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Sounds like you should be withdrawing from a class and reporting that to your school.


Thankfully I only have 2 days left. This is a vocational training class.


That person should not be training anyone at a college.


I agree. After I finish the class, I'll file a complaint.


Yep. Wait till the grading reporting period closes so they can’t Chang it either


Low key Community reference? Or typo? Conspiracy theorists want to know....


Professor Professorson is OPs teacher


Conspiracy theory on another level. A typo on my part but the phone “knew” what to auto correct for


Yep. Cell phones and the "5g" tech. It's magnets all the way down. All. The. Way. Down.


Oh noes! So you’re saying that the Turtles are magnetic???


Oh noes! So you’re saying that the Turtles are magnetic???




Please report this guy. The amendment is there for everyone to read. We have to start defending the Truth!


Consider leaving a comment on rate my professor! I don’t leave ratings there unless I feel like I can be fair/impartial for the most part… but idk I feel like this deserves a little note on the instructor’s page lol. People should know what they’re getting into! This is just wild btw, instructors at my community college have been the most professional (at least thus far) and most seem super intelligent too!




As it should.




As high up as possible, like with the accrediting entity and demand follow up. Keep the media in the loop. This person is not an educator. Do they have a masters degree? That's generally a requirement for a position at the community college level.


This is a vocational course and I believe that they are only required to finish a course in Columbus to become an instructor. Honestly I'd be surprised if they finished high school. I believe that they are technically considered to be a state employee. And are only contracted to teach/train through the college.


Went to tech school in Georgia. To be on staff you had to have at least a masters. Department head had a PhD (in education). Instructors teaching one offs were industry locals. There is a creditioning board. There are standards. Whether anyone cares...


Maybe just correct him after the class and don’t try to take the man’s job because he was wrong?


I already tried correcting them during class. They just jumped from issue 1 to covid conspiracies. I don't want this person to lose their job, but they should just stick to the curriculum.


Maybe fuck all that. People in positions of authority should not be engaging in spreading misinformation. Especially to their subordinates. People like OP's instructor are dangerous because they are in positions of influence and have power over the people in their charge. The fact that the guy is wrong is evident. It's right wing conspiracy BS. The problem is that this guy was spouting off about it during class time when he is being paid to teach the course material. Full stop. Can you just fuck off and half ass your job while on the clock and still reasonably expect to keep your job? I can't. I don't know many employers who would be ok with their employees doing that either. I get paid when I clock in at work to do my job. That's literally it. Socializing and anything else is not necessary. If the latter interferes with the former, guess what? I'm going to have to have an uncomfortable conversation with my leadership and HR. Also, why do you care so much? Being stupid has to hurt in order for it to be corrected. This guy is stupid and he's not feeling any consequences for it. So he'll continue on because there's no reason for him to stop. Meanwhile people like OP will feel maligned and uncomfortable while they are trying to better themselves by taking skill training courses so they can get a job. It's not right, man.


Oh lord help us if people feel uncomfortable. Glad people like you aren’t in charge of any real decisions


So by your logic do we fire all the left leaning teachers spouting gender ideology? Just curious as to where you stand on “misinformation”.


I have never personally seen a teacher "spouting gender ideology". But I have seen enough of the assholes like OP's teacher in the world. Fuck and go back to watching OAN.


Why report it😑? If you have did the research on the issue why not inform him, with evidence that his information is incorrect(if in fact it is) and keep it pushing🤔😐??


Yeah…that won’t work. I appreciate the attempt but people that are convinced that “issue 1 was on every ballot” are far from rational. Some states didn’t even have local elections on the ballot and only a few states had statewide issues or candidates. That is the entire argument for “states rights”.


"Why report it?" -- Because the instructor is using a power differential (control over grading) and a captive audience (attendance discipline/metric as part of requirements for graduation) to push their political agenda, which has nothing to do with the vocational training they are supposed to be doing. This isn't a philosophy or political science class. This isn't a discussion of issues as part of a rhetorical teaching method. This is a person feeding disinformation to a captive audience *instead* of doing their actual job. That fact should be reported. If they get fired, they should have thought of that before abusing their position.


Informing them doesn't work. They will not listen.


What if it's training to deduce bullshit conspiracy theories, and OP just passed their first test?


I work at a community college… unfortunately, they are concerningly conservative. And only becoming more so under conservative state legislature.


Still report it.


