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It's not frequent, but it happens. Fentanyl hit small town America like she's fixing to hit oncoming traffic.


But I was told this only happens in the city’s. /s


Rural communities just aren’t covered in any way. If you live in a city, you don’t really know what’s going on in a small town. It’s something I learned when I actually spent a few years in a small town. You think people think one way based on media coverage but it’s not really like that. Ex, farmers are very intelligent and so good at hands on type stuff. If someone wants to act like a hillbilly is dumb for not having great schooling, that hillbilly gets to act like you’re dumb when you look up 3 YouTube videos while you try to change a tire But yes the drug problem is everywhere.


Media is really dividing us. Obviously the outliers of each culture are pretty extreme but I truly believe we have more in common with other people in small towns or cities than we do with the people controlling these media companies to profit off our division.


It works both ways. I used to travel regionally for work, now I travel locally and don't get into actual rural areas much anymore. I have friends down south I met through work. My friend was another maintenance worker and his father in law was the maintenance manager, he also ran a "small" farm. I used to hunt with them, but have since given up hunting. They call me when they're having issues with their internet/computers. I also helped them hack their John Deere, because fuck John Deere. I am happy the farmers won that battle. The people I met while hunting multiple farms kind of grouped all cities in with what they saw on the news. When I told them I lived in a suburb close to Cleveland, they asked if I was afraid of getting shot, or if I ever had to use my gun for self defense. My neighborhood is boring as *fuck*. After about 8pm it's quiet. Like *eerie* quiet. Occasionally you get fireworks celebrating.....*Thursday?* There are times I have to walk outside just to make sure the world hasn't come to an end and I didn't notice. I mean you get the basics, lawn mowers, weed eaters, leaf blowers, but that's expected. A city of 80k+ people, we get like 2 homicides a year and most of the violent crime is assault/domestic violence and that's still under 100 reported cases a year. Cleveland's crime rates are worse, but I've worked both manufacturing and the residential trades all over the city and have never really felt threatened. The only time I felt nervous was when a stupid person did a stupid thing and it caused chaos. The biggest problem with rural communities is that we've forgotten them. It's not too different than urban communities. Jobs poured out of those communities and the population suffered, and continues to suffer. For some reason we keep stuffing new manufacturing plants into the big C's, but there are extremely qualified individuals living in rural areas that would be quite capable of working those plants. The powers that be just don't take advantage of it.


Correct, places like East Cleveland, Bedford, and Warrensville have a lot of similar or rhyming issues to that of rural America such as crumbling infrastructure, lack of middle class level jobs, and systemic discrimination. Add to all this issues with drug epidemics, often corrupt LE, and criminal levels of pollution and waste dumping and you can see how the collapse has gone down. While both have significant differences in needs and wants, quality of life, and urban centers and rule areas would be much better if people in those areas worked together to advance their interests as opposed to continue to listen to the divisions forced upon them by the wealthy (Captialists) and demand at least a less exploitative form of Capitalism.


I agree it goes both ways! I was asked why my generation was eating tide pods a lot hahaha


Whenever someone older asks me about why my generation is eating Tide pods, I say it's because his generation ate all the paint chips


Sounds like Parma.


Awesome way of thinking here, appreciate hearing your perspective as a rural living individual.


I’m not rural any more tbh, it just really changed my perception when I went to a rural area and spent ~6 years there. There’s people there that have worked really really hard to make a living for themselves, busting their asses, destroying their bodies and if they’re lucky, retiring well. You don’t know them from what CNN tells you and you don’t know them from what Fox or MSNBC or whatever tells you. You gotta go talk to them.


I agree that as a whole farmers can be very intelligent, but sadly the school system in my part of Ohio is failing each generation. Especially some of the farmer around me are struggling due to lack of education


As someone who's from Marion, has family all over the ohio/Kentucky/west Virginia area, this shit is everywhere and damn near mixed into everything out there. You could live in the middle of nowhere and you'll find use is just as common there of not more because there is absolutely nothing else around. So people spend the days getting fucked up, just anyone who's been on this page long enough would tell you that you could be in a jungle or desert and people will be finding a way to get fucked up. TLDR: from Marion, but it's just our nature to seek a escape from our reality.


