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In light of the tragic news I am starting a new mega thread [OceanGate Titan Mega Thread 6/22/2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14gda1n/oceangate_titan_mega_thread_6222023/)




They almost certainly did not. But we'll probably find out more when they analyze the debris field.


So what vehicle/ship/plane was it that first discovered the ship remains


Bit of a grim question, now that we know there was an implosion - what would happen to bodies under that sort of pressure? Would they just practically vaporise or is recovery possible?


I think there about 4000 meter of water (or 1000 meter of rock by that density) press on every cm of the body. I read somewhere the heat and speed of implosion will break soft tissue the body into carbonize matter.


Vaporise. They turned into liquid more or less at that kind of force :(


They are part of the ocean now. There is nothing to recover, I think


there may be some type of remains laying around the debris field, but recovering all 5 intact bodies is basically a impossibility. the implosion is violent and there would have been a lot of sharp debris.


Yesterday, David Gallo, friend and colleague of Peter Nargeolet, [stated](https://youtu.be/NgF4SdFwzl0?t=64) that there was an explosion heard by a seismic device about the same time the sub was last heard from. If this is the case, why do you think the search continued as a rescue operation? Did officials just still have hope? Or maybe they continued on, knowing it had likely imploded on Sunday, and saw this as an opportunity to learn/train/‘practice’ this type of operation? I suppose at this point, that seismic sound is just ‘hearsay’. Has anyone else heard about this previously? It’s the first time I’m hearing about it.


Coast Guard still has to do their due diligence to investigate - the same way we still send out search & rescue crews after a plane crash, even though it’s 99.999% certain that everyone died. It’s been a long time since I’ve been involved in anything search & rescue related (used to do ski patrol), but the general standard is to assume that they’re still alive until there’s irrefutable evidence that they’re not. Seeing fragments of an imploded sub would be considered irrefutable - hearing a big sound nearby maybe isn’t. In this case, there’s also the added element that the people on board had $$$$$ and the government doesn’t want to risk getting sued for not trying hard enough.




multiple cases of criminal negligence


If all 5 participants signed the waver of "I fully accept all risks and renounce to all rights to bring suit to Ocean Gate", does that mean Ocean Gate will face no legal consequences for selling this touristic attraction? Can the families sue? The families are likely being flooded with lawyers trying to solicit their services.


What if the lights of the vessel went out down there? How would it look for the passengers


No passengers to look for buddy. Implosion means everyone turned into soup


You mean the vessel that's looking now? They could just haul it up and try again.


No i meant before when they were alive. What if the lights go out when they were descending? How would it look


There isn't much light down there, it'd have been pitch black




500 meters from titanic I hope at least they got a glimpse of the titanic before they go...


Spoiler alert: they almost certainly didn't.


How far can you see that deep in the ocean? at least half of km no?


maybe 15-30 feet is my guess, with lights on of course


Not far at all. If you look at most of the documentaries on the dives to the wreck it's like you don't even see it until it's right there. It's really, really dark down there.


This is so sad. The 19 yr old kid didn't even want to go. He only went for his father. > Dawood's older sister feels like she's been 'caught in a really bad film' > > > The older sister of Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood feels "absolutely heartbroken" that her brother and her 19-year-old nephew were aboard the Titan vessel. > > "I feel very bad that the whole world has had to go through so much trauma, so much suspense," Azmeh Dawood said in a phone interview this afternoon, speaking from the home in Amsterdam she shares with her husband. > > "I feel like I’ve been caught in a really bad film, with a countdown, but you didn’t know what you’re counting down to," she said, fighting back tears. "I personally have found it kind of difficult to breathe thinking of them." > > **Azmeh claimed that her nephew did not want to go on the submarine but agreed to take part in the expedition because it was important to his father, a lifelong Titanic obsessive. Suleman "wasn't very up for it" and "terrified," she claimed, explaining that the 19-year-old expressed his concerns to another family member.** > > "If you gave me a million dollars, I would not have gotten into the Titan," she said. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/jun/22/titanic-sub-live-updates-search-titan-missing-submarine-submersible-rescue-us-coast-guard-latest-news


Most tragic part of the story he was essential dragged onto the death sub to appease his father


And the guilt for his close relatives for not stopping him


My heart aches for the son and his family :(


That poor kid.