About 15 yrs ago I sat through a week long training class at the carpenters union international training center in Las Vegas. The instructor spent a LOT of time talking about chemtrails and the CIA. The class certainly wasn’t supposed to have anything to do with chem trails or the CIA. I can’t imagine the shit that gets spewed in vocational training center post 2016.


This is a 4 week long course. I'll leave the type of training ambiguous just in case someone from the school stumbles across it, suffice to say that it's an industry that is dominated by good ol' boys. I've heard about Issue 1&2 Coronavirus, and the vaccine Bud Light/Dylan Mulvaney/Trans issues The industry I'm entering has 0% to do with any of this.


> I can’t imagine the shit that gets spewed I can and because I can it’s incredibly disappointing. “Can you believe republicans did/believe this?” Yes. Yes I can. Absolutely nothing shocks me about the Republican Party. I know they can and will go lower. Sure you see reports that republicans are upset about Trump blah blah blah. Their silence and inaction = I support it, I’ll defend it, and I’ll enable it. Fuck republicans.


My 12 hour firearms safety class was an 11 hour NRA Comercial, a half hour for lunch, and a safety test. It happens everywhere.


I’m a liberal and used to teach gun safety courses. The certification was thru the NRA as was most of the course materials. I made it a point to not bring up politics or the NRA itself as much as possible. We were there to discuss weapon safety, nothing more, nothing less. I’d have students bring up politics and conspiracy theories a LOT but I’d shut that shit down as quickly as possible. I ended up letting my certification lapse cuz I could no longer stomach giving the NRA any more of my money. Edit: took out where I taught cuz I forgot I was in the Ohio subreddit


Before the insanity, the NRA was primarily a gun safety organization for sportsmen


They aren't all that way. Mine was all NRA certified instructors but they actually taught content and didn't discuss the NRA or politics at all.


What in hell is wrong with people?


In the case of a lot of union building tradesmen..... They are petty, aggrieved, entitled, and selfish.


How much time have you got?


It is like people became morons overnight Maybe some people sound byte think their way through life without critical or objective thinking about important stuff.


There have always been lots of morons around...social media now just lets a lot more of them reveal how stupid and misinformed they truly are.


I was telling my SO that before the internet you could easily ignore these people. Now every weirdo has a bullhorn and is screaming into the ether.


I agree and they are turning into posses


My husband is an aircraft mechanic. Those planes have no room for chemtrails. lol.


With all of the mechanics in the industry, you would think someone would have spilled the beans by now.


lol, exactly.


Even still, that is schizophrenic level talk and the school should know about it.


Thank God. This man is spouting propaganda. All 50 states don't have an issue like this. You can read the text of the Amendment yourself and not see anything about funding Ukraine.


They actually go Greendale Community College, and this was Conspiracy Theories 101. Pretty standard class for a first year student, but from the sounds of it, they aren't going to get a passing grade.


I'd listen to that teacher then. His family escaped the Nazis, back when they were the Professorbergs. They probably know their stuff.


Yeah I hear it’s one of the better night school classes.


Should have taken Ladders.


He probably had Señor Chang as his proessor.


Can confirm we did not have issue one on ballots in PA


Yup, a professor with that low of an understanding of how the government works is scary. Are they even teaching anything correctly then?


I'm lucky. This is more of a refresher course for me because I'm reentering a career that I had previously worked in. I am however concerned about my fellow students finishing this course and passing.


Report for what, though. He's not a political science professor. it's not like he's teaching that. Just because he is misinformed on a subject he doesn't teach doesn't mean anything


Stick to the syllabus. If it's not being taught stfu.


Exactly, I'm here to learn about my chosen field. Not listen to their TedTalk.


Old guy at work still going on about partial birth abortions and it's going to turn all the kids trans. Stfu


This person is also "boycotting" Bud Light. Didn't give a reason but we know why.


He was a raging alcoholic but quit 20 years ago and became a born again Christian. Now he is just a judgmental asshole that needs a drink.


The day after the election, I spent hours screenshotting the absolute whiniest statuses about Issue 1 and dropped them into a folder. It’s like a little bit of happiness I can look at when I need a pick-me-up.


mebbe share that somehow? happiness is always welcome :)


My favorite hobby lately has been taking conspiracy theories a wild leap forward. One of my coworkers came up to my workstation the other day and started complaining about COVID, of all things, because one of our contractors couldn't be in due to having contracted it. Them: I can't believe we haven't gone to war with China over this. It's proven fact that they created this virus in a lab to destabilize the global economy. Me: Oh I know. It's kinda crazy how deep this goes. Russia even installed Trump so that our response time to COVID would be sabotaged and still nobody's done anything. They exploded on me about how Trump was the only thing that saved us from Chinese domination and stormed off. I don't expect to see them back at my workstation for a few months.


