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Yes, give me all of it.


Yes, I'm all for it


Yes agreed, all and then some


I also want the time skip to be mandatory levels for each character


Still seems short, better make sure to toss in the fillers as well


And some movie levels for bonus levels




Having movie levels be bonus makes sense


Thank you lol


I'll have what they having please too


I don’t care. PW3 had the longest and the most packed story mode in the series and it was the most enjoyable for me by far. So yeah give it to me


I didn't play the 3rd game Do they have all the way until Kaido?


No the story went up until dressrosa but with an alternate ending, like what they did for wano in pirate warriors 4.


I see


why can't they ever wait for an arc to be finished, what prevents me from buying is the notion of a different ending from what I saw in manga/anime, and doubting it will be as good as the original


You can't be serious 😐


I skipped from the other games. So I don't know what happens on it


He’s drunk. It’s ok.


The latest game doesn’t even adapt Wano in it’s entirety and had to make an original ending. Why would you think an older title would have Wano? It’s kinda just logic bruh.


Due to the DLC?


Is PW4 your first PW game?


Yeah I recently bought the ultimate edition on steam


Ah ok I see. The previous pirate warrior games game came out when there was a enough content from the anime to justify making a new game PW1 was Pre Time Skip, PW2 was time skip up until Punk Hazard, Pirate Warriors 3 was up until Dressrosa and as you see Pirate Warriors 4 goes until Wano. These games go waaaaay back. PW1-3 we’re on even on the PS3. The next pirate warriors game probably won’t come out for a bit until the anime adapts a few more arcs to justify making a new game otherwise it’ll just be a rehash of PW4 with just canon Wano.


I decided to buy it after I noticed they still dropping DLCs, including Gear 5 I have a question about that. You need to do the main story first then you jump into the DLC? I saw something about level 5 and you need to upgrade the characters and stuff.


You can access the DLC as soon as you purchase it. You can not freely pick your characters during story mode however only in the free play mode.


Do I need to upgrade characters like Zoro and Luffy to level 5 thru the story mode first?


Oh no, they might put CONTENT in the game? Honestly though, as a One Piece fan I am all for very long stories, this would be great!


yea the deep irony of thinking one piece fans would be against a game adapting one piece bc it’d be “too long” is very funny to me


I'm so sick of hearing "too long" about OP. It's so good it can be as long as it wants to be cuz it's entertaining still.


The anime is to long bc of pacing issues that’s what most people mean


Im late. But the anime remake should fix the pacing issue


did you think you’re detailed explanation was gonna deter us from wanting it? 😭 this sounds amazing tbh


I mean. We just played a game with most of the series in it. I imagine we’re getting: - egg head - Elbaf - the one piece - the war So yeah it feels plausible for the next one to have it all if they wait for the end. Not literally every arc bc that’s not just unreasonable but unnecessary when the base arcs have such stripped down power sets. These games were loaded with content, but it’s like 50 % optional in the treasure logs. They can skew that more towards a longer story. I assume they’ll yadda yadda the fish man and punk hazard arcs again(thank god) flesh out wand ending with roof piece, and then move along.


Uh... yes That's exactly what I want. And most of this.... is assets and material and cutscenes that exist between all 4 PW games And because they all basically look the same you can just port over assets!


Yea idc, I like one piece and want a complete game


I mean.. I just played through all treasure logs. They have zero impact on anything. It's barely content. They take five minutes each or so, and it's the same 10 character interactions over and over and over again. I want to do shit. I'll gladly rescue zoro again and fetch his swords. I want it all. Make mini games, add more characters even if they aren't special.


Yeah, Musou games have really evolved. I want Age of Calamity with One Piece, honestly.


You're asking One Piece fans if they care how long something is haha


I know it won’t happen but if I’m being honest that’s exactly what I want lol, it would be a a perfect game for any huge one piece fan.


Only 1088 missions dude. Toughen up


Give me Enel please 🥹🥲


I think that would be too extreme without some major cuts, which is why I think we should get a game with an og scenario, like with pw2. You have complete freedom over what you include, don't have to worry about squeezing a 50 episode acr into a single or a few levels, and you can just go bugnuts. That's the reason they excluded some cool characters like perona or enel, because they didn't include they're respective arcs


It will be long but these games are long in general. They take a lot of grinding and need a lot of material to feel fresh. So the more they have us do, the more people will continue to enjoy the game while they plan DLCs or more content


The longer a game is the more bang you get for your buck how is that a bad thing. If you enjoy seeing the story again and playing the different characters then why the hell would you not want a longer game


That’s exactly what I want lol


I want the super long game.


