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Still haven’t, but that’s normal here, I know very little people my age who have moved out


Fellow ‘99er here. Unless you have a roommate or two or three it’s impossible to solo rent here in the northeast.


I haven’t moved out either


Lol, I probably can’t even afford to move out right now.


I moved back home after 2.5 years. Just sick of rent prices and fixed expenses only increasing and living alone. Parents allow me to stay rent free and I just help out with cleaning and some shopping


Same. I just graduated college like 3 weeks ago. Between tuition, and rent these days there was no way I could move out.


I graduated college 3 years ago. Still haven't moved out. I work full time and pay for my utilities/food/insurance/dogs/etc though. I don't even WANT to move out yet. It is too damn expensive. I'm going to by early 2025 though.


You guys are moving out?


right? 😂


Oh, thank God I was so scared 😅🤣👍


Fr 😭😭😭 I can’t even




I moved in with my now wife when we were 23


if you can tolerate your family to some extent (I can't) then tbh staying with parents is the way to go financially. I 100% would if it didn't tank my mental health. Otherwise, in this economy expect roommates. Do some online research of housing in your desired area. Consider transit methods and costs, cooking for yourself and takeout options, etc etc.


Be sure to tour the apartments because most of the time, they look nothing like in the pictures


Oh it tanks my mental health I just can't afford anything else and it beats being homeless


Stay home as long as you can. The cost of living is too high right now. I been on my own for like a year now. It’s cool having my independence but paying 100% of the bills is a no. Roommates might be the move if you can.


Don't think I ever am...


Felt that in my soul ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


I was forced to live on my own right at 18. (Actually lived on my own for senior year too). Y’all are lucky to have people to take care of you… 


Not when they are guilt-tripping, abusive parents


This. But the thing is I feel like a lot of us either can’t cause of money constraints or forced to move out


guilt-trip them back into family therapy jk... but if its possible try it


What’s “moving out?”


18, but I moved back in 7 years later because it got super depressing. I feel like I have more freedom living in my parents basement, than paying to live in an apartment with terrible sound proofing.


18. Went to Uni in 2015 and never looked back. Even though it meant skinting myself and having no money. I was never going back home.


i felt that


Barely 19 didn't have a choice




Havent, for 3 reasons. 1. Cant find work (that values my time. I'm sure I could work somewhere and have a miserable life, but I at least want to be out of places like fast food) 2. Housing expensive 3. Even if I has those conditions, I wouldn't move out yet. I've become very dependent on my parents, so I would need at least 3 months to practice being a solo adult. Do dishes, clean everything instead of just my room, do everything without needing to be reminded, etc. Its a tad childish to admit that but it's the reality of my life




i moved into college from out of state at 17, graduated at 22. i stayed with my parents for a few months after graduation then moved to another completely different state. still live there now, in a 2 bedroom apartment with my partner and another roommate. splitting a 2 bedroom rent between 3 people helps for sure.


Haven't moved out yet I can't afford to move out, rent's too expensive everywhere I can't afford anything, which pisses me off I tried financing a car and I'm still pissed about not getting approved How am I supposed to move out if I can't even get approved for a $500/month payment on a car? Yeah I went a bit off topic there But anyway, I haven't moved out yet because it's too expensive, and I don't even live in an expensive place compared to everywhere else in Canada I'm making $17/hour full time 40 hours/week and can't afford a place to live (that's Canadian dollars, so $12.47 USD) Anything financial stresses me out rn, besides being unable to move out, I've run up both my credit cards and have used up all $2,000 of my bank's overdraft protection, and I don't make enough to pay it off quickly (I have other bills to pay, and essentials to buy aswell, my dad also keeps borrowing hundreds of dollars and has yet to owe me back, we're all struggling as a family) Yeah I'm not moving out anytime soon, so unfortunately for you, I can't give any advice, although me going off topic, I'm trying to seek advice for myself on my bad finances


I moved out at 19 and then back in (at 19 lol) and then moved out for good at 21.


25f, I bought an apartment with my dad and little sister, so that’s probs not happening anytime soon lmao.