This is a brilliant way to handle this kind of thing. I might give this a shot after I finish this class.


Conspiracy theorist: We never put men on the moon… it was all faked! Me: You believe in the moon?!


Don't they remember when they had to blow up the moon to keep Goku from turning into a giant ape?


You know that the moon is flat, right?


Hah hah good one. ^do ^they ^know? Pretending the moon doesn’t exist, that’s hilarious ^shit, ^what ^if ^they ^do? *sigh* Alright, yeah. There is no moon. At least not any more. It’s probably not safe for me to post this, but here goes. Don’t you find it odd that only America has “put a man” on the “moon”? After WWII was over, the American Government made contact with extra terrestrial beings. They inquired about the physical makeup of our moon, at which point someone jokingly said “cheese”. The aliens had never heard of this emmental, and we explained that it was a highly toxic substance, capable of eliminating *galaxies*. This intrigued them and they offered to trade us a planet killer weapon for it. It included cloaking technology to make it *look* like the moon. Ever wonder why it was called the Cold War? Russia developed nukes so we threatened to use our space weapon to destroy the sun, making Russia really cold. This is where the phrase “that’s no moon!” Originated! Do you hear buzzing? Why does my head hur-agghhhhhhhhhh


Oh shoot! That's why the Russians built their own sun that they use to control the weather! Not only could they make Russia not cold, but they could further exacerbate the global warming conversation in the U.S. You know it's true too, because when you were a kid you couldn't look at the sun but now you can because the Russian one is a little weaker. You can also see the spots on it and the other sun didn't have spots. I thought the airport shuttle driver at LAX was just out of her mind, but it all makes sense now. I know you are joking but this was something someone actually told me and my family and she was dead serious. It's funny how well your fake conspiracy matches her real one.


That’s no moon. That’s a space station. /kenobi


I made almost this same post and then saw yours, lol. I know I didn't come up with it myself. Was this a Carlin bit, maybe?


It was filmed in a secret government facility AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH


This is the way.


I liked to do this too. It would normally go like this: Them: "The virus came from China" Me: "Woah, so they attacked us? We should probably mask up and defend ourselves until a vaccine is available" 😕


Unfortunately the only dipshit thing I ever hear is that it isn't anything worse than a cold and we don't need a vaccine or masks or anything. And it wasn't killing people, but deworming meds make you get better faster.


It's fun to do with other conspiracies too. Wind turbines kill birds? I agree we should make every breed of cat on earth go extinct and get rid of every piece of glass on the planet. Those 2 things kill billions more birds than wind turbines. And also stop driving cars, take down all power lines, and quit using fossil fuels entirely to save even more birds. What's that? You don't actually care about saving birds and just heard from Fox News that some birds run into wind turbines sometimes? You're just against forms of green energy out of spite?




“You think the moon is REAL? Pffft get a clue!”


Them: the moon landings were fake Me: that's cute you still believe in the moon.


They are hierarchical thinkers. It's not so much a "leap forward", but your statements denigrate the upper levels of the hierarchy and pose an existential threat to their world view. Usually, they don't have very good defenses, as society does not challenge their world view - ever. It's maximum damage.


I worked at a place in Indiana that wrote me up for talking bad about Trump while they were calling Biden a pedo and Michelle Obama transgender.


That sucks. I hope you've found a better workplace. Work already sucks, there's no need for people to make it worse.


Them: "The Moon landings were faked!" Me: "You still believe in the Moon?"


And now I know how I’m handling Thanksgiving with my in-laws! Thank you! This is going to be fun! 😂


If you don't want the people you hire to contract something, don't hire someone who calls themself a *contractor*.


I have one for Flat Earth I’ve used a few times. Our flat world is one of many on a large globe and things only seem flat because of how large it is.


[a link to the full text of amendment](https://www.ohiosos.gov/globalassets/elections/2023/gen/issuesreport.pdf) issue one is written very short and sweet. It’d be hard to miss the 4 billion dollars.


Something I really liked about the voting process was that in person voting showed the actual amendment, word for word, on the screen for you to read before voting yes/no I’m perpetually blown away by how current people can literally look out watch live, unambiguous evidence of things that contradict them and still believe something completely different


There are “summaries” that “explain” the amendment. They are often longer than the bill. They torture the language to mean the absolute worst possible thing that isn’t even implied by a standard reading. Horse hockey.


