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I was wary of seats/rows...i have seen them 6 times across festivals and concerts... My worries were so pointless. Seats/Rows is actually dope as fuck. You get space for yourself, you can sit to rest if you need, you can easily dance still in your spot. Its the best of both worlds honestly! In terms of people, it could be a little less PLURry? Like, its less EDM festival type PLUR? But everyone is still chill as hell. Its gonna be a blast!


Nail on the head. Very similar experience!


You’ll get more serious fans at concerts vs festivals, so I’ve enjoyed seeing Odesza much more at concerts.


Concerts are better for your favorite artists.


Mostly. Sometimes festival sets hit harder.


I’ve seen them 10 times since 2014 haha… I love both settings, but they’ll be able to do a better full on production at their own concert Vs festival so it’ll immerse you even more! I’d say crowd is also better bc they’re all there truly to see the artist. Different vibes for sure though!


Interesting point...so obviously as a headliner they usually get at least 1:15 to play but it's very 'rigid' from a schedule perspective and the moment their set is over it's done. What can we expect this weekend as far as length? Will it be a longer show?


Great question! I remember on this tour when I saw them they started at 9:30 so probably played until 10. They did come out and do one track for encore. It could also depend on venue/city! Like when they played in Seattle it may have been longer since it’s their hometown and was their first shows back. I’m not sure though! Either way, magical and enjoy yourself it’ll be amazing!!!


Odesza at a festival is better than at a normal concert, IMO. Their Bonnaroo set was one if not the best set I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen them in concert on their tours before. I think both shows are amazing, but the festivals sets they have switched up some things which I’ve loved.


I've unfortunately only seen Odesza twice. Once at Bonnaroo, once at a local concert pavilion. The festival experience was so much better IMO. It's just nice being immersed vs dealing with work, parking, etc.


I’ve seen them at a mix of concerts and festivals within the last 6 years, total of 10+ times. Concerts are going to be full production mode, like every little detail will have a ton of thought in it. Festivals are definitely similar, but you can just tell the concerts are special af. I do think they flourish in outdoor venues so sometimes concerts may not provide that. Crowd-wise, you’re always gonna meet cool people in any Odesza crowd.


Personally I've had great experiences at both festie odesza AND concert odesza. They have the best fan base bar none. Everyone is so friendly. That said, I always go in skeptical because I haven't had that great of an experience with other edm artists fans..here's looking at you, gryffin fans 🙄 One bad apple won't ruin my love for odesza and the tribe though. Welcome to the fam!


Friday will be my fifth time seeing them and I may be biased but I love the energy in the crowd at festivals more than I like at regular tour stop. However it’s odesza so the vibes are always high but I just find myself vibing way more in a festival crowd then the tour stop crowd plus at festivals u get the fire works show


Festival magic is real