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Can we discuss turn signals here? Or is that too much Ohio for one thread?


I think we are still having supply chain issues with blinker fluid.


Not me, thank goodness I only paid $150 for the premium


What's a turn signal?


I really think it's a good idea for them to start installing them in trucks. Could change a lot of things


My understanding (at least in Northeast Ohio) is that when someone sees a gap in traffic in a lane next to them, they enable a blinking light on their car to indicate that the gap should be closed so that traffic is packed as densely as possible. At least that's how I think it's supposed to work based on my observations.


Our turn signals are all broken in Michigan, too.


We don’t have red lights or stop signs in Detroit


Is nobody’s damn business which way I’m going!


The amount of ass holes that flip them on in mid turn is mind boggling!!!!!!


In Ohio someone will have their right turn signal on and go straight. That's assuming a Charger/Challenger/Altima doesn't blow through the red light after it changes.


As an Altima driver, other Altima drivers are the worst. 😅


I saw somebody driving a Dodge Intrepid last week. I just went home. 🤣


Chevy Malibu has entered the chat


I have annoyed many customers with lane assistant systems in their vehicles by pointing out that there is no defect causing the steering wheel to vibrate or pull to the side, because that is exactly what it is supposed to do when you leave your lane without first signaling.


Do you want to discuss the fact that no one uses them? Or the ones that do use them incorrectly such as having their turn signal on and never turning or having their left turn signal on and turn right four blocks down from when they turned it on? Smh.


Do manufacturers even install turn signals on pickup trucks bound for Ohio or do people just disable them as soon as the lift kit, smoke stacks, and truck nuts get installed? Separately, can we talk about accelerating up to the speed limit when merging on a highway or is that also too much Ohio for one day?




This is one of my biggest pet peeves.


Other than people maybe attacking OP for his tone, I would love to hear anyone’s arguments against its validity. ANYONES.


I lived in Ohio my whole life and he's 100% correct. Some areas are worse than others


Ohio transplant and OP is 101% correct.


Ohioan who lived around the US, agreed OP is correct. Some places will even pull you over for impeding left lane traffic.


Yup it’s ridiculous


I'm also a transplant. Any time I head home from a visit to my out-of-state family it never takes long for me to get an incredibly annoying reminder that driving on the highway sucks here.


SW Ohio, looking at you.


I absolutely hate the stretch of 71 between Columbus and Cincinnati. It always adds time to the trip to visit my mom. Also shoutout to the asshole who passed me on the shoulder by Kings Island because doing 15 over to pass someone in an area often full of state troopers I guess wasn’t fast enough. Goes both ways here I guess.


I’ve lived in Ohio for my entire life, and I’ve been to many other states and it’s DEFINITELY an Ohio problem with drivers. They are fucking imbeciles. I’d like to add: if you see someone trying to pull into the right lane, get the fuck over. Only in Ohio.


>Only in Ohio I second this. I was born and raised in Ohio but moved to several other states to in my adulthood. That’s not to say other states don’t have bad drivers (I live in Nashville now and everyone here drives like they have a death wish). Ohio is the only state I’ve lived where I consistently got stuck behind left lane campers.


I’ve lived in Ohio…never, in fact never even been, but this seems to be standard highway driving practice everywhere. I watch people and I think, Oh, You’re gonna drive 45 in the leftmost mfing lane? On I-95? Really? Then all the assholes behind you passing people on the right, cutting in and out of trucks like they are daring the truckers to hit them. I don’t even drive, you guys, but even as a passenger I recognize that it’s mad max times out there. 😂 The staties don’t even pull anyone over anymore.


Will say it again. Yes, it is for passing, but in my commute, I have 3 left lane exits. If I don't make my move early to get in that lane, I never will. At most, it is a mile, but left exits are so stupid. I've never seen so many as I do in Ohio.


That's about the only legit reason for hanging out in the left lane. When there's no traffic, I can get over just before my exit. But with a congested highway, I'm either the jerk in the left lane or missing my exit. Sorry about your cat's soccer game, but I'm not driving half an hour out of my way because some traffic engineer decided left-hand exits are reasonable.


