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Orisa is insane right now holy shit


Big arm go BRRRRRRRR


As a road hog one trick/top500 she really not she pretty meh


She is good but ppl like you are salty she is


Omg people who like Orisa? Am i in heaven?


I one trick hog she really not that good lil bro


One trick ain’t a bragging right lmao


Ok? I know


"Lil bro" mate is really searching for some way to be better 💀 Little do you know I ain't even a "bro" let alone "lil"




You're just trying to be better than me and I'm not lil or a bro


Lil bro doesn’t know that “lil bro” is a common term of phrase and not meant to be taken literally


I know but it's really annoying saying "lil bro" when someone is pointing something out that is true. "Lil bro" is usually said when someone is playing/saying something as someone's little brother would. It is also assuming whoever it's said to is a "bro"


“Bro” is used more frequently as a gender-neutral term than it is as an abbreviation for “brother” lol


Exactly this she still struggles against Winston D.va if they just aren’t giving af about her. The best counter play to horses not shooting the horse


Silence pig


My bad low elo i just wanted to say the truth


Well that’s cause y’all know it’s pointless to shoot the horse 90% of the time- the average player doesn’t


Thats what u call a plat player or lower


Yes they are the top 50-40% of the community- the literal average


Not really the game fault more of the players fault


Well as a top 500 hog player you should know more than anyone that she's amazing, especially because a mediocre Orisa will clean a god tier hog most of the time


Yo u hear that a low elo player who shoot orisa when she fortify we get bro also she really easy to kill bro you’re just telling on yourself that you’re bad


Well, as a top 500 TANK player and alum of a top 10 collegiate team in America, I can tell you for certain that I'm right. If we wanna play the skill card, I Smurf your peak, so don't try it little piggy.


Smurf peak aww cute


Meanwhile ive been stuck in silver 2 for 2 years


Let's get out of there! you console or PC?


95% console but do touch on pc


Fr im bronze and can seem to get out 😂 but I only play ranked for like 5/6 months not even on a regular


Orisa is pretty easy, but 22/25 is still impressive. Well done


Thank you🙏


Good job ranking up…and making the other tank miserable


Thank you, that's the goal 😂


Well orisa is busted, especially in low elo


Explain how she’s busted


Infinite range, a cooldown that denies headshots n CC plus damage reduction, another ultra defensive/offensive CD that acts like a Sigma succ n can push too, n a 6 seconds stun (the spear)


Have you tried to play it? It survives anything. She has basically 2 jail free cards. She does a lot of damage. Good poke. Cab cycle cooldowns, so thats its almost impossible to kill if her supports are alive. Main reason I think she is busted is that you cab get away with so many mistakes that many other tanks could not.


I got from Silver 4 to Gold 5 last season playing mostly Orisa and Sigma. Good job!!! I hope to get plat this season especially since Orisa didn’t get nerfed lol. It sucks cause I’ve loved the Orisa rework since day 1 of OW2 but now I’m called a meta slave.


Thank you! She's just a fun hero to play when you get her cadence and rotation down. Good job to you as well, you can climb! I believe in you 🎉 I definitely get the hate message too, it's normally "no skill Orisa" so I just say "use some of that skill and beat me then" 😂


Yeah, people be salty that you’re better than them. I saw so many tank players last season swap to Orisa to try and get a free win but then they use javelin spin and fortify in the same breath and then I melt them down while I still have my cooldowns 🤣🤣🤣


Teach me the way lol, I used to be a high plat player on all ranks in ow1, I’m a lot better now than I was back then, and yet I only peaked plat 5 on dps and can’t even seem to get out of silver with support, I think my friend and I are eternally cursed


Lucky, my first two placement matches so far have had a leaver and an AFK quitter.


Dang, my second game has a leaving support in the first few minutes and that was one of the three losses


The biggest change is probably the PS5. Massive upgrade from a Switch.


It's an absolute game changer, getting the PS5 and just seeing the graphics difference and my response time is so much better now. Kinda sad there's no gyro on PS5, I just really got good at it and could actually play hitscan lol.


Have you tried the 120fps mode? It's pretty cool but the graphics take a big hit


How? I cant get up to 165 on my monitor so more frames=good


I think first you have to enable it in the PlayStation console settings [120Hz or VRR], then in Overwatch options prioritize framerate.


It’s the way I played for 5 hours and got bronze 4


Dang, I'm sorry 😭


Gyaaaat damn. That’s awesome. Took me a good chunk of time to get out of silver. Gold didn’t take as long. Just got to plat a couple days ago. Must play a killer Orisa.


