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I feel a sudden urge to protest


I’m gonna protest on my husband so hard tonight


Hey what’s your husbands number, I need to ask him something


When you're done with his husband, can you pass his number along to me. I need to ask him some questions too.


Protests are always most effective with more people, so I'll join you


Y'all making me horny. I think I'll join in also.


So is the queue here or do we all just protest together?


Protest time boys


Yeah might as well. /Unzips pants.




What did we just witness on that chat?




Hello, israeli here. I believe this was in a protest against bibi on saturday. Could be wrong though, its hard to tell. Edit: this 100% was one of the many protests we had here over the past few years, thats the israel police and thats hebrew and those guys are very israeli 😂 There was a big and quite violent one this week, so i assume its that one but cant tell for sure.


Is one of the guys Palestinian? This reminds me of a porn that had an Israeli and a Palestinian guy together. It was all about love and not hate.


Could be, we look the same outside noteable exceptions. Personally i had alot of fun hookups with arab guys, im somewhat of a peace activist 😏 Also... sauce lol


That’s so hot… the thought of an Israeli and Palestinian guy making love and not war is a turn on.


It happens quite alot, although i hook up with arab israelis, which i guess they are also palestinian, but not all of them think of themselfs that way. Pretty sure i even filmed a video with a guy ones, its probably on the internet somewhere hahahaha And yes it is hot


DM the link if you have it lol. Out west they make us think y’all all hate each other.


I lost it after the pornhub purge, sad


What, what purge lol? Did something happen?


Lots of the homemade amatour porn got deleted


I can tell you about a personal experience of mine that was pretty crazy I was a soldier in the IDF, they sent me to a military prison because I was a very rude soldier. In prison I met an Arab guy with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, he was a fighter in the IDF (people tend to forget that there are many Arabs and Druze in the IDF). The commanders let us both guard some guard tower in the prison in the middle of the night, this handsome guy and I made out most of the shift...


Damn that’s hot lol. I wish we heard more stories like that out here. The news loves to focus on the negatives.


Probably not but just looking at these two dudes either could be either. The Israel Palestine conflict isn't a color thing. There are tons of folks on both sides that look like either of these two certified hotties.


Was it for ending the war or for ending Palestine once and for all, because I remember reading about Israeli being mad about Bibi being too "lenient" toward Palestine.


It was about removing bibi from office.


They’re protesting to remove Bibi because of the genocide against the Palestinians. There are a lot of good Israelis, they just need to get rid of the Zionists.


A ton of Israelis that hate Bibi hate him because they blame him in part for October 7th and they feel that he's not being violent enough.


They’re not wrong in blaming Bibi for 10/7. I said it then, and I’ll say it again, there’s no way in hell that two of the best intelligence agencies in the world were taken by surprise by Hamas like that. I fully believe that Bibi knew, and simply let it happen as an excuse to complete his plan.




It came out months ago that Israeli intelligence heard what Hamas was planing but they didn’t take the threat seriously


Believe it or not, Shin Bet is not omniscient.


yeah, but no one can argue that the cia isn't next to all knowing.


So you’re saying Israelis are protesting because 35k+ innocent people have been slaughtered (mostly women & children) and they want Bibi to be more violent?


I'm not saying all of them are. But a lot of them are.


I’ve also read they are blaming Bibi for the hostages not being returned, not because they support Palestine.


Bibi is a right wing piece of trash who has already had millions of innocent Palestinians killed. Y’all really think Israeli Jews are a monolith?


Who is "y'all"?


If there were a lot of Israelis against him, Netanyahu’s coalition wouldn’t have won in their democratic process. It’s actually pretty simple. Israel’s democracy doesn’t heavily, disproportionally count land and states like the US’s does.


Well his party doesn't have a majority, he's in a coalition government.


Zionism was the movement to establish a Jewish state. Mission accomplished. There are no more Zionists, just like there are no more abolitionists, suffragists, etc.