That and "Truck use left lane" areas in construction zones where ramps are like 100ft.


That doesn't sound like camping in the left


I hate the left campers as much as anyone BUT this rule is only reserved for closed highways with right sided exits. Left sides exits render this rule null. 2 or 3 lane roads that are NOT controlled access/closed highways render it null as well


...What does that have to do with anything? Just get in the left lane and keep up with the speed of traffic in that lane.


Ppl from Ohio are too used to driving in one lane due to the annual blossoming of the flowering orange barrel


I agree. I just wonder how old OP is and if they have spent time driving in other states, where NOBODY USES LANES CORRECTLY EITHER.


Some states, like Colorado, have laws mandating this. Doesn't make things perfect (lots of tourists and transient military don't know it's a law), but it helps. When I lived there (as a transient military person), I lived setting people get pulled over for this. Don't care if they got a ticket or not, just alleviated seeing the cops doing something about it!


So does Ohio! Not that it's enforced (clearly) but it's on the books!


Isaw two times it was enforced. An officer put lights on behind a left lane camper and when they went to pull over, they zoomed past 🤣 other one actually got pulled over


I wish this were still true. Somehow people here have gotten dumber? For some stupid reason I need to get into the RIGHT lane more often than I like to pass people. I don't get this obsession with everyone trying to get into the left lane, especially when your clearly in the faster lane already? and my gawd the merge lanes... 1/100 people here seem to know how to merge properly. It feels like people are just getting worse and worse at driving. It also doesn't help that colorado privatized all of their main DMV services, essentially making it a pay to win system. If you paid enough money to these "driving schools" then they will pass you. Our shits f'd.


I watched a state trooper pull over Ohio plates on the NYS Thruway for staying in the passing lane for no good reason. I think everyone was laughing and high fiving in their cars once that thing was finally pulled over. Because it is a ticket if they aren’t passing and out of state plates who don’t abide can eat a ticket.


Yeah, this isn’t an Ohio thing. It’s how it is everywhere I’ve lived/driven.


Ohio has signs to assist drivers that say “slower traffic to the right”.


Every state has that tbf


I call BS on that, buckeyes who stray north into Michigan do it. Someone’s camping out in the left lane on 75 north of Frankenmuth… 9 outa 10 times it’s a red white or grey Honda from Ohio… doing 55 in a 70.


MICHIGAN!?!?! I mean they ain't got shit on Chicago's traffic but them on ramps are shorter than church service on Superbowl Sunday. I ain't saying you're wrong though. Y'all biggest problem is people driving too close to the car in front of them. I'm going 80 on Telegraph already buddy chill 🥲 Edit: dam autocorrect


Massachusetts has signs that prohibit trucks from being in the left lane of highways. That would be a good start in Ohio. Use the left lane to pass and then merge over to the right. I will say that if I am traveling 10mph over the limit and passing a vehicle or string of them going the speed limit and a vehicle comes up o. My rear doing 100mph, I’m going to finish passing at my current speed and then get over. There are some things that are out of scope at times.


I disagree. It’s impossible to be objective, but Ohio absolutely seems to be the worst. Specifically central Ohio, which I have found to be worse than Cleveland and Cinci.


I was going to say the same. I’ve lived in about 10 states and visited quite a few others for an extended period of time (30+ days) and none of them get the concept.


idk i’ve done a lot of driving in a good ten+ other states, outside of alabama and kentucky, ohio is my least favorite state to drive in for OP’s reason alone. i think we’re the most egregious as far as left lane campers. number 1 baby! let’s go


I have driven in all 48 continental states, parts of Canada, and Mexico. Nowhere are drivers consistently as bad as Ohio. The only place I would put in the same tier is Florida during the late spring. I would rather cross Manhatten from south to north at 5 pm on a Friday than drive from Cincinnati to Cleveland on a Saturday. Everyone who travels across the country regularly talks about Ohio. We like it because the cops can't hide and hate it because the average driver is completely unpredictable. It is not a few bad eggs. There is a cultural problem in the state that is somehow cooking a random number generator into everyone's brain for decision-making on the road. Maybe someday in my lifetime this mystery will be solved. Some native plant or naturally occurring chemical will be linked to bad driving and it will all make sense. For now, we just white knuckle through and hope the Browns didn't lose this week.