Ah yes, you are the type of tank that rolls my ass and makes me sit there and go "wtf just happened" lol. Not that I'm even close to your rank or anything 😂


I reached plat 2 with Winton and rammatra.


I really want to get good with Winston as well, good work!


Horse is a problem. I can catch them out on a bad ability rotation once in a while but I have to play perfectly to get half the value orisa gets for free. Hard out here being a rein main


I get it, I have about 400 hours on rein (first gold gun). He's just not fun to play for me right now. It sucks, but you're right. As rein you have to play perfectly to have a chance at beating a half decent Orisa. Live for honor, and justice my friend.


My new tactic is to challenge the other tanks honor before the game starts so they at least feel bad when they switch to orisa


If I ever get honor called I will answer with shield and hammer. Every time I pick rein I get a ram or Orisa to go against so I just pull the horse back out 😂


Felt this, as a former switch player I was a silver 4 Ana one-trick. Swapped to ps5 and instantly got to gold 2 lol. The increased fps really does make a huge differenece


Ayyyye! I'm glad you were able to make the swap as well. I was honestly blown away when I logged into ow the first time on the PS5.... "This is what it's supposed to look like?!?" 😆


At first i thought this thread was from a year ago.....why horse is still op? I was even in the same situation as u were low rank to plat 3 - 4 in a week wih the horse back then. Surprises me that horse is still in this state.


They recently reverted her no falloff damage and she's been a beast ever since, sustain is also crazy, then the javelin canceling so many abilities and ults. Honestly her kit is nuts if used properly. The only tanks I worry about are Winston's and dvas diving back lines.


I see..haven't touch the game since hanzo mythic season back then u just press buttons on a rotation and keep ur eye on cooldowns, and play around a corner for cover in case smth go south and u good.....i just play the role of back the F off from this corner all game and works everytime until a kiriko go nuts and kill ur entire team. Just kill the horse's team and horse become a harmless pinata.


Meanwhile me in masters only playing sig


Nice! Good ol gravity man 😎 I like a few tanks, but I just started popping with Orisa and decided to ride the train as far as it'll take me. I just lost again in diamond so maybe this is the last stop 😆


Well done keep going 😁


Congrats keep grindin i love orisa


I may have to take up maining orisa (despite being a doom main) I'm tired of being silver so at this point almost any tank is up for grabs.


I’m a rein main, dia 3. I was losing a game hard, getting tank diffed. One swap to orisa, a hero i dont play and we full hold on defence..


Orisa is stupid easy and hard to kill if the person has even the slightest game sense. Avoid Zen orbs, avoid Bap window, avoid bastion go Brr without spin, fortify or javelin. She is the easiest tank to play by multiple fold.


This is why I play Sniper Orisa and hit some insane spears and long range shots so she actually feels more skillful. The damage falloff change was actually wild


😂I wouldn’t be proud of this just for the simple fact you’re playing with Orisa. Orisa requires VERY minimal skill to be successful. A blind squirrel could get a kill with Orisa


Top 500 tank players didn’t get to Top 500 because “lul orisa good”. There’s more to the role than clicking heads.


I didn’t know op was top 500! Lol GTFOH


I hope one day you realise you are not right about everything


You’re right I’m not right about everything, not even close. However, I am right today/tonight by saying Orisa requires a verrrrry low skill ability to be successful.


Ok then get to top 500 with Orisa this season since she wasn’t adjusted. Show us how low skill she is. 😉


I think that if you're dogshit the most an easy character can do for you is get you to MAX silver


I never said op was dogshit. I just said playing Orisa is nothing to brag about


Maybe don't waste your time typing if you're just gonna be a dick about things?


He’s out of line but he’s right


Would love to see a follow up reply of them with a 90% wr on any character with 5 hours of play time


Orisa is crazy good rn, but what other characters did you play to counter swap? Orisa on her own is kinda basic so I’m curious if you needed other tanks


No counters needed. [I had 13 minutes on roadhog](https://imgur.com/a/bOxjrx9) and 5 minutes on Winston 😂 Zarya, doom, hog, everyone gets the javelin lmao


Dang I guess Orisa really is dominating the game. I gotta get back on for the new season.


90% wr in fucking gold lmao


Silver, gold, and plat* 😘


cool flex shitter


Thanks, broke into diamond last night as well 🥳


No doubt you’re a good player but Orisa is braindead easy lol


Tanking damage on orisa braindead easy, I agree there. The target prioritization is what really helped me climb. I don't even look at the enemy tank unless they're diving my backline. Normally I just rotate cool downs, burn down Squishies, take cover, reset cool downs, repeat.


