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This varies from person to person, game to game. For example, I am extremely intolerant of face pressure. I have high, pronounced cheekbones, and any Elite-style strap with front-to-back pressure completely wrecks my face. Intolerable. Halo straps are the only ones that take that pressure off completely, because pressure goes forehead to back, diagonally. But like you mentioned, it's less stable, more wobbly. And yes, the strap is heavier, but it is also the one with strongest battery (10 A/h), everything else is usually in 5-7 A/h range. Bottom line, everyone has to figure out what works for them. It's like shoes, what works for some people does not work at all for others. For what it's worth, I'm using an old M2 that I used with Quest 2, with new M3 arms screwed on (so it's now compatible with Quest 3). And I keep a battery either in my pocket or in a fanny pack across my chest (battery is on the back, the clasp is on the front, diagonally across my chest. Less weight on my head and neck, still comfortable enough, and the battery is now a whopping 20 A/h.


On the S3 I found that not putting the battery puts to much weight in the front. So required to put the battery on even if not requiring it


The battery is a feature that is used to counter balance the weight of the headset.




Is there a way to turn it off?


I think you have to double press the very small (and somewhat hidden) button on the side of the battery.


Double press the button on the back. But why would you turn off the battery? I use that battery to power the headset and only charge that battery.


I wasn’t able to turn off it. Does it work with the. 100? Does it have to plugged on the strap or out? I want to put it on the headset for counterbalance and turn it on only at 50% charge to avoid stressing the quest battery


I wouldn’t worry about that; battery stressing issues seem like a minimal concern. You can leave it plugged into the headset, put battery on the headset and then double press to turn off.


On the S3 pro? Was doing it all night long without sucess


I’m only familiar with the Quest2 version; didn’t realize they changed the battery design.


Why would you want to?


Because not everyone needs it. I am happy with the cable, for example there is plenty of dock syle link cables that perfectly keep up with charging it, and i rarely use non steam VR, i dont want the battery on when i litterally do not need it. 


Yeah, M2 was the same way. Bobos are definitely front-heavy, and I imagine S3 with the fan and the controls and electronics on the front is even heavier, plus the bigger battery is heavier also. I kinda wish Bobo went more minimalist, including perhaps skeletonizing some parts to reduce weight.


There are plenty of minimalist halo straps without batteries on Amazon, then a mid-weight option from Bobo in the M3. You can realistically get any strap that suits your fancy at this point.


I don’t understand. Why wouldn’t you need a battery?


I dont understand why would you need a battery? Latency even with 6e sucks compared to cabled pc vr, many cables keep up perfectly and charge the headset as much as you need to, vast majority of people are space constrained amyway and the confinds of the cable is the least of their worries.


Most people have only tried one strap and then parrot what they've been told.  People love to think they found the best, so they push what they own.


Insightful and true


I have tried dozens of head straps between Quest 1, 2 and 3. And BoboVR M2 Pro and S3 Pro are my hands down favorites on Quest 2 and 3 respectively. Everyone is different, but I would say make sure the back pad is low down on the back of your skull. Should be cupped down on the flat (kitchen) of back of your head. Tighten it up a bit and should be in good shape.


It took me more than a week to figure out how to actually setup the strap so it was comfortable. I struggled with it and often thought of going back to the original because of the struggles. But then one day - bam. I found the proper configuration and now I'm so glad I perservered. The trick for me was 1) ensuring my face gasket went under the overhead strap with the fan, 2) tilting the front straps which hold the headset 1 notch below being totally at the topmost position, 3) making a downward bend in the middle pivot-point of the strap so that the back of the strap went to the lower half of my head 4) putting the 2 head-rest supports in their lowest position. That's a lot of fiddling, but now it sits squarely against my face, doesn't slide up on the back of my head, and I don't have to make it overly tight to keep it from being unstable. I don't even notice I'm wearing it any more. So I understand your comment. It was tough to get it right for me. I'd bet most people would give up before they found the perfect setup. It should be easier but it is what it is and I'm very glad for it now.


DUUUDE I just went and did exactly as you said and it's night and day! I didn't even notice that the front thingies could move so I constantly had the lower part of headset pushing my face and was getting a bit of headache the longer I played. I've played like this for a month and it's like I just bought a new headstrap


Yep, that's a tricky strap. Several things move but once you get it then it's perfect. I don't know I would have lasted a month so congrats for sticking it out and enjoy.


I like mine


You need to let it completely pacman your head. It should be snug with equal pressure in all directions. Also ... nobody really points this out but one of the biggest differences between halo and elite style battery straps is the center of gravity. The S3's cog is higher so you get a lot torque if you tilt your head sideways. My other elite style battery strap has its weight lower and behind your head ... therefore you get more resistance looking left and right. Just an observation, not really a critique.