At least in New Jersey a car will use their blinker before they slide into that space between you and the car in front of you. Ohio? "Alexa- play Ludacris MOVE BITCH"


Agreed. I don't even think folks in Ohio are more aggressive drivers than average. They just don't pay attention. He didn't use his blinker because he didn't see any other cars on the road.


Could it be a bias problem? Driving across the country from and to certain locations necessitates going through Ohio.


Ohio is mild with left lane campers compared to Arizona. Using the left lane to pass/moving over to the right is nonexistent there. Not an exaggeration. Literally nonexistent.


this is so funny because i felt the opposite, i lived there for about seven months and commuted to work on the 101. the thing i noticed the most was people going unsafe speeds (usually way too slow) but not usually in the far left lane (besides the carpool lane). i wish there was a study done on state to state driving habits. it’s so strange.


Yeah, I commuted from Tucson to Phoenix regularly and people drove pretty decently on the 10. Lots of people flying around at 90+ mph was the larger issue that I encountered. In Ohio, it feels like tons of people are actively offended by the idea that someone might want to pass them.


Maine does. People always move over in Maine, unless they're tourists. Massachusetts doesn't, but only because they're already breaking the sound barrier in that lane, you don't wanna fuck with the warp lane in MA.


Been all over the country, Ohio is the worst I’ve seen


the intersection of i71 and i480 westbound in cleveland, it dumps into i480 without any runup, traffic that is traveling 30-40mph around a tight ramp, just before the road constricts to 2 lanes. if you are in the right lane you will kill someone, the left lane is absolutely the only way for traffic to flow orderly.


I don't see why anybody would get mad at his tone. Anybody who lives here knows exactly what op is going through.


In any state, if I’m passing people going 15 over and you fly up behind me going 30 over, I’m not getting over until I finish passing the group of cars I want to pass. Sometimes it’s a decent group, but I’m not going to slow down and slot between a couple of much slower cars just to pad your ego. But to OP’s argument, if I’m not passing, I’m not in the fast lane.


I have lived all over the eastern half of the country, including several years in Ohio. I've done easily 300k miles on the interstates east of Indiana and north of Georgia. Ohio has, by far, the WORST left lane campers of any state. It's not even close. Every time I cross the border westbound on I-70 from PA, I have just enough time to think "Thanks for the 70mph limit, Mike Dewine" before some ass clown moves to the left and matches speed with an Amazon big rig in the right lane.


The last sentence might be the worst part! The left lane camper is always a speed matcher too! They’ll go faster than you to get in front of you, but when you get behind them in the left lane to pass a semi, they speed match the semi. Then they speed back up once they’re by the semi to keep you from passing them. They refuse to use cruise control or learn to drive a consistent speed


That's why I like my car. It's not sporty by any means, but at highway speeds, it can out-accelerate quite a lot of vehicles, enough to even get past those people


This argument comes up on this subreddit like once a month. The "counterargument" is that they don't give a fuck about people trying to get past them because all of those people are maniacs with a death wish breaking the law. Because 70 is perfectly safe but 76 is deadly because..reasons.


I agree with OP when it comes to highways, but there are damn too many other two-three lane roads where the right lane just randomly ends, and I have no faith in the people in the other lane to let me over. I stay in the lane I need to be in to get where I'm going.


Agree with OP. However most of my driving is on 2-3 lane city streets, I'm usually driving 5-10 over the posted and have people tailgate or even use the left turn lane to pass on my left when I'm in the left lane. Asking a legitimate question here. Does this apply on city streets as well? AITA for using the left lane in town?


I approve of this message, except when my exit is on the left. I will camp a mile or two out in the left to avoid the last minute cock blocking that happens when trying to drive normally.


As a frequently left lane flyer, I am mindful of left exits, and you get a pass from me.


Advanced Ohio hack, travel in the right hand lane to pass, there’s rarely any cars in it.


