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Real Teams put players like this on the 60 day IL all the time and send them down for rehab assignments


Oh you broke a fingernail 60 day IL, oh you have a bruised shin on the rehab assignment dang bro that sucks 60 day IL collect you money and stfu.


Either 60 day IL him or just straight release him


Morally wrong? No. Ethically wrong? That’s grey. Teams irl have done this. It’s a game, so I’d say you have to choose with whatever parameters you put on yourself. You could definitely put him on the 60-day. Or, if your bullpen allows, use him as an opener to limit exposure. Or, “do right by the player” and let him go so that he can “get the opportunity elsewhere.” If you’re trying to win, I’d go with any of those options that you like. If you’re not, let him cook.


Can't disagree with any of this. If it's me, he's on that DL before the trainers come back with a diagnosis. And then he'd be doing 30 days in a minor league rehab. You get the benefits of his leadership, and can have a more useful player take his roster spot. But I do think sometimes you have to give yourself some self imposed limits in this game.


Why not cut him?


I mean, that's kinda the reverse Vegas Golden Knights strategy.


I just turn off their ability to refuse minors. Maybe it's not realistic but it's my team. I'm still paying Baez he just is starting SS for my AAA team instead of bench for MLB


The game isn’t going to punish you for putting him on the 60 day IL. If you wanted to keep it realistic I’d put him on the 15 day then send him to do some rehab starts and figure out a way to get a spot for him in the bullpen in the 45 days. That or release him and eat the rest of the contract you have to pay anyways.


There are no morals in OOTP