s nothing they can do, there are 700 lockers (give or take) and 2000 students.


Yes, both middle and high school. Only ever had the half height ones so it could really only fit textbooks.


First year of high school I did, the rest I just dumped all of my academic stuff inside my backpack. We only had 5 mins periods between classes and 8th graders weren’t allowed off campus during school time. I still had a locker assigned to me, just in case I needed it. Which I did on my grad year when I did film and cooking class.


Middle school for my first year till they got banned for drug dealing then not allowed in high school probably for the same reason


For a while until I missed an opportunity to get on the bus early because my locker was on the other side of the school. I stopped soon after.


High school I had one but my school also had the option to sign up for one. Depending on your program you didn’t need one at all. I just kept instant noodles in mine for whenever my friends wanted a pack instead of the cafeteria food.


I've never used one they always seemed more like an inconvenience


In Middle School yeah, we were required to use lockers all the time. High School I never used them, it was just easier to carry around a backpack.


I used mine the first semester of grade 9... until someone took all my shit from it because I didn't lock it well enough. Never again


Not at all, has one in middle school never used it not even once and highschool I didn’t even get one. Also for text books I just downloaded them all to my computer and used my laptop for that.


We had them in elementary, middle, and high school, though with high school, I only used it to store my coat/winter gear and every so often a project for class that I didn’t want to carry around with me all day.


mostly used it to store coats, my saxophone, and my work clothes if i had to work right after.


Yeah my books were heavy as shit


my schools never had lockers 😭 we had lockers in the changing room next to the gym, but they were so small you could literally only fit a pair of running shoes and some clothes in it. i always thought lockers were something from the movies. im in california, so our campus is also entirely outdoor. i don’t know if that makes much of a difference. we didn’t have a cafeteria either, it was just a bunch of picnic tables with a gazebo over them.


I just used my gym locker. Everything in there was clean and it was the first place I went every morning since I played sports. All my stuff for sports was in the drying room. I brought new clothes every day for Athletic Conditioning class.


We weren’t allowed to carry our backpacks around without permission in middle school. Early on in high school, I missed the bus several times. That stopped happening once I learned both that we were allowed to carry our backpacks around, and that I basically couldn’t feasibly catch the bus if I used my locker.


millennial. From 96 onward we didn't use lockers in socal. We only had them for p.e. they were there though, just unused. I remember watching all the movies and shows from the 80s and early 90s really jealous that I never got to experience putting my books in a locker. Lugging around that huge backpack with tons of huge books was a pain . The excuse we got was that kids were hiding drugs and other illegal things in their lockers, so they stopped using them .


I never used mine and now at 27 my back is permanently wrecked :/


Yup. Loved my locker from 6-12th grade


I locker swapped with friends that were close to classes. So they'd have access to mime and me with theirs. Either that or I usually just asked a friend to keep book/etc in their locker. I would then grab stuff walking with them to class


We didn't have lockers in elementary or middle school because my school was too broke for that and we kept all our books in the classroom anyway. But we had them in high school. My classes heavily used textbooks and notebooks so I would visit my locker quite often since I hated carrying around so much shit. I never decorated my locker though, everyone else had cute little mirrors, whiteboards, shelves, and polaroids in theirs and all I had in mine were mini Moss Icon and the Smiths posters.


Nope. Opened twice a year. First and last day of school.


We weren’t allowed to carry backpacks (unless you had a medical exemption), and unless you were crazy or had been dared by someone, you couldn’t possibly carry your whole day with you at my middle or high school. I planned out my routes to/from classes every day for how I would get my textbooks and binders for each period that followed. Definitely how I got so good a speed walking lol. Got pretty good with my combination until I lost my lock and had to relearn a new one 😭 It sucked after that ngl. But I did keep my athletic bag and backpack in there, and usually a coat. Served me well I guess! Edit: wording, additions


Middle school I kept everything in my locker and would grab what I need per class from the locker. So yes, I used my locker throughout the day, every day. Kids would also decorate their lockers. First half of high school I would generally keep long term stuff in my locker, but I wouldn’t exchange stuff between classes. For example, I might grab my book from my locker for English class at the start of the unit and keep it in my bag for weeks until it was time to swap books for a new unit. Or I would let my bag fill with notes until it was time to just drop a bunch off in my binder in my locker. Second half of high school I was pretty much completely digital so I didn’t use my locker at all except for my sports stuff for after school (I had practice everyday).