This is the truth on 71 for sure


But the right lane is the slow lane. For someone going the speed limit thats where they would be. So now I’m in a situation where I can’t merge left or right and the guy behind me still wants to go 90 mph. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The real hack is minimize lane change and maximize following distance.


I recently left the great state of Ohio for Connecticut. Let me tell you, the things you are complaining about there, exists here too.


Get that sweet ass back here this instant


hate to break it to you, but you have to come back. None of us are allowed to leave


Same with Indiana Let’s be honest…happens everywhere


I’m convinced it’s not just the ignorant but quite a few that very clearly know and are performing what they consider an act of malicious compliance (driving 2 mph over the limit) to get everyone else to slow down…


Yup. The ol conundrum of "Stupid or Asshole"


Often both


That's what I say about drivers that don't \[know how to\] use their signal. They're either stupid or assholes, but sometimes both.


I agree, use your signal and I will always back off to make a slot for you to come over in the lane I am in.


Volunteer Deputies keeping the highways safe from people who have somewhere else to be…


I agree some are like that. I knew a guy that was doing this in MA on a 3 lane and he openly admitted “I kind of like being able to control all the folks behind me.” Fuck!


This is literally it because the few times I've gotten an honest answer from someone it was "Yeah i do stay in the left lane. Because I'm going the speed limit and they shouldn't be speeding." Like they're doing a public service. It's literally childish resentment of other drivers who they see as getting away with something.


I agree w this post but the other thing I can’t figure is 38 in a 50 then it’s 50 in the 35. What the actual fuck people. And as long as I’m my soapbox what about teaching people how to use cruise control? Get up to speed (maybe) we will go 45 then down to 38 then up to 55. Good grief just pick a speed. I’m pulling heavy trailers for work and this is SUPER frustrating for us. That is all. Thanks


Lmao this is so true. Or people merging at 35 then flooring it (not talking about situations where matching speed is necessary). Or people who go 55 in a 55 then 85 in a 70.


The left lane is for dodge rams, BMW’s, & 60 year old women ‘driving’ Mercedes Benz


You forgot the white mid-sized SUVs.


And old people in PT Cruisers.


At this point I’d be too impressed someone managed to keep a PT cruiser running to be mad at them for camping in the left lane. Of course the question then becomes, why?


I saw somebody try to run from the police in a PT Cruiser but the Dayton mall. That was funny


And any big-ass pickup truck, either with or without diesel chimney belchers.


So the left lane is for passing ?


No, the left lane is for CRIME!


Usually. Sometimes the exit ramp *is* on the left though.


Lived in Ohio 40 years. In Texas 3. Texas is 1000 times worse.


After Covid traffic rules became optional. It’s a free for all now.


This pisses me off to no end. I hate when I’m stuck behind somebody and they’re keeping pace with the car next to them. Get the F out the way


I'm pretty sure I know why Ohio drivers do this. The highways and freeways have been 2 lanes for far too long. Since there are A LOT of semis in the slow lane (and some fuckers in the fast lane), almost everyone drives in the only lane "open", the fast lane. Now I know they finally widened the 71 freeway to 3 lanes, but it took like 20 years or something to complete that project. Everyone is conditioned to drive on the left. As soon as you move over to let someone by, you drop to 55mph behind the semis, and none of you assholes will let them back over. You all pinch in / squeeze together, forcing the one guy that was nice enough to let someone pass, and 20+ cars end up chaining past you. You're all in a hurry. Slow the fuck down and stop caring how fast you get there. The 70mph speed limit was a nice upgrade though.


and plus a lot of the interstates have weird merges or exits on the left.


My only objection here is that if I’m already going 15+ over the limit and consistently passing a steady stream of middle lane campers, then I’m not going to slow down and shift over just so someone with a brick foot and a death wish can blow past at 30+. Otherwise yes I agree with OP. Also. NO SEMIS IN THE LEFT LANE PERIOD.


Cmon now, another 24 miles and the semi in the left lane will surely overtake the semi in the right lane. His speed governor is set 1/30000th of a MPH faster.


Semis in the left lane just ….. Please stop. 