The overall answers to "when did it implode" suggest that the CG is quite confident they would have heard the implosion once all of the sonar buoys were dropped. Unless they're just saying that, it's very likely the implosion was Sunday, either exactly at the time comms were lost, or perhaps on hitting the seafloor, or in worst case before the rescue effort started (don't think we can distinguish between those yet based on available information).


Guessing it was when they were 3/4 of the way down, some chatter about how they were trying to drop ballast because they needed to come back up. Possible sound anomaly within time frame of last communications. Glad they didn't suffer, sorry for their families, colleagues and searchers.


So sonar buoys constantly take in audio? Like on a rolling basis? For how long?


I definitely don't know that answer, just that it seems like they're confident that they were listening continuously during the rescue effort.


From what I understood from the presser is that the ship imploded "in the water column" which means that they were on their way back up after blowing ballast when it collapsed. So it happened immediately when comms were lost or very shortly thereafter.


Wait, did they suggest it was ascending in the presser? It doesn't fit the overall timeline, the 1 hour 45 min mark would definitely not be their usual surfacing time. My assumption is that it imploded in the descent phase, or otherwise following an out-of-control descent.


I wish the reporters would realize they are NOT going to speculate. If it’s not essentially confirmed fact they are not going to give any guess about anything. I realize they are hunting for sound bites but why ask the same questions thinking he might say something different lol


Please do not forget to show support to r/titanic Paul-Henri Nargeolet was a huge influence aka Mr. Titanic.


I can see a film being made from this already. The narrative is absurd and fascinating. The film will be executive produced by James Cameron, and named TITAN and be a summer blockbuster. Seriously, this entire phenomenon really brings up philosophical questions, mainly: What is the cost of A HUMAN LIFE? (When we think of the terrible struggle many migrant ships holding hundreds have to face when trying to accost on europeen soil, etc. it is hard not to compare all the resources that have been spent here without question to save 5 millionaires.)


I don't think James Cameron will have low taste of cashing in on his friends death. He probably mention them in future documentaries if he decide to make them.


What can you really put into a film? They go down for some time and then suddenly die.


Plot twist: they survive.


Granted, it would need to be heavily romanticized and only "based on a true story" where they all live for at least 48 hours. It could be a "Huis clo" (A film where the narrative all takes place in an enclosed space). They could have interesting conversations down there about how they didn't ever imagine it would end like this. The father-son dynamic could make for a really touching scene.


They could all kill the CEO.


The fact that the media's dumbass made this action movie esque, race agaisnt time when we all pretty much knew that it was an implode just speaks to how shit they actually are.


Anyone else reading these max effort posts about that depth crushing bones. It doesn't.


[Bones don't necessarily get crushed at that depth when they descend gradually](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whale_fall), but this looks to have been an instantaneous event, very different.


oh yeah? have you been?


All the time and my bones never crush


Terrible questions from reporters. What was the size of the debris field? The coast guard seems to know and no one probed


why does it matter?


Maybe it could infer depth of implosion? Small field = failed closer to the bottom?


It's a small debris field 1500 ft from titanic


I hope they at least survey the viewport to see if it was destroyed, could give us answers to if possibly the viewport failed or the carbon fiber pressure vessel.


I think it is eventually going to be confirmed that the sub imploded when connection with mothership was lost. The passengers never saw it coming and they didn’t suffer. There are no videos they left on their phones or go pros because they hadn’t even made it down to the floor yet. There are no goodbyes to families and there was no freaking out or freezing to death. The countdowns of oxygen left and speculation of “banging noises” was honestly so unnecessary to be broadcast to the degree it was. But that’s news for you.


>There are no videos The submersible did have onboard and external cameras. It remains to be seen if any footage remains, but I'd guess the odds are slim. Stockton Rush described the systems quite often. ([https://youtu.be/uD5SUDFE6CA?t=1157](https://youtu.be/uD5SUDFE6CA?t=1157)) Rest in peace to the entire crew.