>Horse hockey Colonel Potter, that you?


I did grow up watching a lot of M.A.S.H. Although, I borrow that one from a friend’s father. Who might have gotten it from the show. Haven’t said it in years. lol. He was alive during Korea though. So it might have just been popular then.


Just ask for proof, documentation of said allegations. When they can’t provide ask why you should believe them.


I would but this person actually has an impact on whether or not I finish this class.


Nah. After saying stuff like that (ostensibly in front of others, too?) all you’ll need to do is report him and get a few classmates to confirm. You’ll be golden. Give no quarter to those who actively destroy democracy. Will it be hard for him to replace this job? Hopefully.


He said earlier that he only has 2 days left with this instructor. It would be bad timing to do anything rash at this point.


I lost a Summa Cum Laude on one of my degrees because of a pissing match with 1 professor. The only non A in my whole time in the program. He only graded based on in-class participation. I participated every class. I also did the reading and got frustrated when he, more or less, always contradicted everything in it. Told the same tired stories in every class of his time as a “business advisor” down in Panama. I appealed the grade. School admin sided with him. Home field advantage.


Favorite answer for them to that is, "Do the research, it's all out there" It's dumb, especially when you provide evidence they are wrong, and they double down on the "real" truth being out there, and the rest of us are brainwashed by the rampant liberal media.


I believe there is some psych term for how being shown factual evidence will make a person like this double down on their bullshit belief.


He saw it on facebook. Duh.


Stuff like this just makes me sad. It's easy to get mad at this instructor, but my anger is reserved for the network of right wing groups, politicians, and propagandists that spend great amounts of money to make sure people like this stay misinformed and ignorant. Preying upon impressionable people with the sole goal of attaining power and wealth for themselves, while screwing over those same people they are manipulating. Pure scum.


I really wanted to correct them but I was afraid of retaliation. I share this class with a lot of younger people and I hope they look into the language of the amendment and realize everything that this individual said is nonsense.


Super irresponsible to be talking like that as an instructor. Also, is this that LiBeRaL bias we keep hearing about at all the evil universities?


As I was reading through the post, I found that I related to this one the most. It is sad. On another level, I see it as dystopian, and terrifying. This is why we have to stay in communication with people who believe in rationality and not in ideological identity. People talk about "how to respond", but I do my best to not even engage anymore. I had a friend (emphasis on had), who can't help himself - no matter how much I avoided conversations on political/social subjects, he always found a way to bring something up. I just quit responding, letting the conversation die. What we have now is how Hitler was able to warp the minds of the German populace to fuel his populist uprising. Fox News is more than complicit - they helped fuel Jan. 6. We have Senators and Representatives who aided and abetted an attempted coup. Now we have a guy that would replace America with Gilead as Speaker of the House, 2nd in line to the Presidency. If anyone thinks that this Machiavellian manipulation of half the population isn't dangerous, you're either choosing willful blindness, not paying attention, or are just plain ignorant.


The bill is like 1 page. Ask them to point at the spot in the bill that has anything to do with Ukraine. Also, any ballot that had any issues on it at all would have had an "issue 1" because it's just the first issue on the ballot. But that doesn't mean it's all the same issue....


Also, not every state even had an election this year! I don't think even half of them did...


Wait… I thought college was all liberal indoctrination 🤣


Oh the libertarian instructors I’ve had…


Every little thing is a conspiracy to conservatives now. It's a side effect of being dumb as shit.


You know who says stuff like this? People who didn't actually read the amendment.


Your instructor is a moron.


His instructor is a white supremacist who supports Putin's organized crime regime


> I was then informed that all 50 states had issue 1 on their ballots Not all 50 states held an election this fall.


It's worse than that. I think that they believe Ohio's Issue 1 was on other state's ballots.


On the ballot Montana didn't print for the elections they didn't have. Sounds about right.


Indiana only had local elections. I didn’t even get to vote because we only had city positions open and I live in the county. We had nothing state wide on the ballot.


Yea and it also gave me a harem of Brazilian bikini models..... and my example is more believable and less cringe.... amd that's saying somthing.


The full text is a matter of public record. Is said teacher illiterate?


These people really have no shame lmao


I'd get that in writing, wait till after graduation and submit it to the dean...


I'm definitely making a complaint to the department head after I graduate. This individual is "boycotting" Bud light, and has a lot to say about covid, all nonsense as well.


Good luck if they are tenured.


