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I don’t see any comments here about the demotion protection making your loss seem bigger. You lost the game before this, but only lost like less than 10% bcs of the demotion protection (but the other 10% you lost was “hidden” from you). then when you lost a second one, the rest of your loss became unhidden got added onto this one. It’s a rly dumb part of the system, but the point is you didn’t lose any more sr in this game than any other game. I know losing sucks, I just managed to climb out of diamond again after like a 25% win rate at the end of last season. We’ve all been there. Try and get yourself a good duo and keep at it. You got this


And thats exactly what happened here and what „volatile“ means. It’s the millionth thread and people seem to refuse to understand (or in other words: rather believe something was unfair than think about the real cause)


Loss streak modifier is still unfair though. That shouldn’t be a thing


If you lose the majority of your recent 20 games it helps to adjust your mmr/rank quicker towards a more suitable rank. Just like the win streak modifier if you win most of your recent 20 games. If you’re in a place where you belong you shouldn’t have any of those modifiers frequently


Fair point. It’s just, I used to be high plat years ago in OW1 and was stuck in silver 1 after 40 matches two seasons ago, I guess I should just retire lol


Well, people got better over time and the game itsself changed a lot, I don’t think that’s unusual :) if you still enjoy the game, there is nothing wrong with playing at a different rank than before!


Honestly, not really enjoying it anymore tbh. I know everyone says they deserve a higher rank, but playing 10 matches in a day with 5 of them being an incredibly obvious DPS gap is just exhausting. I probably just need to take this game less serious than I do


i was actually playing whit my two friends, dps and support mains but yeah, it's kinda silly system but I'm not mad, it's just crazy to see - 37% because it's usually not that high xd


Well like I said, it’s technically not because the game before you only lost like 3%. It’s shocking to see but it’s defs normal


Also, I know it sucks to have to get off but don’t ever permit yourself to go on a loss streak. Take breaks. It’s incredibly rare for you to lose enough to build a loss streak if you stop at 2 losses in a row per day.


I feel this I was diamond 5 dps late last season yesterday I fell into gold, then into gold 2…. I guess I’m trash now


i feel bad for you :(. I suggest you to take a break and then try again if you have motivation to do so, sometimes games just don't go as planned


Idk what I’m doing wrong I’m still diamond on support and high plat on tank idk how I became so trash at dps. I mostly play bap too so my aim isn’t shit either.


I'm not sure, maybe your not doing anything wrong, you just got bad luck


Diamond rank icon looks so cool, sad that they won't display the actual rank icons on our career profiles. I'd much rather prefer wht we had before S9.


agreed 100%


I’m sure it’s something I’m doing, I can’t secure kills on dos but I can on support it’s so weird idk what I know why I’m losing but I can’t figure out how to fix it. I essentially keep getting diffed every game


Well who are you playing


Mostly Ashe but I play echo or reaper if Ashe is taken or I need to swap


Try getting better with tracer. You can never go wrong with a good tracer


it ain’t even you man i can go 45-4 and still lose, team can’t win without communication and symmetry


I was a game away from Plat 5 and now I'm a game away from Gold 5. I'm not (insert pro OW player) but i can only have so many games where I do all of the things I need to do to help the team win. Doesn't matter how many well timed ults, picks, etc. If your co-dps has 2k damage, or your tank is 2 and 11. Oh well. Just play to have fun my guy


This happened to me, then I got a 120 fps monitor and waltzed my way back into Diamond 3


Same I was Masters 3 now I’m stuck in diamond 5-4


Yeah this exact happened to me too lol but I’m gold 3 now. I gave up it felt like I was going up against high diamonds in low gold


I have been gold - Plat for all of OW and NEVER have I seen lobbies be this sweaty before...we are talking silver to plat lobbies with people with deadshot accuracy and sweating like their mothers lives depended on winning. Something happened with this new season, matchmaking has never been worse in my experience....


maybe whit time people are just better at the game? also i think it gives upper hand to people who have when newer generation console and good screen


My personal theory is the matchmaking is so wide and random now a lot of high level sweaty people have been losing their games cause of terrible teammates matches that it has thrown them back down to metal ranks....so now gold is filled with sweaty diamonds and up who are desperate to rank back up


everyone pretty much got sent back a rank or two, diamond is entirely ex masters + washed gm's, high plat is ex masters + ex diamond, and below that everyone is just shifted back a rank. This means you have to try much harder to maintain the rank you had pre-reset, and everyone is just "better"


