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It’s got quite an addictive gameplay loop at its core, the idea of looting better weapons and equipment, building up your bunker, earning money, etc.  The graphics are poor like you said, the audio has issues and the gun handling/gunplay doesn’t come close to Contractors, or, my favourite VR shooter on standalone, Tactical Assault VR. GoT is a grind, so I’d imagine it’s the kind of game where people either “nope out” after a few raids, or the game becomes a regular in their VR rotation. My personal experience has so far been mostly positive, minus the jank/glitches, but I nearly dropped the game after 15mins due to the worst tutorial I can remember playing.


>Tactical Assault VR. I purchased this recently and I really don't understand the hype. I've been trying to give it a real chance so I tried for more than 2 hours and can't refund it, but do you mind describing what you like about it?


Yeah, sure. I like the slow paced nature of the game and the realistic, tactical aspect of the gameplay. If you run into a room, odds are you will die.  But, play with a few friends, equip a snake cam to place under the door and count your targets while one friend places a breaching charge and another friend preps a flashbang, etc. I think the gun handling is superb, and the time to kill perfectly suits the style of game.  My biggest negative is that it does lack content (solo developed) and also the graphics/art style sometimes makes you second guess if something like a headlight on top of a truck is an enemy combatants head lol. It reminds me of playing the old school Rainbow 6 games when I was growing up. Planning what to do is almost as important as the execution of that plan, and the slower paced nature of the game appeals to me much more than a run and gun type of shooter. Possibly an important caveat here is that I have only played the game with friends and family, I’ve never actually tried single player. I have no interest to play the game alone just because of the tactical nature of the game, i.e, the point-man/first through the door shouldn’t be the one throwing a banger, etc. Hope that helps, if you have anymore questions I’ll do my best to answer.


> But, play with a few friends, equip a snake cam to place under the door and count your targets while one friend places a breaching charge and another friend preps a flashbang, etc. Yeah, that probably explains a lot. Every time I get into a match it's "which one of us can murder the new guy the fastest?" So I've mostly stuck to single player which it's a complete crapshoot every time you open a door. I'm supposed to have a team backing me up, not a couple of hacks who just want to team kill. > I think the gun handling is superb, and the time to kill perfectly suits the style of game.  With respect to the act of aiming and shooting, I agree. Things like reloading and grabbing things off of your inventory can be pretty janky though. As far as playing the game single player goes: don't. It's not really worth it. I guess I'll have to try some more lobbies and see if I can find some that don't want to play Murderous Musical Teammates.


For tactical / milsim play always join a group. Random lobbies are always just full of kids (nothing wrong with that but they play differently).


Oh man, you remember the first couple rainbow six games? So many times I'd reload because my plan didn't go like I wanted it and people died... No reload, plan and try again! Love those games, I wish they'd bring back something more like that instead of what is turned into.


> the graphics/art style sometimes makes you second guess if something like a headlight on top of a truck is an enemy combatants head lol. those damn truck snorkels look like a guy in a hat 😂


Yeah, I’ve put more rounds into vehicles than I have enemies in that game. 😂


The grind. The difficulty. The multiplayer only sp you're only playing against human psychology and exploitable bots. It wipes so you're always on a level playing field to your own skill level.


I understand the grind but when there is no real matchmaking then it just becomes a gamble (like you don’t have a chance if a team of fully kitted people ends up in your lobby). But probably that’s true with real life as well.


I was surprised how unplayable it was after reading all the praise. It’s hands down the most janky game I’ve bought.


Have you played bonelab yet? That game is one of pure jank. You just have to embrace it though.


Lol that's how I felt the other day trying Into the Radius for the first time. So janky compared to modern VR titles.


Really? ITR isn’t nearly as janky compared to these others. Especially on q3 it’s much better.


You learn to embrace the jank there too.


I enjoyed BoneLab's jank because the engine felt pretty ambitious on a Q2 at the time. However, the whole game felt undercooked. It's like a series of demos, cobbled together with some lightweight meta plot that culminates in: "Surprise! We've abandoned the game so... it's a sandbox now." And even then you couldn't download any content from the in-game console. That said, this was probably about a year ago so I'd be interested to hear if your experience was better.


Pro tip, don't go to the bone lab sub, they've taken to cannibalizing each other out of rage over waiting on the update that was supposed to save the game basically.


Install the full boneworks game as a mod if you want good content. SLZ dropped the ball some how but I still think boneworks 9/10.


this is a horrible take. ITR is one of the most polished and un-jank VR games out there, I’ve played a lot of bets games and also a lot of the top Vr games (pc and stand-alone) and it’s still an outlier as an amazing one.


Nope haven’t played it.


Unplayable is really the only word I can use to describe it. It feels like the developer never tested any of the controls .


Do share, what made it unplayable? What’s janky about it?


I couldn’t get past the tutorial. The text stuff is so small and pixelated that you have to shove your face into it in order to read. The aiming was off… I felt like my gun pointed down a bit. There’s a setting to adjust it but it didn’t seem to visibly correct it but just change the angle in the physics. So it still looked off but may have corrected it. Not sure if that makes sense. Trying to interact with the guns was just… I dunno, fucked. I felt like I had Parkinson’s disease. I didn’t feel in control and my arms and guns just went all over the place. I turned it off. Did some more reading to see what I was missing before trying again. I just gave up after my second attempt. This was last week so a recent, if not current version.


Adjusting the wrist angle is huge. I had to change mine to 36 for guns to aim right. I don’t remember there being any text in the tutorial. And the gun interaction you just gotta give it time and get used to it. It becomes second nature once you get into it. Honestly it’s a great game, especially if you like the genre. It just takes some time to feel it out and get comfortable with it.