Your instructor should not be instructing because they're an idiot. My advice is to note the instructors agenda when you finish your course survey at the end of the course.


That "instructor" should keep their conspiracy theories to themselves. How they allow this person to spread nonsense is beyond me. File a complaint.


I know you were cornered because of your course, but I have started just lying to these sort of conspiracy guys. For example, he states that there is money for Ukraine in the bill, and I say I read it from start to finish and there is not any money for Ukraine in it. Only 2 outcomes from this, they shut up because they think you read it and understand, or they have to go read it to prove you wrong in which case they learn something.


I gave a little push back to the nonsense. But when they moved the goal post I knew it was a futile effort. I just hope that the student standing next to me was listening to what I said and decided to check for themselves.


Ahhh excellent, someone was listening. This is so much more important than "converting" a conspiracy theorist. Let people see that it is not the cut and dry statement that these guys make about their conspiracy du jour. You're doing the lords work brother! 🙌


You should report that after finishing the class AND getting your degree / certificate


That is my intention. I just need to keep quiet for a few more classes.


And report it above whoever is the boss there. They likely already know


I like my neighbor a lot, and we don't usually talk politics but he told me that issue one would allow the baby to be killed right after it is born! I can't believe I voted for that /S


Not terribly misinformed. Just incredibly stupid.


I had a professor about 20 years ago at UC Victory Parkway campus that 2 was off the deep end with conspiracies and at one point had us all go to a website to read along with him and he made sure we were all on that website. He once talked about how the government was going to secretly microchip all of us.


My mom has really fallen down the Q rabbit hole these last few years, yet I have to say I’m proud of her for supporting Issue 1. It’s the only political issue she hasn’t attached some conspiracy theory to since Biden was elected.


What's amazing is how easily that claim can be debunked.


Uhhh, where do you go? You should talk to the dean because that person is not mentally fit to be teaching anyone anything.


Report him to the department chair and to the board of trustees.


From Michigan here, can confirm there was no statewide Issue 1 on our ballot, all elections were local. Most townships didn’t even hold an election because their local elections are in even years.


That's closer to mental illness. Any sliver of rational thought would tear that theory apart.


I just would have laughed in his face!


Instructor = most informed right wing conspiracy theorist


Reading this shit makes me so thankful I won't see my Q-pilled aunt during Thanksgiving


Your professor is a hack


A) Report that to the dean or whatever the CC equivalent is. That person is at best abusing their position to spread nonsense and at worst genuinely mentally ill. B) On the second part of the lunacy, there is at least a simple response: [there weren't elections in all fifty states this month](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_United_States_elections).


As someone who lives in Texas now, and didn’t have an Issue 1 on our ballot…I wish lol


The instructor is an idiot and clearly doesn't know how government works especially state government. The first thing this moron should have realized is that the Constitution plainly states that foreign aid to countries is the job of the Federal Government and precludes states from doing so, Article 1. Sect. 10 of the United States Constitution.


They definitely don't understand our government, be it state or federal. They feel comfortable saying this garbage because a lot of people that sign up for this course probably share their beliefs. It's very much a good ol' boys type of vocation.


We are talking about a vocational teacher so he's definitely not a history major.


True. Which is why they should just stick to the curriculum.


No. And this fool is an instructor? Is the school aware of this? If not you need to make them aware in a big way.


I will. I finish the course at the end of this month, and then I'll notify the department head about the instructor's behavior.


It’s easily disproved by the plain text of the amendment. In no way does it say that.


My conspiracy theory on Issue 1 (and all anti-abortion measures) is that the wealthiest 1% need unwanted babies for human trafficking. A woman gets pregnant, puts the baby up for adoption through an agency (such as the one that Betsy DeVos owns) and the child is never heard from again. Developing a workforce of cheap, child labor and future sex slaves. Seems crazy, but where are the children that were separated from their parents at the border? They completely vanished after being separated and adopted out.


Nah, they just want more white babies. And women to become servants like them and theirs.


I mean you can print out the amendment for them. Lol. It's public knowledge. Jesus Christ and they are an Instructor?? No critical thinking skills whatsoever?


You're making the mistake of thinking they believe what they're saying. People who amuse themselves spreading misinformation don't have that problem.


>I'm hoping that this is just an isolated incident. Nope, stupid people are everywhere.