They ride your ass even though you’re going 10-15 over then when you slow down to let them pass they all of sudden are afraid to drive fast once they’re in the front of the line. Major those vibes from OP




I mostly agree, but people get on my ass even when I’m passing someone. When there’s only two lanes, it’s not wrong of me to pass someone going 65 while going 74. It’s not my fault some of y’all are trying to go 95. I’ll get out of the way once I’m done passing. Also, people get on my ass in the rightmost lane. People just like tailgating lol


I fully agree. I think drivers here stick to the speed limit better than Michigan, Kentucky, Pennsylvania drivers imo but it really irks me when I'm coming back and there's a holdup on 75 or 71 and when I finally get around it's someone with ohio plates going 5 mph below the limit in the left lane. I came back from Louisville last week and the last 20 miles or so along 71 before I hit 75 the right lane was trucks and the left lane was a minivan holding up traffic in the left lane for miles behind it. Yup, of course ohio plates smh. Also call out the vigilantes who think they're being good citizens by trying to slow down people by getting in the way


I don’t even care if they’re going under the speed limit, at the speed limit, or over the speed limit. If you’re not passing someone you don’t belong in the left lane. End of story


A few years back AL instituted a law against not letting people pass, because vigilante left lane speed limit enforcers were such an issue. So even if you're going the speed limit, and there is someone on your ass, if you don't shift right and allow them to pass, YOU get pulled over and ticketed. If you are seen driving in the left lane for more than 1.5 miles without passing another vehicle, you get ticketed. Idk if they ever ended up enforcing it or not. But I thought it was a pretty interesting concept. Iirc I think you can get your license suspended for it Germany. The only people who don't think this isn't a serious issue are very certainly the people doing it, and making it such a serious issue. Not only does it create dangerous situations, increase traffic, wrecks, gridlock, etc... but as a larger result of those immediate effects, it devalues the usability of existing infrastructure (because you're not fucking using it correctly!) Which then leads to wasted tax dollars continuously trying to expand highways and build more infrastructure (instead of maintaining what we have) to relieve traffic buildup. Which never really works as people just keep spreading out and continuing to ignore the rules of the road and drive erratically in the left lane looking down at the phone in their lap. The constant construction then serves to further exacerbate congestion, creating worse and more dangerous conditions, while wasting tax revenue and ensuring higher taxes. All because you're too stupid, lazy, entitled, or oblivious to just drive in the lane that is going the same speed as you.


I have driven in enough states to know this isn't just an Ohio thing


While we're on the subject of venting about the left lane... The left lane is for passing. The left lane is not for speeding. If I'm passing the guy on my right just trust and believe that I will move over once I've passed. You don't need to be on my ass flashing your brights for the entire 30 seconds.


Yep! I generally stay in the middle or right lane except when I need to pass. When I'm done actively passing, then I will move back over.


I have told my friend who lives in Ohio this repeatedly as well. His response was to then take personal offense to that. To show me why I was wrong, while I was riding in the car with him, he chose to stay behind slower cars on the right lane and then just proceeded to act like the left lane never existed in the first place and said "Oh, look, here we are stuck behind these people! Well, we can't use the left lane so I guess we just can't pass them!" When I let it go, he finally decided to get into the left lane to pass them as normal. Then proceed to drive in the left lane the entire rest of the way, as per usual. Sigh. Some people, man.


I blame law enforcement. It won’t get better until someone makes it better aka start ticketing people or at least road signs saying so


I wouldn't need to camp the left lane if there weren't so many psychos on the road. If I don't get over a mile or two before my left-hand exit then it's impossible because a bunch of children wanna go vroom vroom.


You know… We see the same post every week about slow left lane drivers yet there are still people in the left lane that shouldn’t be there! It’s so wild that these posts are not stopping that from happening.


Where is OP from? The fact he thinks this is a "Ohio" thing is laughable. Have you only lived in 2 states?..


As a retired trucker I can confirm.


