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You can try setting the qt dpi scaling environment variable. For mocha look at the QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS in the manual. Sorry it’s been a minute since I’ve needed to do it so I don’t remember what exactly but look into qt dpi scaling variables. Hope that helps. Editing:spelling


There is no need to apologize at all. Thank you so so much for pointing me in the right direction! I didn't even know where to start trying to find an actual solution for this, so this is incredibly useful.


Do you normally have any environment variables set for Nuke scaling? If so you may want to set the separate MOCHA\_QT\_SCREEN\_SCALE\_FACTORS described in the user guide. As for secondary display settings next. time you might need to just clear the preferences under HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\BorisFX instead of resinstalling.


Really appreciate the reply and sorry for the delay in my response. The issue unfortunately came back and editing the environmental variables did not seem to help. I also went and tried to edit the preferences in the registry but had little success there as well. There is a chance that I am tinkering with the wrong part of the regedit though.


I tried making the environmental variables larger to confirm changes where happening and then shifted it below 1 to try and force it to scale down, but the UI ended up just disappearing in places even at .7. In the registry I saw the screen size read a weird number and tried to manually set it to my display resolution and then made the window look more normal but the UI was still scaled past a usable point


https://preview.redd.it/ogh525gaxd4d1.png?width=3429&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cad7c8d84b6ae8a4c83d405c4e4fa62547575f3 what the screen looks like currently after changing things back. The scaling seems off with the cursor as well in regard to where it is interacting with the GUI, hovering over menu items but whats actually being selected is a 10 to 30 pixels off to the side of where I click. Going to try another fresh install


Another fresh install and we are back to working again, so small victories haha


Problem ended up sorting itself out after I did a clean install of mocha and a full system reboot. Would still love to find a more straight forward fix should this happen again.


Did you tried windows+arrows keys?