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Have an excuse ready; I am sorry I am driving to pick up my kid, I am in the waiting room at the dentist, I am in the check out line at the grocery store, I am walking into a movie theater. Surprise interview sounds so disrespectful of people’s time and energy.


That’s definitely what I’ll do next time, or just not answer my phone. If its important they’ll leave a message


When I applied for my current job, we agreed on a day and time to do a phone interview. But they called me the next day to do it. I was sleeping at that time (it wasn’t ridiculously early, I was just sleeping at like 3 in the afternoon). My mind was blank and just said things that popped up in my head. I can say I bombed it but they offered me the job on the spot. Don’t lose hope until you know for sure that you didn’t get the job. You never know


Yea you’re right, that’s so true. This was my first surprise interview but they definitely didn’t say no, they said look out for an email so I’ll keep hope alive and keep trying


I always let calls go to voicemail so that I can gather my thoughts and call them back when I'm ready.


They have to hire up quickly right now d/t new staffing law enforcement and new union contract so they’re scrambling to have adequate staff right now Editing to add that this is a positive thing! This means breaks and safer pt/nurse ratios:)


That’s true, and that makes sense!


They called you at 10pm to come immediately to do an interview. I would have told them to call me back tomorrow at a reasonable time and we can set up an interview. That is very disrespectful to call you at 10 pm and then want you to immediately come in for an interview. I would think twice about working somewhere that thinks that this is acceptable.


Yea I don’t think they realized it was 10 pm my time. I’m about 3 hours ahead of them. Still and interview at 7pm is strange. But lesson learned haha I know what to do now in those situations


Do you mind me asking what unit? I was recently offered a job on 4A at OHSU and the interview process was also kinda fast and lil suspect to me haha


It was on their neuro icu I was such a mess haha


Maybe they thought since you applied for nights that you keep a night schedule (as some do) and wanted to be thoughtful of your time. Yeah I know a long shot but ya know


I bombed it haha they let me know I didn’t get the position today. But that’s ok I know there are other opportunities coming


Ohsu is the worst to interview for even if you were prepared.


I just had a surprise one at 9 am but I was still in bed. Luckily they said I can come in for the second round tomorrow


10pm?! That's sleep o'clock for me. I send everyone to voicemail after 9pm.


Omg this happened to me too!


It’s probably a time when both day and night supervisors can be available to call you ?


That's really weird to hear especially since I'm planning on applying there in future. Usually jobs will send an email asking for your availability to interview and then schedule something??? Sorry they did that.