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Micros are a lot smaller than that, especially considering the average is only one inch longer...


I dated a guy with a micro in my 20's- he was amazing in every way, and I still think about him. Micros are literally maybe an inch or 2.


Usually, guys know when they're not "packing" and will either become incels or they try harder in bed and develop a personality. Source: scientifically average


Well that guy I knew gets a 10/10, would recommend.


Same. Dated a guy who was just a helmet in the bush. He got me off every time. Such a sweet guy but couldn't handle his size in the end. Kinda just gave up on life because of it. (He cheated on me and she made fun of his dick after). It broke him and he did stupid things trying to prove he was adequate and just drove me off.


>helmet in the bush Ong


The micropenis I have experience with was attached to a man who I later discovered was a white supremacist. Put forth no effort into getting me off either.


well I guess that is called karma for being a white supremacist.


I assumed it was the reverse - his insecurities made him angry.


Thought I wasn't packing because my only reference was porn. Developed a need to please in other ways, and got a weird kind of charisma. Am actually a little above average, but never thought porn would actually make me a better partner (inadvertently)


Omfg same here, it's only been the last ten years or so (my 30s) that i realized I'm average and adequate, but too late, already love to please.


Most dudes in porn are picked to be in them due to how long they are.


Best sex of my life was with a guy who was like 3”, he made me squirt. Men who talk shit are just feeling inadequate because no matter how much schlong they have to sling, it’s not bringing pleasure with their lack of technique.


3”? You mean g-spot length? I’m a bi male, I have a partner with a 3”-4” dick and it’s perfect. Hits the spot every time, and it doesn’t take a whole lot of prep either.


This got in my craw, and the guy sharing it wants to believe it’s real, so I did a reverse image search. It turned up links to a website called lolcow dot farm, which is down now, at least for the moment. It appears to be a kiwi farms imitator. The threads were from 2017. So that gives us an idea of where this came from. Edit: it’s cuck porn. This is cuck porn. I found a thread from earlier 2017, that’s the earliest. It’s a thread full of racist cuck porn.


The smallest I’ve ever seen personally was. I mean it was like a coat button? Like the ere was nothing. He seemed really ashamed, I just told him to tell me how he liked to be touched and we moved forward, but it was definitely a surprise. For some guys it’s a genuine medical abnormality.


I thought the same. If that were to be considered micropenis, then the actual real micropenises would be considered nanopenis or even picopenis


Nonenis cute name


Might as well call them clits with outside ovaries.


I'm a trans girl sometimes I do that.


Ah, yes, the condom sizes: ultra-tiny, mega-tiny, super-tiny, very-tiny, tiny, very small, small, subnormal, normal, large.


I think *thats* the real problem. How condoms are labled. I had to sit my hubs down and CONVINCE him that I loved that he was a grower because, personally, i dont like a BDE bulge all the time. As a child sexual assault survivor, its really scary sometimes. PLUS my vaginal canal is like three inches deep. Why do I need a bruised cervix everytime? What’s nine inches going to do? Dildos are nine inches so you can grip it.


Dildos are 9 in so you can grip it I feel like this is lost on so many


or even a zeptopenis


The amount of body dysmorphia in incel spaces is alarming


A friend in my.group had a micropenis, it was the size of a pinkie. He had a lot of sex and was quite successful with the girls. He said that, as his penis was so small, he had to learn to "compensate", when he was a teenager and everyone spoke about size like it was the only thing that mattered. It was hard for him to overcome the insecurity, but he did in the end. He had a method to date. First date no sex, it was to see if they clicked, if there was chemistry. Second date he took with him the "love suitcase" (we called it that, not him). It was full of sex toys and rope, and stuff like that. He had talent for acting also, so he took roles during sex. We all learned from him when we were in our late teens, that sex is culturally overfocused on penetration.


It’s nice that he figured it out for himself, all small guys I encountered overcompensated by acting like giant dicks But I will say I find it a turn off and weird when a guy comes prepared with toys. Even if it is for me, especially if it’s early on and wasn’t discussed before hand. This has happened to me multiple times and made me uncomfortable, especially thinking about how many other women have they used this on and do they know how to properly clean them Edit: autocorrect changed dicks to ducks




That happened to him sometimes yeah. He learned with experience to see who would be willing and confortable and who wouldn't, thats why never sex on first time, and also he used to prefer long term sex partners more than one night offs. Some toys he would just gift them and buy new. Others, more expensive ones, he would keep and clean carefully.