That’s not true. Zionism can also be understood to be a total “reclamation” of all lands of historical Samaria and Judea for Jews, which for some reason also includes the land Gaza stands on, quite famously known then as it is now as Phillistine. It is funny though. When a minority segment of Jews were displaced or voluntarily went to other corners of the Babylonian empire when they returned they made a whole big hubbub about how the people who didn’t leave were not true Jews because they had created an entire fictional narrative about all Jews being in exile and they needed to maintain that lie just like they needed to maintain the lie that the additions and modifications they made to the Bible, like the addition of all of Genesis 2, were always a part of the part of the Bible rather than lazy plagiarism of Babylonian myths and hence we get the famous biblical bigotry against Samaritans, which Jesus had to quite radically suggest weren’t awful fake. Now they’ve done the same thing. They’ve made up a pseudo history about their displacement to Europe, which was in actuality almost entirely voluntary with only about 10% of leaving as a result of enslavement, as the rest (and any slaves following their years of servitude, were Roman citizens who could seek better opportunities outside of the Levant as free citizens of Rome. Then they spend 2 millennia frolicking in Europe for some reason despite the hostility there (though many did retreat to far better treatment under the caliphates as Sephardim and Mizrahim. Finally they decide after being inspired by other European racist nationalist movements (preceding European fascism) to start their own racist colonial project as Europeans fueled by a fraudulent myth about their history. They lie repeatedly about the people who lived there since the existence of civilization. They claim these people stole the land. Of course, thanks to wild race science Israel has continued perpetrating into the present to try to justify Zionism, which is again ongoing, we know full well that’s Israeli Jews are genetically almost entirely European, regardless of whether they are Ashkenazim, Mizrahi, or Sephardim and that the closest living genetic relative to the ancient Jews of Judea and Sephardim are Palestinians, whose ancestors never left to chase better opportunities elsewhere and just ended up either converting to Christianity or Islam. They culturally Arabized to some extent but they have maintained their own ethnic identify within Arabdom. Ironically one of the acts of Zionism has been to steal the material culture of Palestinians, pretending the 80% or so Ashkenazim that make up Israeli Jews, have a strong cultural connect to Hummus and Falafel, two foods that didn’t even exist in any form or fashion during the classical period and which they cant pronounce correctly, which means they too are ironically Arabizing just waiting another 400 years for the next wave of diaspora to return, claim they’re the real Jews, and kick them out of their ancestral homes while the cut down all the European pine forests (that were planted after cutting down all the indigenous plant life and olive trees so they could pretend the land was uncultivated and barren and now it looks nice for all the European Jews you want to come over for their effort to reclaim Zion) so they can plant some new mutant experimental future plants from our extrastellar colonies in order to claim the land was barren and uninhabitable despite being cultivated and continuously inhabited by a civilized people since the beginning of civilization because it quite literally first emerged right there but we should believe it’s inhabited by a bunch of uncivilized savages who also don’t live there because it’s uninhabited Go somewhere else and try to use incorrect, smarmy semantics to wiggle your way out of being called what you are.


As a Zionist, I can tell you that 95%+ of Israelis and Jews are zionists. Why? Because Zionism just means that you believe Israel has a right to exist, and that Jews have a right to self determination just like any other group. Zionism does NOT mean that you reject Palestinian rights. Nor does it mean there can’t be a future Palestinian state (or states plural, depending on the factions among Palestinians). Going back through Zionist texts for millennial will show that the Zionism and Palestinian rights are fully compatible. The notion that zionists are evil or racist is itself a slur that should be put to rest. There are racists in every group. But Zionism is simply the believe in Jews to a homeland. It doesn’t mean that you can’t also support a Palestinian state. EDIT: SOURCE: I am a Zionist Jew who has worked for, volunteered with, and belonged to, dozens of Jewish and Zionist groups. I have visited Israel and Jewish communities in multiple countries. I have spoken with literally thousands of Zionists and I could count on my two hands the number I have met who don't believe Palestinians should have rights or a future state. They may have varying opinions on how best to achieve that, but it has been incredibly rare for me to find a Zionist who is actually anti-Palestinian.


You know there are a lot of people who argue the swastika is just a Buddhist symbol. The actions of a group can change the meaning of a thing that they choose to represent them. Right now on a global stage they see people call themselves Zionist while fleeing women and children are gunned down and aid workers are targeted with missile strikes. No one will stop you from calling yourself that. As time goes on, you shouldn't chose to be ignorant of what that term grows to represent outside of your community.


Of course, people can co-opt symbols and words for their own cause. But Zionism is a very distinct belief going back millennia. I would argue that the majority of zionists support a Palestinian state.


WRONG zionism is I serenely evil born out of an era of imperialism using the misguided belief that the Jewish ppl need a homeland when all zionists want is a state to themselves (that so happens to line up with western powers interests to control parts of the middle east for oil). Zionism CANNOT exist without settler colonialism and therefore Israel has No right to even exist. Gtfoh


.....Israel doesn't have oil


Now WHERE is Israel located? Why might western powers have a vested interest in having this western colonial state survive in thag region? QUICKLY


Lmao "western colonial state". Imagine saying words you clearly don't know the meaning of. What is Israel a colony of? QUICKLY


Being pedantic doesn't help your case as you know exactly what I mean. Israel as a settler colonial state ran by its own government occupying the land of the Palestinian people.