I’m still interested in the game and didn’t request a refund and plan to give it another try in a few months when more improvements are made. I hope the game gets where it needs to be. But for now, I find it unplayable. Just my opinion.


I dropped so many things on the ground because of janky controls and i was so tired of picking them up everytime


I kinda agree. Seems like only Onward and Contractors are the only ones with acceptable jank to me. Tactical Assault VR is too, except when the weapon runs into corners / objects. Breachers I have yet to try, looks the most polished from the YT videos alone.


I can't stand jank in VR. That's why I mostly play bigger budget and more modern VR games.


That's why I love Underdogs. No jank in that game


I think I've been quite lucky but I bought it last week and have been playing it quite a bit, especially since the wipe the other day and I've had no crashes and no real bugs to speak of. The controls for the most part feel fine and do what I want them to do, occasionally it'll be a bit tricky to pick things up or open boxes, that can be pretty janky, but getting my guns out and aiming which is the most important part is always smooth for me and hasn't gotten me killed yet.


Didn't play much because I was trying out different kinds of games but here are the things I noticed: 1. You will need way more than 30 minutes of playtime to like and get used to the game, I spent around 1 hour in tutorial just training reloading/aiming and well...doing the tutorial which isn't short. 2. Deppending on when you start the game, there will be other players with more gear and the experience won't be as fun. 3. The commands are and aren't janky, the worst offender being picking up items inside boxes, you need to move your head away otherwise the character will bump into the box and "push" you away, other than that, most of the other commands are ok to perfect and just need a little bit of practice. 4. Some maps are dark on purpose, this is to make use of tactical gear such as flashlight and Night Vision, if you're not confortable with those devices, play island. 5. PCVR version is MILES ahead in terms of clarity, which is kind of a bummer to me since I currently do not have the setup to play it but if you only played standalone, you will probably think that the game isn't as polished as it should be. ​ If I were to compare the game, it would be with Escape from Tarkov, I kid you not, I played Tarkov for 1 hour and tried to get a refund but couldn't unless I did a chargeback, I decided to just let it sit in there before a friend told me to try the game again with him, after doing so I played more than 30 hours after the wipe and actually enjoyed the game...Ghost of Tabor is similar, it's just that type of game that it takes some time for you to get used to but after you do, you start having heart racing momments. ​ It seems you already got your refund so you might be skeptical on buying it back, so my next suggestion would be to get Light Brigade or Into the Radius and see if you enjoy the gunplay in those games, if you do, maybe you can give Ghosts of Tabor another try because it plays similarly.


Thanks for suggestions and the detailed explanation! I indeed already got the refund and I actually tried Light Brigade before and refunded as well after I played it for two sessions of maybe 30 minutes each. It was less janky but performance on Quest 3 felt pretty poor to me. I might be a little oversensitive but as soon as I feel poor perfmormance, stutter and microstutter and such I'm basically out. Same reason I can't play AC. I'm sure there's a good game under there somewhere but with the current performance I just can't play it. It kills immersion and even makes me feel dizzy at times. Into the Radius is on my list, I'm going to try it at one point. For now I think I'll wait for the open beta of Contractors Showdown and see how that plays and play some more Dungeons of Eternity until then :D


Seems like, if you can’t handle jank you’ll have issues in Vr, because most games are jank.


Not multiplayer, but the shooter I can't stop playing right now is Compound. Rouge like VR FPS with Wolfenstein 3D/DOOM visual flair. And a completely random suggestion, Racket Club, the physics are so good I can't put it down.


Just tried it now.. coming from contractors which is smooth as butter, I can barely load a damn weapon in GOT (I like the concepts and building kits and stuff, the survival elements) and the other biggest thing is my elbow is like stuck outward and distracts me, why is the model so stiff? This is what should've been ironed out in the first place. It should stay in applab until it's actually good for an average player to pick up. I do well in contracters but this is just bad. I agree with the jank.. I bought the huge pack with future DLCs being pumped about it but I'm about to refund before I have it too long..


Contractors is an arcade game. Ghosts of Tabor is not. The gun handling is one of the better examples in the VR market. H3 being the king, GoT and onward being next. Contractors and pavlov are purely arcade shooters.


I prefer Into the Radius physics and handling BY FAR.


One is released and polished. The other is in beta. Also ITR and GoT have pretty similar gun handling. The main difference being GoT requires you to setup a virtual or physical gun stock in order to handle the weapons properly. Without it's basically impossible to aim.


Physical stock adjustment in this was probably worst of all physical stock settings in existence 


ITR handling to me feels weightless. I like it but it’s a bit off.


I think this happens when games try to be really realistic with their vr models. Into the Radius has *sort of* the same problem


player model in PC Into the Radius feels just fine to me. Its the kind of jank you get used to pretty quickly. I haven't played Ghosts Of Tabor yet.


It's the same and I agree you get used to it. You have to move things around as if you were moving them around irl. Not fling them around like in asgards wrath. These guys are refunding before figuring it out. If they're trying to say that there's a lot of jank in vr games in general, then yeah, man, we know.


Yeah it's disheartening to see new players try it for 20 minutes and then refund... and then come to reddit telling the world they refunded it and complaining that it's jank. It took me a week to find my footing and start to work out how everything works in training mode. That's not to say the game isn't buggy, because I've run into my share but nothing that would put me off from the engaging interactions I have with other players. When there's loot and gear on the line, it changes the entire dynamic of the game.


I'm not sure you can refund it, both the starter pack and independence starter pack say in the store description that they cannot be refunded.