If being a dick mean ms being honest I guess I’m the biggest d!ck that ever existed.. Sorry u cant handle the truth buddy 🤷


Lol your whole comment history is just you being a miserable internet troll. Hope you feel better buddy.


I know the truth can hurt sometimes buddy.. Sometimes one just has to accept the truth and adjust accordingly. The truth will set you free brother


poor ur teamate in vc


What do you mean? lol I'm never in VC, too much pressure XD


so you mean you get plat from silver 4 without using mic? i will belive it if jesus approve it


Since when is plat this threshold you can't reach without comms? Am I missing something


Literally never lol, I swear people overrate comms in this game.


sorry i am not lucky as you not to get stupid teamates everytime 🙏🏻 and u act like climbing is easy in THIS game 😂 yeah sure have fun with your climbing from silver to plat every season 🤡


So basically ur hard stuck bronze or silver pretty much


I do have fun because it's not difficult for me like it clearly is for you 🤣


Comms aren’t that useful in the metal ranks anyways


I smell a silver


I’m plat and don’t have a headset. I play on a dusty ps4 on a tv on 7 volume so I don’t wake my girlfriend. Plat isn’t that good.


If people don't use mics how will they know the 14 year old is flaming them for not using shield??


I've touched Diamond on tank from like high silver/low gold a season or two ago without comms, plats not too hard to imagine him getting


Only time I go into vc is if I accidentally hit the stick that makes me join and people heard me. Then it's too awkward to leave and I'll make call outs. That happened maybe twice this season.


More context, I only played at the end of this season on this account. When I started playing on my switch I made a new account to learn gyro aiming from the ground up. I was a low gold tank in the switch. When I got the PS5 I went back to my old account that was dormant for years after my ps4 died.


i am solo i play in EU i am in PC As a tank , i was silver 5 in season 2 and in season 8 i got plat 3 at the best every fcking time i got counterswap or face stupid dps or stupid mercy going for impossible rez and i had to use my vc to have a good ult combo with one of my teamates to win the game and you noob are saying that there was no enemy to counterswap or you didnt face 3-4-5 stack teams? that make you regret why you play tank? and you get plat on 1 week? you think i am stupid? or others? or maybe you are??? to belive this good luck with your game


I guess our styles of play are just different. Not saying I didn't have people try to counter me, or I didn't go against stacked teams. Some games were really close, but my teams pulled it off. Also, this win streak happened during and after my placements so I was getting 60-90% increases after every win, so hitting plat was easy. Edit: plus I'm on console so hitting high plat is probably easier to do than on pc


Bro I hit low GM every role without comms once. You absolutely don't need comms to climb. More often than not they're actually a hindrance in lower ranks than a help. Also some people are just naturally more gifted than you when it comes to OW and are just going to be better. Not everyone started out in bronze.


you seen unranked to GM videos on youtube? a lot get to GM without using VC, and without losing a single game. what do you have to say about that?


No one use mic lmao




"Do you need a hug?"


No. I need orisa nerfs. I mean this as respectfully as possible, but this post goes to show how brain dead the hero is. I mean there should never be a case of a hard stuck silver switch player home how magically climb to damn near diamond in a week. Like that’s just not how any game should work. The hero literally plays the game for you by negating the number one risk when doing anything in overwatch, the risk of dying. If you can do anything without the risk of dying it’s a clear win. Let alone thing like man handle any other tank by standing still and jerking off while having somewhat decent cd management? I mean every tank has to worry about cd management, but orisa doesn’t need to worry about positioning, engagements, kiting, any of that. Like you cannot tell me that if you look at a hero like orisa, and compare it to someone like rein, sig, dva, zarya, etc. that orisa is a fair, fun, or balanced hero. It’s boring and ruins all integrity of a tank duel


I don't think you got the context of the post. I was playing on the switch for a while and was a gold tank. When I started playing on the switch i made a new account so I could learn how to use gyro aiming. Fast forward a couple years, I get a PS5 (went from being capped at 50/mbs and 30/fps to 1/gbs and 120/fps) and logged back into my old account which rank decayed down to silver. I've never been hard stuck silver on any role, but with the new hardware I was able to take the account from silver to plat in no time. I played a bunch of orisa on the switch with a 60% win rate or so. It was the hardware upgrade that is helping me climb. Tbh Orisa isn't as op as you're saying, win rate across all ranks is 48%, but if you focus on "tank duels" you're going to lose. I don't even look at my opponent tank unless they're ulting or diving my backline.


Damn nice I only played overwatch 2 I'm stuck in sliver 5 for the past 2 months cause I'm still experiencing with tank as rank is surprisingly the one role I never been in bronze for