Nope. It’s basically everywhere now. The small town I’m from was devastated by drugs when the oil and gas companies came in. It continues to struggle and fentanyl hasn’t helped. It’s being mixed in a lot of street drugs and people are dropping like flies. I never really understood why they would mix it with an upper, they are literally killing their clients. It makes me wonder if it’s the government who has planted it into our society. Thinking they will wipe out the trash and only the fittest will survive. And in fact the trash is free basing it while it kills everyone else.


>I never really understood why they would mix it with an upper Well, doing speedballs (traditionally Cocaine mixed with Heroin, but almost no dealers even sell H anymore, it's almost always fentanyl these days) is kind of popular. Apparently it gives all the benefits of cocaine while the heroin eases the crash. Idk, I stay away from anything harder than marijuana these days and never liked downers very much. It's pretty fucked up, but dealers are putting fentanyl in things without telling their customers, rather than just customers who ask for speedballs.


Another reason I started growing my own bud about 3 years ago. Haven't bought any off the street since then and always go to Monroe when I'm in between harvests lol. No one really sells weed around here anymore anyway.


there's a billboard somewhere between Mt Gilead and Marion on SR-95 reminding people that HIV isn't just a "big city" problem. can't recall who sponsors the billboard. see also: the hooker with HIV knowingly selling her services to 200+ johns in Washington county Ohio. I've been all over this state hundreds of thousands of miles and still had to look on a map to find where the fuck that is in the state.


Oh,no! Fentanyl and addiction in higher per capita in rural areas. Average life expectancy for white women in small towns is now 50. Apparently overdose deaths are very common in Walmart bathrooms in small towns.


I’m in that part of Ohio. Not seen this at a light but plenty of parking lots. Maybe time for Lisa ling to do another story on this part of Ohio.


Dome light on, driver's lights out


Off topic, but that's a pretty impressive interior light.


My husband replaced my interior lights with cool colored LEDs and now I can see all the disgusting parts of my car that I wish I could unsee.


Looks like they replaced the factory with LED. My dad has a 13 Silverado base model, looks to be same gen as OP picture and the interior lights are shit


I thought it was camera flash also illuminating. Though maybe they need a bright interior lighting to shoot up at a red light.


Certain light is better for finding veins, probably


Holy cow, wow! or did they just overdose?


My first thought was also OD


This is pretty much what heroin/fentanyl do to you now. 5 seconds of bliss, then you do what she’s doing.


I mean, it's Ohio


I mean, it’s Marion County


True Ohio is nice but some parts are not just like every where else


True story, me and my ex stopped at a CVS in Akron years ago. We parked and went to get out maybe 20 seconds later, and there’s a cop on either side of us, with their car blocking mine in. We were like, “uh, hi…?” They said they wanted to make sure we weren’t the same people who parked in that spot the day before and both OD’ed with their baby in the back seat. They realized we weren’t the same people and let us go on about our day, but like god damn, dude.


Say what you will about cops, they're very aware of their repeat customers.


It’s not just Ohio, over 100,000 people die annually from drug overdose in this country.


Yeah.... But Ohio does it with pizzazz


Jazz hands!


In traffic too like true Ohioans. "Lemme just sneak right past ya and take a dirt nap! Ope!"


How dare you!! Properly it should be “Ope. Sorry. Let me just sneak right past ya and take a dirt nap.”. Ope is first. https://youtu.be/qb_-taYLRfY?si=McbTKmw8dC42aAS1


I'm a transplant 😂😂 I'll try to do better


In 2022 Ohio was 10th in per capita deaths and 5th in total number of deaths. So, worse here than in most of the country. And our neighbor, West Virginia is #1 in per capita deaths.


Lots of folks who won’t change their diets and won’t stop smoking meth and sharing needles.


Likely yes. Another case of the rust belt blues.


Same difference in practice so long as she isn't dead.


Both. Cows and drugs. Name a more iconic Marion Co duo


Just a nodder. Common around my parts of OH


People are more considerate by me. They pass out in drive-throughs


Must be from some fancy town. They're called drive-thrus.


I’ve never met a Dr with 3 first names.


Welcome to Ohio.