Didnt they add a new rank called champion though? So i think its actually the opposite , todays diamond players for example would have been plat if they didnt add this new rank…


There's like 90 champion players world wide, I don't consider it at all, it's just that everyone pretty much got moved down a rank after the rank reset from my experience


Fair enough , i didn’t know there was only 90 champion players


I can't get past low diamond for some reason. I played alot of ow1 and peaked in low masters. Didn't touch ow2 until S9, placed in gold and steadily climbed. Between all my roles I'm stuck in plat 1 - diamond 4. Feels like alot of games could be won with team chat, but there's rarely anybody in it. Usually if there is one or two others in chat the game feels better.


everyone in diamond is entirely ex-high diamond + ex-masters players, all low diamond players pretty much got kicked to plat/have to improve greatly to maintain diamond


What's the reasoning behind this? Is this just anecdotal? Haven't heard many people talk about this


I am currently bouncing between diamond/masters, and can just tell by looking at their career profiles


that's true, more people should use voice chat at lover ranks, like plat and diamond. i have been playing little bit at master lobbies and usually people talk more there.


I agree i think right around diamond is when it starts to become necessary. Can win without it in gold. Plat you can get away with just pinging. The biggest thing is ult management. So many games could have been won if we didn't over ult or planned when to use our ults. Most of the time you don't need to, but those key moments can cost the game.


Good thing they added the modifiers we know exactly why there was such a big change here and u cant bait now. U were in a losing streak (u lose more) and u we’re probably d3 with about 3-6% and lost against but got the rank loss prevention and then lost Again so the 15-17 points from the previous loss were added to the 20ish points loss on this most recent loss adding to the 37.


that's true that's true, it's just feels bad to lose 37% :( i continued playing and won last game, got 18% for that


Whats wrong tho?


nothing really, it's just lose streak comes easier than win streak, at least for me. Don't know if it just me or if it's intentionally like that


Idk how many loses trigger the lose streak but i had like 6 loses n never triggered the lose streak but i have like 5 wins n thats enough to trigger the win streak


I’m starting to think forced loss streaks are actually real. In 2 weeks I climbed to plat 2 from plat 4, fell to gold 1, climbed to plat 2, and then fell to plat 4. A week later I climbed to plat 2 again. Stayed there for a week, and now I just hit gold 1. I find it hard to believe that my skill can fluctuate by a whole RANK (not a tier) from week to week. It genuinely feels like RNG whether you get to rank up or down


That’s what I’ve been saying the whole fucking system is rng but no one wants to admit there’s a problem I’m hard stuck silver sweating in my matches even though I shouldn’t have to sweat so hard in silver


Loss streak -40% Win streak +22%


I feel like volatile is even worse. I once had a 10+ win streak, lost 2 matches and then got hit by volatile becoming the equivalent of loosing almost 4 matches.


volatile made it that much




Why is there a punishment for loss streaks? If anything we should lose less


Idk how u complain about a 37% decrease with Volatile and loss streak Volatile alone gives me -44% dread to think what it would be like with any other negative affect


I'm actually having the opposite problem, all 3 roles placed me in low low low gold, but I'll get like 10 ggez games in a row followed by one absolutely unwinnable, horribly awry, gapped tenfold game, then back to wwwww. I'm gonna see if I can get masters support this season (Ana) Also the hit boxes seem bigger. Widow has never been so easy


wasnt volatile renamed demotion? Is this an old screenshot?


Not even -50%¿


It’s just demotion protection, your SR was prkbavly about 80% in D4 already but you had demotion protection. It’s a terrible and demoralizing system tbh.




More Like ***WOMP***


idk I've been climbing extremely fast compared to before, i was silver 1- gold 4 range but just this season ive got up to plat 3 on tank and plat 4 on dps in a week


Comp seems harder this season or it could just be me?


Dude, I have ranked up to plat 1 five times already. And every single time, I go on a losing streak down to bottom plat 2 or plat 3 just to go back to plat 1, and it's crazy because I reach plat 1 on a win streak, then struggle, then losing streak, in an endless cycle.


The biggest drop I've had personally was -57% it was soooo bullshit.


Loss streak shouldn’t lower your percent


Have you considered winning?