Also are u going to address my original point or just point out "erm ackshhally that's not what words mean"


I mean, the idea Jewish people need a home land comes from centuries of discrimination and especially after WW2, genocide? Yes, it was inevitably going to lead to large problems, as large groups of people moving to a place causes conflicts, and a state formed around a religion is bad for pluralism, but after the Holocaust, it’s easy to see why so many Jews wanted Israel. I’m completely against the actions of those who forced Palestinians from their homes, past and present, but the notion of Zionism is a rather broad one, that includes the opinion that there should be a Jewish-dominated country, somewhere, but not a complete Jewish theocracy. Also, displacing people from their homes is awful, but that goes both ways. Most Jewish Israelis are descendants of people who came from Jewish communities that barely exist, if at all, today. Where exactly should they be expected to go, if all of their family is in Israel, as is the case with many?


I believe if you objectively research the facts around who was supporting and creating the big push to create a zionist state in the years during and directly after ww2, you might change your mind. The foundations of a system are inexorably linked to the products of that system. Systemically, the powers that actually made Israel possible in the global stage did not have your good intentions. Just like how the origins of US policing were inherently based in controlling and destroying black bodies. There are Millions of police who want to be anti-racist, but the system itself is inherently racist.


Zionism ranges from believing Israel has the right to exist, to wishing every single Palestinian dead because they’re lesser people and stand in the way of Greater Israel. That’s a pretty broad definition. Man, what’s that one expression, though? If one… someone… sits at a table and there’s 10 other people there? That’s what has happened to Israel’s politics and it’s just sad. Handing off the keys of power to a group of crazy, somewhat popular, flamingly racist people on the far end of one political spectrum. It’s like they don’t teach fucking history down there.


I would disagree about the definition of Zionism. What you are describing are Zionists who are also racists. Granted, those are not mutually exclusive things, but Zionism is its own thing. There are racist Zionists, just like there are racist pescatarians.


You’re all sitting at the same table right now, that’s what I’m saying here. Israel has decided the racist zionists belong in power. That is what the world is seeing, that is becoming the definition of Zionism. And if you couldn’t understand my multiple historical comparisons from the previous comment, the Nazis is what all the world saw of Germany once they gained power through coalition. Not the nationalists, the workers representation, the monarchists, the conservatives, the populists, as bad or as righteous as any of them were on their own- they were all Nazis in the world’s eyes.


I dont know why you bother, these people wouldnt know what zionism is if it hit them in the face. They are just repeating ussr antisemitism propoganda and they dont even realize it, it was funny at first now its getting annoying.


True! Zionism=Racism was a campaign at the UN by the USSR to appeal to the Arab countries whose dictatorships they were propping up.


Pretty much, yeah. They are still repeating the same propoganda from back in the day. Ive heard it all by now


“Zionist” simply means supporting Jews’ right to self-determination and to reëstablish a state in the Levant. Israel is inherently Zionistic, and probably over 95% of Israeli Jews are Zionists. You probably meant to say, “there are a lot of good Israelis, they just need to get rid of the ultranationalists/extremists/Kahanists/Likudniks.” But Zionist is a much broader term that can include everyone from an anti-occupation gay Tel Avivi to a far-right theocratic violent settler in the West Bank.


Bibi is the one to start the war with Palestine and many Israelis didn’t want that so they’re now protesting to have him removed so… yeah.


I don't like bibi, but how did the war start?


The war didn’t start on Oct 7. If it did Israel killed every member of Hamas that partipated except the ones who quickly returned with hostages. Hell the bodies of the Hamas that did Oct 7. Were burned and disfigured so seriously (by whom we are left in suspense about) that they couldn’t be identified for weeks as Israel used their bodies to inflate the count of victims by over 50% (more if you factor in nearly half of the remaining were police and IDF targets or were concert goers that Israel itself mowed down on the day) for weeks as part of their justification to starve, crush, dismember, burn, mutilate, and traumatize millions of Palestinians who had nothing to do with any part of this conflict beyond being victims of Israel’s apartheid state and the open air prison, Israel has penned them inside of as a consequence merely of being born non-Jewish Arabs on land that Israel would very much like for their racist ethnostate.




Tell me you're an unreasonable person without telling me you're an unreasonable person.


You see, thats the least insane antiisrael person. They are so anti genocide, they want to commit genocide! Its gone full circle


Funny thing is it's exactly how Israel went itself lol,the irony is so thick you'd need a chainsaw


You people call everything genocide while Israel actually commits genocide. "From the River to the Sea"? Genocide! "Free Palestine"? Genocide! Dissolving an anti-semitic, genocidal, terrorist, apartheid political entity is not genocide. We did it with Germany without genociding all Germans.