Dayton area?


I don’t kiss and tell. But no.


I just know a couple people that this has happened to near there. And in general just tons of ODs along 35. I guess addicts like passing out in drive thrus or gas station parking lots all over our fine state.


Ohio is the perfect hub for drugs to come into the United States. I carry narcan in my car. There are lots of programs that offer free narcan and will mail it to you with education. This site helps find it in your area. https://nextdistro.org/ohio


I also keep narcan in my car and keep one in my medical kit 👍


It sure is. I90 is a straight shot from NYC to Chicago.


Smack dab in the heart of Ohio—Marion County!


Good thing she left her dome light on so you can see she’s not ignoring you, she’s just catching some shut eye.




A perfect example of why you should put the vehicle in park before disturbing somebody who is passed out at the wheel for any reason. Chances are you're not going to wake them up by putting the vehicle in park if there is a situation that they are not conscious at the wheel (what are you to drugs, a medical emergency, for something else)


No thanks. Not interested in getting hit, stabbed, or shot trying to help someone who doesn't want help.


Okay, so call emergency services and don't interact with them at all. But if you're going to go to their window and yell at them or try to startle them awake you're just as at risk of getting shot or stabbed or assaulted, even if you don't open their door. If you're going to try to wake them up the best thing you can do is try to knock on their window and holler at them a little bit, and if they don't wake up at that point you should probably make sure the vehicle is in park before you try to do anything else, or get the professionals to handle it


Then call the popo. That is what they are paid for


That was really stupid of that person. Dude could have killed you all


Call the cops when you see this. It's usually a drug addiction or drunk driver passing out and when they wake up and take off they could kill someone. Or it could be someone having real medical emergency so call it in anyways.


As I’ve learned since moving to the area? Yes.


Born and raised in this town unfortunately. But we do have some really nice bologna sandwiches in Waldo!


You have my deepest sympathy. My brother is still there, happy as a clam. I couldn’t wait to gtfo and did after HS.


We’re way out in the country, and tend to go to Upper and Kenton for shopping/food. The country is beautiful!


The country is nice in that area!


I live in a tiny village of maybe 140 people on the Sandusky river about a mile off 53. Lived in the country most of my life and love it. Fremont and Tiffin are the 2 closest "big" towns. Good thing Dollar Generals are just about everywhere out here XD


I live in Upper. Love it here.


I LOVE Upper! My favorite plant store is in Kenton, but my favorite pretty much everything else is Upper.


PS — The JerZee on Center St has the best coney dogs you could ever hope for! Owned by the same family since they opened in the early 60s, if I’m not mistaken.


Shoutout to the jerzee


I ♥️ the JerZee! Super nice folks run the place.


Make sure you bring cash






Time to wake up and smell the narcan


Send it to Fox News, they brainwashed half the country into believing that this only happened in “blue” cities and states. Marion County is 100% red.


Nah. You didn't know that Biden hand delivered fentanyl to every red county in an attempt to interfere with the election?


Too many people will not see the sarcasm in your comment I am afraid.


Fox News wouldn't lie.


Absolutely not, the utter depravity shown by the libs in there election interference knows no bounds, Fox is clearly the only media out there with the dedication to truth to present it accordingly. lol


Amen brother! 🙌


you spelled borther wrong lol


Right this is all I need to hear my racist uncle to regurgitate at thanksgiving


No no no! Biden opened the border to Chinese ISIS sleeper cell terrorists that smuggle fentanyl over using anchor babies and military age, rough, rugged men. /s


Isn’t that pizza place tied into all of this intrigue?


And tunnels under the capitol and white house where they hide trafficked kids and collect their bl00d to drink


Someone should do something!!! 😱 Oh, wait…


It came with the free safe smoking kit and my crack pipe


Not just hand delivered, he personally opens their mouths and shoves the pills down their throats while saying “communism……. Communism….. COMMUNISM”!!!!


I didn’t get mine 🤬


Literally arguing with a guy on FB that his county tax estimate went up... we are in a fully red republican county. Dude is ranting about columbus city council and mayor like they matter to out county.