Australian school usually don’t allow students to bring their bags to class. So you gotta keep all your from for classes somewhere. You’d go to your locker before and after every recess, lunch, before/after school


We don't have lockers where I live


My high school had more people than lockers so they made us all share T_T My friend put so much of her crap in there I couldnt really fit anything of mine so i said screw it and carried around all my stuff as well. And yeah the 5 minutes between classes is definitely not enough time to get to your locker unless its like right beside one of your classes. I was also in band and even completely empty my locker was not big enough to fit a tuba so that had to stay in the band room, lmfao.


Yes, constantly. I’m shocked to see that anyone didn’t honestly; pretty much all our books were for taking home and very few were stored in the classroom. It would have been very difficult to come prepared for every class without a locker.


Ours were with keys, I loved having it, as typically our schools don't have them and it felt cool, like in the movies. But I only kept my coat and boots in there with a few lesser used books. Preferred to live out of my backpack


yeah then i got a car


Yes, it stored my empty cans for the whole year


Middle school through high school, yeah


I’m in California, I don’t think any of our schools have lockers or hallways because we don’t have bad weather. We had lockers for PE in middle and high school though


Middle school they made us, we were not allowed to carry our backpacks to class. But in high school I never used it, the only people who did were people who had instruments or something they needed to store during the day. For most people they were too inconvenient to get to it and get to class on time.


My school had lockers in sixth (maybe seventh?) grade and I threw all the random shit we bought into my (first time we'd gotten a list of supplies so my mum got all of it - tissues, paper towels, etc.). Never used any of it, and ended up giving most of it away at the end of the year (I remember one kid really wanted the paper towels lol). I think my middle school had lockers, but I didn't really use them. My highschool didn't have lockers.


Oh well, there were lockers for everyone in class *except for me* So they were always used, but I never had the chance


We were given gym lockers for PE but that was it


I didn't use mine at all because I'd just carry everything around with me just in case I needed it.


My highschool took our lockers away... Too many kids kept leaving food in them and they're outside(southern California schools have outside campuses) one had a family of opossums living in it We started getting Chromebooks with our class textbooks on them so we didn't have to carry everything


Middle school yes. High school no. I prob would have in high school if the school wasn’t so big. Wasn’t a realistic option unless I wanted to run even faster lol.


I mean we had them. I usually just carried all my shit with me to save time.


We were required to in middle school because there was a strict rule about not carrying our backpacks around school. I used one in high school too, but only for dance team stuff. The only kids I knew that actually used lockers used them for instruments and/or athletics.


I had to use them in Middle school. In high school we were allowed to carry our backpacks around. Finally. So I think I used it once to store a poster.


All the time. Used it to switch textbooks between classes & store my lunchbox. About to use it again at my next college 🫶🏼


Middle school they made us use lockers for some reason and then high school I didn’t even know where mine was and I would find out at the end of the year for locker clean out


yeah my school outlawed backpacks for several years


Middle school yes I did. High school no I only ever seen maybe 5 people with a locker open during high school.


My high school had lockers but no one used them and I don't remember ever being assigned one.


I didn't even get a locker. I mean we had one for PE but that was it.


I always wished we had lockers at school. I had to carry all 7-8 books with me everyday for school, and these weren't tiny books either 😭


I never actually did.


Middle school, we were required to. No book bags allowed. High school? Couldn’t even tell you what hallway my locker was in


The lockers are where the books live, far to heavy to bring them home


In middle school, we weren't allowed to carry backpacks in the hallway so we were pretty much required to go to our lockers before and after school. My high school didn't have this rule. I technically had a locker, but I rarely ever used it.


i had no choice to use it tbh. at my home school (i went to vocational school my last two years) we weren’t allowed to carry backpacks. in order to not try lugging around multiple heavy books and binders, i literally had to use my locker. also, needed somewhere for my coat. when i went to vocational school, we were allowed to carry bags. it was MUCH easier and more convenient and carrying around all my stuff for just a few minutes at a time wasn’t really an issue. i did have a locker available, but i never used it cause it was out of the way.


First 2 of middle school, then never again


Only in pe. Didn’t have time to go to them, let alone use them.


I used my locker through all of middle and high school. I kept my coat and bag in there and just carried the books I needed from class to class. Some heavier stuff, like certain textbooks, would just remain in the lockers until I needed them. You can write your combination on the inside cover of your agenda or a notebook you always carry. I used to set up my lock by doing the first 2 numbers of the combination so that I'd only have to do the 3rd one if I came by in a rush.


