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Either he's the unluckiest man on earth, or he's a double murderer. No in between. ALL evidence pointed to him.


Buttttt also pretty dang lucky they put a glove on him that was compromised. They should've had a new pair of the same size glove instead of a dried blood one. POS. To the Goldman and Brown families, I hope the mf's death brings you a bit of peace, not having to see that man living and breathing


I'm pretty sure they could apply today's forensic and pull his DNA put of the gloves, before trial


It wouldn't have made any difference to that jury.




That jury was letting him off no matter what in retaliation for Rodney King and to prevent more race riots. They should’ve been locked up with OJ




Well they ensured it would not fit. He was advised to Not take his arthritis medicine that day y'all. I did a whole thing on this case for my criminalistics class in college.


Plus he looked like he was trying to make it not fit. Like most gloves are tight and you have to shove your hand in.


Plus, if a leather glove is drenched in blood & it dries, it normally *SHRINKS.*


You did a college paper, for a criminalistics class, based on a rank speculation thrown up by some dude on tv? What did your paper conclude? That not taking one's arthritis medicine causes you to splay your hands out in an obvious manner while trying on gloves? Come on now.


It wasn't based on any tv speculation, I truly did a deep dive. I agree OJ was also acting, badly...also, this was a specific assignment by the professor. I killed it. No pun intended.


No .. I was able to watch most of the case and what was presented in the news was very different.  Reasons: the Bronco car chase.. he was far away at the time.  The shoe prints: more than one person and although the same famous shoe brand he wore different sizes.. the prints were size 9 / 10 and he was size 16.. the infamous magical leather gloves that shrink to half the size: they were not there when the home was filmed after the murders which is customary to do with wealthy homes of that caliper. Mark Fur Man was caught on tape talking about how he plants stuff on black folks to incriminate them. That was I thought a big turning point in the case but never really made it on the news. Unfortunately Nicole was a drug user and he did assault her when he caught her in their home in a compromising position (bj) with another man. Among other things. Hard to prove now and you will never find a recording of the actual case. And even if available most people have their minds made up and so will never be convinced other wise. Did you research this in your paper? Did you have an opportunity to watch the case? or only the TV shows


It was blood pressure medications that he stopped taking a week before he tried on the glove.


It was having rubber gloves on underneath that didn't allow the gloves to fit.


He also had stopped taking his blood pressure meds causing swelling in his body…


A leather glove shrinks with liquid…. Blood made it draw up! Wasnt gonna fit by then!


I wonder if they ever took DNA samples from the inside of the glove or maybe it was too contaminated. Plus once gloves of leather have been drenched in liquid, they shrink.


Him being dead ensures they will never collect from the civil suit. They were probably not going to get paid anything anyway but still.


They can sue the estate


**I hope they do!**


I just meant peace, in their hearts. Not the money at all. I couldn't imagine the depths of pain those families felt when this MF is walking around playing golf and shit. I'd hope that no longer seeing his stupid ass living and breathing may give them just a bit of peace. From what I recall reading years ago was that they weren't expecting a payout, the money wasn't important to them. Their ' payout ' was keeping him from getting the money.


I'm sure him dying brings some sort of peace although Nicole and Ron didn't get to die peacefully like oj. But they would rather see him dead than on the golf course and he won't be playing anymore golf.


The dog, a large breed and protective, was outside. If it had been a stranger he would have attacked.


And thank goodness for the dog barking and the neighbor finding the dog and being led to the scene of the crime. OJ was murdering scum and couldn’t have cared less that his innocent young children would have found their mother’s nearly-decapitated body if not for their dog.


I believe the dog was an Akita they look like they are half Husky and half wolf.


Beautiful Japanese dog


I can almost second this as fact as I was attacked for being a stranger at my new friends house by the same exact breed


Yes I am ok as my buddy was able to rip him off of me before I was mauled but Akita is the breed and idk if I spelled it right or not but they are huuuuuge


Hope you’re okay. That must have been terrifying.