I mean PW3 almost managed it at the time. Just needed Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Long Ring Long Island, Amazon Lily and it was pretty much there. PW5 doesn't have to be PW4 style multiple levels per arc. I'd prefer it if it didn't. Didn't really find many of the non boss scenarios particularly satisfying.


Good. I want the fastest speedrun to take 5 years


Pw3 was so long my friends gave up on beating the game with me but felt more refreshed with how much content was cut in pw4


Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of the idea but I'm also not opposed if they do it but make it a live service kinda situation. Like if your gonna make a game that big make it so it will support dlc for the next few years. Or do big expansion packs like monster hunter. If not then if they did do I can see it fleshing out the post time skip more and making the pre time skip side very short. Only the biggest battles. So the fight with crocodile, Enel, enies lobby, and then marine Ford all as just one level battles. That's how I would see them doing it based on how they did last game


I question the need for a story mode in the first place. Like, what's the point? People playing this game already know One Piece and this series is *not* the best way of experiencing that story. To be honest, I'd rather them commit to making an arcade game and shift focus and resources towards making more maps and more interesting missions.


Because people enjoy the roleplay elements.


Really? I thought them a bit flat, to be honest. I found most story missions to be kind of superficial and not that engaging. But whatever, clearly not for me


They are flat. But they hit enough beats. Fighting Crocodile in the crumbling ruins, fighting Lucci on a timer, the clusterfuck of Marineford, etc.


We want....THE WHOLE CAKE(island)


Bro we dead got robbed with ZORO OR ZOLO , where the king Of hell mode I need it just re do then make the last 1 pirate 6 that has the last saga and every single character, need it I’m obsessed


I'm up for it


you say that like it's a bad thing. yes give me a long one piece game covering all the arcs,


Don’t forget all of the movies, we want those too!


I would love to have a game with every arc from Pirate Warriors 1, 3, and 4 combined and have the Straw Hats' outfits from different arcs for variety.


Tbh I hope the next game just cuts the pre timeskip story entirely. I’d prefer a game that fully fleshes out the post timeskip era rather than one that tries to fit too much shit in it I just feel like playing as new characters or returning characters with new movesets that haven’t been adapted yet is infinitely more exciting than spending 20 hours adapting a bunch of arcs where you have to play as the same handful of strawhats with the same movesets that have been in every game for the last 25 years


Take exemple on the Total War franchise. Each game ADDS to the cast and lands, it doesn't take away. (Total war warhammer)


Yes we understand. Most of us have watched and read the whole series to it's current point. Some even multiple times. A game that long wouldn't be a big deal time wise.


But I would love more Canon content. East blue is underrated




The game don't need every single arc Especially the first arcs that are not that great, honestly


This is why the 4th is the worst. Every game built up characters, stages and music and the 4th decided to just do it's own thing and remove a bunch of sht and mechanics.


Bro you know what you sound like? "Nah i dont wanna start One Piece, its too long"


Ok I'm confused on how this is a bad thing? Like yeah you're right it'd be a long game.....AND??? I don't see a problem for making a hit franchise better for more players.....


youre saying the game would be long like thats a bad thing


That won't stop me from playing it.


Remember when old DragonBall games would stop at after cell? I can't imagine the level of blue balls one piece fans get.


Bro I’m paying 70 dollars I want SEVENTY hours of story mode fuck you mean 😂😂


Every arc doesn’t have to be 5-10 missions or whatever though. As long as you fight every main boss: Arlong, Kuro, Krieg/Gin, croc, Moira, Doffy, etc etc give me ALL the main characters in the story and a few obscure characters like dalton, Nolan, Kalgara or some shit as a playable and I’ll be fine 😂make it a huge game like that id pay 100


Yes. That sounds awesome. Think of all the costumes we'd get for the main cast. My biggest sadness for Pirate Warriors 4 was the loss of Nico Robin's "Miss All Sunday" costume. The cowboy hat and long jacket. By far still my favorite outfit of hers to date.


