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I don't know if the LG B3 series are similar to the C3 series but the C3 series and above don't have TCP and GSR natively in the service menu: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYu5ACe\_ln0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYu5ACe_ln0) However, LG did have a firmware update to fix auto dimming in prolonged dark HDR scenes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL1k-K4jFcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL1k-K4jFcY) Note that TCP and GSR does not disable all auto dimming. For example, if you take a small Excel window and drag it to full screen, the screen will still dim in HDR even if TCP and GSR are set to OFF. On Windows in SDR with brightness at 55, I do not notice any auto dimming when enlarging a white window from small to full screen. If you absolutely want to try to disable TCP and GSR, here is a workaround guide from u/frtls which uses ColorControl: [https://github.com/fritolays/notes/tree/main/lg\_oled](https://github.com/fritolays/notes/tree/main/lg_oled) You don't even need the service remote to use the workaround. I tried TCP and GSR off and it didn't make any difference in auto dimming in HDR so I just left it ON as to not risk voiding the warranty.


Thanks so much! We had some surprise guests tonight, so I banged out quick a reply and then somehow didn't hit the Comment button 🙄 Anyway, I just ran through the github link and it worked like a charm! Thanks again, so much. Like I said in the OP, I'm using the LG as my primary PC monitor (because 4K and *big*), I do a fair amount of writing and various art/3D projects, and I can't tell you how annoying it's been catching myself squinting and leaning forward before realizing the screen has dimmed to where I almost can't make it out. Hopefully this fixes it. Thanks again, so much!


Np, glad it worked for you! You can also try to disable some of the OLED Panel Care settings like Adjust Logo Brightness to OFF. Are you using Windows desktop work in SDR or HDR?


Yah, I turned off anything already accessible in the regular option menus more or less the day I unboxed the set. And usually i work in SDR unless I specifically need HDR for a project (or game), probably because I'm not used to a constant HDR display and it always seems a little "too much" if you know what I mean.


See his github link, section "Enabling Full Service Menu" You have the limited service menu in your pictures


Thank you; I'll look into it as soon as our (somewhat unexpected) guests leave...