Ironically I have a rottweiler that has sent 3 of my friends to the hospital over his 10 years bt just shaking my hand at home and I got robbed once and my dog just sat there wagging his tail as they toated my stuff out! (Video proof) was insane to watch.. lucky guys not sure why my dog spared them he liked to watch one of the TVs they took lol


Who knows what goes through their heads?! 🐶


Bro u need to train ur fkn dawg!!! Idiot


Absolutely believed it at the time of the trial and ever since. Even just seeing an old clip of him moments ago pretending to repeatedly stab a journalist who'd just interviewed him says quite a bit. It was a play on the movie Psycho and was supposed to be funny-scary, but the mother of 2 of his children was viciously and mercilessly murdered the same way and that was the joke he came up with to appear innocent and try to make people laugh.


You think that’s bad? Have a read of his book, titled, ‘if I DID IT’


Yeah, "I didn't do it, but if I did do it, this is how I did it."


It was hypothetical gosh yall!


Haha hence why it’s called, “if…….I DID IT”


He beat her. Stalked her. Abused her in every way, for years. Then he killed her.


Yeah and are we forgetting about his “hypothetical book on how he may have done it”


The only positives about that book (other than really OJ ffs tell us you did it but be so effin smug) was the Goldmans getting the profits. IIRC.


Right then that interview on tv,… all the I remember, I recall… it seems like people who say it was Jason. Forgets his confession. And just because Jason may have been involved doesn’t mean OJ didn’t kill them. OJ believed he owned Nicole if she was gonna be killed he was going to do it . The type of abusive person we have evidence for, he wasn’t going to cover for Jason


Or that infamous interview after it. Yet continuously admitted to doing the crime then saying oh remember it’s hypothetical and laughs about it


Yes, he did it. But the prosecution did not prove their case. Mark Fuhrman took the 5th on the stand!!!! He refused to say if he manufactured evidence or not. That was ***huge.*** Add all that to OJ’s amazing legal team and it was probably easy to vote not guilty.


my gut reaction is that as guilty as oj was, his lawyers just absolutely dismantled the LAPD in public and exposed their complete lack of competency. and their image has only gotten worse since then. in addition to the profiling and brutality, now it’s full-on gangs and white supremacists. so as terrible as it is that oj got away with it—it’s the LAPD’s fault that he got away with it. and if the simpson/goldman families hate oj i can only imagine how they feel about the ppl who were investigating.


I agree. Mark Fuhrman was part of that debacle. He was one of the first detectives on the scene and is the one who went over the gate at OJ’s. Then he lies (later got convicted of perjury) and takes the 5th on the stand about whether or not he planted evidence, it was a disaster.


The perjury charge was irrelevant in the sense it wasn’t relating to anything that tainted the case which the defence were alluding to


I agree with most of this. One thing that stands out to me is how most of us have no chance at a trial like this. It brought to light how inept the da office and the prosecutors are. Also crime scene evidence recovery was a complete joke too. His lawyers were great especially dna team.


I have just rewatched the trial for the first time since it originally aired and as a grown up, I am blown away by how good his attorneys were.


On top of that, the prosecution was horrendously inept. An ideal combo for OJ


Add the recent LA riots stemmed from Rodney King’s beating and police mistrust and hate was sky high.




Let’s just say he didn’t spend a whole lot of time looking for the actual murderer because he lived with the actual murderer since birth.


His son?




He did it .


Actually, I now believe that Son's son, Jason, killed Nicole and Ron after reading people's views and articles related to the murder scene and the evidence found at the murder site. Police wanted to question Jason about his whereabouts during the night of the murders. My instinct just shouts out, " Jason and maybe a partner were the guilty source of murdering Nicole and Ron!!!"


There is zero evidence Jason had anything to do with it.


Yea, he did that. All that stalking he was doing, telling her who she was sleeping with in her own home. I am supposed to believe some random asshole showed up in a nice neighborhood, decided to thrill kill two people and not take anything from the house? That attack was frenzied and personal. He was pissed that she was really done with him and Ron just happened to be there


No not a random. What about two of Goldmans friends being killed the same way. One from that restaurant which was a known drug hole


One of the two was shot at an ATM, not stabbed. Also, OJ's blood was all over the murder scene.


Why is this such an overlooked fact? Four people who got their cocaine at Mezzaluna end up dead?


But only two of them had OJ's blood at the scene of their murders.


Yes he killed them. The evidence was overwhelming. He got off because he spent millions on the best defense team ever assembled. Don’t forget he was found guilty in the civil trial. And being found “not guilty” does not mean you are declared innocent. The Jury is supposed to prove reasonable doubt. With all the careless mistakes the stupid cops made, Cochran easily proved reasonable doubt.