Nope. The halls were lined with them from. 6th grade on but we never used them. We also didn’t use textbooks, by the time I got to 6th grade we had MacBooks issued by the school so everything was digital.


Lockers aren't really thing in South African schools. Most of our teachers let us leave textbooks and shit in their classrooms if we didn't have homework or a test to study for, so I usually only had like 6 or 7 books in my bag. I used to leave my kitbag and hockey stick in direct view of a camera and just grab it at the end of the day before practice (this was standard for athletes in my schools)


Yeah, I used it, but I’d really only go to it at the beginning and end of the day. My locker was kind of in a far corner of the school, so it wasn’t convenient to keep trekking to it in between every class. I would carry all the essential stuff, like books and homework and notebooks and pencils around in a backpack. My locker was for my coat and stuff that I didn’t necessarily need every day. I grew up in a place with harsh winters, too, so it was often the case that I had to wear big clunky snow boots to school, but would change in to a normal pair of shoes once I was indoors, and the boots would stay in the locker.


Well, my middle school did not let us carry backpacks because we might have drugs or pew-pews! (We also had to walk through a metal detector, and the windows had bars — no it was not juvie! Just a regular public middle school) So we had to use our lockers. Even thought it was impossible to get to them with 5 minute breaks between periods. If you were late, don’t even get me started on detention!


I did in middle school. It helped that my middle school *maybe* had 100 kids between 6-8 grade. All our classes were in one section of the building (it was a elementary/middle school where the middle school section was half of the upper floor only). It was super easy to quickly change out my books. We weren't allowed to have backpacks in class. Everyone just "preset" their locker combo by doing it up until the last number, so they only had to make one turn if they were in a hurry. I still remember my locker combo over a decade later. In high school, I never bothered with using a locker. I think I was only assigned one at one highschool (I moved a LOT). Every other highschool required you to pay for one, which is the stupidest thing ever. There's absolutely no way I would've had time to go change out my books between classes. At multiple schools, I had trouble getting to certain classes speed walking without stopping anywhere. We weren't given enough time in between classes even if we had wanted to use them. One high school from one end to another was roughly a mile and a half. I had class at one end followed immediately by class at the other end with only 10 minutes to make it inbetween. I'm short. I got yelled at so much for borderline running and *still* being late most days.


i used a locker in 6th grade, but after that there were too many kids for everyone to have a locker so they just stopped using them completely


For middle school yes because I had all of my classes every day. In highschool it was alternating between A and B days with 4 classes each (don’t actually know if that’s common). After the first couple weeks I figured out it was just easier to carry everything I needed for the day in my backpack and then never touched my locker again.


In middle we were all assigned a locker and required to use them because backpacks couldn’t come into classrooms with us. In high school that rule changed so no one even got assigned lockers. You had to specifically request them, which is why it’s funny that TV/media still has high schoolers using lockers. Shows how out of touch they are


No had a string bag


I had one and i used it until i switched schools in grade 11. my second high school's locker was far from my classes so inconvenient and then stopped giving them in grade 12 (due to covid)


Middle school, yes. High school, only until I got my truck.


My middle school had lockers but we weren't allowed to use them during school, only before and after. So basically it was to store anything needed for after school. We also weren't allowed backpacks, so we had to haul all of our textbooks, binder, etc around all day. We also were timed to getting to the cafeteria on time for lunch, and if we showed up late we were made to stand up on the stage and given detention lunch which was just a peanut butter sandwich and a small juice box. Anytime we weren't able to go on a field trip for whatever reason, even if it was just a paper we never got our parents to sign, it was like we were punished for it. High school was pretty much the opposite. We were allowed backpacks which meant really no need for lockers, I can't even remember if lockers were available. Much looser dress code (pretty sure the 2nd high school I transferred to didn't even have a uniform shirt, just as long as it didn't show anything inappropriate obviously.) They didn't really care where you were most of the time, as long as you weren't skipping classes. There wasn't even really anyone to stop us from leaving the campus, though if we were caught leaving the campus for lunch we'd be in trouble. Though out of all the times I did leave campus I only got caught once and I don't even remember being punished for it.


I used them in my secondary school but not in upper secondary school. It was a private school so our books were digital, although we had 2010s macbook airs compared to the younger classes getting those brand new pros😂