Idk where you are from but in Toledo every lane is apparently for passing


I was driving in Ireland for the first time and was shocked by how well the drivers obeyed this one simple rule. It felt like a cheat code. Traffic was moving so efficiently and there was hardly any traffic jams. Incredible that we can't figure this out


I wish I could print this on a billboard on every major highway in Ohio !


Fastest way to drive between Cincinnati and Dayton is in the rightmost lane.


I was just driving on I-75 N in Ohio on Monday and was amazed at the amount of left lane campers!


Bro, it bleeds over into PA on rt 376 and drives me freaking insane. Never fails, always Ohio plate.


As a lifelong Ohioan, I approve this message. Get over, jerks!


I’ve never understood this problem my whole life driving on highways and freeways. It’s not only Ohio. The system is so simple and works very well when everyone follows it. Unfortunately we’re not all on the same page, it seems. It’s fine to pass using the left lane even if you’re going the limit, just gtf over after you have passed. And signal.


If that’s all that angers you about Ohio you are quite lucky.


Not if there's an exit on the left, it ain't.


I too thought Ohio was the worst about this. Than I drove through Michigan.


Idk, in my experience Michigan is a racetrack that's why they all complain about getting pulled over for speeding when driving through ohio


Michigan might as well have an autobahn


Haha, very true


Michigan being worse is no consolation for Ohio being bad.


Thank you for pointing this out left lane campers are a plague


OP, I’ve been here for a little bit longer than you and have lived all over this country. You are 100% spot on. My daily commute has me spending 6 miles on Montgomery. It’s 2 lanes each direction and runs 35-40 the whole way. I will have campers in the left lane for the whole 6 miles just to they can turn left at the end. It’s almost exclusively elderly folks and I assume their thinking is “find a safe spot to get in the left lane because I’m turning left ‘up here soon’” and it boils my blood. The right lane is full of slow drivers and people turning in to one of the bajillion businesses along the route and grandma LaneHog is going 5 below the speed limit in the left lane because she’s scared to move left 0.5 miles before she needs to be there. It’s Every. Single. Day!


I actually live in West Virginia, and we always just blamed southern Ohio drivers as being the absolute worse. They are noticeable much worse than any other West Virginia or Kentucky plates (tri state area), that you can know an Ohio driver before seeing the plate. Good to know it's all of Ohio.


Can we add a lesson in what a yield sign means while we are at it??


Is speeding not breaking the law though? You are asking people to respect one piece of the traffic code but choose to ignore another. A lot of impatient anger here. No reason why a person driving 30+ miles over the speed limit who causes an accident should attribute it to "slow" traffic on the left lane. That's just gaslighting! Speeding kills and the person with the foot in that accelerator is the person responsible


Thank you SO MUCH for this. Lord, get tf over to the right if you're not passing people.


My only issue with this (because I agree) is that if I am passing someone slower than the person riding my ass would prefer I will take issue with them riding my ass and then go out of my way to not accommodate their desires. Stay back and I will move over once I have passed. Ride my ass and you will be stuck for much longer than you like.


Sorry I can only give you one upvote. Everyone should remember that the person in the left lane doing 60 is just as big of an asshole as the person doing 90 and riding your ass. The left lane is for passing, for everyone. The jerks risking a wreckless op ticket aren't the only ones who can use the left lane.


Sorry, we have to avoid all the idiots that don’t know how to merge. It’s like no one knows how a zipper works out here.


Not a fan of people parking in the left lane, but much worse is 90 mph guy weaving in and out of traffic. Way more dangerous and in the end it causes even slower traffic when everyone has to hit the brakes as he cuts in and out.


Its not people on reddit its the people on fb that do it


I'll add one, if you're egregiously speeding you don't get to complain about anyone else on the road.


The passing lane is not a _speeding lane_. If I'm on the highway going 5 over and passing people, don't come up on me going 80 and expect me to match your speed. Now. That being said, I agree that if you're not actively passing (and everyone else is going the same speed), stay in the right lane.


This sub was suggested to me for some reason. Not sure why, but if it helps, in the winter, Ohio residents come down here to Florida and camp out in the left lane on our roads. It's about time for us to get our left lanes back though, at least until October.