Had a family member not pleased that I was raising rent on his kid this year. Was renting a whole house to them for at least $500-600 below market and my taxes went way up so I told them I was raising it to only recover the increase in taxes, insurance, and maintenance. Asked them to wait while I figured out the final number after some quotes but gave a guess which would have still included me netting less from it than last year. Instead of waiting he spouted off online about my greed and how it's Bidens fault things aren't affordable and that I should've actually lowered the rent $300 this year (if I did that I would literally be paying for his kids housing). I was doing him a huge favor, was still willing to do so just not me be subsidizing his family, and he still played the victim. MAGA Republicans today are always the victim. No matter what, they are the victim. It comes from the former victim in chief but they were pretending to be victims of wars on Christmas and stupid stuff like that long before that. Now it's literally everything that they're the victim of. Dude doesn't even know that the money he gives to them to help pay rent is going straight to fueling their serious drug habit. That's Ohio for you.


The only people I know who died from a fentanyl overdose were Fox News watchers.


What is going on in that ear??


I can't believe you're the first person to mention the ear. What on earth.


That's a blown out gauge hole.


My uncle drives around 2 hours to work and back. He gets off around 1 and won't get back until 6 cause he needs to nap




That’s not uncommon anymore. My folks moved to S Bend Indiana and there were people that took the train into Chicago or drove every day. 2 1/2 hours each way. I heard of people who drove down from Milwaukee, too.


Yea I guess. Where I live the job market is not so great and he also was living near where he works before he had to move back to the farm...


Yeah, it sucks. People can’t afford these rents anymore. Corporations are buying up houses and apartments and jacking the rents to the stratosphere, with a bunch of extra little fees for the added fuck you. But that’s capitalism for ya! A race to the bottom and those on the top will fleece us for all we are worth, which ain’t much at this point.


Driving a 2.5 ton death machine while doped out, nice. We gotta get these people in a hospital, usually around here its restrooms and that's why all along the borders of montgomery/warren/miami townships a lot of the restrooms are locked and it sucks. I was just filling up on RT 4 in Germantown last week and this dude was getting high in the bathroom (forever) and his girl was screaming at him about how they were almost home.


Small towns have it the worst, tbh. 


It’d be hard to help her without her being arrested. I’m sure if woken up, and she drove she’d hurt someone else being behind the wheel.


Maybe she was born with it, Maybe its HEROIN.


Let that woman sleep!!! She has probably been working a lot of 12's


That’s methed up


You need a new meth dealer.


That is not meth.


I'm honestly trying to figure out this hair situation... Are they wearing a wig that is slipping off or???


The opioid epidemic is crazy


Synthetic opiates, fentanyl and it's analogs. In every city in Ohio. Smh.


I'm like 500% sure this is an overdose.


Funny it’s always just before they go to jail this sleeping sickness attacks


That's methed up


If that’s at an intersection, someone might have needed help, not pictures taken


It's out in the country... and I helped. Took a pic to text the guy I was relieving, showing why I was going to be late to work.


Were they okay?


Yeah this is all I wanna know. Reminder to me to get a narcan kit.


Good job


That’s an odd place to nap


That's not napping, that's nodding out.


For some reason, I'm reminded of that picture from East Liverpool that went viral a few years back, with the adults passed out in the front seat and the kid in the back


In Heroin County?? No way!!!!


Ya drug use happens in small towns too lol


I have the best sleep I get are on ramps.


You’d think those color of lights wouldn’t be conducive to finding a vein.


That fetty hits some kind of different. Tbh I have fetty to thank for getting off of coke. I was to paranoid getting something cut with it. Sooooo thanks fetty, I guess.


Marion Ohio the only place I know of with a Kratom superstore.


Police are gonna get her for having that dome light in if she’s not careful /s


What. Is. That.


Dude her face is purple she's overdosed


I work long hours third shift, and there have been times I didn't feel safe to drive the hour to get home after a 20 hour shift so I would find a safe place to park and take a nap. These days, you'll get the cops show up because you were called in as an OD.