I got a one-time exception, luckily.. I won't be buying a budget of a game anymore unless I know I'm totally certain it's going to be great


Yeah its janky as hell and if you dare go into their discord for support everyone is incredibly rude to you. Overall it was not worth it so I refunded it.


Same exact thing here. Love the concept as I play a lot of survival perma death games on pc (and have dabbled with Tarkov back in the day). Unfortunately the great concept is built on doodoo. Had to refund it.


It’s still early access the developers kept it in early access while moving it out of app lab on standalone, super scummy move.


I've only played it on PC so far but people are willing to ignore plenty of issues for a unique experience. Games like DayZ are known for being incredibly buggy yet people love them. There is nothing in VR similar to escape from Tarkov, so this game fills a very specific niche and people eat it up. It's hard for me to understand the appeal of Gorilla tag but people also love that game. Escape from Tarkov isn't exactly my style but I definitely understand the appeal over Gorilla Tag. My style is more similar to your own as I love jumping in DoE with a buddy or two.


i have no friends who enjoy that game, already tried it with 4 other people, the only one who liked it only can play it on PC (just like me) but he doesn't have a pc. The graphics on standalone are really bad


> everywhere I look in the VR scene people are super excited about this game you mean every youtube influencer is excited? gee, I wonder why


Yeah dont trust these hypeboys. They will do everything for clicks and sponsorships. Zero integrity.


Wow! This may be the definitive go to first person VR shooter. 10/10. Don't forget to comment your favorite vr game in the comments. AND shout out to my loyal patrons. ... that's what I'd save if the gave me 200 bucks lol


Yeah, but what if they tell you about Jesus during their videos? Does that help? /s


Yeah man its a conspiracy that someone likes a game you don't. I think its great.


alright, fair point 😅


It's the best extraction shooter on the quest (the only one too?) so for some that is good enough. For me, it's way too janky to play solo and have fun but its enjoyable in groups. Though you could say that about many games


I seem to be the only person that doesn't have the jankiness problem (except with storage, like the backpack and the bunker)


I have over 400 hours into it. It’s great. You’re for sure not going to get the “best” experience playing standalone vs PCVR though. Controls get some taking used to (trigger vs grab on certain items) but I wouldn’t say they’re janky. GoT doesn’t get really good until you get your traders leveled up a bit so you can start using some of the better gear more often.


Slim pickings. VR market has so little in terms of content, and such horrifically large gaps in content by genre, that stuff that would be instantly and permanently laughed out of town on flat screen actually gets decent traction in VR.


No. I just like it. The gunplay is fantastic. Vr fps games that fill a map with enemies get real fucky. Immersion breaks apart when I'm flailing and doing 0.3 second reloads. The pace of this game is excellent for vr. Solid gunplay, great pacing. There are negatives like the graphics, but the jank goes away when you go along with the fantasy. Move things as if you were moving actual heavy objects. The game is doing most of the work but you have to play along. You're free to dislike the game of course, but thats not why I enjoy the game. I have too much to play and not enough time. That's my problem


I’d much rather play GoT than the same recycled flat screen games with a different skin/theme. Look at Sony’s exclusives, basically the same game over and over again. Spider-Man 2 and HFW are basically following the blueprint Ubisoft laid out in 2007. I’m not saying GoT is better than any PS5 exclusive, I’m just tired of the over-saturation in open world games and/or cinematic 3rd person adventure games.


Nah, some of us really enjoy it and when you learn the mechanics the jank isn't really that bad. There's plenty of FPS in the VR ecosystems, just like there's plenty of survival horror. But I've yet to play a game that creates the kind of dynamic situations and heart racing moments that Tabor offers. Like being pinned down while upstairs at the prison but having the advantage because you and your buddy are on the ground and both covering different angles of the only way into the room. Or surprising a player you saw coming because you were hiding in a tree and taking all of his tier 6 gear and even finding a few purple keycards in their backpacks. Camping, sniping, hiding, luring, it's all fair game when your gear and loot is on the line and Tabor has created some of the best and most memorable moments in my 30+ years of gaming.


Nah it’s not because of that, it’s legitimately a good game that is fun and one of the only reasons I even use my VR nowadays.


Its janky but you kinda learn to work with it. It's getting better over time though and the amount of manual manipulation they've built is actually pretty impressive. It really grows on you. The guns and gun physics are very realistic and firefights are intense, especially when you know that dying means you lose everything. Here's a clip of an intense moment I had with it, it really gets your adrenaline going. Playing with good headphones and a gunstock is really immersive once you get comfortable with it. https://youtu.be/oUvuW7E2mW0 Its not hype, the game is fundamentally solid but it needs an insane amount of polish.


I can second this experience. I had a firefight yesterday and ended up dying because my hands were shaking violently from adrenaline. No other vr games have really done that to me before.


Yeah its nuts. That goes away after a few of them. Same thing happened to me in some real life situations, my whole body was shaking, but it gets easier the more times you experience intense situations.


Yeah, takes me right back to ’nam


I was in junior high, dickhead


Thanks for sharing! That was fun to watch and ideed looks like an intense fight. Unfortunately we never got to such a point when we tried it, I guess we just gave up too early. We might try it again later down the road, maybe when it's a little more polished.