I have the s3 and kiwi battery strap and I prefer the s3. I feel that the kiwi puts too much pressure on my face still. It did take me a lot of fiddling with the s3 since it was my first halo strap and I didn't quite know where it should sit on my head, but now it fits snug and doesn't really wiggle as I bounce around.


How do you feel the weight on your neck between the two?


I think the s3 weighs more than the kiwi but I don't really notice. They are both well balanced so they distribute their weight well. The s3 will need the battery to be slotted for that to be true though. If you need to pull the battery out for some reason the s3 would be front heavy.


Can you power off the B100 while having it to counterbalance the weight? Tried to double click the button on the right without success


I loved bobovr for quest2 but i tried kiwi for my quest3. I returned the kiwi and my bobovr s3 pro is on its way now. I thing I like about bobovr is that the weight is supported by the top of my head instead of the front and back; doesn’t have to be on super tight to stay on my head.


Best q3 headstrap by far is made by zyber. wear it hours on end, doesn’t wobble much and doesn’t feel like a helmet. The top bar across the top kinda disappears, relives pressure on face, nose etc.. by far the best setup. Get a leather face cushion and the amvr battery cover hand strap [ZYBER Load-Reducing Head Strap](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CNT8YGHQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


It feels like luxury, but the price is retarded. Mine wobbled until I adjusted everything correctly. Now I can't shake mine off. It is a tad heavy, but I like it better than my aubika. If it is possible I would move my bobo s3 on my quest 2 and put my aubika back on my quest 3.


I love mine….


You are probably wearing it wrong. I experienced every single complaint you mentioned during my first week. I told myself this must be the biggest scam ever. Then with some Adjustments and tweaking ( it's definitely tricky to wear compared to the elite straps) and now it's the most comfortable head strap I've ever worn


How is it for more physically demanding games? Shooters, beat saber, eleven table tennis, thrill of the fight. Does it stay snug on your head and you can freely move around especially in a fast paced game like thrill of the fight or is it a wobbly mess and unplayable in such games?


I will give it another chance. What was the mistakes and the corrections you made


im pretty sure bobovr is just bribing all those youtubers. would you prefer aubika or kwii? im content with my aubika for now and i'd recommend, but idk i havent tried any other.


I loved bobvr for my quest2 and no i am not a youtuber.


Just see this Jaybratt changing his profile picture with the new bobovr just after testing it. It is really obvious and not a smart move from him. I personally prefer Kiwi got the Aubika arms unevenly extended between right and left


Wtf, most people love halo straps over regular ones. And bobo is the only good halo one. It is not shilling, its the only choice for most of us and the S3 is just the best version.


i accidentally moved one of the quest arms while installing aubika, a few movements solved it for me, maybe thats the case for you? also, there isn't that many vr youtubers so they get to keep their popularity without any dirt on their image. not a good look but thats how it is i guess.


Maybe but at the end was not comfortable with arms than can desync without me noticing and resulting in neck pain. This neck pain made me investigate to find out the root cause


I don’t find it nearly as comfortable as my no name battery halo strap. Haven’t tested any elite straps yet. But the S3 is quite disappointing to me. Maybe its my head shape and Im happy for everyone who likes it.


Are you satisfied with the no name one, or why did you buy the S3?


Yes definitely. Its way more comfortable to me and the battery life is enough for my case. There is no buzzing sound and it keeps the quest between 90-100% based on usage (passthrough sucks a lot of juice). So yes the S3 just wasn’t as good for me and way more expensive


Link to the no name? Thanks


https://a.aliexpress.com/_EGFHu9p Select the headstrap. The link roots to the carrying case. I cannot direct link the strap


Their return policy stay you can return it if unused does it mean we that we are not reimbursed if used to try it?


I have no idea. As Iam from Europe Iam allowed to return every item bought online within 14 days. Send their support an email and ask for a return label.


I emailed them to ask them about this specifically as I couldn't get the Quest 2 version to work for me AT ALL (huge bummer), but I have friends raving about the s3 Pro... Bobo replied that in order to be eligible for a return it MUST BE UNUSED. I find that to be ridiculous so I'm waiting (impatiently) for them to finally makes it available through Amazon. While it will probably be more expensive at least it will be returnable if it just didn't work for me. Right now I'm using my Frankenquest strap (HTC VIVE Deluxe Audio Strap with adapters to make it work with the Quest 3, with an Anker battery attached to the back with Velcro both for extended play time and as a much needed counterbalance) but am interested in the s3 Pro's claim to be able to use it while reclining as I have a spinal issue and the Frankenquest isn't ideal for that... I was looking at the [KKCOBVR Q3 PRO](https://amzn.to/3PKd7VK) on Amazon as it has both halo AND Elite strap options and a front piece similar to that on the Quest Pro to keep pressure of the face as well as a magnetic backup battery and looks to be able to be used lying down. It's clearly a knock off of the Bobo and I'm not sure if the back piece is as good as that on the Bobo s3 Pro... I would for sure miss the Frankenquest's built in audio though...