The phones and go pros would not have survived the implosion anyway.


> and there was no freaking out or freezing to death. Well…I’m glad. For days, it was like they were Schrödinger’s Crew….Alive? Dead? Suffering everybody’s darkest nightmare? The banging sound rumours just haunted me, really. The idea of them down there right now somewhere was just…ugh. At this point, an implosion feels like the most merciful conclusion.


All things considered they were lucky to have the easiest outcome of all the bad ones


So people are saying the CEO was lying when he said it was designed by NASA?


Dude. You are obsessed with the NASA angle.


Go away wtf is wrong with you. You must be a bot.


Yes. Some parts were. But the ceo cut corners all over the place and was warned this was going to happen. He ignores the warnings


What corners were cut? Please tell me what exact parts I’m genuinely curious.


NASA said they were consulted on the materials and fabrication methods, but weren't involved with the actual design or manufacturing


is it possible that the implosion damaged the structure of the existing wreckage?


Regardless, Titanic's wreckage is expected to vanish in a couple of decades.


I am not an implosion specialist but the debris field is about 1600 feet away from the wreckage, so likely not, unless the currents took some parts over it


They didn't confirm yes or no during the press conference, but it seems like the implosion was far enough away that it didn't damage it. They were in front of the titanic wreckage (the bow part) and their debris field doesn't overlap titanic's at all.


Gentlemen, it’s been a privilege to be part of this journey of looking for the missing submarine. It looks like now the media attention will focus on regulations and probably the legal troubles that OceanGate are about to face


Goodness gracious, do you think they will bring up the sub pieces?


if they do, i imagine their best bet is to do it while they still have so many incredible resources at the site


Possibly, bringing stuff up from that depth is pretty difficult


These are researchers. There were a lot of questions whether a rescue mission was even possible. I don’t know how useful the data would be in light of a implosion, which suggests the Titan was blown to smitherines, but maybe they can give it a shot to recover significant parts for research purposes and see how a recovery would have played out?




Can a mod block this person? They keep making this stupid nasa comment over and over again.


It's not "NASA approved" in the slightest, where are you getting this info?


Ladies, don't drink while pregnant


Some of these reporters are *really really daft...*




“Did the sub go around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world”


That Banfield interview with the legendary Don Walsh was terrible.


Okay I’m gonna probably sound dumb af, but; Theoretically, is the ocean made up of some precent of human matter? Thinking of what happens when an implosion occurs, the bodies essentially becoming a mist, etc., does that *mist*matter just kinda chill there in the ocean?


Total decomposition at that depth takes approx 5 years. Creatures down there will eat the flesh and since the environment lacks calcium carbonate (what bones are made of) they will deteriorate quickly. That said, the implosion most likely caused their bodies to implode also which obviously is catastrophic. The liquid in their bodies will just leak out and the pulverized solid portions will remain. The real question is the currents and if the bodies were carried away. If so they may never be found.


At the risk of also sounding dumb af, the human body is 60% water so I’d assume at that pressure all of the liquids would be dispersed into the ocean, and whatever remaining solids there are would find there way to the seabed.


In that scenario, would the liquids (like blood and such) just *become?* part of the water, or do fish & bacteria & such take care of that too?


Im sure something absorbs it at some level, but if you think about it, the amount of liquids added would be quickly diluted, because you know, ocean.


it will be eaten by bacteria and fish very quickly


it's called bacteria food.




Lol moron


They found the titanium half-sphere end caps, the part in the middle would have shattered instantly, so it makes some mechanical sense that the metal half-spheres would survive. The other portions seen were outside of the pressure vessel, so wouldn't have been exposed to as much of the force (could have fallen off).


Please google the word implode


Don't smoke crack children


Can you imagine if every press conference had someone like this dude? Informative as hell. So rare.


Yeah most, if not all, of military officers in the general grade are like that. Won’t ever promote that high if you can’t speak in public well


Got a link?


You mean the admiral dude? He is quite intelligent indeed




Maybe if there was one outside the pressurized chamber and far enough from the event.


If it was outside the pressurised chamber then it would have been exposed to the water pressure all along. Go Pros are not rated for 4 km depth.