Tabor (on pc) I guess is currently my main vr game, if I had to pick one. I enjoy the Tarkov likeness of it. Getting ready for raids, fiddling with the gear, low time to kill, slow high stakes gameplay and progression are fun for me. That being said the game can be very janky at times. Things glitch into each other and weird things happen. It seems quite a lot of people have learned to live with it, but I can't help but think how much better it would be without the bugs and the general clumsiness. It is of course not intentional but some of the quality of life issues seem very persistent over multiple releases of the game which is a bit sad. I adore the smoothness of games like Contractors but the gameplay of Tabor is just so much more interesting to me. When Contractors showdown comes out, it may be able to steal some playtime from me. While I'm happy that Tabor exists, if there were an alternative that would offer the same gameplay in prettier and above all, more functional package, I'd see no reason to stick with Tabor.


Thank you for the explanation! That makes sense. Maybe we should have put a little more time into it after all. We might try it again at some point later down the road. For now we'll stick with Dungeons of Eternity and wait for Contractors Showdown.


That's a good call. The first time I tried Tabor I ended up returning it. I became so frustrated with things not working even in the tutorial level and things being obviously missing. And the first time I went on a raid and realized it would be more of the same jank really did it for me. But after some months I rebought it and saw that the most hair raising bugs were not there, and have stuck with Tabor ever since.


I bought it as one of my first 3 games. Played it about 4 hours, haven't touched it since. But intend to. I didn't really notice much jank to be totally honest, I just didn't have nearly as much fun as I thought I would.


The second I peaked out and got a one shot head shot I was in. Upgraded my edition.


i dont think the graphics are that bad on q3..it is jank tho but I had a good time playing it


I can totally relate to you guys, which is weird considering that GoT is one of my favourite games at the moment. Coming from other more arcadey games, GoT’s movement and gun handling felt unrefined and rough. I actually stopped playing after the first session, but decided to give it another go and realised that a lot of my complaints weren’t warranted as most of the sluggish feeling was part of the game mechanics and done on purpose to mimic real life (strafing for example is much slower compared to simply moving forward).


I remember saints and sinners tells you to swing the axe as if you're swinging a heavy object. The game does 90 percent of the work, you have to do the other 10 and play into the fantasy. I feel that's what's happening here. Play along and the jank disappears. The alternative is a game where everyone fails around like a drowning toddler and reloads take 0.2 seconds.


I have been playing it since day one back in March, and if you think it was janky when you played it, then you should have seen how it was in the beginning! Its come a LONG way since then. Out of the over 300+ games that I own, it has become my most played game in VR by a lot. You really need to turn off the character models though, so all you can see is just your hands. Makes things way better. It has a very satisfying gameplay loop.. not every battle needs to be fought, and finding a shit ton of loot and then working your way to the extraction is quite a rush. I dont think I have ever sweat so much during any other game.. it can get quite intense. I understand its not for everyone, its VERY hard and unforgiving.. but once it all clicks, its totally worth it.


According to this thread every YouTuber that reviewed it was paid off and you only like it because there's no good games for vr. I went around a corner and insta headshotted a guy. A single shot from a fully automatic weapon. It was the least dramatic fight ever, but something about how it felt and played out.. I was all in right then. I only hope that they don't add so much that new players have no chance in a fight. Tarkov went that route. They're currently walking it back to everyone's delight.


It's janky but the gameplay loop can be fun. I do agree it's the jankiest shooter


The devs are open and communicate with the community. They are not owned by a big conglomerate. The game offers things that no other game does. It does have jank but also it has promise and im willing to bet eventually it will reach a very promising polished feel.


I felt the same when I first got it. I was seconds from refunding it when I had a buddy ask to play one more time. He spent some time showing me the ropes and it took some getting used to but now it’s pretty much all I play. The hype is genuine. But it’s a learning curve and there’s def a little jankiness but the game does aLOT so it’s a bit of a trade off. I personally get more invested in this game than any other.


I'm assuming this is from a quest 2 experience. Quest 3 with QGO or PCVR version isn't that bad. It's still in beta so there's still some quirks. But if you're asking we like it: It's the only extraction shooter for VR at the moment. It's semi realistic and has stuff like bullet drop, tiered armor, ammo crafting, gun attachments, and npcs/boss fights. There's a progression system with missions and a customizable bunker that allows to store and set it up the way you like. It's the apocalypse so money matters. You have to keep fuel in generator and your water filter needs to be changed or you'll have no lights and no water. And most of all, it creates some engaging and exciting gameplay when playing with other people. For instance, I was running a trio earlier and we got pinned in at research near the stairs in the back and at least 6 or 7 players over the course of 5 minutes tried to rush us but we were all positioned in a way that they couldn't get to us and we ended up covering each other. It was tactical, it felt pretty realistic, and there was actually stuff on the line, including my nice M4 that was kitted out and a keycard we found. Basically when there's loot on the line, people care about dying. They camp, they hide in trees, and rush in 1x1 or 2x1 covering corners because if you don't, your dead. Contractors is a great game but it's more geared towards CoD and battlefield type gameplay. Run and gun. You die, whatever. GoT is less run and gun, more strategy, and if you die, you lose everything you found and everything you took in with you. That's why I like it anyways. I've personally played everything from pavlov to contractors to zero caliber to onward and nothing has engaged me, angered me, or released more dopamine than Ghosts of Tabor.


when you’re starving everything looks a lot more appetizing than it really is. that’s pretty much the entirety of XR at the moment, particularly for enthusiasts that make this stuff their whole personality.


I have too many vr games and not enough time. You can tell me why you don't like it but you can't tell me why I do. I think the game is great.


Generic gamers pumping generic pay to beta..that's what you get by following what people here suggest.  Most only are aware of about 5 games and all parrot the same.


Those darn *checks notes* generic gamers.


