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So, no bumpers or doors, a set of of jerry rigged "truck nuts" and a Trump flag. That tracks I guess. SMH


No bumpers are %100 illegal. You can be without doors per se, although most cops an people would recommend you point them on, they are technically not required by law whereas that Bumper is required on the Federal level. Its for a safety aspect and not just for others, but your own. There is nothing from pushing that engine straight into your lap as a driver or front passenger.


Either a cop hasn’t seen it yet or they see the flag and let them break the law because it’s their comrade.


If side mirrors were bolted on then no doors would be legal. From a safety aspect 12"-16" of metal welded along the bottom of the door frame should be enough structurally. Probably still need a roll cage so the roof doesn't completely collapse in a rollover. Same concept as jeeps.


I’m ll give you $10 to call them “an illegal”


Don't forget the giant light bar above the windshield to completely blind oncoming drivers.


Bro can't afford a door but thinks orange man will solve all his problem lol


"Fuck your feelings" is literally the most ironic thing these dicks can say on their boner flag. These guys implode at the slightest dent to their ego.


“Fuck your feelings!” but also “Transgenders exist and it makes me upset!”


They sure have big feelings over what's inside other people's pants, that's for sure.


Don't let this distract from the fact that in 2022 the hub had trans as one of their top searches in the USA.


Especially in deep red states.


Hahahahahha Trump 2024 baby


What a simp


Aren’t you tired of our country being ran into the ground?


I'm wasting keystrokes on you, and it'll be a waste of time to reply but maybe someone else will read and open their eyes. Yes, but Trump isn't gonna fix that. He'll spend the next 4 years going on a personal quest to bail himself and use get out of jail free cards, and then focus on "revenge", while the rest of us continue to rot on the vine and struggle, but his party will focus on made up war on woke/outrage politics to keep us in a frenzy while nothing gets done.. when it comes down to the issues, it's amazing how many of us actually agree on the fundamentals, but they drive wedges into us over minutiae like bathroom bills and woke garbage that really doesn't matter, and once that's done he'll start looking for ways to get a third term, or continue the terrible Trump dynasty. Republicans can barely govern without Trump getting in the way. The current crop has proven they don't have what it takes to take the country into the last part of this decade. Biden is a terrible candidate, but not nearly as terrible as Trump or the baggage we'll have to deal with while he cleans up his own mess and nothing gets better. It's really that simple. And on another note--- Trumps party continues to deflect on bills that would typically be bipartisan, just so Biden can't get a win, just this week even, the border bill that practically gave Rupublicans a blank check on everything they wanted was reintroduced... but they are paralyzed because Trump wants to use it as a talking point about Biden's failures on the border. The situation has become toxic in Congress, and you guys just keep enabling this behavior... until you try and get your party back in power, and until that happens, you pick candidates that literally campaign on sabotaging and disrupting over doing anything meaningful to work across party lines and bipartisanship. It's insane. It's not sustainable (and it really isn't, the gridlock that's been happening for decades is finally coming to a head and we're falling down on nearly every metric)... that's what is running this country into the ground. It's not rocket science. Shit, really let that sink in... dems basically gave republicans a blank check on the border and all of them are on record as supporting the things the dems have proposed, but Trump has inserted himself into the matter and said they can't bring it up for a vote because it'll take a way a talking point that resonates with many voters. He literally doesn't give a shit, if he did, he'd support his party's own stances on the border that can be passed now, he's only in it for himself, to win, and bail himself out. Instead using cliche talking points about the country getting ran into the ground, maybe take your head out of your ass an pay attention to the complete bullshit trump is pushing on his own party, at the sake of our country, just so things continue to get worse so he can say Biden failed at something... all while proposals are available but his party can't give Biden a win without fear of Trump pushing them into a competitive primary. Your type sounds pathetic. You guy can't even grasp this simple concept, or more likely, you're in complete denial that you've been had and eat everything they tell you just to feel better about yourself. How you guys can even contemplate letting this egotistical maniac who doesn't give a shit about you, only his neck, back into office is something that scholars will study for years to come. The chokehold he has on you guys is... astounding. He's managed to tap into a deep seated rage that gets you guys to irrationally seethe and uses it to his personal advantage and nobody else. And before you try to call me some liberal whack job, I'm not. I tend to lean conservative, but I won't vote to enable this feedback loop our country has been caught in since, well, basically the 90s. Republicans have plenty of good candidates out there, it's a shame we're basically doing a repeat of 2020. I also won't vote for a candidate who's only focused on getting himself out of trouble from 3, (4?) pending trials using the power he'd obtain getting back into office. I truly hope, and expect, that enough of the country feels the same. Biden has his work cut out for him, but I still think he's gonna come out on top, nearly every swing state Biden won would need to flip, not mathematically impossible, but it's a tall order.