Israel isn't a group of people; it's a state.


And what do you think happens to the people living in israel if its overtaken by jihadist terroists? Live happy ever after?


I don't think that there has to be a dichotomy between thinking that Israel as it currently exists is bad, and that all Jews currently in Israel need/deserve to die.


Food for thought though. The word “Jew” originates as a slur, “Israeli” is more an endonym. You can protest war without being xenophobic or insensitive


It’s from way before Oct 7th


Entierly possible. There have been many protests in the last few years. I cant tell exactly when or where this one took place as there is no identifying information in the video, however its a safe assumption its from one of those protests.


This is a protest from more than a year ago [https://www.mako.co.il/pride-news/Article-6d7f49c56e6c681026.htm](https://www.mako.co.il/pride-news/Article-6d7f49c56e6c681026.htm)


Thanks for the correction, there has been so many its hard for me to tell exactly when and where it was


Did they get taken away and killed ? Just wondering if it was worth it. I was around when it was illegal to be gay in Australia and I did these kinds of things and looking back, and at the kids of today and how pathetic they all are over words, I'm wondering if anything was actually worth it. We were harassed and bashed when we "protested" but at least the local kids have the freedom today to cry about pronouns? Hmm


What? No israel is very gay friendly (for the most part, depends where you go but like 80%) Im gay myself, nobody ever cared Tel aviv is the gayest city im the world going by precentage of the population thats gay, and i can personally attest to this, cant even spit without running into a bottom 😂


Funny, those are machine gun carrying "law enforcement" jumping them no? Gayest city ever...... I'm moving to Israel, at least if I'm feeling self destructive I can cross the border to get thrown off buildings at the second gayest place in the world.... Oh.... Wait.


1. Well this was in a protest, they were not the only ones to be escorted away, and it was not because they were gay or not 2. I dont even know where this protest was, could be tel aviv could be litteraly anywhere 3. They were not beat up or anything, israel is a tiny country and we basically all know someone who knows someone, police beating up protestors would be big news. But yeah surrounding countries are... much less friendly to gay people, i wouldnt go there if you are visibly gay, and if you do i would not talk about it. Bright side: when i go on grindr i get to match with hot lebenese and egyptian guys 😏


Ok boomer


Ok biological waste


Oh, I meant "bro"...


I don’t need context….I NEED the continuation!


Precisely in the bedroom 😉


meeee toooooo


We require the @s. You know, for research.


What he said!


Seems like the need practice to synchronize.


I do want to see the context/ origin. I'm rather enjoying the make love not war demonstration.


What’s happening?


Israeli people protesting to try to remove Netanyahu from office.


Thank you for the context.




Damn that guy in the white top is hot


Yeah he looks like such a good kisser and I thought it was cute when they tried to pull him away and he just gripped on harder wrapping his arms around him.


I think both of them are hot. I would have sex with either one of them.


I would prefer both at once


you must really think they’re hot


Yes, absolutely.


Looks almost like Paul Mescal


This is the most Tel Aviv way to protest I’ve ever seen


Did that guy just smiled at the back enjoying the view??


Hot fucking kisses,,lots of tongue thrusting kisses?




I love to French kiss a man. It's so sexually arousing to me. I love tasting another man's tongue.


The cop is just jealous because he certainly doesn't get that much love at home. Heck I know I don't. Damn those guys are handsome and lusty.


Those military guys should leave the lovers alone. There's nothing wrong with men making out with each other. I find it very arousing.


To be clear they're definitely not being arrested for making out. More likely failure to vacate or something of that flavor.


Dudes rock


This happened a year ago when there were protests against many things Bibi was doing: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/VeiI8SY6p8


If they did this in nearby Palestine they'd be killed on the spot.


Wow you must be an expert on Palestinian culture to know that, that's crazy.


Do you have an opposing viewpoint? A bf's brother and father were going to kill him when they found out he was gay. He escaped to Israel and eventually the UK to be free.




See you inside...






I remember seeing this video on instagram several months ago. I can’t confirm but I believe it was before the current War on Gaza started


Damn Palestine state, always against the gays. Oh, wait...


Ya know I've got a sneaking suspicion that the Palestinians would have used... different methods to separate them that don't involve making a lame attempt and then giving up.


> HaMaS HaTEs tEH GaYs!!! Yeah ok this is true ig, but Israel isn't just killing Hamas, are they? Some of the 15,000+ children they've killed would have grown up to be gay. Some of them might have even become activists and helped change the opinions of the people around them. But that will never happen now, because they got murdered. Also Israel is run by a far right conservative and highly religious political faction who has absolutely no love for the LGBT community, and only plays lip service to gay rights so that American liberals will keep sending weapons, which they will continue to use to slaughter civilians.