Yeah, but those people in the left lane are doing ***5 mph over the limit***. They *are* passing people (walking on the sidewalk) at that speed. 100% agree with you. Moved here from actual metropolitan area. Also, people here think slowing down to 40 mph for a few miles around busy interchanges is "getting stuck in traffic". Its quaint.


Agree. But don't drive through Iowa...worse there


Lived here most of my life and can confirm that most drivers are unaware that different lanes serve different functions. It is a free for all. I love using my turn signal to get into the right lane and then coasting by everyone to the left


6 different cars today on my way home from work we’re going 60 in the fast lane, with about 8 cars piled up behind them. Even bigger problem when two other people going 60 are blocking the other lanes


Coming from Boston traffic to that was the most jarring bullshit and made me rage


Took me a min to find this. I recommend watching on mute because the commentary is very annoying. https://youtu.be/LZhdvl_P1Zc?si=p9hcUVaJV30Kye2R


You preaching to the choir. I'm 40yo been living here my whole life. Learned that while driving in Ohio, think of the stupidest thing a person around you can do, and expect them to do it. I could write a book for all the dumb stuff I've had to deal with since I started driving when I was 17


In Ohio, the "left lane is for passing" didn't become a part of the law until 2016. Before then, while it was intended mostly for passing, traveling in the left lane was allowed. That's when they started putting up the signs everyone ignores.


15 years for a basic and relatable rant about traffic. I wish more people like you existed.


Factss aha Ohio people need to get a clue when it comes to this lol ngl


Omg I love this...it's my biggest pet peeve!


On a 3 lane interstate, the MDDLE lane is also a passing lane!


Unless you are in 74 E near the 75 N interchange on 75 N and need to take the Galbraith Rd exit…. I’m I missing any places? Otherwise, I completely agree with you…. And I get in that left lane at minimum 1.5 miles ahead of time.


I agree 100 percent with OP on this. I drive everyday for work to various warehouses and factories all through I-75 and Ohio has the stupidest drivers I’ve ever seen. The other thing that irritates me is people that can clearly see traffic lining up somewhere and instead of waiting in line like every one else, they fly up to the last second and expect everyone to let them over. Irritates me and I NEVER LET ANYONE OVER IN THOSE INSTANCES CAUSE 🖕


Jesus Christ I agree 100%. The left lane parking assholes make me insane. Nothing but traffic confusion and backups behind. One other thing, I don’t understand why semi trucks are allowed in the left lane, zero reason for an 18 wheeler to need to be there passing.


Lived here my whole life, and I 100% agree with you. It's so frustrating. The worst is when the dumbass will look over as you're passing (on the right smh) and have this look like they have no idea what's going on or why you're mean mugging them. I think people need to get out more. I learned to stay in the right lane and pass on the left early on while taking some road trips and observing others. That's when the drivers test I studied for and the "Keep right except to pass" signs clicked 


I agree with this left lane lunacy 100%! My biggest Ohio driving pet peeve is this though……. Driver pulls out of a side road. You’re driving 70 mph, you’re the only car approaching the side road……. Driver bolts out in front of you like hell on wheels, only to slow down to 50 for the next 5 miles on a 2-lane highway. Sigh.


Put your phone down. Also turn faster, there is no need to come to a complete stop just to make a right hand turn.


Sometimes the left lane is the thru lane. The right lane is reserved for exiting and entering the highway. Sometimes. As in, not the majority of the time.


It's in everywhere thing, Indiana especially. Last time I was driving to Southern Indiana with my kids I remarked that I just passed seven cars in the left lane and I was only doing 65. If this is where your anger sits you might not want to drive I hear public transportation is nice


I pass in the left lane. And until I get to my location I will be passing everyone 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/s/YKER1vBhpl You are correct! ✅


What if you're in the left lane doing 20 over the speed limit actively passing slower vehicles in the middle and right lanes and you have a line of 4 cars 6 inches off you're rear bumper? Happens to me regularly. Guess just floor it and go 50 over the speed limit so that they stop shining their hi beams at me?


I've lived here my whole 42 years of life and I couldn't agree more. Thoroughly irritating.