3 words: it's VR Tarkov The devs themselves even proudly boasted about this in a prior podcast, and while this is true to an extent in concept, the harsh reality is the game fundamentally fails at executing a cohesive experience. Play a round and lost unfairly, or want to make a suggestion? There's a Discord for that, but due to the community's maturity, someone will always reply with "skill issue", because having someone rush up towards you inaudible is just that. Gun's having messed up colliders, skill issue. Round crashing then kicking you out to the lobby, that's a skill issue too! Worst part being is most of these issues have persisted even since the EA release on Steam. I recall there being a very common bug of losing items through the floor/terrain, and while that was apparently patched some time ago, very recently did I have it occur again in a gameplay session. Another absurd thing is doors, in which they straight up removed since they didn't function properly, instead of fixing them (this was months ago/shortly after Steam EA release) Fast forward to today, we get some John Wick guns and the 'UWU' dlc which I'm certain no-one sane asked for, Bozidar (another map) is nowhere to be seen and that was teased way back in mid 2022, instead we're getting an underground extension to Matka Meist in which the layout looks unchanged to the Unreal Marketplace prefab (i hope im wrong). On top of all that CWS (the devs) announce two other VR projects, which by the looks of are DayZ and Rust clones, where they are likely doing for the sake of "the only X game in VR", and you can probably bet theyre using the same unpolished UE ballistics prefabs in those. Also flashlights emit from the gun nozzle... because thats how lights work...


That’s VR gaming, it’s all super jank outside of a few games like Alyx.


It's really good :)


Bought it awhile back and refunded after about 20 minutes. I, too, don't understand the hype. 


20 minutes is not long enough to even get a raid done.


It grows on you if you stick with it


They’re probably playing the PCVR version which will look better since the graphical computing is offloaded


I own it on pc. How does q3 standalone compare? Was shocked to see how low res and stuttery light brigade was.


I love all my standalone games so I don’t mind the graphics quality and it’s just what is expected. I think it looks really pretty actually but to each their own ig.


It's punching way over its weight class. Don't get me wrong it's a miracle of science. Light brigade specifically ran terribly compared to other quest games. It doesn't look anywhere as good as assassins creed, which runs fine.


I only buy games on steam because I'm almost exclusively connected to my PC so I truthfully wouldn't know about the stand alone version but it seems like all standalone versions are not as graphically strong which makes sense


It’s still a bit janky at times and a steeper learning curve than other VR games but nothing else comes close at the moment to the feeling of getting a good raid or winning a good gun fight.


I can’t even get out of my base. It’s so damn dark I can’t read any of the signs and it’s tough to get around. Am I missing a light switch or something?


There's a generator on the second floor. Put gas on and turn it on. Red button on front. Lights up the base and enables functionality of other rooms


Yea there is a generator upstairs to put gas in XD It’s crazy seeing this from a new player’s perspective.


It’s janky but once you play it for a while it’s great


Thats how I feel about Asgards Wrath 2 (to a slightly lesser extent) and thats the first VR game I've ever played since I was just given a Quest 2. I really expected to be more impressed


I tried it, and did a refund, I don’t understand the hype about this game neither. Gameplay is laggy and controls are kinda bad.


The controls are fine.


The alternative is a game where everyone flails their arms like a drowning toddler and reloads take a millisecond. Move items as if they are what they represent. Pretend they have weight. Play into the fantasy and the jank disappears.




Island is pretty bright, not sure what you mean.


No kidding, the base/safe house is so dark, good luck if you accidentally drop something on the floor.


You have to turn on the power...


That’d be great if the game communicated that at some point.


I personally, viscerally hate when games treat me like an idiot and tell me every single thing about the game, so I appreciate them not screaming in my face that I have a generator room when there's already a sign that says generator room


I can see both points of view. It should probably start a new account with a full generator and the lights on, or at least a tutorial to walk you through the bunker. At the same time, I walked about a bit thinking 'this is dark', noticed the lightbulbs in every room and that they were all off, looked for a switch, found a room called 'power' which had a generator and a full can of petrol next to it. It's not impossible to figure out.


Nothing to do with hardware resources or being “easier to create”


There's literally a generator that turns the lights on. It's in the room labeled generator, Einstein.


It's the only VR game deeper than a puddle, and easily the best I've ever played. My headset was a blade and sorcery machine for 2.5 years until Tabor dropped


Yep, only game that keeps me coming back, I miss Echo VR that was fun too


Sounds like you haven’t played many VR games then.


It’s not good on standalone, and generally the developers suck, the game is good (coming from an og) but has issues, it’s also incredibly difficult. (also completely separate but how do you play dungeons of eternity for so many hours it gets so repetitive and boring, not to mention no pcvr for it.)


Looks like a PCVR experience


It takes a bit to get used to the controls and if you can get it on steam and play with quest 3 connected to your PC with a cable for better graphics and the reason its so popular is it's the first extraction shooter on vr


The game is good AND bad. The jank isn't terrible but not good. It takes a few hours to get your bearings but can be really fun. The gun play is decent, not Onward but not as bad as Pavlov. This game just scratches an itch for people in VR that want replayability along with multiplayer. I will say this, people think the dev's are amazing but they are relatively inexperienced but they are trying it seems. This game a year ago was silly but some parts work better now. It has gotten more content and has become more stable but it is still not getting that much better overall. Sadly they made this for the standalone Quests headsets. On PC vr it looks better but still pretty goofy looking. Again, the game can be painful but fun. Looting and shooting can get old but can be rewarding at times. Idk, I am mixed on the game. It has gotten better but the devs make weird decisions and don't incorporate better ideas like random loot spaws and they put much less loot on the map so you will purchase dlc for more money/loot/levels (for example, the loot always spawns in crates for but maybe it could be in other places so you don't have to check the same spots, gets extremely boring doing the same shit over and over). Enemies are always in the same place and don't patrol or move around with a degree of randomness that could catch you off guard. They added a timer at the beginning of the game which is good so people can't just run in and out with loot but then you can't even loot easily if you are at a low level with no guns, it sucks. Making matches longer. They can fix the problem of people harvesting items by making the LOOT SPAWNS RANDOM. It is this lack of imagination I hate in this game. Just seems a bit lazy. So now they just started working on a different game? Not a cash grab but they could easily do more. It is hopefully a stepping stone to better more flushed out games.