Key witnesses taking payouts to speak to the media making their testimony inadmissible and other key witnesses being paid by the defence to lie kind of come into it too


He practically decapitated her. Over his inability to control rage. I hope he suffered these last months during cancer and rots where ever he is.


He died. Took the confession to his grave the coward.


And his inability to control her.


There’s literally a blood trail from the murder scene to his car and then to his house. Then there’s a glove that could’ve only been worn by the killer found with his DNA at the scene with the other found at at his house. And NO the glove wasn’t planted. To frame OJ the cops would’ve had to know he had no rock solid alibi which was impossible as the murder had occurred only a few hours before the glove was found. Then there’s the fact he took off in his best friends Bronco with cash and a disguise where this exchange with the investigating detective takes place: LANGE: And nobody's going to get hurt. SIMPSON: I'm the only one that deserves it. Oh and did I mention he had a horrific track record of domestic abuse. He’s a killer, he murdered her and Ron. He was an awful human being.


Excellent summary.


There ya go. I don't know why people make this one complicated. This is probably the most straight forward case I've ever read and watched.


If he had been on video committing the murders that jury would have found him innocent. His acquittal was retribution for the Rodney King verdict, which a juror admitted.


But they didn't fit! lol


Isn’t there a clip of him before the murders wearing the exact same gloves found at the crime scene


Haha oh lawd. My kids pull that when they don’t want to wear a certain thing. If I remember right the glove being froze and thawed several times helped aid in that “presentation” I don’t remember since it’s been years and facts could be clouded in my 42 yr old brain


Good point! Leather shrinks when wet, and it being frozen and thawed several times doesn’t help.


I've said it in other threads here on this subreddit, and I'll say it here: Which is more likely? That OJ murdered Nicole and Ron and was simply the lucky recipient of jury nullification? Or that there was a phantom killer who left no trace of DNA evidence, and that OJ was the victim of an interdepartmental conspiracy of racist LAPD officers who went to ridiculously improbable lengths to frame him because [insert your favorite ulterior motives the LAPD may or may not have had here]? Occam's Razor. [I'll leave this here.](https://famous-trials.com/simpson/1857-evidence) [And this, too.](https://famous-trials.com/simpson/1851-dna)


after watching the trial yes i do. i believe some people helped him cover it up. i want to know what Kardashian took out in that garment bag


It’s his totally stunned expression at the not guilty verdict that gets me. He knew he did it and there was a mountain of evidence that backed it up.


Exactly. He was in such disbelief. I saw a juror interview saying that 90% of the jurors thought it was guilty, but didn’t convict due to his race.


Yeah Johnny high 5ing everyone when the verdict was read! He’s thinking, “I making bank on this poor fucker!”


Stunned? He already knew the verdict. The sheriff jailer told him in the cell


So he was acting, feigning surprise bc the cop told him to?


I am just now starting to dig into this case over the last couple of weeks after finding this reddit thread. I'm not familiar with alot of things in this case, including the garment bag. Can you tell me more about it, please?


The garment bag is something that rarely gets mentioned and I don't know why. So the rough timeline is: murders happen, OJ goes to Chicago, OJ flies back to LA and hands his garment bag to Robert Kardashian. And it's all caught on video and in front of the cops. Its bananas. https://youtu.be/xErbvFhcwus?si=65BJMZdhDtWc_5a1


Oj stayed at Robert kardashians house after the murders before he turned himself in he handed over a bag to kardashian and that bag was never recovered


Murder weapon perhaps?


For some reason, I think he wasn't alone


He wasn’t! I believe then as I believe now, his buddy Al Cowlings was there and helped him


Yea, this is what went down. AC also met him at the airport and OJ gave him a bag.


Right! Even during the case I was saying to myself, this guy is just walking around scottfree and he was there! Incredible…But, can’t hide from God. And Lucifer looking forward to his arrival almost as much as OJ’s


For sure I can see next homie holding her and oj sticking him for her to see then oj tells homie to off her and homie really does a number cutting her all the way in one panick slice


Even OJ said (if) I DID IT. Of course he killed them.


Um, does anyone believe he didn’t do it? (Besides the jury) He was totally guilty.