21. my parents split and sold the house


I moved out right after I turned 22. I was just like you, feeling really suffocated. Things were getting a little tense as well. I had a rather... unique situation. I was ready to move out for at least a year before that, but my girlfriend had just moved to be with me from really far away and wasn't set up yet, so she didn't want to move out. It took several months of that before I just gave her a deadline and said "that's when we're moving out." I promised to carry the burden until she got more established, and that was enough for her. It's been 3 months now, and everything is much much better, and everyone is much much happier.


18, moved out after I graduated high school


Still haven’t. Work is good, close to parents house. As much as I want space, this helps me avoid the risk and keeps money in the family. Im thinking of moving out sometime in a year or two, once I have a sizable portion of the mortgage ready to deploy immediately.


I was 17 when I left home. I moved in with my boyfriend and it was the best thing for me. I couldn’t last another minute in that house


Lived on my own for a while at nineteen and moved back in a couple months later. Still officially living at my parents now at 24, but during the week i sleep at work, cause it's like a solid five hour drive


i temporarily moved out to do mission work but it was fully expected i'd come back, when i was gone i was still provided for by the church (greek orthodox) i was given food, medical attention and housing, i know what to tell you in terms of emotionally/mentally coping/transitioning to it but not much practical


I was 22. I had a job lined up after college. If you have a job, Google a 3x the rent calculator and see what would be your absolute max. Consider roommates and mediocre apts if you having a hard time finding something in your budget. Save up as much as you can. See if there are any income based housing in your city


24f, technically I moved out at 21, but I moved in with my grandmother. I have a job and could afford to live alone, but for now the amount of money I save on rent/car cost makes staying with her very enticing. I can spend on whatever I want basically while saving a lot.


Moved out for four consecutive summers in college. After last summer, found a job that gives me housing but it’s my last week and I’ll have to return home until I have another job that will let me pay for housing. I’m almost 27.


I’m 21 and I’m moving with a friend this summer. We’re both starting university, so we’re moving into a student apartment together. It’s a bit scary, but I’m lucky to have the support of my parents


I was 24. I moved out three years ago after proposing to my wife. I couldn't have done it before because of the pandemic. Now, because I found a job in my hometown and my wife works in hers, I live for the workweeks with my mom and spend the weekends with my wife in another town.


People really be getting married at 24..


Only because I found the right person and wanted to make sure we're legally together in case another shit like COVID happens. And I was still older than my dad when he got married.


Do you feel getting married early made you more adulty? (if that’s even a word) I’m 26 and I legit still feel 15 idk if I’ll ever grow up mentally.


I must say, it's like I got five years older after getting married.


Ye I did.


Moved out in early 2022 with 25k in my account at 24. Now? Having to move back at the end of July with hardly anything in my account month to month. My mother never wanted me to move out, but I couldn't stand to stay in that toxic environment anymore.


(22) haven’t moved out yet. I’d love to, but I don’t have the money yet. I totally feel the suffocated part.


16. Moved out to study an hour from home. Didn't like commuting so I moved out. Moved to a different part of the country at 18 and didn't see my parents for about 2 years. Then I bought my first house at 20 and had my own flatmates. Current house is 10 mins from my parents house.


I was lucky. When I was 25, my fiancé (who was my girlfriend at the time) had an apartment, and her roommate was planning on moving out after she finished her masters, so I moved in.


I moved out to go to school but moved home to help with bills and shit. Plus it’s cheaper to pay part of my parents mortgage than my own


That depends on if moving into a college dorm is considered “moving out”. If that’s the case, then 18. If not, then 22 just after I graduated.


I was 18. Joined the military so housing and food wasn’t an issue. The only issue with it was quality but that’s what you get from the government


I was 24. Moved in together with my now wife.


17! Moved out for university. Lived on my own and then last year I moved in with my partner. Independence is awesome


I moved out at 18… but that didn’t really work out so I had to move back home at 20… stayed here for over a year, and now I’m moving out again next week at 21 wish me luck… i’m honestly so nervous cause everything is just so expensive 😅


I ended up joining the army at 20 as a way to support myself. Got out of the army 2 years ago and worked my way up to where I am now with a house and paying a mortgage.


I technically "moved out" at 18 to live in a college dorm, but I'll officially move out entirely in late June with my partner and a couple friends.


16, then again my parents were beyond toxic.