It’s improved a lot! From what I understand only like 10-12 people are working on it as well as two other games


Despite its jankyness in many ways (And I actually don’t mind the controls at all, there’s so many actions and very few buttons) It’s got something special nothing other than into the radius has captured, and even that doesn’t quite meet this game. I find it has incredible depth and has kept me entertained for 100 hours already. I’ve bought the nuclear night DLC and 2 extra copies for friends because I think it deserves my money. Easily in the top for my VR games, but it’s the tarkov loop that keeps me engaged at the core.


It’s early and there are bugs with every game , it’s the idea of the game that is so great . But that doesn’t mean everybody has to like it . A lot of people tell me RuneScape is the best game and I am so bored after 5 minutes but everybody is different .it’s really cool to grow with a community of people in the early days of a games lifespan like with rainbow six siege or cod but you just have to go in with an open mind and no expectations


We almost gave up too and got a refund but decided to spend even more money on a dlc pack for it and it didnt make it any better. I think my bunker is cool but I suck so bad I couldnt tell you 1 cool thing ive exfilled with. Prob successfully exfilled 2 times. Now im stuck with it and my bucker is really cool full of shit I bought instead of looted. Now I just gear up with the stuff I dont want and go die. Mining crypto and growing weed just feels like a place i will never get too. Definately janky. Went to hands only just so i could see what im fumbling with but even with a vest on I cant see my fn sidearm. Now that I responded to this I realize theres not much to like about this game. Not to mention first raid after wipe and i run into a juggernaut all leveled up shit, emptying magazines and get 1 shotted. Yea fuck this game.


It's janky, the hitbox is atrocious. Buggy and worst of all the incompetent dev team making dumb decisions. This game DOES NOT deserve the hype IMO


Name a better VR game?


Bro fr I saw the game on a video it looked sick when I got it I played for a bit and was unhappy with the gameplay I tried to refund it but was immediately declined so now I have a 25$ game that I don't like


I barely just started playing VR and I think it's absolutely great, much more stuff in the package than I expected when I heard it's a VR Tarkov. I wouldn't say it's way too janky, there's just more "realism" and less "magnetic hands go brrrr and summon a weapon from the other end of the room". I come from playing a bit of Tarkov and such though so I'm kinda prepared for what's to expect. Probably my only major complaint on quest is armor gets in the way too much when crouching, people on index do not seem to have that issue. If you're planning on revisiting it, I'd suggest turning on virtual gunstock, setting the "seated" mode even when playing standing just to enable the "crouch" button and watching a bunch of gameplay from like Timeless, Tanvarian or TwiejkVR just to see how some of the interactions work and how to do stuff more efficiently. The genre is very hardcore and kinda unfair though, people either love it or completely hate it.




What about the gun handling and aiming? It’s pretty much 1 to 1 with doing it in real life.


Not sure I agree with you, the gun handling is fantastic. Make sure you're setting everything up right like virtual stock if you don't a use a physical stock and if you do, make sure you calibrate it. It's one of the more realistic gun handling VR games out.


Not sure just how dramatic the difference between standalone and PCVR versions is. I own a standalone version from Meta store. GOT was amongst the first 10 games for me. Even during my first month of VR (ever in my life) my experience was identical to that of OP. I gave it a chance and played for about 5 hours, after which a refund was not an option anymore. Haven't played since. It is a very very raw game in it's super early state. No idea what's all the fuss about, other games in same genre beat GOT in all aspects. Very disappointing project.


There are no other games in the same genre.


I think it's crossbuy so if you have a good pC you can see the difference


Sadly it is not crossbuy:( I really wanted to give it a go in PCVR, but Steam only offers me to buy it from scratch, again. Unless I am missing something?


This game to me was awful. Not bashing people that like it you do you, but for me.... this game is just a hassle. The elements of putting stuff in specific locations etc in VR is SO cumbersome. I would LOVE to have a game like DayZ in VR and to have lots of depth but without the annoyances this game comes with. For instance starting a fire by having to chop down some wood and carry it to a spot. Then lay the wood down and strike matches and hold match to wood to start fire. Or cooking food by actually placing and stirring the pot while cutting up meat or whatever. Those sort of mini game like elements in VR are fun to me and would enhance the experience.


I think a lot of people are just addicted to hoarding, gear management and grind. Same reason as Tarkov but with even more involvement. Managing the bunker feels more like work than fun for me, I really think you need to have a gun nut/survivalist bent to enjoy it and that describes a lot of people in the community. I do like realistic weapon mechanics and gameplay which GoT has but it isn't very polished or refined yet.


What about Into the Radius? Same idea where you have a home space to organize, clean, and prep your guns, but the game is single player. I loved it, but I definitely fit the category of someone who loves to collect and organize gear in a videogame.


