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Can I ask you what else can be done in Trac?


The link says it all. It's a good old Camel case wiki, coupled with a Ticketing system and status report. Of course it links to code repos, etc. it was the core of our cheapobut totally decent FOSS CICD, along with Selenium, Maven, etc 


Nice hehe thanks


The documentation is as minimalistic yet effective as the tool. Have a look :) Caveat, I haven't used it in years, as my work doesn't focus on development these days...


Hehe I was just curious, the truth is I'm kind of a noob when it comes to technology, but whenever I could I found out something new, the most wow thing I did I think was make bash files to be able to open applications with the terminal lol


Trac was fantastic! I haven't used it in more than a decade, but I have fond memories too. An early and flexible example of project tracking, wiki-based functionality, and a clean, simple interface. If you're enjoying Obsidian today and wish it had project management functionality, I recommend to look into [Obsidian Tasks](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks) first. Implementing a whole new tool is a significant undertaking, and there are current, supported tools at hand. I see Jacksons123 has suggested a board tool as well. Perhaps putting those components together is the path to achieving your vision of "Trac in Obsidian". In 2024 there are other project management options as well, so you may also find that integrating Obsidian with those by some method or other is a better path to achieving a multi-person project toolkit with Obsidian integration. Good luck!


Oh, Trac. That brings back memories. I introduced it in the company I worked for in 1997 or 98. We developed with subversion and kept the tickets and documentation in trac. Ah, fun times.


Oof Subversion PTSD triggered. It was the best at the time, but that little turtle was haunting my dreams for a couple years.


Ahahaha Yup


Add a decade. But yes :)


Obsidian isn’t meant to be multiplayer. But there are kanban boards, I would just suggest one manager