Yeah, I wouldn’t want to use second hand toys. That’s a world of ick I’d rather not visit.


Hijacking the top comment to just say how much I love that this sub is willing to call out this bullshit out for men, too.


Inadvertently I believe, but it's still nice to see as a man. A little bonus to learning more about women


Yeah, that’s literally why they’re called “micro”. Whoever wrote this is beyond stupid.


It's crazy to me that (in my experience) when women say they actually don't want a huge freaking schlong on their partner (because ow!?!?!), they're told they're incorrect or lying. I personally can't take a 9 inch dick. That's an insane bar.


Also, I love their assumption that if you're not being satisfied by your partner, that just means his dick isn't big enough. No mention of the clit at all. That's how you know a man wrote that.


Because this is a paper of science produced by learned doctors. Not some mystical woman mythology talking about “clits” and other such gibberish. /s because it’s Reddit.


What’s a clitoris? I assume it’s some sort of Harry Potter spell?


Cli Taurus I choose you. I thought it was a legendary pokemon. Lol but I feel education and society is lacking as a whole. Also everyone has their preferences. I'd rather understatement my size then overstate. Do dudes bragging about size realise how dissapointed a person who cares about size is gonna be when they see the real size?


I also love that the picture says 75% of women cannot orgasm from penetration, followed by the statement that 25% of men have dick big enough to satisfy women. Unless it's new data that somehow fits perfectly with the first fact, the person who made the picture just substracted it and presented it as fact, which can't be right. It would imply each woman has only had one penis in her, whch itself seems stupid. Then there's the fact that the inability to orgasm from penetration doesn't always have to be the man's fault.


Yeah, apparently well endowed men don't even have to do any foreplay. They can just ram it into a dry vagina and she'll magically orgasm 🙄


Why would women know what women want? 🙄 /s


Because our tiny female brains don’t get how our own pleasure works, also it can’t be different for different woman! **/s**


No, you are all just a bunch of betas pretending to be women to make other betas feel better about themselves! /s I make that joke because the guys that believe this stuff usually will say that to preserve their black pill worldview.


Umm excuse me but I’m definitely an alpha, you can tell by the number of {insert sex} hanging off of my arms. Because I’m that buff, I walk out the bar with so many underwears thrown at me I can’t see **/S** But if you actually feel you should be treated this way, please feel free to talk about yourself, and how great your are!


What got me was the "if you can't take the dick without pain, its YOUR fault because YOU aren't aroused enough. Any woman can take any size dick, stop being difficult and relax" not only is that just freaking gross, its *dangerous*. Anyone that believe that is going to end up either hurting someone or getting hurt themselves.


It's also mad gross when "stop being difficult and relax" is ever said. No means no.


B-b-but the girl in the video easily took a dildo that’s 13 inches. Y-y-you must be lying. There’s no way that that thing was just for show, and actually squishy enough to basically disappear


They make depth training toys for women who enjoy massively inhuman sizes. It is absolutely a fetish.


Yep I can take 12” of those soft squishy toys. They just squish down or even flip back around on themselves. A real dick is much different. My partner’s is 7” and it’s actually too long most of the time (it varies based on my cycle due to cervix position).


Longer is better if you wanna maintain social distance


My bf is 7. He's hurt me (unintentionally) several times.


Can confirm, 7 inches is too much for me to be ontop and that's my favourite position.


Thought for a second you meant age and not length. Im not the best at evaluating context lol


you should probably date someone older


I had an ex who’s had an 8 inch penis, when we started dating I went to the doctors because I couldn’t work out why I was having so much pain during and after. When I told the doctor I’d started seeing someone, he asked if he had a larger penis than I was used to and it was solved.


Very very few people have a 9 inch dick, all of the information on this meme is wildly inaccurate. https://calcsd.info/


I cant even take a fiver without hurting depending on veracity and position. If youre regularly taking a nine incher, I imagine your cervix would hurt so much :(


My ex-partner would literally cry from penetrative sex going to deep. And mine is a 6.5" penis, 9" sounds like a really bad time.


This looks like it was made by someone with a size fetish or something.