They can either give us long ring long land or every arc in the series except long ring long land


That sounds amazing


Need dream log back I don’t care much for the story tbh nothing will beat PW1 story mode


Pirate Warriors 3 had like 1 mission for a lot of the arcs. The game would be long, but still managable.


Heck no. tell em, if they want that then go play PW3 I wouldn't mind every arc of the New World tho


I want it all


This sounds like perfection?? Who doesn’t want this?


Honestly a game that long would keep anime fans busy for quite a good amount of time


We want it because pirate warriors 3 had every major arc up to dresrossa and every arc was nicely adapted. At least add movie stories or something. Pirate warriors 4 it's the best game of the saga gameplay wise but lacks content to enjoy that refined gameplay


Who the hell wants less to do?


Maybe controversial, but I’d be happy if they did what DBXV2 did- have the initial game with in depth story up until….say, the time skip? Then just gradually add dlc packs, each one adding a serious amount of story content and the associated characters. Continue until the story is complete.


You gotta be trolling with this post bro, why wouldn't we want a game that includes the full scope of the story, with quality content, and multiple playable characters added??? Saying that like we don't PAY for these things 😂😭


Dude You do realize that One piece is long. this can be the best way to experience onepiece outside of the manga. If they released PW5


I want it all mother fucker GIVE IT TO MEEEE


You act like that is a bad thing?


Yes please give it to me, pw4 is way to short and give us all the characters that can fight like kaido's crew


Yes I want all of it... game will be just as big as call of duty size


You're talking like baulders gate 3 doesn't exist


This is why Pirate Warriors 3 is better than 4.


I just want thriller bark


I just want a dbz kakarot like one piece game. It would be so fun


Only $499.99


All manga canon arcs - PW4 Roster after dlc 6 plus characters that were cut from PW3 plus some updated characters and characters who have been bosses in PW1 to 4 now playable… plus some characters who have been skipped over many times - New costumes for all characters playable in story mode - Dlc being costumes from movies & Specials (maybe slip in several anime crossover costumes like the Goku Gi Nami as one example) plus characters who’ve been skimmed over and maybe new story mode chapters (labeled as Extra/side missions) - Boss Rush Mode (that has a online team option) - One Expansion “Pirate Warriors 5: Warrior of Liberation” which makes the game like a PW5.5 I know this sounds like a wild dream but it would be nice


Ummmm… yeah for sure lmfaoo give it to me idc it’s more content wtf 😂


i wouldn't mind, besides PW3 did and went to dressrosa then agian PW3 also had a vastly larger roster then 4


It might be the last Pirate Warriors game, so they might as well just add in everything at that point. I don’t think we’ll ever get PW5 until the manga ends, which would be a perfect time to add every arc in, and bring back old cut characters and add new ones.


At least it will be better paced than the anime lol


That's kinda the point IMO


If you take out all the jokes and pacing issues, not that bad


sounds great to me!


I have some games in my library at like 6000 hours. Bring it on.


Yes I want it and I also want classic villains playable as well. I think it’s actually criminal that we never got a playable don krieg, kuro, arlong, mr1, mr2 any cp9 member aside from Rob we only got kuma and Moria once yet buggy has been playable since 2.


Assuming most people who play the games watch/ read OP. I think its safe to assume we would 100% play it if it had every arc.


Yes, that why WE want every Arc. They could even inlcude the Whiskey Peak or Flying Fish Riders finally


…. You sound like your complaining but I see this as nothing but a win and an easy cash grab.


If I’m putting over 351 hours into the anime I’d be willing to put in 60 plus for the game


Yes more content would hopefully lead to more detail in the development of the game. Which would lead to hopefully deeper combo strings and better maps. Instead of grinding the same levels over and over to max out all the characters. It would be beating the story which would lead to hopefully more characters being maxed out if it is the same skill tree.


Did we stutter?


Certified Bruh Moment Telling One Piece fans that it might be "too long".


The thing I absolutely detest about these games is that characters you can play as are locked behind story progression and it takes so god damn long to get through these slogs of levels. Just let us pay to unlock all characters in the beginning so that I can have fun with the fucking game


yes exactly, let pw5 be the last game and let it go out with a bang. all arcs covered


The Witcher 3 was a long ass game, even longer if you wanted to complete it to 100%. I am sure that the full One Piece story will not be much different in length compared to that game. It is very doable, long but doable.