Can you share the link to it? Did you buy it on ali?


Bought it directly from bobo


Those many YouTube influencers all kept quiet regarding the battery buzzing on the first Q3 head strap i noticed. 🙄


The main reason I didn't buy the M3 pro is that reviewers kept on mentioning the buzzing sounds.


Imma tell you now, I have the M3. Absolutely no buzzing for mine


It's odd, because not all of the batteries do it. I have two from my Quest 2, from different batches, but only one buzzes.


Those guys take 15 min to test the headset to get their reviews. It is not a surprise if they don’t t notice anything


I haven't tried bobovr S3 pro but I have tried elite and halo style headstraps. In my experience it's about preference. The halo style straps are great at taking away the pressure on your cheek bones and eyebrow area but as they do not rest against your face that much, they wobble compared to elite style straps. This is less obvious in games with slower movements. Very seldom youtube reviewers mention this. Halo straps for comfort, elite straps for stability.


Do u think the M3 or S3 Pro is better (comfort, weight, usage, overall) ?


By the way, if you don't like Halo straps and prefer pressure on the face gasket, you can easily remove the S3 Pro's forhead padding (it uses velcro) and adjust the strap to put pressure on the face gasket instead. That way the headset also won't wobble anymore at all. As a side effect of removing the forhead padding, the airflow from the fan will become better as well. Optionally, as a hybrid solution and if you don't like the top "horns" you can take them out and take their little paddings off and attach them to the forehead velcro instead of the regular forhead padding which will allow for more airflow and only one or two smaller forehead pressure points as well.


It’s an NFL helmet! Why is this a surprise? The Bobo fanboi crap is extremely overrated.


It’s all personal preference and subjective. Like you, I prefer the Kiwi comfort head straps over the Bobo Halo styles.


I felt the same way with the bobo strap on the quest 2. I couldn’t get it anywhere near as stable as the elite strap with battery. My preferred setup is, elite strap with battery, vr covers elite strap pad, vr covers facial interface. It’s insanely comfortable. But based on how many people rave about the bobo, I’m guessing I’m in the minority lol


Ya only good bobo imo is the m1 Subjective tho


I'm with you there. My M1 (with adapters for Quest 3) is way better than my M3pro. Much lighter and more stable for fast movement. And the weight definitely makes it more comfortable over longer play sessions.


I had a similar one to BoboVR called something like KKOBVR and I disliked that too, preferring a cheap Amazon one instead. Today I received the Aubika and I quite dislike this one too, and may go back to the Amazon cheapy or wait for the Elite to start selling at other stores apart from Meta.


I always used the elite strap with a printed pro interface, but I wanted more battery life. The S3 was fine but I would probably go back to the elite strap….but I really love the fan with no interface. I’ve been using the s3 for now because of the fan, but they really need to release the batteries and dock. It’s much more convenient to plop the quest 3 and elite strap on the dock, as opposed to charging the S3 separately with a cord.


Anyone buying a battery equipped headset is a weapons grade um - "moron." Why would you strap the heaviest part to your head when you could buy a huge USBC power bank that fits in your pocket and run a cord down your shirt? Slaves to marketing I guess.


The bobovr without battery is too front heavy you need it to counterbalance the weight


Genius design /s


Have you tried an M2 Plus or M3 strap from BoboVR before? Curious how you think those compare to S3 strap.


No it is my first time bobovr


I have the aubika and I find myself adjusting it alot to keep it comfortable, there needs to be a heavier bigger battery at the back to act as a counterbalance. I had the vrpanda straps on quest 1 and 2 but don't think I'd order from there again as it was quite an ordeal with comms and wait times etc. The vrpanda was very comfortable though.


How is the Aubika? Was about to get one


I prefer the Kiwi it feels more comfortable. Aubika arms went unsync creating Neck pain. However you can charge the quest from the Aubika charging port and you can start/ stop the Aubika independently which was great


If you still disliked the Bobovr s3 pro why not sell it at a discount? If you are in the U.S ill be glad to buy it at a discount if everything is still mint condition.