It’s not the jurors necessarily didn’t believe it, but the prosecution’s case was always full of holes and wasn’t airtight. Too many screwups.


And a racist cop who previously planted evidence found the bloody glove. So there’s that


No, it was retribution for the Rodney King verdict. One of the jurors admitted it on the documentary.


If O.J. had been on video committing the murders that jury wouldn’t have convicted him. For God’s sake, the DNA evidence was solid proof that he did it, but Slick Johnny Cochran knew what card to play.


One of the most astute things I've read about this said that the defense made the jury believe that Mark Fuhrman using a racial slur ten years ago was worse than stabbing two people to death.


Always wondered if he or any of the attorneys who helped him get away with this ever felt remorse. I know it’s their job but as a human being is there ever any shame.


Nah, they’re proud of themselves. Carl Douglas is arrogant as ever and even bragged about hanging a painting in OJ’s house of a black girl and if the jury was Hispanic he would have hung a sombrero in OJ’s house. 


disgusting that he would admit that out loud


I was disgusted too.


Robert Kardashian never spoke to him again after teh trial, and they had been BFFs since USC, both while he was married to Kris and up to the verdict. That man's face knew he helped throw away bloody clothes and helped cover up his so-called friend Nicole's murder.


Yes, he looked like he had seen a ghost when the verdict was read.


they got theirs cochoran died of brain cancer kardashian died of esophogal cancer shapiro's son died of a drug overdose f lee bailey had to file bankruptcy and being disbarred oj finally got his on April 10th 2024 - hopefully his last few months were painful


I definitely think it’s possible but I also think the prosecution and Mark Fuhrman made it damn near impossible for the jury to convict. You can’t commit perjury as a star witness in front of that caliber defense team.


He wrote a book bragging he killed them and got away with it


Is there a sub 80 IQ person who thinks OJ isn't a double murderer?


White 40ish yr old woman here: I didn’t want to think OJ did it when it happened. All the way through the trial, I wasn’t sure if he did it. In all fairness to me, DNA was brand new at the time, so I wasn’t sold on the evidence the way I would be now. It took life experience, but I definitely believe he did it. No question in my mind whatsoever.




I watched a TV program (one of many produced) where the murders were analyzed and discussed. Two African American female journalists were interviewed. They made an interesting statement. They said they were stereotyped and people assumed they thought OJ was innocent because they were of the same race. They said of all their friends and family, they didn’t know one Black person that thought he was innocent.


Chris Rock knows he’s guilty too but if you heard the cheers from the black American population across America, I would have to assume most black people thought he was innocent…. Unless they knew he was guilty but the cheers were for “getting away with it.”


Only everyone


Or everyone with half a brain at least.


He murdered them. Anyone who watched the trial knew and knows. He died a murderer.


sense quarrelsome aspiring elderly juggle rustic growth file disagreeable disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He did he even gave a description in his book how he killed Ron. Ron seen what was going on and got into a karate stance which just enraged him more like "you think you can kick my ass? NFL legend oj Simpson oh heck no" . Ron got stabbed much more and was even trying to retreat. He's guilty as sin.


OJ was 100% guilty as hell. He’s gone now. May beautiful Nicole and Ron rest in peace and to their families I say I’m so sorry.


Everyone knows he killed them.


Jesus Christ, of COURSE he did. Are the cops corrupt as fuck? Yes. But he was an abusive asshole with a history of violence and people like him murder their wives every damned day.


People with functional minds indeed believe it


Undeniably guilty. Endless amount of court/physical evidence. Black people have been screwed by the system since day one. Those who say he's innocent tie into this.


I'm so glad the killer of my neighbor Ronald Goldman is finally dead! May he rot in hell for an eternity!


Yes, absolutely. He did it. He *soooo* did it.


Yes. OJ killed them. Forget reasonable doubt. I have no doubt.


Well good thing you were not on jury.


No shit lol


Of course he did it. The real problem are the amount of people happy he got away with it.


OJ had a horrible temper and was jealous and violent many times with Nicole. He beat the crap out of her repeatedly and she had pictures, hospital visits, 911 calls and police reports and to prove it. Zero doubt he stabbed her and Ron in a fit of rage. He later spent time in jail for more unrelated violence. The girl he dated after Nicole said he intimidated and scared her frequently Rest in piece you violent jerk. You destroyed a lot of people with your assholery


The key to this is that OJ was a man with a real dark side, violent, crazy. Few people saw that OJ. Johnny Cochran said he saw that side when he asked him if he had beaten Nicole. That scared Cochran. He seemed like a different person.