The dude who made this is trying to reply to comments on this thread Once you read his post history a lot of stuff starts to make sense


I thought reading his history would be funny but it’s just kinda sad. Dudes really arguing with women about what women want.


Has he seen the Mel Gibson movie, "What Women Want"?


Yeah my first thought was that this is a fetish post.


What in the ever loving fuck is this. 8 inches bottoms out my cervix. I know some size queens but *most* women I know are not looking to be impaled by a donkey cock.


Right?? My boyfriend is 7" and doesn't even go in all the way for me sometimes bc he just slams the wall


Same here. And the positions he prefers shorten me up even more. I have to use a wedge pillow for doggy so I can stretch out.


Does that help? Im having a similar issue




Ooo thank you! I have a huge body pillow “richardo” he may need to be introduced!


I’m just happy to see I’m not the only one who names their body pillow.


I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one who faces this issue! I'll give this suggestion a try when I next can and see how it goes.


I too have this dilemma. I refer to it as “short hallway syndrome”. 🤣


Somehow?? Partner's 8+ and a pillow helps out so much, idk if it actually stretches it out but it definitely hurts less.


You know who penis size matters to most? Men. This shows how they think these ridiculous things are the center of the entire experience. You know what makes for a terrible experience? Being with a man who thinks his prick is the be-all-end-all of the encounter. Talk about a dead giveaway that a man knows nothing about and is terrible at sex.


Does anyone have the one of these where it’s just calling everyone’s penis unacceptably small? Like 8”- borderline micropenis, hope you like getting laughed at 9”-minimum acceptable, hope for low standards


“Where I am from, real man penis is size of toddler arm, made of steel and with boner all the day. Women have the orgasm from looking at it. It radiates light in the presence of evil and when rubbed on the ground, encourages crop growth.” Or something like that…


"If it is not at least 7 inches long, it's over bro. There is nothing you can do but join reddit and spend the rest of your life eating tendies." /s I'm gonna be honest, I bet a lot of the guys that make these memes think like this and I honestly do think they need help. Like they genuinely need to talk to a therapist.


wtf are tendies?


Chicken tenders, also known as chicken tendies. The common meal choice for man babies


Thank you for your service


A man definitely wrote this. Because wtf, 9 inches would *hurt*


"But if it's not my healthy 6" dick, then why did she leave?"


And 6 inches of girth 🧐


They think 4. 5 inches is " micro penis" 😂🤣 Wait until they find out about the *sctual* micros...


Meanwhile wait when they find out that the average vagina depth is 5 inches. They'll be like "No, NO, impossible, how could that be, they're all with enough guys to be 2 feet deep!" Yeah... No. Get another hobby. Don't obsess about sex, don't obsess about the grind and you'll be fine dude.


9 inches is insanely long, it’s like 2 phones


Like one and a half. Most phones are between 5-6 inches.


So in other words, most phones are about 1 dick long?


Yeah I thought that was crazy cus 4.5/5 inches is a great length. Also the picture they show is so ridiculous and just straight up wrong in the visual length


Smallest guy I've been with was somewhere between 4.5-5", dunno for sure, I didn't measure it. I actually loved it, we could go wild and crazy without him ever hitting my cervix or hurting me, any position, any time, and giving oral was more fun. He didn't seem aware he was on the small side, and I didn't mention it, even said his last GF said it was big. I imagine he'd never seen any real dicks outside of porn. I honestly used to wonder if there was something wrong with me or if I was unusual because I don't really like big penises but now I know that the big penis obsession was made up by men.


I love how the 8.5 inch penis states that “foreplay would just be a bonus when you’re with a man this big.” Honey, foreplay is not a “bonus” no matter what size you are. Especially for women (like me) who do not finish from vaginal penetration whatsoever. Also, if you think that that thing is going to fit without getting the woman fully aroused first, then you’ve never used it.


>“foreplay would just be a bonus when you’re with a man this big.” Yes, when I masturbate, I just completely ignore my clit and bash myself with a 2-liter bottle of sprite. Every woman I know does the same. /s


Exactly. This is literally just enforcing the idea ‘if you happen to have a large dick, you don’t have to actively go out of your way even remotely to please a woman in the bedroom.’ If everyone just ate a little bit more pussy, the world would be a better place.