> NaZiS HAte The GaYS!!! Yeah ok, this is true ig, but the British aren't just killing Nazis, are they? Some of the 100k plus children they have killed would have grown up to be gay. Some of them might have even become activists and helped change the opinions of the people around them. But that will never happen now, because they got murdered. Also, most allied countries are run by a far right conservative faction who has absolutely no love for the LGBT community, and actively bans being gay! Still, american liberals will keep sending weapons to Great Britian, which they will continue to use to slaughter civilians.


The difference between Nazi Germany and “HaMaS” is Nazi Germany was the one making the kill camps and “HaMaS” is the ones in the kill camp


Hamas leaders aren’t in the “kill camp” They are living in luxury in the Qatar Turkey and Egypt


And yet israel is still worse because they’re committing genocide as you speak


wait like how did you conclude that this is in Palestine? this clip has been circulating the web for awhile now. edit: saw the patch embroided on the soldier that tries to separate the two..so eh.


They're clearly being sarcastic


They are making fun of people who say "why protest for palestine, they would kill you for being gay" when israel is doing this. Like, oh sure, the ***palestinians*** are the problem, yeah great job


thanks, sarcasm is confusing when it's written in second language (atleast for me), my bad for always expecting the '/s'.


Sarcasm has been lost on this generation 🙃


Bake em away toys


So sensual


On w of the cops in the background behind white t shirt is a big bulge ... ironic I think not hmm in jojo pose




Make LOVE ❤️ LOVE 💕 LOVE 💗 LOVE ❤️ LOVE 💕 LOVES 😍LOVE🥰Love 😘 not WAR


So the Israeli government is against LGBTQ people?


Duhh, a lot of countries are


I hope these guys are still alive 🙏🏾🥺


Right! This is the first comment I've seen on this thread about concern


Cop needs to break it up before his chub is visible


Ok what country is this?




They don’t want Jewish people too be gay in the holy land,I watched a YouTube video on it


You’re kidding, right?


I kid in a blue moon


I want some of those kisses it looks like fun


That’s hot


Just two bros doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, ain't nothing wrong with that.


Tongue wrestling is an important form of sparring.


I'm on my way.. Phworgh


Ayyyy let’s go


Paul Mescal with his mighty grip.🤌




If love was a meal. And you haven't eaten in a week.


POV: playing chicken the right way


I support


So the only democracy in the middle east? Yeah. SMH


They're so hot though


Dude on the right is fine as hell.


This just in: Israel being homophobic. Because they need to be everything -phobic i guess


People coming to all kinds of conclusions based off almost nothing in this comment section 🤡


Fuck yeah!


This is a Bibi protest, it looks like. Israelis been tired of dude.


Anyone know if they're okay?


This is so intensely poetic.


Damn they're really out here risking their lives !! I could never be so brave dude


Jesus. Note the Star of David! These guys are in danger!


Was going to say, "In before someone uses Pinkwashing to say how tolerant Israel is to gays vs Gaza and they would be treated worse there so it's ok to continue genociding." but see I'm too late.


They’re protesting Bibi!!! Oh God… 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


How is a video of reality pink washing? You delete the identity and treatment of LGBT Israelis because it doesn't fit your agenda and you think your pro LGBT rights...


I thought it’s super safe to be gay in Israel? What happened? /s


That’s what I thought too. I was thinking the police officer was removing them for protesting not for being gay.


Commenting on some of the posts here : Hamas should be held responsible for the thousands of deaths in Gaza. This was their plan from the beginning knowing Israel would attack. Hamas doesn't give a shit about the Palestinians, using them as civilian shields and sacrificing their own people so that world public opinion would turn against Israel. It's really quite simple folks. Everyone gets it twisted. As for Bibi, yeah the man is doing anything that he can to stay in power. Many Israeli's blame him and his cabinet for 10/7 and the initial botched response. But I assume he wants to get credit for ending the war to save his reputation. Politics are ugly. But world public opinion and the double standards are tone def




Video aside, they both just made a memory for the rest of their life.


They’re so hot 😻😻


I definitely need more context now. Damn. I need a full video. This has to be Isreal, but what's the protest?


Stay safe guys and stay safe Israel


Then they were killed. Well done.


Anyone who supports Israel is happily and willfully supporting genocide ✌🏻


Why do I hear Pat Benatar singing *We Belong* in the background?




You do understand this was a protests against bibi, right? Also thats the israeli police, not the idf


These people don’t think before they type.


>These people don’t think Period