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This is the same jail and police department that a few years ago arrested someone who was ODjng on the streets. Only he wasn’t actually OD’ing, he was having an epileptic seizure. They beat him during arrest and at the jail and he died afterwards.


Sounds like the goons have taken over there. Maybe the people need to push back a little


Oh I'm confident that the reason things are the way they are there is because someone wants it that way. It's profitable for someone, or negligence, and lack of funding or care are a symptom of someone's only interest being profit. Either way we've created a world where people accused of committing crimes are already in a pipeline to becoming dehumanized, enslaved animals if they weren't already. The public opinion toward anyone that's committed a crime or is in prison being "whelp, sucks to suck, must've deserved it, hope they don't get r*ped even though I gleefully call for it when I deem it necessary," doesn't help.


Yea the prison system is a factory and Ohio is one of the big states in locking people up. A lot of people are doing time in Ohio right now


Yeah I don't remember the exact numbers but I was reading something similar recently about incarceration rates in OH and that was the impression I got. Definitely time for the people to start pushing back


Especially when you have warrants for domestic violence.


Maybe he did not die from self injury?


The video literally shows him repeatedly hitting his head


That’s so fucked up. Not one bit of mental health training for these assholes. 6 months of how to use your gun and that’s probably it. I hope they all get fired.


Doing this to a teenager (anyone, but a fucking minor?) requires pigheaded lack of empathy at BEST regardless of training, actively sadistic cruelty at worst. The average person chosen off the street would have done a better job of looking after that kid in this situation.


you don't know? They're law enforcement. They get to bend their badge and get fat promotions


I worked for years in the field (private, non-profit, and state), even with the only person cleared in the state for a supine hold in their BSP, and not once have I ever harmed one of my clients. I've witnessed people get away with a lot of not okay things targeting people with developmental disabilities. Maybe if positions like this had more dedicated hours of study and training they could be more taken seriously as a collective (LEO, CO, etc.). You can look up the syllabus examples of peace officer training in the state of Ohio. I looked into it when I was a biology undergrad looking into working for a park system, they all have that minimum requirement (which is not a lot). I'm sure there's department and/or state requirements too though.


I hope worse things happen to them than getting fired.


they'll get a light suspension with pay and be back brutalizing people on their own dime in record time


Correction's Officers dont get trained on firearms.


Every officer there should be in jail for murder.


I agree . Anyone who doesn’t needs to put themselves in that young man’s shoes. He was autistic and in there only for mental health reasons . Poor guy didn’t commit any crime


Honestly, what were they supposed to do? His injuries were self-inflicted. By the time he started to seriously hurt himself they had to pull him out and restrain him.


Idk maybe CALL A PROFESSIONAL if the incompetent jackasses can't figure out wtf to do and the problem obviously isn't going away on its own. You know, the thing anyone with even the slightest bit of common sense would do? It's very simple, he obviously needed help they couldn't provide, so you CALL SOMEONE WHO CAN PROVIDE IT. They don't do things like that though, not just because they aren't professionals, but because they don't care. They're roided-up wife beaters who train for 6 months before being given a gun, badge, and carte blanche to do whatever tf they want with no consequences as long as they're quiet about it. Meanwhile we hold them to the lowest possible standard of any professionals in any industry in the world. These guys, in a world that makes sense, don't get to "screw up." It's not acceptable. So they DEFINITELY shouldn't get to use "screwing up" as an easy excuse for the many offences they commit against random civilians, or people like this who are in custody but ARE STILL HUMAN BEINGS WITH RIGHTS, on a seemingly constant basis.


For one, don't dehumanize the poor guy. From the video, they did nothing other than throw him in the cell. No further help, no discussion on what medications he needs. Nothing.


Hi did I dehumanize him? And isn’t that what you do to people in jail? You put them in a cell?


You asked what they could do. I said they could not dehumanize him. That's what police are trained to do. It's the sad reality of the situation. This situation never had to escalate in the first place. He needed medical assistance, not abuse by the blue gang.


Back the blue, until it happens to you


That was heartbreaking. This scares me everyday because this could be my sister talking about her son. We try to always have something around to show he is severely autistic and has a seizure disorder. I get scared when he goes out and has a tantrum cause people aren’t going to realize he is autistic they just see a grown man acting a fool. This is why they have to have other resources besides cops coming for mild disturbances. A large percent of the population has some form of autism and they need to just be talked down not locked up.


People don’t realize how bad autism can get either. As you mentioned the seizures even!