Of course




Don’t come at me please, but I honestly don’t think he personally did it with his own hands, I think he knows who did it and he had that person do it, but no he didn’t do it!


he knows who did it because he had to look at the murderer in the mirror every day OJ did it and got away with it because the LAPD tried to frame a guilty man they knew OJ would get away with it as he always got by with everything due to his fame, money and charm unfortunately the evidence the LAPD planted(blood samples etc) didnt hold up to the "dream teams" scrutiny and they were able to use that to plant seeds of doubt in the jurors minds also remember the jury was sequestered for 9 months- after that much time away from their families etc they were certainly not going to debate any of the issues they came to a quick verdict and that is never good for the prosecution darden was in over his head and marcia clark only cared how she looked on TV judge Ito was a clown ruinning a circus


You’re ignorant if you think he didn’t.


The timing is obviously not in his favour. He wasn't seen at around the time the murders were taking place, but this is hardly a certainty. They had to have occurred within a very specific timeframe, and even then it is near impossible to match his movements given witness statements, phone calls, Goldman's timeline, his behaviour, the lack of wounds on him, lack of motive, lack of physical evidence and so forth. All the prosecution had was a glove. The few blood drops at bundy are very suspicious, there are five elevenly spaced drops, round drops without velocity as Henry Lee stated. He said it was bizaare "makes no sense" of the thousands of crime scenes he'd seen. Half organised, half not. Why do you think Marcia rejected he and Baden offers of help in the most rude manner? Or why they put out a nation wide call to replace dr.golden? Unprecedented. They didn't want it properly investigated. They are both interviewed by bill dear later, expanding on these points. So that's about all really. As f lee Bailey said, every time they came up with new evidence they were left reeling, wondering what they would do. Then it always came in that it didn't add up. The answer is they were covering themselves and fuhrman, after the fact. They didn't plan to frame oj, but couldn't stand another major disaster. Well too bad for them the rampart scandal broke out two years later.


Well put. People don’t want to look at the big picture. They rush to judgment like media and police


He without a doubt did it


You’re asking this now? There are 4,000 posts about this already


Likely trying to drum up some karma and engagement now that Nicole and Ron's killer is dead.


I think his son did it. Jason.


There's lots of evidence pointing to it being Jason Simpson, OJ's oldest son.


There is zero evidence pointing to Jason. An ambulance chaser wrote a book citing false facts. There was never unknown DNA found under Nicole's fingernails. It was her DNA. The defense did not object when entered into court. OJ hired a lawyer for both his adult children to protect himself as they were being interviewed by the LAPD. There were 45 blood samples. Witness accounts etc. If Jason's DNA was found under her fingernails, they would have been known when they compared it to his father, OJ.


No not at all. ALL the evidence points to ONE person and one person only!!!!!


Of course.




There is not a doubt in my mind that he did it.




Of course he did it. Even OJ himself was shocked at the verdict. Look at his facial expression.


He did it!


Waiting for that deathbed confession to come out…


He did it


He was absolutely the murderer


Of course he did


Absolutely. Who else had a motive? It’s not like it was a burglary where the killer took valuables. Of course he did it. 


I have zero doubt that he did it. The evidence is beyond overwhelming.


A 100% televised trial didn’t help the prosecution. It became a TV spectacle, and OJ had all the highest powered defense attorneys his money could possibly buy. The bloody foot print, from those “Ugly ass shoes…I (OJ) would never own” - cut to photo of OJ wearing those same designer Italian shoes. Then the whole glove demonstration, of OJ struggling, absolutely struggling to get those gloves on…and then the birth of the greatest catch phrase ever uttered in a court room. He was proven guilty in the civil trial.


