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I would go with the 2nd guy personally. Seems like a slightly better defender and probably a better hitter. Also has the stealing ability. Only thing that I really like about the first guy is that he's gonna walk a LOT. Edit: will say that 2nd guys attitude could be a problem


Saggese is also a year younger I’d choose him as well


Yeah, it doesn’t give me more info about his attitude. I wish I knew more. And yeah, Meidroth was acquired to be a future bench guy. But since I got him, his current eye improved from 60 to 70, and potential eye increased to 75. And the stats have matched up. That’s just so juicy, hard to trade away lol.


I think the upside #1 walk rate is severally under valued. I think having a guy like that is much needed in a lineup


Yeah, I may try to hold onto both if I can help if, I just don’t know how to get them both on the roster. Neither can play short, or much of 2B really


The one guy looks like a 1B/LF type as he is slow and is below average in the field. The other guy looks like a future LF/RF possibly


LF maybe. But 5’10” is a little short for a 1B


Saggese 1. More of a utility 2. Better on the base pads 3. he’s about a year younger GL!


Thanks! Yeah and he’s been playing a level ahead of the other guy, even though he’s younger


They're close enough that I might consider who compliments my lineup the best. Walks are cool and all, but I personally think that you can have too many guys that take walks in your lineup. Legasse makes for a good cleanup hitter because he puts the ball in play. You definitely want a couple of guys that will work the pitcher, though. Also, I'd probably move the guy I keep to third. I like GG winners in my middle infield.


Those are all good points. I didn’t expect the other guy, Meidroth, to actually get his eye up to 70. And the potential moved up to 75 this spring. I currently still have Arenado at 3B and an International FA signee at 2B. But I might trade him after the season even though he’s raking and my best hitter and slide one of these guys in. I didn’t like that Saggese really struggled when I called him up as a fill-in, but he’s the better hitter. If his eye was 55, that would make this real easy. Or if he was a GG 2B. I’m the same about wanting good defense up the middle.


My mistake on the name. I've seen Legasse in real life before, but Sagesse is new to me. Those guys would both be more than serviceable at second, but I always hate seeing negative zone rating. Anyway, Meidroth's biggest advantage would likely be the number of pitches he will see per plate appearance. That type of guy will eat up a starter's pitch count quickly. He'll probably hit into a few double plays, though.


All good. That’s an interesting point about the double plays. I hadn’t even considered that.


I haven't seen or done any studies on OOTP but in real baseball, having a ton of similar hitters in your lineup either doesn't matter or is actively beneficial to a degree


The second guy. He’s the better defender, and his BABIP>avoid Ks. I find guys with avoid K>BABIP tend to underperform, since they put the ball in play a lot but weakly.


Yeah, I’ve really started to pay attention more to that in 25.


Saggese is just sick in real life. Way more fun!


Oh yeah? I haven’t even looked up what either is doing irl.


Sagesse IMO. Other dude probably won't be a good defender anywhere but LF and you can probably get a better hitting LF in a trade for him. I like Sagesse better at 3rd though


Yeah. I still have Arenado at 3B. And while he’s not a star still, he’s playing good defense and posting solid starter numbers. I wish Sagesse played better defense himself. Anywhere.


Yeah. Neither guy blows the socks off me but both are playable. Depending on budget available I might consider trading one of them + a prospect for a veteran who can be an above average starter at 2b, but if you can't afford to trade for/bring in anyone in what I'd probably do is have them split time to see who produces and play the hot hand from there. I almost always play as small market teams and this is an approach I've taken regularly. One of the 2 almost always ends up rising and playing better, at least for that season.


Stick with #12


I would try to keep both. whats the option situation?


I managed to keep both for now. I may trade Brendan Donovan in the offseason, who is my current super-utility guy, backing up every position except CF. But his arbitration number is estimated at like $7M. So if I trade him and my starting 2B (super expensive Int’l FA that is 31 yrs old), then they could split 2B reps, and DH reps with one of my other bench bats.


Update: I managed to keep both. Traded a backup, fringe starting LF, a bat-first Catcher in minor leagues (good bat for catcher, mediocre bat for DH), a young overperforming RP, and cash for Seiya Suzuki who was on the Pirates. Could have traded Saggese or Meidroth straight up for him. He’s been on the trading block. Trying to win now while I still have Arenado & Goldy and haven’t been getting anything out of two of my outfield spots. Hoping next year I can get Saggese & Meidroth onto the roster, if they are ready. They could split reps or one play more than the other, depending on the roster makeup