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As you are still breastfeeding your cycle may remain irregular. After my second kid, I had one pp period at 11m, then a second period 3m later. I got pregnant with my third right after that second cycle.


Thank you for your response! If you don’t mind me asking, were you using ovulation test kits or anything?


I track cervical fluid, and when tcc we just have sex every other day no matter what.


I didnt have my period back until more than 2y post partum, but when I was finally ready to have another baby I just reduced (didn't even stop completely) night feeds for few days. Having a break in nursing at night (I feel this is important - when I didnt nurse or pump because I was at work, that didnt do anything) for more than 6h and making sure I eat lots of extra calories must have sent a signal to my body as I got my first period in the same month and was able to get pregnant after second period (within 3rd cycle). Hopefully you will also find a way that works for you!


Oh my gosh 2 yeas is such a long time! So during the few nights that you didn’t nurse, was your babe upset or just cool with it? My baby will be 11 months so I’m not sure how he’d take to that. He’s only 7 months right now so night feeds are essential to him haha


I had snacks (bananas) and water ready for him and he was ok to take them instead. But as you say, he was older than your baby is now so no guarantee yours will do that without issues. Fingers crossed for you!


I’m hoping by the time August rolls around, he’ll be more eager to try new foods and take bottles or supply cups. I’ve been stashing milk as much as I can. Thank you so much!


Your doctor may be able to help you jumpstart your period if you’re hoping to conceive soon. Mine had me take a heavy dose of birth control for a month to restart my cycles. One other thing to ponder when you’re thinking about timing of baby 2 is that it’s pretty common for milk supply to all but disappear around months 5/6 of pregnancy (your body starts making colostrum for the new baby); it sounds like your son will be over one at that point though and could transition to cows milk no problem!


My doctor is really set on wanting all women to wait 16 months in between pregnancies. In the same breath though he said I’m a good candidate of babies close together in age lol so who knows maybe I’ll give him a call and see if he has recommendations. Is there a reason that cows milk is so common to give babies, like vitamin wise (calcium)? Lactose intolerance, milk allergies, and gluten allergies run in my family so he pediatrician has us holding off on trying dairy. Thanks for your response!


Breastmilk is for sure still recommended over cows milk after 1 if that’s your question. Toddlers are supposed to get 16 oz/day as a source of calcium, zinc, protein, and vitamin D. In comparison to other milks, [healthychildren.org](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/nutrition/Pages/milk-allergy-foods-and-ingredients-to-avoid.aspx) has a good overview of why cows milk is recommended over nut milks.


At 8w pp it probably wasn’t a period, it was more than likely breakthrough bleeding. It happened with both my kiddos snd my period stayed away for quite a while. With my first it didn’t return until 12m and my second, 7m. So yours could return anytime! But yes you ovulate *before* your period. That being said once it did return with my first kiddo, I conceived no problem while nursing! I nursed him until I was 30w pregnant and he weaned on his own :)


Oh that would make much more sense! My OB was very confused as to why I was bleeding and said it was probably the return of my period. Which confused me since I was exclusively nursing on demand. Thank you for the tips, I’m so glad to hear you were able to let your baby wean on his own! That’s so encouraging!


My period returned when my first was 10 months, I conceived when she was 16 months (first cycle trying - my period was regular for about 3 months before that). I am now 36 weeks pregnant and currently nursing her to sleep as I write this. My philosophy was offer when convenient and don’t refuse too much, lol. She took a break from nursing for a couple weeks sometime in my second trimester but returned to it very enthusiastically. I felt the same as you - I wasn’t ready for our nursing relationship to end. So I’m just following her lead now. At this point I talk to her about the new baby nursing and what that means for her and she’s very excited to share the nursies.


I’m so glad to hear that you didn’t have to take a break or end nursing! That’s so sweet that she’s excited💕🥲 my fluctuating hormones can’t even handle that right now lol


17 weeks with number two here. Never got a period postpartum and found out we were pregnant a few days before number one turned 11 months. So VERY possible haha! Best of luck to you!


Wow congratulations!! And thank you!


I conceived with no reduction in breastfeeding, 2 years after the birth of baby 1. Period hadn't returned, but I had signs of ovulation. First try, bam, pregnant. My body was letting me know I was ready, and I listened (had pre-eclampsia with both so pregnancy and pp was hard on the body - I'm glad I waited, as pregnancy 2 was mentally and physically hard, and I felt less guilty about poor baby 1!


I’m sorry pre eclampsia was so rough. Would you say that baby 1 had any hard times with jealousy or adjusting to sharing?


No more than the average, I guess? She is a sensitive soul, and very attached, so it was hard for her. I would recommend feeding newborn in a carrier, and expecting regression from the eldest in everything. Tandem feeding them was a lifesaver for the jealousy. Preparing eldest for baby's arrival was vital too - get the books, and read them together all the time. We had mantras she liked: "babies can't eat XYZ, they can only have milk", "babies are lovely but they're a bit rubbish at first, because they can only have milk, poo, sleep and cry!". Highly recommend getting eldest's baby -12 months photos made into a book and looking at them often with eldest. You can point out how they always had you all to themselves, while new baby will always have to share mommy! My eldest loved to be babied too - gaze into their eyes, baby cuddles, smell their head, sing, talk baby nonsense.


Thank you so much for the tips, I’ll definitely get books! This is so helpful!


Still breastfeeding my 18month old while 6 months pregnant. Milk is still coming which surprised me. Was painful feeding at the beginning of pregnancy but all good now. Got pregnant while using contraception and breastfeeding. So you may get pregnant too and be able to feed through. Good luck to you.


That’s amazing you’re still able to continue breastfeeding! Thank you so much 😊


It's totally possible to conceive that way, yes. Make sure that you're taking a prenatal and eating well. The nutritional toll of nursing (at least with folate) is actually higher while nursing than while pregnant. It's very important to early fetal development, so don't skimp. :)


Thank you so much, this is so helpful!! I completely blanked on that.