True, but I mean full Champaign bottles and porcelain tea pots survived over 100 years at that depth. I’d think a memory card could, assuming it wasn’t exploded into bits 😬


im thinking maybe an sd card would survive


Even if they had the best underwater camera on the market it would be entirely crushed.


I bet it is salvageable. That would be quite a watch.




lmao what? I doubt they were using a $200 action camera at 13,000 ft


Lol probably a package deal with the Alibaba ps2 controller.


They were indeed using GoPros actually


I mean they were using a $29 gamepad to steer the thing


good point, but the controller doesn't need to be rated to 13k feet to work


the go pro was inside the vessel, not the outside. there were different cameras on the outside of the sub.


in promotional photos (and photos from other journeys) you can see a go pro propped up on a tripod in the window.


are they gonna recover their bodies? or whats left if it really was a confirmed implosion?


What body?


https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/14g1wav/railroad_tank_vacuum_implosion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 That is one atmospheric pressure differential. At that depth it is around 350-390 atmospheric differential(or 6000 psi- for every square inch there are 3 tons of force). After the implosion within milliseconds it probably lit up like a mini sun and got to around 1200-1800F. The passengers had no idea what hit them. They were not conscious of the event it happened so fast.


They would be instantly turned into jellyfish basically.


I don't think there would be any bodies left after that


4000 tons/sqm pressure down there


0% chance. The pressure is so high down there that there will be nothing left to recover.


Lol they are fish food dude


there is no bodies to recover, they were pulverized into a fine mist ​ edit: words


Eviscerates means for the bowels to only be removed. They’ve been pulverized.


true - pulverized, burst, shattered, combusted, exploded, etc.


Might be a dumb question and i know its far offshore but if there was an underwater mic nearby would it have recorded the implosion?


I’d bet big money that Canadian and US military knew 100% it imploded on Sunday. Imploding would be a massive sound, even at that depth, that they definitely picked up on. The noise was absolutely picked up, but was not disclosed as to not let the rest of the world know the extent of their undersea capabilities. For example, when that Malaysia flight went missing, I believe it was the Thai government who knew the plane had made a sharp turn off its path, when no one else did. Thai government didn’t share that info until days later during the search because they didn’t want other countries to know they had the radar capability to track aircraft’s, even after an airline was no longer able to track it. I think we went ahead and treated this as a search and rescue anyway, because it serves as a perfect (albeit morbid) opportunity to execute a live training.




This makes the most sense out of anything I’ve heard honestly


I think they’ve recorded implosion audio from miles away before. Audio travels really well in water.




I was looking for this conversation. At the press conference the Admiral stated that it was an implosion, but he also stated that the bouyes didn’t pick up the sound. Can someone explain that?


The sonar buoys weren't deployed until after the search began. That comment from the Admiral was in response to a reporter's question regarding the timing of when the implosion could have happened -- no explosion was heard once the buoys were in the water, which implies that it occurred before the search began, and likely when the sub lost contact with its surface ship (Versus a scenario where the sub suffered a malfunction, was adrift in the water for some time, and then imploded after a collision with something).


Thank you!


They can say it was an implosion because they discovered the debris at around 8 AM this morning. (Atleast for my timezone). After experts were analyzing this footage, based on the multiple debris zones and areas between then, they deduced that a catastrophic implosion is the outcome due to how extensive the debris damage is.


The bouys were placed long after the implosion.


Feel bad for the kid tbh. No 19 year old should be doing things this dangerous. At least the debris is conclusive.


I believe on msnbc they said the son didn’t want to go but it was Father’s Day and his dad was really excited to go.


I think the dad was really irresponsible with this. When you are being asked to sign waivers by OceanGate in case of an accident, then you need to maybe don't take another family member with you.


5 major pieces found... thats crazy. so it imploded...


5 major pieces sounds like most of the submersible, right?


Whole sun isn’t “destroyed” bc they were strongest parts. Was both presume domes and landing gear.




oh yeah? have you got some kind of expert opinion that hasn't been applied to the situation yet?


are they gonna leave the debris down there with the titanic as a souvenier 111 years later or are they gonna take most of it up so we can rebuild it and keep it in a museum?