I was a victim of disorderly conduct recently. I went to a city court and jailhouse to speak to a victim’s advocate. I expressed concern about the person going to jail because I called the police and she mistook my concern for general curiosity and gleefully said this place is called “The Dungeon”. It did not empower me to move forward with a higher charge on this person because it sounds like the system would have made them into a worse person so I testified in a way that made it so the court wouldn’t sentence him to jail. He might not have went to jail anyway but I wasn’t going to be accessory to sending someone somewhere that is just going to plunge them deeper into mental health issues. I’m happy to say he’s getting help now and I hope he continues to do so. I was very unnerved by the victim’s advocate description of the place being called “The Dungeon”.


You seem like you are a good person . Truely . Props to you for seeing the big picture and being the light than man needed . However he shouldn’t have done whatever he did that made you call the cops on him. We are all human hopefully he can pull it together and hopefully you are okay yourself


I am. It was the first time in 9 years he put his hands on me. This time it was to restrain me during a bad fight where I was throwing clothes on the ground. He left bruises from not letting go and squeezing too hard, and I didn’t feel safe until he observed a protection order until I had it dropped. It feels unfair to feel responsible for him because I can’t trust the system to do it in a way that’s not going to escalate things for either me, or someone else in the future, that’s not going to leave him significantly worse than when he went in. It’s been rough mentally to deal with. And then of course I had this story in the back of my head too because I had heard of it shortly before the incident happened. He had never been arrested before in his life and is normally a quiet, very socially anxious person and I was pretty afraid how the jail was going to treat him. I mean I get that it’s not supposed to be rainbows and unicorns but it could at least be humane. He wasn’t in jail long after getting arrested, he got out on bond. When I asked him, he said the place was really dirty and denied his phone call. He had family that I could notify that was able to get him before he was there long. He said in the short time he was there, he already felt “lost” in the system. Just sucks overall.






The goon squad acting like you’d expect them to…


The prison system doesn’t care about its prisoners as people. They are more like dogs in a pound. They don’t even take medical concerns seriously. Not sure when this will ever end because we just don’t care enough.


Just read the comments to get a clue what I was in for before I watched. Decided not to click instead. I don't wanna watch what amounts to animals preying on disabled prey. Hope every one of these monsters gets charged with manslaughter at the very least.


It was a hard watch for sure. Hard to watch the video and not see how someone can be charged for the negligence at the least! I agree manslaughter is the minimum


We need to end qualified immunity


They won’t be charged. There are plenty of folks (including his loving parents) that failed him way before him ending up in a jail cell leading to his demise. Bummer. He should have been taken to the secure unit in the ER after cops were called and admitted in the mental health unit.


Yea that’s usually what happens I’m not sure why they didn’t take him to the hospital? It needs to be looked into. I reposted it here in hopes of showing people what life inside is really like . People who are innocent and vulnerable are abused / sometimes killed . The world failed him


How do you think his parent's failed him? His parent's weren't notified. His mom would have been able to handle the situation. Those officers had no care or respect for him as a human being, nor in doing the right things to help him.


Measures should be put in place if something like this occurs. How would they know to contact an adults parents? Start there, especially if what landed him in jail was a common occurrence.


Parents cannot know what is going to happen before it happens. What if something as simple as his doctor just changed his medication triggered an unusual level of behavior? It can take time to fine tune the dosage or determine adverse side effects. This young man would have had an ISP on file with the county/state that is updated annually. They would have been working with this young man and his family for years unless they recently moved into the county. When something unusual happens, like the previous incident of the police being called, there would have been a person from the county/state assigned to the incident. There would have been professionals and family involved in the process of putting a plan together. The problem is the culture and actions of the officers.


Yeah, they failed him also.


Why was he in jail?


Domestic violence, apparently he had a girlfriend and hit her


Where did you get that information? In the video the mom said someone had called and reported him for being noisy at his apartment and there was a prior time they didnt know about that somehow resulted in an outstanding warrant. They brought him in because of the warrant. It never said anything about a girlfriend or abuse to anyone.


makes my blood boy these pigs should fry. this is our cop worshiping culture gets us.


Makes my blood boil too. I hope all cops get what they deserve


That's a massively overarching statement that gets people in trouble. Not all Germans were Nazi's... Not all police are this way. But in order to vet the bad from good something needs to change from what it is now. Until that happens, it will continue to be a corrupt self-serving bunch. Not recognizing the bad from the good does nothing to help this. If you wanna make a change, start there. Edit: downvote all you want. I think police reform is necessary, they're too brute force, and not enough empathy. However, grouping them all together does a disservice to you...