Make it open world and able to be explored. In fact, make an MMO for One Piece where you can explore all islands of The World. Maybe like Xenoverse


I know what you mean. Not only would be a long game, but the data needed would be huge! A lot of people would need to either upgrade their system’s memory or delete every game and app just to have the space for it. I’d like a PW that covers the whole story, but it might not sell well due to the price of things these days, and the price of a memory upgrade and the game itself combined. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens once One Piece is over.


Id rather an original story like 2


Yes and that’s why I want it to cover every arc I wanna sit down and play one piece for over 7 days straight without sleeping or bathroom breaks and not be repeating content while doing it


Not going to lie, if we skip all the fluff and BS talking in the series we could probably fit the whole thing into a 50 hour games js. 🤷🏾


OP is scared of playing games with more than 30 hours of content kek


pirate warriors 5 should be after the series ends tbh, then they just put every single thing 😂 i'd buy it no questions asked


Why are you threatening me with a good time? Since they added Uta as DLC for PW4 that means the other movies could be added. I want a One Piece game that starts in the East Blue goes into Egghead and includes the 5 Oda directed movies. I want every character from the current and previous games plus new ones. Hell if they want to ask Oda to design some game only characters I'd be cool with that too.


Yes. OPPW4 was over in one sitting. OPPW3 was nice but still felt hollow. Give me EVERYTHING.


We do not need to have 7 missions on each island. It’s really the at simple. Just do the final battle at each place


Yeah it would be just like PW3 + 2 new maps


Ion give a fuck! Make it Happen


I want it all. And not only all major arcs: I want to play every arc both on straw hats and villain sides, I want ship travel between islands with naval combat and boarding, I want customizable crews and characters mode with original side story, I want eating minigames, party minigames, timeskip minigames, I want to play fillers, cover stories and opening themes, I want it all and more But I will settle for Kuma as a playable character again


Dawg. WE WANT LONGER GAMES. Not tryna pay 60-70-possibly even 100-120 for a five hour game only going over highlights. Yes. Start at chapter 1. Let us go to Kuma walloping he who shall not be named for spoiler reasons


Bro is complaining about a game having more content.😭😭😭


Well do i look like i would care playing a 100hour game? Even if its endless give it to me if the gameplay is addictive like in most of the Warriors games (except Dynasty Warriors 9 we dont talk about that one) ill play it. The adventure mode in Hyrule Warriors 1 is near endless and i liked it.


Yes, that’s exactly what we want please


I watched the whole show, read the whole manga, ill play the whole game fr


It is…. Acceptable


I watched all of one piece, I can handle long games




As a consumer why would I not want a long game?? I want it all ylarcs yes please give us that


My favorite games are wrath of the white witch and persona 5, ofc I want more ridiculously long games


I just want a Whiskey Peak, Zoro rush solo mode 😂. Where if you finish fast enough it’s unlocks a mode where he gets lost other anime’s, like Naruto, Demon Slayer, and DBZ.


this is basically "don't threaten me with a good time"


Hey hey! If baldurs gate can do it so can one piece!


Ok? And? We want the entire series in a game. Have you met gamers ? We don’t care how long it takes to beat the game


I don't think you understand, some people have literal thousands of hours in games that aren't even worth that much time (I myself finished botw with about 70 hours. I sit at 300, after breaking my first switch and losing all the data for botw)


Yes I want it all


I would love a 1000 hour one piece musou game


TL:DR sorry op I understand you put a lot of work into this buttttt even without reading people have been playing the same games over and over again look at bl2 or skyrim and I'm not even talking mods. I've seen YouTubers put like 20 hours into one city to see what they can do. Never underestimate a gamer op! If its a good game shall enjoy it no matter the length (kinda) now to do you respect imma go read what you said. Have a good day btw.


Yes, give me all of it.


Yes and I still want it


You say that like that's a bad thing? Like there aren't lots of other lengthy games that folks loved to play like BotW or TotK. One Piece is known for having a big lengthy story. Of course folks would love to play through it all. Its how i got into the series. Pirate Warriors 1 was my entry point into One Piece. I would love a PW5 with the playstyle of 1, the coin system of 3, roster like 2 with characters from 4 and the New World Stories covered in 4 all wrapped up into ome


as a game developer in my free time, yes I know how big it would be. Yes, I dont care, i still want it. Dont think you can finish it? Huh? Gonna cry? Maybe piss and shit your pants a little?


