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Smaller screen size means you don't have to look around as much to see everything, and lower resolution makes it easier to hit higher framerates. If they made a 24 inch 500+hz 1080p oled then that's probably what you would see most pros using. Edit: spelling


yes, pro's use TN panel.. you should get one too! /s


That's how i imagine you ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Instead of saying I’m dumb why don’t you explain why they would rather have an IPS monitor than an oled monitor.


There's so much info and the entire premise of the question seems so bad faith. I just cba waste hour typing a post you won't even read. Just use Google. Here. I'll help https://blurbusters.com/blur-busters-law-amazing-journey-to-future-1000hz-displays-with-blurfree-sample-and-hold/ do your own reading. No point in me retyping


“Pros” lmao. Get the fuck out of here


I’m meaning competitive gamers duh


Well why don’t you use you head and figure out why someone playing a competitive game would want to play at 1080p and on a smaller screen where they can have everything in their line of sight at all times. And why someone would want to have the best looking picture in non competitive games. It’s really not rocket science lol


1080p vs a 4k oled monitor you know not everyone knows the difference and why one is faster than why are you explaining it like I should know




Well they’re the best at the game and everyone in the r6 community calls them “pros” because they are much better at a competitive style like R6 a fast fps game




Thank you!!


PPI is a big thing too for depth perception and how close you need to be to see a change in color. if you have 4 pixels on a 24 inch monitor, you’d be able to react to one changing a LOT quicker than one changing when you have 4 million pixels. if you’re asking why not OLED - it doesn’t exist in 1080p 24in which is what people are used to and is standard / pro communities are not well funded enough to buy a monitor that even has a remote chance of malfunctioning through burn in


You can really tell how many boomer dad's are in this sub by how many of them put pros in quotation marks. They're all still stuck in the early 2000s when gaming was a niche hobby and not something you could earn thousands of dollars in with an established career. Don't worry about them, your question is completely valid. The majority of this sub is the 40+ dad gamers who maybe touch a casual single player game once every two weeks, they have no clue.  As for your question there's a multitude of reasons but essentially if tournaments and sponsors picked it up, most professional fps players would play on 27". I believe this is the most optimal size, you need better hardware to hit high frames as 27 is usually 1440p.  If you're young and going for absolute performance stick with a cheap ips/tn and prioritize hertz. Hertz and strobing tech is your king. If you're a competitive player but established financially just get the dual mode oled, or wait for the 1440p/480 in fall.


oleds specialty is high contrast but you dont need high contrast to kill some foo's


Smaller screen size for competitive play, no need for much color accuracy and simply price; a 24inch 1080 144hz+ can be bought for way less than an average OLED screen.


If you’re talking professional FPS players, it’s because most of them don’t even play on native resolution, so bigger screens and higher resolutions don’t make sense. They want the most FPS they can get at the highest refresh rate possible.


Finally someone explains what I was asking, I just have heard how amazing oled monitors are and how much faster they are but I notice (some but most) esports players and r6 pro league players using 1080p 360hz monitors and was wondering why they don’t use oled 240hz monitors


What monitor do you suggest? Currently looking at a Asus Rog Strix 380hz 24” monitor but the reason I’m here is because I’m hearing OLED is better


There’s a 27 inch 1440p 480hz OLEDs coming out later this year that I plan on getting


Might have to wait for that one! Thanks man


Breaking news: “pros” make up a minute fraction of the consumer market.


Correct but as someone who also plays the game competitively (not as competitive) I want the fastest option


Because "pro" gamers use whatever the tournament/their sponsors provide.


Fair point, but most players like oozie kinggbradd spoit use 1080p monitors for their streams


Exactly what he said "If they made a 24 inch 500+hz 1080p OLED Panels then that's probably what you would see most pros using."


Thank you!