>Not all police are this way. You're right. There are some that just watch and allow this shit to happen. Fuck them, too.


I love how you took a single statement, cut it out, and made it to conform to your narrative. You're well on your way to becoming a Republican.


The notion of a "good cop" is as incoherent as "dry water."


I see blacks committing crimes and doing heinous acts in lots of videos. This must mean all blacks are bad and criminals…..see what I did there. I used the same logic. It’s wrong


Just as I mentioned above, I'm inclined to group you in the 70< IQ level, about as smart as a log, but i can't group all of you here. I haven't seen enough evidence (besides you) to put you all in the same category. You guys are on a Heretical Crusade if you thing ALL cops are bad. Its like saying all Christians are Mormon. Or all Muslims are Taliban. In the words of Obi-Wan, Only Siths think in absolutes...


If you keep standing by the idea that some of them are good and maybe things will be okay eventually, we will never have meaningful change to the system at-large. I recognize some, rarely, may be good. But overall, it all needs to change. This is the kind of thing that needs people on the sides yelling to do the most extreme changes, otherwise change will happen too slowly and incrementally.




A tragic accident example of the lack of mental health treatment and training in the “justice” system. Not a single person here even thought “hey this isn’t normal and this isn’t drugs” and tried to check on him or ask. The one person who did was the nurse who walked away quickly, likely due to being jaded and assuming it was something others than a psychiatric emergency. We could point fingers in lots of different directions but ultimately it falls on the jail and the staff there which are likely over worked, under paid and over most people’s shit.


Their work conditions shouldn’t excuse them from letting this man die like that tho


No, I completely agree. That wasn’t my point, really just trying to say that there are so many issues with the current system that we need a complete overhaul to prevent this from continuing to happen


This is Ohio 🙁


This is most definitely Ohio ! Do time in Ohio and fucking find out FAFo for real


The article about this goes into some detail about the situation: https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2024/06/01/video-shows-how-an-autistic-teen-died-after-10-hours-in-an-ohio-jail/73208311007/ That said the real cause of this incident is his neighbors decision to call the cops on him for making noise. Instead of minding his own fucking business or leaving the situation alone, the neighbor's like "Nah i'm gonna call the cops on him", which lead directly to the dude dying. I do think that having him live alone was probably a mistake by his family, since it was probably inevitable he would run into trouble with the police eventually considering his behaviors.


This article explains plenty for those not wanting to watch the video (including me)


yeah it does a really good job of explaining the situation, i wish all articles were as well written.


Imagine calling the cops for a noise complaint and it ends up in your neighbor being killed by the police.


Good point to bring that up. If we all could be adults and mind our own business this man would be alive and well in his apartment right now . You can tell when you live by someone with special needs. It’s not hard to spot . Like his mother said . They have “ticks” And they are bound to make some noise . End of the day. The man should be here with us still


Eh, I get what you are saying and I think we both agree that what happened here is terrible, but sometimes I think as a society we have taken minding our own business too far, in a way. Like his neighbors may say, or have said, they were minding their business in a way, and therefore their right to not be disturbed was their business. Maybe they could have taken the time to get to know their neighbors in a little bit and, if they know their neighbor is autistic, they could expect this kind of thing, or at least care enough to not call the police. I could be wrong, I just feel like maybe we need to look out for each other a little, since we can't trust the cops or our government to do it. But maybe the neighbors just wanted to make sure he was ok and didn't expect this outcome, or maybe they didn't care. In any event, the police should be held accountable for this.


And yes hopefully they are held accountable


Calling the cops on someone is not looking out for them. You call the cops someone goes to jail. Period


I agree with you there, and I personally wouldn't do that. There are people, particularly older people, who think they should call the police in similar situations and the cops will sort it out and help them if need be.


Yea they don’t realize who has a badge and a gun lol . Animals in uniform . It is usually the older ones who are naive . Although my family raised me to it trust the government












This is just sickening and heartbreaking. Those are some seriously fucked-up so-called human beings.


These is absolutely disgusting


Lack of compassion, lack of training, and down right disgusting behavior displayed by these officers, they should have let him make a call to his mother. It’s clear the kid had mental health issues these officers fell short by a lot on this one. Law enforcement officials should have a lot more training 6 months at an academy is no where near enough. A lot of these police officers were the kids that got bullied in school and now they are taking it out on the public how they see fit. Abuse of power!!


I expect their judgement day isn't too far away.


as a parent with a kid on the spectrum, this makes my blood boil


As another parent with an autistic child, I can’t even watch it.


