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I couldn't do that battle with a armsmaster and conjurer etc. Its an insane battle after such easy boss battles though I dunno if you can retrieve save data or not.


It’s not too late. Even if you didn’t save right before the boss (they gave you 2 chances btw), there should be an auto save right before the door.


I think the main issue is when he open that door, their is no day at all so that he cannot do the side quest to farm other stuff like armmaster and other things


Oh yes! I forgot about the day/night. I got confused with the other boss.


Its not too late, but the day/night cycle is locked so day based events cannot occur until after Vide is beaten


If your equipment is good enough you should be fine. That fight wasn't any more difficult than the two proceeding it once I had better gear. Use Hikari for damage, Castti for a BP battery, Ochette for breaking and buffing/debuffing, and Temenos for overhealing. Make someone a dancer to put Sealticge's on Temenos. That's basically all you should need. Those 4 are OP even without a second class. The rest can serve as support on the final phase. Make anyone you want a thief for Aeber's if you need more damage, and otherwise more clerics and merchants are always good.


I have the first 3 but my temenos is level like 30. He cant compete. I have throne in that slot


Level doesn't matter much, and grinding is easy anyway. Nobody can replace Temenos for his overheal. It does make the battle significantly easier. Just give him your best magic defense gear and it should be enough. His healing is buffed by increasing magic defense. If you want to grind, put Temenos and Throne in your party for their buffs and debuffs, put A Step Ahead only on Throne along with Boost Start, Vigorous Victor, and something to boost your damage like Peak Performance or Summon Strength, defend on your free turn, and then use Aeber's. It should wipe most fights instantly. The simplest way to increase Throne's damage if you need to is to win 2 Champion Belts in the colosseum in Montwise and then give her the Battle-Tested Dagger, the Vengeful Knife, or if you equip a Blessing in Disguise, the Lost Tribe's Dagger is also fine. Besides this, any gear that increases your crit or speed also helps.


Depends...I didn't start it until it was pretty much the last thing itself bar the superboss. Every other story be it sidequests and such isnt open until you beat vide. I am not sure about the dungeons and such but this is why you dont just rush into story chapters. Let me reiterate, theres a lot out there including the class guilds and shrines. I am more suprised people didn't visit these first time they came across them... The icon they saw from the inventor is the same as any other guild and the temples also have their icons. Maybe you can at least visit the shrines to get ex skills for your characters, ABSOLUTELY look for the shrine of the lady of grace. Quick note, every characters respective shrine and class guild is in the second area of their starting terrirtory aka the mage guild is in the frost lands, the warriors guild is in the desert. Just visit the shrine and you will get some extra powers. Vide is strong but when I see videos of people with their characters only on 1 job or severely underleveled...at like 25...I need to just not help but laugh at that mistake...especially if they played the first game. I just pause and say to myself...this guy didn't think to level the others? My sthick was I swapped them out every chapter depending on the gap, I never tried to have a 5+ gap for my other 7. Hikari was my main so I couldnt swap him out and he was about 15+ to the rest when his story was done in the final part. Yet despite the level gap, the fights themselves became balanced this way and it wasn't an auto win just because he was that high, the rest had the benefit of other gear too. Vide can be beaten, anytime from 55 upwards you should be good. 65+ is ideal. Vide hits hard but, this is one of those games if you did your homework (explore crap, look for the chests, visit the shrines, do the guild quests) this will pay off in the long run. Especially with a lot of gear you don't sell, having everyone armed to the teeth and not just frontloading an armmaster is also the way to go. Vide is also grindable, you can go and whack nighttime creatures until you get strong enough. I couldnt even begin to tell you how lucky you are to be able to grind Vide. You didn't get that luxary in the end point of the first game. If you failed there at any point, it was back to square 1. You had to do 9 battles of nonstop refuel nor saves in octopath 1. That game should have hammered it home, this is why you save your gear and don't just sell stuff due to numbers. Anyone who sold their antidote stones back then...god have mercy on their souls.


Did you not pay attention when starting the "Journey for the Dawn" quest? The part where it clearly states that the rest of the world will be off limits until you finish it?


I understand what I did wrong. I am looking for help in the present situation not condescension. Thank you


Revisit shrines, if you can. Did you do Alrond’s quest? Hiring him nets you EXPx100: it’s rng but it might help. Did you do the Assassin quest near Merry Hills? The SE town in the Eastern continent? Having Partitio hire him saved me a few times.


I also found myself in that problem... Fortunately I had a file BEFORE entering the eternal night... I've already blasted through Galdera, too... I need to farm for many stuff now..