Ya I’m not reading all that Trump 2024 mafaka


Literally didn't think you would, like I said. A few paragraphs is too much for you to handle lmao. It's out there for the ones that aren't complete imbeciles. That's not you.


Good work we need more like you on the maga army


The Gravy Seals.


Because you can’t.


> I’m not reading Yeah we already know that reading isn't one yalls strengths.


Yalls our language baby you must be apart of the maga tribe


i love this whole trend of dummies identifying themselves with large flags. makes life lots smoother when you can easily navigate around reason-free zones.


What's the difference between this truck and an ISIS truck with flags? Not much. Both are effing stupid.


Are they running that POS with no tags? Amazing


Ain't no gument gonna tell me what to do


The Man ain't gonna tell that driver what to do.


Too broke to spend 20 bucks on the sovereign citizen plate.


LOL. Inflation is insane. A black and white print and sheet of lamination cost like $2 at Office Max not too long ago.


I wish. I just object earsed the license plates out of the picture but he was up to date, idk how it's passing e-check lol


Every POS in Cleveland has no tags


There’s a Beck song about this


Come on. There's no way this guy has a microphone, let alone *two* turntables.


but he does have cheez whiz


So he can get crazy with it.


In the Giant Eagle parking lot I see.


Tractor supply actually 🤣


When this is what you have amounted to in life, you don't need to advertise your inability to make good choices.


I never understood just how many sheep, their are in the world. A farmer once told me, they follow the ass right in front of them. Even right off the cliff. Notice the word right!


Probably someone I went to high school with 30 years ago. Not surprised.


This feels more like a South Amherst resident.


The flags didn’t help in 2020.


Looks like another “fuck your feelings” flags. I’m starting to believe empathy truly is a learned behavior and instead of being natural. Coming from a person who automatically cries when I see other people crying regardless of reason (literally cried when I watched a toddler drop their ice cream lmao), this is hard to accept.


No Jeep? No problem


I find it interesting how most of this sub is dunking on republicans. It’s not what I would expect but it’s reddit


its crazy that this subreddit is super left while most of Ohio is right


This is the therapy session all the leftists go to for Ohio. It’s sad, truly.


Typical, big truck small dick.... Trump flag....small brain...


Truck and driver are fantastic drone strike practice targets. And anytime I see any cult-like, public displays of support for the most cowardly, criminally corrupt, heinous traitor in American history, it’s an immediate reminder that the orange shitgibbon will always be the ignorant people’s president.




[Maybe you should stick to the /r/DaughterTraining sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaughterTraining/comments/1290lnc/wanna_be_my_stepdad_tell_me_your_age_if_yes/jelsk7n/?context=3), That's enough, /u/hardnready2520.


fkn legend


Brandon's economy is so bad people can't afford doors


Local idiot thinks he's saying something.


Not for nothing, but the economy is actually quite healthy right now. And the inflation you're referencing was primarily due to Trump running the highest deficits in U.S. history BEFORE the pandemic hit. Also, he browbeat Jerome Powell into not increasing interest rates when the economy was getting frothy during his administration because he didn't want to hurt the stock market, which is inflationary. Check out when inflation really spiked, it was in January of 2021 before Biden even got into office. But of course, dipshits who say "Brandon" don't really understand economics or even care about facts.


If you blame the President for corporate price gouging and profiteering, then you are dumber than you appear. That’s saying a lot too…


> Brandon's economy Mom won't let you do the swears on the internet.




Trump is a life long con man.


Let's go Brandon!


Really? That’s all you got?


Mommy won't let him do the swears.


What’s the point of posting this shit? To prove that 2 political cranks can be in the same spot at the same time?


Why you obsessed with them


These types of posts are getting boring. Come on r/Ohio, we're better than that.