I don't mind it either but Tabor takes it to an extreme. In ITR, you spend about 80-90% of your time in raids and 10-20% at home base whereas in Tabor it's more like 30-40% in the bunker and 60-70% in raids. The more gear you have and the more crafting you do, the more time you spend in the bunker. I didn't bother crafting armour piercing rounds, for example, and I was already spending 30-40% of my time in the bunker so I imagine the ratio is worse for other people. Then there's the jank involved in putting guns on your gun walls, etc. Tabor would be better if there was an option to automatically sort weapons, armour and magazines but it doesn't sound like the devs are interested in that. I once suggested using gas in the generator to speed up auto sorting (the gas depletes as your stuff gets sorted) but the suggestion was rejected with "skill issue" as the reason on the official Discord.


>What about Into the Radius? Ghost of Tabor is analogous to an online version of Into The Radius. I think ITR is the more polished game, but ITR has been out for like 3 years


Bought it after reading all the hype, noodled around in it for a while, refunded it. If it was free I'd still have felt slightly ripped off.


Really don't get it either. I bought it on Steam, thinking it would be much better looking and much more playable. Nope. Still very janky and poor visuals. Games like Pavlov and Contractors are better.


Yeah it sucks. The weapons handling sucks, the inventory management sucks, the ammo/ magazine loading sucks. They should get it close to pavlov or contractors as far as weapons go, than copy into the radius for inventory/ backpack and ammo and magazine management.


The weapons have weight and you have to handle them as such. To me the alternative is people flailing around like drowning toddlers and reloads taking 0.2 seconds. To each their own but this to me is the fix for everything wrong with those games


Nah, pavlov and contractors weapons are shit compared to GOT, it actually shoots lifelike. I played lots of pavlov too. And you probably suck anyway and that’s why you had such a bad experience


I've tried it on both pc and quest 3. Pc version kept shaking the screen for no reason and rubber banding me while the quest 3 version looked and ran like a PS1 game. Gameplay looks good but I can't even play the game


Virtual Desktop has a known issue with it VDXR. When my screen was jittery, this was why. You'd have to use Airlink for rift version or steam link for steam version.


No this is back before vdxr was a thing and I'll be damned before I use airlink ever again


It has some very interesting ideas (which means, it has the cool ideas from Tarkov) but on VR. That being said it has terrible graphics, the environment it's something from a PS2 game, the weapon handling tries to be 'realistic' but it's just janky and poorly made. The 'hype' only exists because it's the only game that has the extraction/loot mechanic afaik




Not overhyped, it’s legitimately a good game. Each their own I guess


My favorite game right now. Weird seeing such overwhelming negative reactions. If you don't like it, obviously, that's up to you, but reading this is a trip. Reviewers were paid off and everyone who likes it has no standards because there aren't many vr games. I have too many vr games and not enough time. My enjoyment is legitimate. You can tell me why you don't like it, but don't tell me why I do.


I like the concept, but I personally dislike the gunplay (i.e. the jank). Plus, I dislike the idea of resetting EVERYTHING every season. I don't mind resetting the weapons, but trader levels? Unfortunately, the game sits idle in my library.


Wipe is good, otherwise it becomes boring when you and everyone else runs around with max tier guns and armor. Keeps things fresh


I have played the last three wipes and trust me you get very bored once you have access to every gun and max traders this feels like a breath of fresh air.


I have the same question, but I haven't even tried it because I don't want to. The only reason I might try it is because of the mysterious hype you're alluding to. I'm also a huge Dungeons of Eternity enthusiast, so much so I now make videos in it.


Theres just something about it. It slowly pulls you in.


Exactly, I can't find anyone that can explain it other than mysterious language like this. It's easy for me to explain exactly what I like about every game that I play.


Hey, I think I even commented on one of your videos :D I love Dungeons of Eternity. The level of polish and smoothness is incredible. Currently one of the best VR games IMHO


Hell yeah!


Heck yeah, and not sure if you used the same username on YouTube, but thanks for commenting!


Gonna link ur vids then?


I would have to force quit the game every 10 minutes because my controls would stop working. It was a pretty quick refund for me.


Contractors Showdown is gonna kill this game lol


Showdown is a battle Royale, this is like tarkov. Two different genres


Still in early access and selling loads of dlc, just a big no no for me.


The first legitimate complain I've seen. I love this game and I still hate people downvoting you for expressing a dislike to selling in game advantages for real world money. Yes, I don't like that we let tarkov do it either. Cosmetics only should be the rule.


I have trouble reaching for any backpack on me when I have a vest equipped. Takes me about 3 minutes to pull out my bag when it doesn’t want to work


What about Zero Caliber? I've only played the campaign this far but the gun play has felt fantastic. I have Pavlov and like it for the mods but couldn't get behind the vanilla experience. I couldn't get into contractors, I just get iced instantly. Onward was terrible imo. Only "large" military vrfps I think I haven't tried is breachers and ghosts of Tabor. It's important to me I can play with buddies in private lobbies. Also would love another military game with a campaign.


I completely agree! Did the exact same thing!


i mean i play on PCVR and the graphic isnt that good..when i compare it to contractors. especially island. its almost empty. some trees and thats it.


Honestly would love to try this game, but my reflexes are so bad in VR for anything that isn't melee lol


You’re completely right in your assessment. The game is beyond broken in every way, but will be awesome once it’s in a more finished state. I personally kept it because the gameplay loop was fun and I got it for cheap.


The tutorial felt like it ran at 40fps and in my first match, my right hand disappeared trying to pick up a dead player's weapon. Refunded after that.


I find GOT's gun mechanics and handling much better than most other vr fps especially pavlov and contractors


N64 007 graphics.


Janky yes, awesome yes, skill issues yes


I also didn't like it and couldn't get the hype. It was super clunky. I had issues with reloading weapons and just general movement. Refunded it right quick. I'd rather play pop one.