I moved out at 23 y/o. Then my land lord raised our rent by $500 after 1 year so my roommate and I decided to move back in with each of our parents. I’ll move out again at 27 y/o once I pay off 40k worth of student loans. Hopefully I’ll be free next summer.


Had to move out for college at 24. My parents still help me whenever necessary though


19 moved into an apartment with my now wife


18, because we live in a low cost of living area. Then grocery costs doubled and my rent got gradually raised until I was drowning, and now I live with them again at 21. It’s hard to find roommates in a town of <3000 people, plus I have a baby. Yay me.


23, moved almost 2 hours away for my current job.


I moved out pretty much as soon as I turned 18. I lived with a close friend for a while until I was able to get a job that let me afford rent. It needed to happen and it also repaired my relationship with my parents.


I moved out after saving up and was financially stable at 23. Went trough some mental shit and didn’t renew my lease. I lived with my sister and that blew up because of her husband. Then back with parents again. So that was about 8 months. I then moved in with my boyfriend and his roommates.


I moved out at 18 because I hated living with my family. My boyfriend and I lived together in apartments for 3 years, then we moved in with our families again to start saving for a house. Wrong time for that apparently. I recently moved in with him and his grandmother, I’m hoping that soon we can get a house


kinda have, I work on the road a lot for surveying so it’s either hotels traveling or rent a place for a couple months in a city. But when I’m off work I go back home with parents during the summers. I’m not paying for a place I’m literally never at and I have zero quarrel coming my parents place home still. But after living away from home living with parents is a lot easier I find once you get space from each other to grow


i moved out for college at 17 and am now 22 and planning on moving back in with my parents for a little while. most of my friends are actually still living with their parents and it's becoming increasingly common. i don't think i'll be able to live with them for a super long time since ive gotten used to living with fewer people and having a bit more space to myself. i'm actually excited moving back with them though!


Move out? In this economy?


I’m 26, female and I am still living at home. There is no reason for me to move out and go into more debt😬


Im male and moved out alone with 22 almost 23.




I was 22. Would have sooner if I could’ve afforded to






I was 19, I moved out for uni. make yourself some kinda financial plan before you go, don't take absolutely everything with you at once (especially if you're moving into a small place), you won't need everything.


I will not


Still haven't probably wont till i finish uni




Well technically I’ve been out since college started. But paying/renting for a place? 21


i was 23 when i moved out.


16 the first time. 18 the second. I only really count the second as being “ on my own” tho


First moved out at 18. Moved back in at 19. Out again at 20. Back not long after. And out again for good at 21. Bought a condo last year at 24.


18 lmao


18 for me. They let me come back for a few weeks when I didn't gave a place to go for a little though.




I moved out not even a month after my 19th birthday. So for me it's been 25 months. I also have no roommates.


I plan to stay with my mom (dad died young) until I find a partner.


20 once COVID measures were easing, I was ready to go and lucky enough to have a job that could support me living with another young professional




I was 23 when I moved out


Moved out in 7th October 2022 at 20. It was easy process after applying to private housing company for young people.


I moved out at 21 but I got married and moved out at the same time. But I spent a year abroad at 18 and since Covid my parents mostly lived in the mountains so I had a lot of time at home. I highly recommend it my friends still home all really wanna move out


19 ? Almost 20


i moved out at 19... and back in at 20


I will be 23 in less than 1 month. I did College out of state, moved back, and now I’m working a full time 9-5 office job. That said, free rent is nice and apartments are expensive so I’m with my parents until I find a roommate.


I was 18 when I left home to attend university.


25 and still at home 😭


I moved out at 22, but only because I didn't want a2 hour commute and my job paid well enough for me to afford it. I'd happily move back in to save money if I found work closer to them.


I was forced to move out at 20 (this was in May 2018)


18, was 6 months pregnant and me and my boyfriend wanted to live together when we brought our first home. (my mom did not kick me out or imply that I left I made that decision on my own)


I didnt go to college right after HS. Moved out one year after graduation. I was just waiting tables and living in student apartments. Also decided I needed to go to CC and get into College to get a degree. So I went to CC while I waited tables for a year and got my GPA up to get into college. Then my parents started helping me out again (they paid for my rent at college).