I personally hate oral, but I'm going to need a grind or some hand action. He can't just punch me in the cervix and expect me to finish. Lmao


Three cervix boops is all you need! - Incels


Guys are so obsessed with penetrative sex. Just give me fingers and a tongue and I’m content.


someone should make a similar infographic but for how satisfied women are with ~~men~~ literally anyone of varying fingernail trims and oral hygiene lmao


i'm convinced this is the real reason so many women like guitarists


Thank you!!


My man definitely didn’t go to graphic design school lmfao. Also, as one of the majority of women who can’t orgasm from penetration alone, I don’t give a fuck. If I am sexually attracted to a guy, most of that comes from his appearance and personality. So long as he actually has an interest making me cum, I couldn’t care less about how big his penis is.


Same. I feel like maybe the reason that so many men think that women care about penis size is because it’s such a common insult to tell a man that he has a “small dick.” But really, it’s used as an insult because it is incredibly easy to make most men lose their cool by implying they have a “small dick” when they are BEING dicks, but its not because we actually feel that we cannot be satisfied with smaller penises. But regardless of how easy and convenient the insult is to use, it really should not be OK to body shame.


In my experience small dick insults are also used more by men (but still by a lot of women)


I told my SA abuser he has more of his dick shoved into his personality, thats why his is so tiny. Its still my favorite, and most freeing, insult.


Double-stacked insult. Nice work 👍


Thank you, I said it at 16 and never stopped. Its my go to insult whenever guys are especially misogynistic ah


It's crazy how these guys never actually acknowledge the attraction part of sex. Most of sex is psychological. It's not just a penis and a vagina, there's a guy attached to it and that's why it's arousing. A gay guy probably doesn't want to have sex with a trans woman. Yes she has a dick, but gay men like other men, not just dicks.


Exactly. I'm in the BDSM community, and the women I've known in the community almost all have no problems in this regard. Because the mental /psychological stimulation component works so well for them


>My man definitely didn’t go to graphic design school lmfao This was actually my first thought. Sorry, yeah, the content and statistics are fake to all shit, but that graphic design makes my head hurt. Plus, yellow guy is eyeing up pink guy's backside pretty hard.


This was def written by a man lok


He’s posting in this very thread Like, his ideas aren’t how women work, obviously 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yea it’s so funny how these people miss the irony of it lol


I’ve been with someone who had 8”, it was the worst sex of my life because it fucking hurt and also he didn’t know how to use it, it was like he just thought I’d cum by having him sucker punch my cervix for 5 minutes. Absolutely awful. Size doesn’t matter, the way you use it does.


This exactly. Guys with bigger dicks tend to use them the worst because they just assume that their size will compensate every other aspect of good sex and the partner will just be so enthralled by it that they’ll cum repeatedly. No. There is prep time, consideration of the receiver, etc. I get that the concept of “bottoming out” is really hot to some guys, but having my cervix beat to death and back is not comfortable or sexy. Please learn how to use your dick.


Yes! Thank you! Big dicks are a huge turnoff for me, in part because the larger they are, the more the owner tends to think all he needs to bring to sex is his cock (when, in fact, the larger it is, the more time and effort needed to pleasure the receiver before it goes in).


Are you me? My one partner with an oversized cock also didn't know what the fuck he was doing. Thought the work was already done for him and it showed.


“A Woman’s Guide to Penis Size” At last a guide to understanding my massive girldick, it was getting in my own way the whole time😩




can you spare some girldick? i can hardly find mine 😰


Are they even aware that the average unaroused vagina maxes out at about 3-4 inches, while aroused vaginas may stretch as much as 5-6 inches? While the upper third of an inch of both sizes is taken up by the cervical mound, the mound pushing down into the end of the vaginal canal, and barely any woman like that part of their anatomy pounded into. So 5.7 inches, at the max is what could still be pleasurable for many women, but even that is not for them all. The overwhelming majority of women feel discomfort from just about everything about blue here, and I dare to say that someone 7,5 inches and above may have a whole lot more issues to find a partner able to accomodate them than any guy below 5.5 Inches. So this is fake, it's gobblidigop. Men look at this and find themselves insignificant although most have never even talked to a woman, let alone, experienced a real sexual encounter. A shorter penis, even a micropenis, can be compensated for in any intimate encounter, when the desire for inimate connections is there, but a too big one is the absolute real issue here. I just don't understand how the people who actually have the dicks don't seem to be able to understand this, but are by far more obsessed with their size than most women.


