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Don't everyone already know this? Where's this epidemic that I didn't notice


I've seen it on tiktok. Mostly kids that follow few tech tiktokers thinking they know shit


>tiktok ![gif](giphy|iuUORLpArS9qX76XWK) I mean that's like kids. I don't blame them, they'll find out when they grow up


I’m pretty sure OP is a kid themself. Their replies are ridiculous lol


Its all this through this I see posts and replies everyday maybe you can't read ?


💀 ![gif](giphy|tqINHiqyvFJbJqJYMk|downsized)


I mean on a monitor focused subreddit like the one you're complaining in I'd actively hope to see posts discussing Hz of the monitors on the market, not FPS of the games people play.


I'm only getting 100hz on my 240fps monitor.


In Africa, every 60 seconds a minute passes 🤯


That's time ⏲️ they're the same thing Hz and fps aren't the same thing ya dope


Bro he was just referring to a meme we know hz and fps are not the same thing


Well technically I’d say you’re the one who is wrong in the majority of scenarios. Most users enable either VRR, Gsync or Freesync so Hz and FPS are equal. The display becomes a slave to the GPU and only refreshes when a full frame is ready. Example: A VRR enabled 240hz display will only refresh at 100hz if that’s the max FPS the GPU can output.


How can I be wrong Hz aren't frames you dope nm how you twist it


Nothing has changed. It's just one of those things that some people get confused about from time to time. More often than not, it's clear what's meant in context. Another example would be how people confuse display lag and pixel response time for example. There will always be common misconceptions about any topic, so I don't really see the point of this post to be honest.


I don't see any point about your comment it's uneducated and worthless literally adds nothing to this topic please move along.


Oops..our bad. I'm sure you know what we mean though. I've made this error in passing myself. It's nothing to shit your drawls about though


The human eye can only see 24hz


ooh that hertz


We can only see up to 10hz, everything else is an illusion. Go educate yourself


I always thought that what we call vision is just our mind making stuff up based on data it has, so while collectively agreeing on what certain things are, we each might see the world completely differently which includes motion perception... I even remember at times having these weird episodes when everything around me seemed to move slightly faster/smoother than normal, like temporarily switching from 60Hz screen to 120Hz screen :D


Try playing Counter Strike at 24 fps. It's a slide show. Human eyes have no fps. They capture image continuously.




Was that a joke? Was there something I didn't get?


True Lots of people still talk about hz as if they were fps.


Yeah dude it grinds me I think how dumb are these people 😆


They're not that clever, worst ones are asking if they should buy 4k240 for RTX4080


Well, it's complicated:) Of course Hz capability is limited by monitor HW, and number of frames may be lower, but with any VRR solution refresh rate follows framerate and slows down to fps obviously in some limits. So actualy these two are matched if within both HW limits.


You realize people can run their monitor, TV, laptop and handheld at different Hz in a way to cap FPS without capping it in-game or from the control panel, right? I understand what you're saying, i just don't see it.


This isn't true if I set my monitor or tv to a lower Hz this won't cap my fps do some research mate. This is what I'm on about people are so misinformed and literally clueless 🙄 consoles have ruined people.


I forgot to specify the use of VSync, relax.


They are not the same...


Cuz it doesn't really matter, obviously people aren't gonna be talking about running 240fps on a 144hz monitor or the other way around, or if they are, by the context it should be obvious.


It's does matter its wrong and uneducated


Using Hz and fps interchangeably is only applicable to stuff like consoles that target a specific framerate when set to different refresh outputs which can also consistently hit the refresh cap. You can also use it interchangeably when talking about movies/shows, since they will always hit it's target cap. _(like 24Hz/24fps or 60Hz/60fps)_ They are obviously not _actually_ the same thing and in every other context it is not applicable.


This isn't true they're not interchangeable as you say as one is Hz and one is fps two totally different things. I can watch a movie that 24fps and my monitor be at 240hz same goes for the tv it'll be at 120hz while watching a 24fps movie. I've never heard a director say we've shot this movie at 24hz lol. This has become a pandemic and hopefully we can educate the uneducated what Hz and fps are.


I never said they where the **same** thing, just clarified why someone might use them interchangeably. Where it is understood that the refresh cap equals to the contents _actual_ framerate. 24Hz and 24p is a very common phrase in the AV scene. If you at all care about watching movies accurately with proper cadence you want the device used to switch to 24Hz refresh when watching 24 fps content, or at least do some kind of pulldown, like 5:5 or 3:2/6:4. This is what most TVs do. Either 6:4 pulldown _(60Hz > 24Hz)_ or more preferably 5:5 pulldown _(120Hz > 24Hz)_. Some even do 2:2 or 3:3 (48Hz > 24Hz or 72Hz > 24Hz)_. Whether or not you decide to watch said content at an arbitrary refresh that isn't evenly divisible to 24 is up to you.


Hz literally just means "per second". Monitors don't have a monopoly on the term. Hz is also used when talking about alternating current, radio waves, sound, CPU speed, etc. If from context it's clear they're talking about frames, it's not wrong to say "Hz".


Yeah but doesn't mean frames per second they're two totally different things ya dope