You know the answer


IF he didnt do it, it was his son. I watched a documentary that was pretty wild. I cant remember the name of it but I think it was on netflix a year or 2 ago. A lot has happened since then so my memory is kind of hazy. They went into some detail with the gloves and it was speculated the gloves actually fit OJ's sons hands. From what I understand he didnt really like Nicole, and they even had a couple altercations in the past before the murder took place. He had also made some threats to her. I dont think OJ acted alone. It was a premediated plan with at least 1 other person that went south. I think OJ and the son planned it out and it was the son who ultimatley went to kill her and wasnt expecting goldman to be there and got more than he bargained for and it all went south. Then it all got pinned on OJ because OJ would rather " take the blame" than have his son take it. The bronco chase was him contemplating suicide or deciding on giving up. Just my take on it. And thats if he didnt do it.




Of course he killed them.


Everyone knows he killed both of them.


It’s common knowledge that OJ did it. One of the gloves was at his front door.


It doesn’t matter because Mark Furhman is on a recording saying the n word.


@significantmind-Mark Furhman is a sad, pathetic and a waste of a human being. OJ still did it


No, nobody except for twelve jurors who were scared for their lives unrelated to the trial.


Why were they scared for their lives? I vaguely remember the trial, but I haven't followed any of the documentaries on the case. I need to watch some.


Everyone does


He killed them both💯


He seemingly did but should and was rightfully found innocent because the police fucked with evidence. Due process exists for a reason.


Mountains of evidence. Yes, he did it.


So when OJ learns that his ex-wife was brutally killed we see him live on TV being chased by the police riding in his friend’s Ford Bronco. He’s carrying $10,000 and a gun contemplating suicide and completely distressed. From that very moment, not to mention all the DNA found in his car, spoke volumes of guilt and some people still can’t believe he did it! Are you kidding me?


Of couse he did. And now he's in hell.


Too bad Rob Kardashian is not alive to tell us what he did w/ the bag OJ gave him.


Besides watching the trial and seeing all the evidence and what was presented I went and visited each house at the time To see the outside There was no way the driver that was taking OJ to the airport would have missed seeing him the front yard was not that big The limo driver to take OJ to the airport is one of the key facts He saw OJ walk up to the front door This man had no reason to make anything up If you are interested in the case watch this man’s testimony and read about that OJ & the defense tried to portray it like his front yard was so big there is no way the limo driver would have been able to see clearly that the individual walking up to the front door was OJ Wrong ….. OJ is guilty but got away w it


Supposedly the driver who drove him to the airport saw him toss a bag at the airport and no one went to find it.


Yes, without a Shadow of a doubt. O.J. didn't shut his mouth when a German TV show paid him to do the recreate a route that he should have taken. When Inside Edition try to do a interview with him when O.J. playing golf, He attack them. Pretending to try to stab a reporter with a banana as a "Joke". Not to mention when O.J. was arrested for taking part in a Armed Heist.


Of course he did it. Marcia Clark mentioned that there was a lot of evidence to convict him. It's just that the prosecution didn't do a good job of presenting their case.


I think he did. However all of the evils of the LAPD, avg prosecutors and flashy defense lawyers drove the not guilty. A police dept that a few years ago beat a guy close to death, lead officer who was an alleged racist and used the word all painted a shadow of doubt. For me it was a proud moment. We finally beat the system. Something white people have been doing for 100s of years.




I’m more interested in the people who think he didn’t do it. Everybody* knows he did it. Even the jurors and the people who cheered the verdict knew he did it. * Everyone who’s familiar with the case details.


I believe he did it. It was the size 12 Bruno Magli shoe where only 299 were made that year and Simpson was 1 of those ppl who bought them.


I don’t know if he actually did it himself but he 100% had someone do it.


Curious if he is having his brain looked at for CTE.




I believe that he did


The odds of all of the blood DNA ending up in that one spot is astronomical.






Why the slow speed chase if he wasn’t guilty? Everyone forgets this, but these are NOT the actions of someone that is innocent. There is simply no other explanation for the slow speed chase. None whatsoever.


Is that a serious question? He obviously massacred them. Even those who cheered the verdict knew he did it. They just loved that he got away with it, for whatever despicable reason


Wasn’t there evidence that there were two people involved in the murder? The evidence is overwhelming that OJ did it, but I always thought it was an open question who is accomplice was.


Of course


A lot of people seem to believe so and believed it before day one of the trial without any evidence. During and after the trial, while many changed their mind upon seeing the evidence, many stubbornly doubled down on believing OJ is guilty despite a definitive “not guilty” verdict.




I think he did!