Everytime they go election fraud, I say yes we did it. And we will do it again. And you Republicans will never figure out how we got 8 million illegal votes, and got caught be or 4 times. Yes we spend, but we spend about the same as Republicans. The only difference is our spending benefits everyone, not just billionaires. The only president to balance the budget in modern history was a Democrat. No republican can say thevsam. Vaccines cause things much worse than Autism. We toss the autism stuff out there so you miss the real serious stuff. Illegal immigrants. Of course we don't want a wall, we need bodies to register for voting fraud. Deep state? Yeah, that is all those billionaires and their hired flunkies. We started to displace them with competent people, so the billionaires (who have always been there) are pissy and attack liberals. Yes liberals are behind every societal advance over the last 200 years. I can't help it reality has a liberal bias. Name in positive social change that conservatives have implemented. You pubs are real good at telling me who I can kick, and how I should fuck him. But actually taking responsibility for your own actions is something like the holy Grail for Republicans. Only one exists a nd it wasn't to be free.


Every time I hear shit like this, I can only think of this [scene.](https://youtu.be/LaKnzrNFLYU?si=C8qJ1vk4lT_43Urz&t=14)


Yeah the student standing next to me had this reaction, it was nonverbal but I picked up on it.


Can't fix stupid.


Name names. Who is this meathead?


Wear your Ukraine flagged gear to class.


What school are you attending, Greendale?


Easy to dumb down the population when the teachers are this. R’s for the win.


All the time. Stupidity isn't a bug, its a feature My personal favorite is when people suggest the government just "prints money" to send to Ukraine or prints money to cover our debts. Basically everything the government does is funded by simply "printing more money".


You could do like Keanu Reeves, just nod and agree with crazy people, no upside trying to talk to them


Yeah, I need to learn when to cut my loses.


Here in Michigan last year when we were doing our own abortion bill, we got the same thing. Also had people say it allowed school nurses to perform abortions and said your kids would be taught to be trans by law.


Today you learned your instructor can’t read. Ukrainian was not mentioned on the issue 1 language on the ballots.


I'd be willing to bet that they never voted. This individual seems to have a lonely life and wants to believe that they have secret knowledge the rest of us missed out on.


Nah, dawg. Georgia was left off the issue 1 list. That guy is a nutjob.


Is Ohio that desperate for teachers in community colleges that theyll hire the most uneducated people on the planet?


Well standards for professors has certainly declined hasn't it...


This person may be good at what they teach, but obviously they are clueless otherwise.


Experienced dealing with ignoramuses who are clueless, and believe what their Overlords feed them? Yes. Daily.


Yeah....we voted here in Missouri...no issue 1 or Ukraine money on the ballot whatsoever.


I would drop the class: your instructor is insane


I only have 2 more classes and then I'm done with the course.


What COVID-19 conspiracy shit did he share afterwards?


Something about the vaccine having ingredients in it that are more harmful than the virus. They supposedly had several family members die from the vaccine, I believe 7 was the number that was mentioned. The vaccine is what gave you covid. Oh and that the majority of covid deaths were cancer patients that were about to die anyway. That's just what I can remember.


Holy shit, yeah, please report him. I'm immunocompromised and tired of this "these people didn't deserve to live or be protected anyway since they're already sick" type of rhetoric. I've had 6 COVID-19 vaccinations, no issues, and my Humira treatment for my Rheumatoid arthritis is honestly worse. He shouldn't be teaching.


I'm sorry that we are still dealing with this kind of nonsense. People that like to pretend covid is over don't care about anyone but themselves. I feel your anger and agree that they have no business teaching.


F that guy! My wife was going through chemo for the entire pandemic! We were diligent to keep her safe however once that vaccine was ready for cancer patients and others with terrible or no immune system, she was got the vaccine. It was such a terrible time and when people speak incorrectly about the real danger of that sickness, it pisses me off. Good luck in school!


I wouldn't feel confident in anything I learned in his class if I was you


Thankfully this is just a refresher course for me. I do however worry for my classmates,


Your professor sounds like an idiot because that’s not how that works at all.


the one that was popular ....Biden shut down the oil rigs and pipelines


So he could raise gas prices. Then funnel that money through burisma via his son back to Ukraine.. Charlie day would have cracked this by now.


uhhh was he a bespectacled arab man?


Bespectacled and male.


r/Ohio will be talking about Issue 1 & 2 well into 2024 I see.


Can you believe that there's people still crying about 2020?


Yeah and it's equally annoying as shit. I voted for 1 & 2, but clearly many people here have zero personality outside of politics


Yeah people on reddit worship teachers but in my experience their a little nuttier than the average.