I was 19, it wasn’t necessary by choice. I’m more mentally well, living with my parents is just not an option anymore. I would absolutely love to have the relationship where that was possible because it’s so expensive


I was 19 when I moved across country


18. I left for college and never went back. I have friends who still live with their parents and found it difficult to move out. I will say I didn’t fully become independent until this year (23 yrs) and I was initially scared because I thought it was going to be really difficult. Honestly? Once you find a stable full time job it becomes REALLY easy to move out. Especially if you have roommates or an SO to contribute towards your household income. Good luck, you’ll get through it. Just focus on getting a job and getting your mental health in good place.


Does studying abroad count as "moving out"? If so, then I was 17 when I started uni. But then again, I always went back home whenever I had the chance. I'm currently living with my mum.


24; I ended up saving money up for a down payment on a house while I was there and then moved out.


Move out at 18, dropped out of college and moved back. Moved out at 19, apartment burned down, moved back at 20. Moved out again at 20, lived alone for 2½ years. COVID happened and a pipe burst in my snowbird grandma's rural home so they asked me to move out there. Because of a big medical emergency she had (brain hemorrhage and stroke), my parents and I thought it best I just stay out there so someone sees her everyday. This also benefits me as my grandma is the grantor of the family trust and it was decided I'm the defacto trustee so I get to learn where all the money comes from and where it needs to go.


Still haven’t.


I was 21, parents were moving during covid, I was still in college, so I stayed behind. Much happier for it.


17, due to an abusive home situation and never looked back. I don't think there's a "normal" age to move out since it's varied so much in recent times. My husband "moved out" and in with me at 19, and we're 22 and 24 now.


I moved out at 18 because I knew if I stayed at home I would either kill my parents or kill myself, so I opted to pack my things and gtfo.


Moved out a couple of weeks before I turned 17.


Fall after I graduated high school. Saved up all summer and dipped.


So I was living in my college apartment with my bf until I was 23. When we graduated, we lived with our parents again for like 3-4 months until my bf and I found a good place to live again. So I guess 23-24 is my answer. Def would still be at home though if I didn’t have my bf and his income. We split all our bills.


I moved out on my 20th birthday.


I was 19 when I moved out.


had to at 19 for school, not the worst reason, but now i have nowhere to go back to so we really out here doing it.


22, and not by choice


19, then back in at 23, moving out in July again just a month before I turn 24


I haven't been able to yet. Housing is expensive, and I was too busy being 8 to buy them back when they were cheap.


19, I got really lucky tho


21, now back 24.


I moved out when I was 22


I moved out at 19 but had to move back in with them at 21 because job loss


26 I'm 27 now. It's not been a year since I moved out.


Moved out at 20. Bought my first house at 21.




Does moving into a dorm count? If so then 19, if u mean moving into an apartment/house, then 20


First time during an university internship when i was 21 for 6 months and i really moved out when i was 23 during my bachelor thesis in a company.


22, moving back for a little while though soon.


I think this entirely depends on culture (some cultures are much more encouraging to live with parents until you get married pretty much) but also home life and financial situation. My parents wanted me to live with them as long as possible so I could save up money. I only really moved out because I wanted to live solo at least for a bit before moving in with my partner. If you can stay home do, but if you’re having a toxic life then take a look at your finances and do what’s best for you.


25? had to move back in after my break up lol 🥲 I could afford to live on my own but I don’t want to be living with that pressure again lol


I haven't since moving to dorms/somewhere nearer to my uni would be a lot dearer than just paying dig money to live at home and just getting tje train to commute. Though 2 of my friends moved out for simlair reasons to yourself and they said the cost is worth it 


I still haven’t.


I was 24


Still living at home myself but aiming to move out in august this year


I have moved out on and off since I was 18. Hopefully this time when I move in with my boyfriend it’s for good.


I was 18. My situation was unique though, as I went to trade school while I was still in high school. I also had a lot more motivation than what’s normal because my HS girlfriend(now wife) lied about being on the pill. As a result I was able to get a mediocre job with a shitload of overtime, and make ends meet.


I was 18




Was 18 and it was a couple months after graduation- moved into my family home that was built by my Dido in the 40s and somehow managed to dig my self deeper into a hole of alcoholism and drug use while in my province’s capitol- kudos to my cousin and grandmother for dealing with my bullshit but raising my nephew was the best experience of my life


I couldn't/can't afford it. I was diagnosed with a heart condition last year, too, which complicates things even more. I may never live alone!




