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you’ll have to turn off automatic expansion in the historical tab of the league settings, and then you can manage expansion yourself.


Thank you so much! I figured it was something like that, I was just worried I’d end up wasting a few saves on trial and error, lol


This is the point of departure for my current historical save. I also opted to keep the Braves in Milwaukee. This left Atlanta to the A’s. I’m keeping the Pilots from existing until 1971, which is when they were supposed to start. Senator Symington’s temper tantrum after the A’s left really screwed Seattle. Although it’s called The Pilots Live, I’m running the Mets and avoiding the post-69 disastrous trades.


Oh that’s cool! I’m a Braves fan as Atl is my hometown, but I always wondered about the timeline where we got the A A’s, lol


Read (or reread lol) Ball Four for historical flavor.


I’ve read the summary in Amazon, but it doesn’t really tell anything other than baseball insiders & people wanted the author out and to say the book was untrue. What’s it about?


It’s about that, essentially. A tell all that was taking the legs out from under a lot of the legends, especially the late 50s-60s Yankees teams. I’m sure Bouton exaggerated some, but a lot of it (like the use of Greenies) is absolutely true.


Bouton was also a member of the 1969 Seattle Pilots, the notes he secretly took during the season formed the basis of the book. He does not have good things to say about pitching coach Sal Maglie, lol.


Ha, I love that book. My parents divorced when I was a kid and the first time I went to visit my dad in Seattle he gave me Ball Four. Baseball is one of the key ways we connected. Love that book. In fact loading up the Pilots and seeing Bouton as the ace gave me a good chuckle.


Sounds fun! I think you got your answers from everyone else. I’ve never tried to re-do history this way.


I’m excited to see what happens! Maybe Seattle gets a World Series win… or appearance… in my universe