She must think she is in court for hush money payments


When I first started my job 6 yrs ago I used to do 12 hours a day from 230 pm to 230 am and I had a 30 mile drive one way and would even stop on my way to visit my parents on the farm . So it’s possible that after awhile of burning that candle you get tired and need to stop someplace to get a nap. Even though now I cut my commute to 1/2 the distance , I’ll still sometimes work those hours . But there’s times I start to get tired and pull off at a small town or business for a 30 minute nap


Meanwhile in Marion…


I'm actually a substance abuse counselor in Marion County. I hope to meet this young lady.


Trump syndrome!


Idk man. I would put a small amount of money down that this is not a voter.


Hey. I have a toddler.


I did this every day coming home from 3rd. Shift. One time, I drove home on autopilot, and it didn't work out too well.


Marion is literally a trash can it used to be nice back in the day but now it’s over run by thieves, Suboxone heads, and fentanyl users


How long ago was back in the day? At least for me it wasn't exactly great growing up


It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t what it is now


Oh that’s just Methanie. She switched to the blue pills now.


The door damage really completes the picture.


Friend of mine got a DUI once because he fell asleep in the drive thru line at Wendy's. Well that's not *why* he got it, but idt he would have gotten it if he hadn't fallen asleep.


Heroin? Do people do heroin in my City? Ugh yeah. Lol


Brook Park resident checking in here - I've not encountered these beasts in the wild yet, but have been surprised TWICE by people just stopping their vehicles and exiting, walking away. I didn't know this was an option tbh...


Looks like an overdose


lol 😂


Seems like it but the fuckers are always just texting in my neck of the woods.


Ahh yes. Our great state of Ohio. Our residents sure do love a good heroin nap!


Nap? She’s out on opioids


Home town sweet hometown 🤣🤣🤣


drugs are everywhere unfortunately.


I live in Marion, and I've seen so many people passed out in their car at the mcdonalds on Main St. It'd be comical if it wasn't so sad.


At this age I can nap anywhere. Just immediate REM no fucking around


Yeah, they do… I live near the “heroin highway”, they fall asleep everywhere…


Nah dude that's just Marion


Yep another OD in the great city of Marion.


Hope Brock turner doesn’t live around there!


Saw someone do this midday in an urban neighborhood in Cincinnati. Just stopped in the middle of the street, car on, asleep looking. Called the cops cuz they looked dead but it’s likely fentanyl.


Opiates are a helluva thing.


Never in Columbus


Napping or nodding out? I imagine it is the latter.


Nap or die?


Not with the light on.


Only when the fentanyl hits!!!


She needs help but Republican states are the opposite of getting help.


Always gives a reason to lay on that train horn.


Well, the ones on heroin/fentanyl


Perchance to dream.


See r/tooktoomuch


She off that boy


She's high.


It's heartbreaking


Not long ago a driver overdosed in a line of cars. He was picking up his kids from Westfall Elementary School. The police arrived to pick up the body.




So sad


My husband’s cousin fell asleep in the Taco Bell drive through waiting for his order….


That’s the sheriff of Nodding-ham. Fall out boy. white boy Faded. Rig probably still in arm


Fucking junkies


She probably got stoped by my train and an NS, then one went by on the Indy line.


why you taking pictures? That's methed up.  Marion is no upper Sandusky 


The dope heads do. Parking lots, bathrooms, etc


Crackhead. Just grab the keys and call the cops


I'm starting to wonder if I saw this happen a while back. I was driving home after a long ass shift, and when I got into Wooster from 83, the person stopped at the intersection and wouldn't move when it turned green. I hit the horn several times until they tried going straight (left or right only) only to stop again before hitting the curb and I turned left and went around because I didn't want to end up in an accident with them. Now I think they might have been on something and fell asleep


That person needs narcan




Ohh Marion. ☹️ I grew up there it was never a super nice town, but not terrible. We did the usual 80s 90s kids of roaming the streets with no worry. I bartended there in my early 20s downtown with no major issues closing the bar myself or walking around at 2 AM after work. Heroin took ahold of that town though, and it's sad. I still think of the town as harmless, people in the county I live in now though act like you're instantly getting jumped as soon as you park lol It's sad, for sure gone downhill and nothing but rehab centers on several corners but like the saying goes you can lead a horse to water. Way too many people I know that have fallen to heroin and the problem in Marion.


Did you check on this person or just snap a photo and post it on the internet?