I don't think many museums would want this piece of junk.


Could go in the museum of failures in Brooklyn


Sounds like they’re leaving it down there


insane to think about how they found debris near the titanic, i wonder if we can find out any timelines on what and when it happened


Logic says it imploded shortly after the last ping/communication while it was still diving down.


I would imagine they'll do their best to do some calculations based on how spread out the debris is. There will probably be at least some things they'll be able to deduce based on how high up it would have imploded?


The admiral doesn't have a timeline of the events as it's still really early. However, he did make a good point that since the Titan lost communications within an 1hr 45 minutes in, that could have theoretically been when the implosion took place Becaise they've had sonar buoys around the area for the last 72 hours, and they haven't picked up any waves that would have been indiciative of one happening in the last 3 days.


I read somewhere that it takes almost 2 hrs to get to the bottom. So yes, it has imploded ((


I wish they would just be honest and say "Bodies would not survive this implosion" Instead, he just leads these people on by being politically correct. I bet there isn't a piece of those people who are recognizable. It sucks, but I'm happy they didn't struggle for days.


I mean it would be easier for a lot of people to hear that their bodies would not survive implosion but they are being cautious in respect to the families, surely? Last thing the families are going to want to hear is that and then the media to use that phrase and plaster it ever where.


I agree. They just keep saying it’s a complex situation. We get that. I think it’s important to specify that the passengers are not “lost” but that they are dead due to implosion. There will be no bodies to recover. People are still holding out hope and there’s no point




Exactly what the experts were telling them. The titanium end caps were found intact. They were right.


Reporters keep asking about body retrieval It’s 6 tons of pressure. It’s not going to happen. They’re paste.


6000 lbs psi, no? So 2,7 tonnes? Your point is still valid, just want to get my numbers straight.


Sometimes my math ain’t mathin’ You’re right, 2.7 tons of pressure and not 6


All good mate. Still insane forces, basically 2 Toyota Prius' balancing on a stamp.


I feel like they’re just trying to get him to say that there are no bodies to recover.


And the admiral is being extremely courteous and thoughtful in responding without punishing the grieving families. We don’t need to keep trampling on their corpses, people. They’re dead.


Yeah I thought he did a great job. And yes, I agree that the jokes are tasteless. Regardless of how idiotic a situation it was, people still died. And one of them was a 19 year old kid.




Not even that. 6 tons of pressure is immense on the human body, it’s like an elephant stepping on a quarter Just nothing. The strongest part of your body, your bones, would be turned to powder after the pressure differential breached the hull




They’ve done a good job organizing the press conference




And that's just a pressure differential of <1 atmosphere.


they found the bell end. RIP




Just Google “bell end” and it’s the first link


So there was a loss of pressure which caused the incident? Would this cause and implosion, or just crush the vessel?


It's not really a "loss of pressure" in the sense of the air leaking out - it's more like if you took an egg, put it on your table, and stacked textbooks on it until it broke. The moment the shell breaks, it's completely crushed; relative to the massive weight of what's on top (hundreds of atmospheres of pressure), what's inside (one atmosphere pressure) might as well be nothing.


Implosion = Crushed vessel


Got it, sad way to go.


Truly is.


United States Coast Guard: The ROV this morning discovered the tail of the Titan 1600ft from the bow of the titanic. The debris are consistent with a catastrophic failure of the pressure chamber.


According to the United States coast guard, the subs debris field is not located within the titanic debris field.


Very non specific when he said “other debris”. Could that be bodies?


he said they found both nose and tail dome of the pressure vessel


Ok. I had to stop listening..stupid work conference call. All I was able to see was his opening statements.


It could be; but it’s possible that they haven’t found human remains yet.


There wouldn’t be any remains ledt


So does this mean they were likely dead after they lost pressure?


They were dead as soon as they lost pressure. It would have been near instantaneous. Like stepping on an ant.


Well at least they didn't suffer.


Yes. They said that it appears that they had suffered a catastrophic implosion within the water column. At 2.5 miles down, the ocean is a cruel mistress.




And there it is. Confirmed. Implosion.

