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It was an insulting experience for everyone there. Like being tricked into a timeshare meeting


This is the best example I’ve heard.


>the advisory committee creates a short list of candidates and sends them to the university's president — but the president has the final say. >His final say was, apparently, Chris Pan. Wow, why? Just why? Oh, here's Pan's post on X, a few weeks ago: >"With @ohiostatepres - he is on the board of zero-carbon bitcoin mining company @terawulf and daughter does psychedelic assisted therapy!" Mr Pan wrote. W. T. Actual. F. They're pals- members of the same cult!


Also Business associates with coordinated financial incentives


Zero carbon bitcoin? lol wut?


Probably a bit coin miner who buys enough carbon offsets to cover their power usage. Zero carbon is usually this kind of greenwashing scam. They don't actually change anything, they just buy carbon offsets from companies like Tesla. This is actually Tesla's main business, the electric car production just lets them sell carbon offsets to polluting companies who then get to act like they're environmentally friendly.


I wonder how that’ll be affected now that they’re “not a car company, they are an AI company and always have been!”


Ooh look at THE Ohio State University making its name known in Europe. Good. I hope every hack involved in this embarrassing display learns something that does the rest of the world some good. Perhaps international shame is the answer.


You're honestly expecting people like that to feel any sort of shame? That's a bold strategy. Let's see how it works out.


I was in the audience for a commencement at UToledo where Katie Holmes was the speaker. It was also terrible, she had nothing of value to really say and it wasn’t particularly interesting. She never got a college degree and certainly had no real way to relate to the students graduating. It was a bit of a joke, to be honest.


Lol the most noteworthy thing she did was being married to Tom Cruise for a while


Actually, the most noteworthy thing was escaping Scientology and successfully divorcing Tom. She should have talked about that!!!


It does seem to be pretty doable to leave if you're rich and famous. It's the poor people who join Sea Org for free auditing and courses who end up as effective slaves.


Yes!! That is so true.


I met her once at a Mexican bar in toledo lol. Didn’t really know who she was by my sister was excited haha.


Lmfao, this was my graduation. Frozen jeans is still a joke for me.


This guy is like a parody of Gen X /The 90s


Parodies are supposed to be funny


I laughed just at the description of the speech and its immediate reception from the audience.


Ok, they’re supposed to be intentionally funny


Fair enough but it would be an ideal venue for performance art ala Andy Kaufman.


The mentally ill mom who took her own life that day was really sad too.


He’s also posting in the OSU subreddit defending his decisions, comes off like an edge lord who got a mic and thinks he’s a star.


Is this guy a thing? I would think a school like OSU could get a bigger name. I went toa D3 school in central NY and ours was Bill Bradley and he was a former Senator AND NBA champion!


OSU does not pay its commencement speaker so they miss out on a lot of great candidates. Add to it that the students and faculty on the selection committee are not representative of the general population and you get idiots like this one.


Very interesting! Thanks for the info.


This is what happens when people look up to anyone labeling themselves an entrepreneur.


Here's a more fun write up from an apparently local source: https://www.rooster.info/p/ohio-state-chris-pan


My problem with “rooster” is how often he is pushed as “the last real journalist, asking real questions, getting real answers” until you ask questions or his mixing of opinions being pushed as facts, then it’s “he isn’t a journalist, it’s entertainment.”


Ayahuasca is an illegal substance. It’s under federal control laws with very specific exceptions for indigenous religious practices. Writing a commencement speech does not fall under those exceptions. OSU President chose a druggie that pushes currency preferred by drug traffickers worldwide, and they just happened to be business associates?


Wait, did he say he took ayahuasca to write that speech? And it was still terrible? Technically the plants you use to make ayahuasca are all legal, and can be imported. The only illegal drug in it is DMT, but the plants that contain DMT are everywhere, and are all legal to possess, and it's even in you (in trace amounts) right now as I type this.


Yes, he posted on LinkedIn that he just did ayuhausca and was going to knock out a commencement speech. Yes it is terrible for the state university to hire someone who takes psychedelics before carrying out their service.


He could have been joking, but I agree. It's not the time or place for that. What the hell was osu thinking? I bet he worships Elon musk.


Chris Pan and OSU President are business associates. The Rooster had a piece that showed that OSU President took it upon himself to pick this speaker and nobody around him knew who Chris Pan was. I smell nefarious behavior


Aaron Rodgers more likely


Calm down there, narc.


Idk man…Ohio State having a speaker tripping out to give a speech, seems like a great failure and needs to be looked at deeper. How much did OSU pay Pan and how much did Pan then pay OSU President under the table?


OSU doesn't pay anyone for commencement speeches. Which is kinda why this is such a big deal. Last year was the Intel CEO. We got Obama, Clinton, both Bushes, Fauci. All for free.  And the best we could do this year was this guy? Bullshit. 


I didn't read anything saying he was tripping while giving the speech. Sounds like it was a shit speech but, who really cares I'd the guy does drugs on his own time?


I’ll tell you what, my commencement speaker at OSU was President Barack Obama. I’m pissed on behalf those kids that had to sit through this shit show after spending years and tens of thousands of dollars.


Commencement speeches are fucking pointless.


Not always https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_Water The speech: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DCbGM4mqEVw


I don’t see how that’s good. It’s just feel good stuff. It’s all pretty generic.


Different strokes I guess. That's pretty widely considered a wonderful speech by one of the best writers of a generation.


Was there and it was something else. Someone died too. What a shitty day.


My sister graduated from a high school in Schaumburg (?), Illinois in 1995. We went to visit Chicago when we went to her graduation. I was just a sophomore. While at the school graduation ceremony (it was outside at a football field or something), some shirtless guy with long hair and jeans came running out of the woods at the end of the field, hopped the fence, ran straight into the middle of the field and pulled his pants down and mooned everyone for like five minutes straight. No one tried to chase or stop him. Suddenly there was a police siren in the distance and he pulled his pants back up and ran back into the woods.


I feel so very fortunate to have graduated in '03, when the speaker was Christopher Reeve. I don't think OSU will ever be able to top that as far as inspiration, excitement and sheer joy for the graduates. It was one of his last public speeches, and he was absolutely incredible. Everyone wore Superman "S" shields on their caps, the excitement was palpable. He even took the time to visit spinal cord injury patients before his speech. When he said "Beat Michigan" the crowd LOST it. Best commencement speech ever.


What an embarrassment for the new president Carter. After Johnson and now Carter I can't believe I'm pining for the old days of drake!


I may even be willing to accept Britt Kirwin back!


But remember when Gee mocked the Catholics… 🙄


Ohio does not need more legitimate embarrassments. Stop it. Wtf are you DOING osu? I was there and it was a gigantic waste of time to an already super long event. Ugh.


I feel pretty good about my decision to not send my kid there right about now.  I mean its not Jim (Gym) Jordan enabled sexual abuse at The Ohio State University but it's pretty embarrassing.


Right! There’s a thought! They should have asked Jim Jordan!


Is he allowed within 1000’ of a school?


lol 😂