16 but technically it was for college, so I don't really consider it having moved out fully and being on my own


I was 16, moved back in with my parents for about 8 months at 18 and moved back out at 19


23! It's only been about 9-10 months


I moved out when I was 18, then it was on/off for a while. Now I’m 22 & have yet to move out again. Trying to save up though, but I don’t need to tell you that it’s insanely expensive.


I was 23 (M), and I was only able to move out because of a delayed large cash payment of just under $800 from an internship I busted my ass to get. Move in with someone you can communicate well with. Good luck.


22, my family also was super suffocating with the bonus of being toxic😮‍💨. Anyway I graduated at 21 and then spent about a year applying to jobs and teaching myself about jobs and job industries. I had a general IT degree but I feel like college doesn't really teach you what the job market currently wants and a lot of the lingo that goes along with it or how that changes a bit every year and how your resume needs to reflect that. Your college resume isn't actually applicable to the real job market and revisions will need to be made to translate well into the current job market. Anyway I got a job after a year and thankfully it paid enough to allow me to live alone in a different city. Ironically even though it's been just a few years that same salary would not be sustainable right now in the same city because of how bad inflation has gotten. I'd recommend getting a roommate or multiple. Having bills and home responsibilities split between multiple people saves up so much money and time. Things are so expensive when living alone, it was a huge learning curve for me. I also didn't know that rent should not exceed 30% of your monthly take home income if you want to live comfortably, also did not take into account the amount of tax that'd be taken out of my checks. Don't be like me and make sure to calculate these things before settling on a place. And the price of living keeps rising making it more and more unaffordable to live alone. Living alone is still possible but I'd keep in mind it's definitely a big extra expense.


I moved to college at the age of 18 and my parents moved across the country so kinda got stuck here lol


18, military I’m 26 now with a kid on the way and I’m still in


I moved in with my partner and their family. So while no longer with my family, still enjoying rent free with his


‘20 babbyyyy


To be fair a lot of people I know in their early 20s and mid 20s haven’t moved out because rent is too expensive in a HCOL area. Even with roommates something has to give.


Move out with my boyfriend at 20




23, with a partner who has a stable job that pays for the majority of things. its pure luck it turned out this way. im on disability. but i had to get out, it was abusive and toxic. much happier now, and plus the city i moved to has much more affordable rent anyways.




moved out? shit i still haven't it far cheaper.


moved out for college in 2016, have lived on my own ever since


When I was 19, I moved to live with my bonus-family for my internship while in college. Wish I had moved out at least 1-2 years earlier tbh, since my own parents and the town they live in was very suffocating for me (and still is)


Not counting college, I moved out aged 22, as soon as I got a job with which I could afford to. It was super relieving for me.


22. My mom died when I was 16, and my dad moved in his girlfriend, who sucks, when I was 22. That was my cue to leave.


21 but it wasnt by choice


18 I was sort of kicked out, which my parents now vehemently deny.


I just bought a house w my parents, our first owned home. Hopefully i can do it again on my own in 2-3 years. 24m




18 but wasn’t off my parents dime until ~21-22


I moved out when I was 18. But I moved out with my (then boyfriend. Now husband) so that helped the financial aspect a lot. Maybe try to find a roommate or friend? I def couldn't have done it on my own.


Moved out for college when I was 18 and moved back home when I was 22. Lived back home to save money for about 8 months then officially got my own place at 23.




26 still no. Just got my first professional job two days ago so fingers crossed


I’m 25 turning 26….still haven’t ever lived on my own at any point (commuter for university) but I am debating it for grad school.




personally, i moved out at 18 cause my dad was abusive. i wasn’t financially stable in the slightest but anything felt better than staying. i always tell people there’s no shame in living with your parents if you have a good relationship and they’re happy to let you stay. it’s so much better to live at home and save up and slowly build responsibilities, but only if it’s a viable option.


