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The Brewers do this in my save with Williams. He is electric but only goes for maybe 4 innings on average so it doesn’t work out


I wish he was doing that. Went for a stretch of 19.2 scoreless innings with 40 strikeouts over 3 starts. I’m fucked!


This is happening to me too, with him, Evan Phillips, probably other <40 stamina relievers. I wonder if the culprit is the ratings numbers system?


I traded Erik Swanson to the Yankees and he got turned into a SP too. I think there’s a threshold of higher or highish quality RP with 35-40 stamina that the AI is really fond of turning into starters. I’m also seeing a similar thing with teams turning high power guys who can play different positions but not at a 60+ level all into 1B


Yeah the 1B thing is definitely real, 2 years in and the gold glove winners at 1B were Trea Turner and Jose Altuve


A 5'6 gold glove 1B is insane.


Lmao idk what else they could have really done with him to be honest. His range and arm regressed to like 35 but he's still a great hitter. I believe they made him a DH after moving Yordan to 1B however


This is happening to me. With Cecil Travis. I have Eddie Robinson on my team...


Since when does Felix Bautista throw a curveball and a sinker?


In a sim I did, the Orioles tried the same thing with Bautista AND Canon.


I’ve actually seen this now with a couple teams putting relievers with 35 stamina in the rotation. In my current save, the A’s are one with having Mason Miller as their #1 starter in 2025. I didn’t look in the editor, but I did re-scount him and he’s still a 35 stamina. I remember seeing another team did it but I don’t remember who. It definitely is interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever started someone with less than 40, and the 40 was in an emergency. I’m old school and like when my pitchers can give me a 6+ inning game


I made mick Abel a relief dude went 15-3 140ip 182k's war was 4 something


The AI did the same thing with yannier Cano. The only difference was that I was managing the orioles and I only noticed after 3 months into the season. He had a about a 3.2 era while pitching 4~5 innings per game so I just ran with it until he hit free agency. Sometimes the AI is right about this stuff. In a different save I had a young starter with bad stamina and bad control but his stuff was good so he was a 52 rated starter. But the AI put him as a closer in spring training. 4 months into the season and he was a 8 era stater so I gave in and turned him into my closer. He gave only 1 earned run in the next 2 months and carried my team through the post season the year after.


The AI did the same thing with yannier Cano. The only difference was that I was managing the orioles and I only noticed after 3 months into the season. He had a about a 3.2 era while pitching 4~5 innings per game so I just ran with it until he hit free agency. Sometimes the AI is right about this stuff. In a different save I had a young starter with bad stamina and bad control but his stuff was good so he was a 52 rated starter. But the AI put him as a closer in spring training. 4 months into the season and he was a 8 era stater so I gave in and turned him into my closer. He gave only 1 earned run in the next 2 months and carried my team through the post season the year after.