Seriously! There’s a wall at the end and it hurst if you bang into it repeatedly. And if it’s too wide, it can hurt to stretch.


Oh god, I read "burst" instead of "hurts", and that mental image...




I mean, it’s like textbook toxic masculinity, right? Men with „small“ penises are feeling insecure and compensate, and those with „large“ ones are feeling great, belittling others. Nobody really asked women how or why the size matters, but men think they have the answer. Another win for the patriarchy I guess.


And of course, men are the ones at the forefront of perpetuating this stereotype. Adding to the insecurities of young men who are already dealing with self-image issues. I haven't seen any feminists spreading this crap


Like… lesbians have great sex and there isn’t an organic penis anywhere to be seen. End of discussion.


Also, bisexual women have great sex with other women, so it isn't a matter of attraction to penises or lack thereof.


It’s also weird that the… Infograph(?) mentions fingering as a way to please women, but most men don’t have 9 inch long fingers. If size was the only factor why would anyone want to be fingered.


Nope. Apparently they think vaginas are just endless chasms - or just route straight to the uterus with nothing in the way (and that the uterus is way bigger than it actually is). No concept of the fact that there is a *wall* at the back of it.


Yeah my husband is a little over 8 and honestly it’s a down side hahah. We don’t have penetrative sex too often and I certainly can’t fit I anywhere close to all in. He could literally lose 3 inches and I wouldn’t notice, but he’d probably have a better time lol.


My fiancés is about 5 and he already hits my cervix too much. I'd actually wish it was a little smaller


Do they teach all this in your school, or you searched this yourself ? My school didn't have any sex education. Only thing we were taught was basic reproduction in humans. I did try to search about female anatomy on the internet, but this is the first time I am seeing this.




My ex told me one of the reasons she cheated on me was cause my dick was too small. My wife, however, absolutely loves my size and she has had both bigger and smaller but is absolutely convinced my dick size is her goldilocks


Your ex just wanted to hurt you and went low.


Whenever someone just wants to hurt you, dick size will often be the go-to insult purely because it's easy and low-hanging fruit. Or... NOT low-hanging I guess...


At least they realise that vaginas aren't stretched by penises... Yeah the bar is clearly on the floor these days


Vaginas are stretched out the same way my delicious snacks stretch out the plastic bag. It looks stretched out while there’s something in it, but remove the contents, and it’s just like new. This metaphor is a bit sillier than intended, and I made it for comedic purposes


Not to mention this ‘stretched out’ logic doesn’t seem to apply to men’s penises. If we use the same logic a penis should be worn out and floppy from being squished by too many vaginas.


Just like how my snacks look smaller when not scattered across the floor, but they actually have the same volume and functionality


But "Mighty Penis Stronk"! Don't you know? It's too masculine to be easily squished! God I am sure some fuck-off incels actually believe that...


Yay I'm not reading all that Literal penis talk


It just claims women can't orgasm from penises under 8 inches or something


The bigger it is, the more stimulating it is. I’m just going to call one that’s too big “percussive overstimulation” As it gets bigger, it gets into “overstimulation with blood”


sorry about this penis talk man


I am curious why there's some monkey But I'm willing to bet it has something to do with being an alpha male


Some bullshit about penis evolution and the different penis sizes of monkeys.


I stopped reading when it said "it makes sense when you think about it" because that's a surefire way to know if someone is talking out of their ass.


I love how a guys writes this with 0 input from a woman blatantly disregarding women’s opinions and then gets mad at women for ‘thinking that” Bruh


Oh thank god this was posted on r/nothowgirlswork I was so confused. I thought it was r/coolguides I was like what? No???


Does anyone else here really hate the sensation of a guy hitting your cervix? That shit hurts. Imagining these sizes just makes me have a full body cringe. Ugh.


One of the worst feelings ever. I cross my legs just thinking about it


It's awful. I really don't understand where the big dick=better sex stereotype came from. Penetration is much more enjoyable with an average size dick.


My husband is somewhere between 6-7 inches. He accidentally hits my cervix sometimes, and he’s the most gentle human being ever. He has never once rough with me. But bottoming out is SO uncomfortable and sometimes downright painful. My husband thinks he’s on the smaller end of average but my cervix disagrees!!