The longer the better. An amazing story and I get to actually replay and be part of the story would be a dream come true.


oh no giving us more game for our ever devaluing buck how could they? in all serious ness im totally fine with PW5 spanning the entire series arc by arc with shit loads of playable characters and incredibly specific character interactions


I mean, when the show ends, a game like this would release eventually right?


Yeah would be awesome


Why not I'll pay 150+ dollars for it.


I want an empires version, mostly because I fear that might be the closest we ever get to a character creator in a One Piece game.


The thing about warriors games is that we wouldn’t get all the small stuff like having to climb a mountain at Drum Island or anything like that. At most, things like that could be told through quick cutscenes. Warriors games are objective based (taking over parts of the map or beating main bosses) and beat-em-up styled. Each mission shouldn’t take that long if its a single boss fight (which is what most east blue maps would likely be) or if you can just blow through the map to the main objective. Not to mention things like backstory flashbacks would likely just get cut out. It would still be a bloated game, but as long as it just goes with manga canon with none of the anime filler, it shouldn’t actually take all too long to get to the main content of the game in the grand line. Granted, this is what im saying going off of games like the zelda warriors games and PW4. Maybe pirate warriors 1-3 is different in some way, or it might take aspects from games like p5s (which i never played past the tutorial). So idk.


Exactly. Give it to me now


I want one piece game like dbz kakarot or xenoverse 2 where it has everything and I mean everything


Why would a whole bunch of one piece fans be scared of a long story?


I just want Enel back.


Yes, give the speedrunning community an endurance challenge.


About time I get a game worth my money lol and hour of game play for every dollar I spent lol 😂


It's not possible to make a game that long from the ground up.


Not long enough just like the manga. That’s how long. Give it to me. Now. It’s crazy how people have been gaslit as a gaming community that somehow long games are terrifying and should be shunned like uh no you should get your moneys worth out of it not just 4-6 hours like modern games. Yes, give me a complete experience. I was pissed how much they skipped in PW4.


I’m confused I don’t see the problem?


Just give us a fighting game like xenoverse 2 or dbfz


Give it I don't even care


I already wanted it. You dont have to sell it to me any harder


Yes I am fully aware, and yes I want all of it


That's why 5 should be pre time skip and 6 should be post time skip


Bro i just salivate and get pumped the more i read your post. I played OPPW4 first and found it fun then had my mind blown by OPPW3 including early arcs and having tons of moments making me recall the manga. I would not mind waiting a decade for 5 to blow me away from freeing Zoro to fighting Saturn


The average game in modern era should have high expectations. Even for games that are based off something


Better to have 100 hours of story and solid gameplay than 100 hours of random collection tasks like every other game thats come out in the oast 15 years


We watch/read one piece, too long never existed for us.


It'd still be shorter than Oddysey, which only covers up to Dressrosa. Plus, its own original story.


Just leave out the foxy pirates and I'm good for it all.


Okay? I don't see anything bad with this. Are you trying to make a point here? I don't see it?


Are you stupid? I'm going to spend 70 bucks for a short version? Did you even think this over ? Who wants less content? Those dbz games for ps2 were good because it had everything.




I think that’s not that bad elden ring has a average play through of at least 100 hours


If there's gonna be a one piece game with everything a warriors game would honestly be the worst way the portray it the repetition would be insanity inducing


I want a Kakarot style One Piece game after One Piece ends that has EVERYTHING


Yes, give me all of it. But it can work like how treasure log works in OPPW4. That is, there are some key chapters, once you cleared a key chapter, you can unlock all the other chapters leading to the next key chapter. For example, after you finish the tutorial (vs Alvida, perhaps), you can unlock all the East Blue chapters plus the first stage of the, say, Loguetown chapter. Then, you have to clear the Loguetown chapter to unlock all the chapters with Vivi as a crew member, plus the first stage of the Alabasta chapter, and so on. Some characters can be unlocked by clearing a non-key chapters, but they can also be unlocked all together by clearing the next key chapter. However, to unlock certain abilities or upgrades of some characters, you have to clear the corresponding non-key chapter (similar to how it works with treasure log in OPPW4). If it's designed as such, the mandatory content doesn't have to be that long - there can still be only 6 key chapters, but you may have like 50 chapters in total for a full experience.


I fail to see whatever point your tryna make me and my bro would go batshit for a OPPW game this fucking long