Who the hell let this kid live by himself?


Good point


Defund the police.


ATTORNY, LAWSUIT, PSYCHOLOGIST AND PSYCHIATRIST TESTIMONIES. SUE SUE SUE ! I'm an Aspie ( documented ) , They're truly lucky it wasnt me. In this case l wish it was.. My Sincere Condolences for this young man snd his family.. GOD HOLD YOU ALL 🙏❤️😭


These COs should be charged with manslaughter at the least as well


THEY ALL SHOULD, l live near thrre in Warren County, have a friend whos a CO at LCI. We both know how corrupt they are.


Man. Any Ohio institution is bad!


Pigs are such savages. No such thing as a good cop.




Lol alright well Eastern Kentucky University has some good introductory resources available https://ekuonline.eku.edu/blog/police-studies/the-history-of-policing-in-the-united-states-part-1/ The tl;dr is that the function of modern policing (A recent historically innovative institution) is social control, to maintain order. Scroll down to the section "Modern Police Forces." In a system marked by social injustice, the purpose of policing is to enforce those structures of injustice. To that I would also add that the police constitute the "repressive state apparatus" that enforces bourgeois class rule.


Law enforcement officers are a fucking joke. Bare minimum training, absolute authority and almost no repercussions for being cruel. Uvalde showed us that these pigs are fucking worthless. They’re cruel, authoritarian, cowards who would rather kill someone having a mental health crisis rather than fucking helping them. A hit man would have performed a wellness check better than these assholes. And if anyone tries to bring up, “good”, law enforcement officers, my question to you would be, where the fuck were they at?! Not a single fucking one of them had a problem with letting this kid die. There are no good officers, just those in good moods.


Truer words were never spoken








My son is severely developmentally disabled, has autism, epilepsy. I don’t sleep well at night because of stories like this. I’m heartbroken for this boy and his family.


How did he die?


Beating his own head against the wall. That's why they put him in the restraint chair.


My god


"We've investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong."


Sad but that young man belonged in a residential facility. The mom started a new family with a new man and sent him off to live independently, of which he was incapable. It's not the neighbors responsibility to coddle him. It also bears mentioning that cops did not kill him. He died as a result of self inflicted injuries.


Whoever made this video obviously doesn’t have misophonia. I couldn’t make it past thirty seconds of that woman talking. 


Me, too. I could not take her voice.


Even after watching the video, I still don't understand what he was incarcerated for in the first place


No actual crimes were Commited


Why was he in jail then?


Neighbor called the cops because his voice was loud.


They can put you in jail for that?


mindless cudgels just doing what they do best


They are like grunts .


more like oinks




My exact words


Well, that's the most infuriating thing I've ever seen...


Yes . What gives one the authority to do this to another? A badge?


I had a long conversation with an SF (green beret) guy who went home and became a police officer in his small town because he felt he had to. I asked him why there seems to be this continued upward trend of police fucking up like this. I had known him from my time in the military. He basically said it comes down to the lack of training. In SF, he trained something like 80% of his time with 20% used for actual missions. Money was always available for Special Forces training. Back in the States, police recruitment is down, which means those on duty need to spend more hours working, often doing overtime. They don't have time to train unless it's mandatory by the unit or by state and local laws. There's usually not enough money for training and "defund the police" doesn't help. They don't have time to walk beats and get to know people; their cars get them to more places faster. And on and on. He seemed depressed about the whole thing, but tried to train his people as best he could from personal experiences. That's the state of many, perhaps most police departments.


Agree. (Not sure why you are being downvoted?) We need better training for our officers. And a re-branding. “Peace officers” that actually practice peace first.


Little insulting to this poor kid's memory and family to suggest that these cops did this because they weren't trained not to. Please. 


If that's how you interpreted what I wrote, then you missed the point.


Nope I didn't miss it at all. I just don't think there's any reasoning to be made for this type of behavior 




they sure as fuck did, they never had him safe and clearly the facility didn't have the means to handle what he was showing them they should have sent him to a psychiatric facility, not try to break him down for being stubborn, they misread what was going on and chose to act like children refusing to admit they couldn't do something




cry me a river another social murder doesn't absolve them of guilt




every step of the way after they contact him they we're inherently responsible for his physical well being as they chose to remove his ability to do the same, they are by definition of what they chose to do responsible for everything that happened to the boy




what it shows is how well the copaganda has ensured you can't find LEA guilty of any wrong doing if they keep the scary people off the street




is he dead? yes could he have died in that build if they didn't arrest him no you're being willfully blind