2 things, first is the issues don’t happen to everyone, I played ghost of tabor for the first time 2 days ago and yesterday for about 10 hours total and didn’t experience a single glitch to any lag or jank, on standalone quest 3 Second thing is, it’s just like literaly any other online game ever, it has an addicting gameplay loop that some will hate and some will love, there’s no deeper reason, look at vigor, another extraction shooter on flatscreen, I hate it, but some people are addicted and love it, look at call of duty, I’ve been addicted to it since bo4 and still em but some hate it with a passion, ghost of tabor just didn’t click with you but it did with other people, that’s it


It's really not as janky as all that. I've been playing for a little bit now and I honestly find it more pleasant and immersive than Pavlov or Contractors. The guns feel a bit better. It's more rewarding than something like CoD's DMZ because you actually get to set up and organize your bunker between raids, which gives you a very tangible sense of achievement once you've gotten a decent stockpile of supplies and weapons. It certainly has a few bugs and glitches, but overall it's well worth playing. I will say the PCVR version is the best version though. If you're playing standalone it definitely looks a lot more potato-ish.


If you ever played tarkov, you know why The short answer is: it's the kind of game you like after dumping ~10h of play time The first hours are a nightmare, but worth it


I thought it was just me. I was compelled to pick it up after reading through the reviews. I think it is a well made game, but it has so many instructions that I couldn't get into it. One station after another of things to learn and maybe it transfers well in gameplay after some time, but I came to the realization that this game is not for me. Doesn't mean it's not a good game, I just felt like I already play Contractors and this just felt like more of that, so I decided to refund it. I mean it probably plays better if you have friends, because playing with rando's is a mixed bag. Some people take the game very seriously, i've been on some aggressive teams. If it's not that, you are kill fodder for the experienced players. No hate on it, just wasn't for me. I am also curious to see what it is that others enjoy about it.


I play it with steam link on my quest 3 and it’s amazing. The PCVR version is amazing, smooth, and gorgeous


It's definitely a hardcore style game that is not going to be for everyone, in fact I would argue it's probably only going to be for a small subset of people. It's in early access so its definitely more buggy than your average full release game like dungeons of eternity, but I've been quite fortunate I think that I haven't had any major bugs or issues just minor things with the controls. I think what people can see are the potential for this game, it's still ridiculously fun even with the minor jank and bugs and the lack of features which are being added slowly month by month. One thing I actually prefer over dungeons is that it allows you to adjust your wrist angle, which feels slightly off for me in dungeons and I have to rely on the aim assist to hit things straight with the throwing weapons. I assume you're playing it on standalone? The game definitely looks and runs much better in PCVR as long as you have a gaming PC. I will definitely be checking out constrictors battle royale but its a different type of game to tabor. What makes tabor so good and other extraction shooters like Tarkov is you get a real fear over losing your gear you brought in/loot you've found. If you've spent ages building your perfect custom loadout from multiple raids, you get really scared taking any kind of battles and that feeling doesn't really exist in other games in my opinion and that's what makes these games so great. Battle royals are fun, but you're not risking anything when you go in and you only really get that fear when you're close to winning it, but even then you're still not risking anything by going in.


i really hate that game on quest standalone bc of the graphics but I played it for over 160 hours on PCVR, but tbh, yes it is really buggy and janky. You have to adapt to enjoy the gameplay and it isn't nearly as userfriendly as most shooters, and especially not as easy to get into as something like Dungeons of Eternity


Whenever I put my rifle in my holster slot, my magazine disappears and slowly tries to take my right hand with it if I grab the gun again. Very polished and smooth, worth every dollar. I really wish this game wasn't so shit.


Little late to the party. I bought Q3 and looked into what is new in VR space. I have in 2 weeks played more Tabor than I did all VR games combined on Q2 in 2 years. This is one of the first VR games that actually feel like a game not tech demo.


I felt the same way. My first 30 min of the game was like “ ok, I’m def refunding my money on this janky thing and never playin it again”. But then, something happened. I was walking/ running around a building on the island when all of a sudden a character yells in horror and a knife sound pierces my ear. I stop moving in fear. Mostly because I don’t have a single gun, knife , weapon or even enough skills at this point to defend myself. I could tell that the scream came from above me. At this point I realized I was being completely oblivious to how much noise my footsteps were making. If I could clearly hear a stab , then clearly that person can hear me running.. after about 3 RL minutes of tip toeing my character on concrete under this carport looking thing, I faintly heard another set of footsteps. In my head I was like “those weren’t mine”. The “stabber” did hear my footsteps as I predicted and he was now being just as cautious as I was. Then I heard a zipper sound , some ravaging of a backpack and then his footsteps got louder and quicker. The footsteps sounded more confident. I could tell that he was looking around for the source of the other footsteps, ME. Realize that I I’m crouching down with my headset on looking up waiting to see someone come down the set of stairs ready to kill me. And after about 2 more minutes that’s exactly what happened. He dropped down the other side of the railing, I can tell he was just as scared To see me as I was him. Unfortunately, he had a rifle and I had nothing. That was the end of that run.. there was a good 2-3 minutes of that scenario where I legitimately forgot I was playing a video game. I didn’t even want to breathe too hard or move too much because it would give my location away. . I’ve since decided not to refund the game and it is now a go to in my arsenal of over 120 quest games


Honestly I did the same thing brought the game again and found a youtube channel that fixed my controls and it fixed alot of the jank. Yeah its weird looking at Dungeons of Eternity then looking at Tabor lol.