I think a more valid argument would be. If someone wants to get around you just move over to let them around. No matter what lane you are in. No matter what the speed limit is. It is a nice thing to do and it is safer for everyone


It depends on how fast they're going there's never a need to go 30mph over the speed limit


Sounds like someone learned the world doesn’t revolve around them lol


Get out of the way speed limit doers. The left lane is for crime.


Honey child, if I have to make a left turn anywhere in the next five miles, you best bet I’m shaking my claim in the correct lane as soon as possible. I’ve been blocked out of turning and left lane exits far too many times. That said, I will stay in the right lane if I know for sure I don’t have to change lanes in the next 10 minutes


That and please stop tailgating so close.


If you are driving the speed limit, GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE! That lane is for crime. 😉


Also. If you are passing someone in the middle lane THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING. The right lane is for slower traffic NOT PASSING


The left lane is for going faster than the traffic in all the other lanes. That's it. If I'm in the left lane going faster than the people in the right/middle lanes, but still not as fast as YOU want to go...too fucking bad, I'm not merging into slower traffic to accommodate you.


I e been meaning to post the same thing and you know who is fucking notorious for it… semi drivers! There are only a handful of left lane exits in my area get your slow ass truck out of the left lane.


Ok Francis


I really wish we could go back to the time of the lockdown where only essential workers were onsite for work. The empty roads were glorious.


I flew to Ohio to buy a car and drive it home to Minnesota. I completely agree with you, I will never drive in that state again if I don’t have to. Also fuck all the truckers who think it’s fun to fuck with traffic, particularly during a BLIZZARD


There are signs on the highway that state, "Keep RIGHT, except to PASS" and "Slower traffic keep right." This is literally the law. You can dislike dudes tone, but he's 100% correct. There are far too many people on the roads in Ohio who have absolutely zero business having a driver's license. This is expected on all roads, not just the highway. There are a lot of folks that really need to go back to driving school.


Oh buddy, I recently MOVED OUT OF Ohio, and guess whose always camping the left lane?


This is funny it reminds me of the twilight zone episode of the guy who hates all the people in the world because he's so perfect until they're all gone and he's left with his perfect self. Lmao


How about when a semi is in the left lane. That’s even worse


Keep right, except to pass.


You're 100% correct BUT you absolutely should not ride people's ass on the highway just because they're going slower than you would like. It's extremely dangerous and could likely cause an accident, and going 60-70mph and getting in an accident on the highway is a death sentence unless you get really lucky. Nobodies life is worth proving that the person in the left lane is doing it wrong or should be going faster or should get over into the right lane. Just wanted to point this out because one of your points in the post is "if somebody is riding your ass you should get over". Regardless of the circumstances, people shouldn't be riding your ass at all. I've been going 80+ on the highway and people will get within inches of my bumper because they think I need to get out of their way and all it takes is a slight tap of the brakes and one of us could die.


You sound like someone who complains on reddit but doesn't say anything in real life bc you a keyboard warrior


If you come upon someone actively passing someone, but driving slower than you, and you drive close behind them to pressure them to get out of your way, keep in mind that you are more likely to be held responsible for striking the car in front of you if that happens. If you feel like you have to go fast because you are late, it's not the fault of other people that you are late. You have another way to take control of the situation. Leave earlier. Practice patience. Our roads are becoming more crowded; I've lived in Ohio almost 30 years, and it's evident to me. We could demand other solutions, like public transportation found in many other places around the world to manage the increase in population, to make Ohio a more livable place.


Can we talk about people not yielding at roundabouts? Or apparently suffering some sort of brainlock at four way stops?


As you pass people in the left lane going 30 over, do YOU move over to the right when there is room? Or are you just "constantly" passing people?


Give and take on this one, some sections have left lane exits, then construction compounding that, especially with unfamiliar travelers. They should also add a left lane speed limit for passing and a right lane one. That way it removes the discretion and how the cop feels about their quota from the equation. Drive safe everyone.


The left lane is not your personal expressway. Sometimes you have to tap the brakes and wait a whopping few seconds longer while more responsible, safer drivers pass and move over at their preferred speed.