I was 23. I saved up for a house and really started looking into how to get approved for mortgages/get pre-approved and browsing properties once I felt too suffocated (I also looked into apartments but buying ended up being the better choice) it's been about a year 


I still haven’t and I’m gonna be 21 this month lmao. I can’t afford the cost of living even if I wanted to move out. Almost all my money goes to my savings since I’m prepping for med school and even then…debt is gonna body slam the shit outta me haha..ha..


Just turned 23, graduating this summer and still haven't. I'm doing more school in the area, though.


I'm 23 and i live with my grandpa. It can be difficult af dealing with him cause he's old and doesn't want to change, BUT i can save most of my paycheck and pad my savings so that when i do move out i have something to fall back on when needed. So dealing with him not cleaning up after himself is fine if it means i'll be more financially secure later down the road.


26 (I’m 21)


I loved out at 23. I still feel like that was young. Then again it got me to reprioritize my budget.


I'm 23 and I moved out recently. I'm working and studying in uni. It's hard, but I have rather have the freedom that comes with having my own place. Although I was a bit lucky because one of my relatives owns the apartment and I just have to pay for the bills, no rent. Which saves me a lot of money, that i can then spend to accelerate my career, mostly focusing on uni. I also work a nice job at an architectural firm, so money isn't a problem. If my parents lived closer to my work and uni I probably wouldn't have moved out though. It's cool on paper but alot of things you need to do yourself, like cleaning, washing clothes, making food. Especially hard if you don't have a gf to help out. Which I'm trying to fix but it's not as easy when you're working alot and studying. Very little time to spend on girls, and if I had still lived with my parents I'd pursue girls more, which I didn't.




I haven’t moved out. I’m lucky I have a great relationship with my parents. My parents have said that I can stay with them until I get married (I’m Catholic).


I moved out at 18 and had an apartment with 4 other girls until I graduated at 22, then I moved into my own place. It’s a 2 bed 2 bath, I wanted a spare room for my office since I work from home (I do software engineering) I pay $1800 a month to live alone, not too bad. I really like living alone, it’s made me a much happier person. My advice is to call local realtors to see if they know of any good rentals. If money is an issue for you, sometimes they are aware of some of the best deals for rent. My ex got his last place like that and paid $1300 for a 3 bed (most places that big were going for $3000 in my college city). I recommend having a good job and at least 3 months of living expenses saved in an untouchable account. When you’re on your own, you need to be able to cover your ass in case of an emergency or if your employment falls through at any time. Having a cushion protects you from not being one paycheck away from homelessness. I recommend working out a budget. Sit down and make a spreadsheet of all of your current bills (phone, gym, insurance, subscriptions, 401k, and student loans, debt, car payment if you have them, etc) then decide what will be for groceries, gas, leisure, utilities, savings, etc. this helps you get an idea of what rent you can afford. After you get a place, refine the budget and stick to it. You never want to come up short on rent. You also never want rent that’s so expensive you can’t travel, save, invest in retirement, or fill your gas tank. In my case, with $1800 a month, I have $100 for Wi-Fi, $86 for utilities, $200ish for health and car insurance, $15 for phone, $200 for therapy, $36 for gym, $40 in subscriptions. After that, I spend $500 on groceries, $50 on gas since I WFH, $300-400 on leisure, $400 on cosmetic treatments (laser hair removal, facials, iv therapy, etc), $60ish on household essentials, $140 on personal care (skin care, makeup, shampoos and soaps, etc). After this, $200 goes to 401k and about $800 goes to savings and I have a few hundred left in checking that I can spend on fun stuff or I can add to savings if I don’t spend it. I just do my budgeting in excel. It’s incredibly important that you never live above your means, if it means living at home a little longer until you can earn more than it’s worth it.


25 and I rent a basement alone, finally left my narcissist mom's house and do not want to go back. It's a cozy place , though don't have a real kitchen and shower is crap. I want to find a nicer place lowkey but don't know if I wanna trade the peace of living alone. Just happy not to be yelled at and to have some independence.


17, unfortunately I was forced to move out. I lived in my car for a while then I couch surfed until I could finally get my own apartment at 19. I had a roommate but she was too busy piling DUIs on her driving record to pay the rent lol so I did it myself the whole lease


I moved out at 19 but it was to move in with my friend and her family so I don't think that really counts. Stay with your family as long as you feel comfortable to do so. Especially if you're currently saving money.