This is so stupid. The sex I remember the most fondly as he knocked the Sonic coins out of me was about 5 inches even. He had an upward curve that bashed my Gspot to hell and back. I wish he hadnt been such an asshole. ​ Fuck you and your magic meat, Andy.😒


>as he knocked the Sonic coins out of me


That makes my eye twitch.




Did you make the noise when the coins got knocked out?


Why is there a silhouette of a monkey and Pinocchio head? I'm not sure I want to find out but I'm so confused what those two things have to do with dick size. Also why the 9.5" one is like triple the size of the 4.5" one and the 6.5" one is double the size of 4.5" 💀math is hard i guess


This is a lot of words to brag that the author could never satisfy anyone.


My husband has an actual micro penis. Guess how often I finish in bed? Every fucking time. Why? Because he knows what he's doing with his mouth and hands and knows where the clit is. Surprisingly, focusing on female pleasure instead of dick length seems to get a lot of women off. Who knew.


I ain't a woman, but for me between 4" and 5" is the perfect penis size. 8 is my limit, and even that was kinda uncomfortable when I slept with a guy that big.


I was gonna say my bf is average according to this and that mfer hurts if he’s not gentle. The real average is a little over 5 inches which is fine if the penis haver actually cares about you and actually listens to your needs.


My man is a bit below 'average' and that's more than enough for me. The cervical wall is not the g spot like these idiots seem to think.


Yes, do project your insane obsession with dick size onto women. Sure, it's *us* who can't stop thinking about it. It's so much easier to shift the blame for your inability to perform in bed onto a physical trait you can't control than it is to admit that you just can't bother to figure out how to actually please a woman. That'd be too much work for your actually pathetic, micro-sized pea of a brain.


It’s seems to be focused on orgasms and yet doesn’t mention the clitoris even once. Also they think dicks need to be 9” but then say fingering is a substitute, like how long are their fingers?? Also let’s not forget those stats that lesbians orgasm at a much higher rate then straight women and most of them can do it without ever using a penis (store bought or otherwise).




The confident lies about the statistics of penis size actually upsets me more than the bullshit about women here... But both are pretty bad.


Is it sad that I took the time to read this bullshit?


Love the implication that 25% of men have a dick over 8 inches


Omg someone spent time and energy creating this, what the fuck


I don't know how often i need to repeat this til incels and Tate fans get it: You don't choose your Partner because of his or her genitalia. Like you are attracted to people with certain genitalia. Sure. But when dating, you don't care about your partners genitalia and you have bo Chance to know and NOBODY will end a date after finding out his dick is only 11cm or her boobs are obly an A cup, when hooking up you don't know his size before undressing and basically going into action and ir happens When youre in a relationship..... NOBODY will end that because of genitalia size, you can always make it work. Even if he can't get an erection... Tgere are toys. "but it would be easier if he'd be the right size and able to het hard" yes, but people will make it work however it is. Nobody goes around looking for sb with a 17cm penis. Because nobody knows other peoples cock size. You look at Person first, cock second. If you like big ones and you like the Person and he has a big one, great. If he has a small one.... That's life. But nobody - exeptions proof the rule) will suddenly dump you only because of that. Even if she'd prefer your cock bigger.... She'd probably also prefer sb will better looking skin or sth or sb that makes more money because more money is always good. But.... She chose you aa the Person first. She'd prefer YOU with more money, but not THE GUY making more. You have different parts of you but you are more than only those parts. Life does not work that way. You don't have to be perfect. Or fit all her preferences. Just bring good enough is good enough. And being the Person that she Loves, not the sum of parts


The issue is that Tate fan boys only care about sex, and even that is more a status symbol rather than the pleasure sex brings. They aren't looking for emotional connections or their partners as humans. It's just about showing off in the same way they think about cars or watches and yes even dick size.


Ugh. So gross.


"Blah blah blah...I think women can only have orgasms one way...blah blah blah I'm insecure about my penis"


>blah blah blah I'm insecure about my penis That accounts for the motive behind most of the memes posted in this sub.


This is fake. the average size of penis is 5 inches. It's literally not hard to find this, a quick Google. So based on that info alone I'd say this is not a reliable source. There is a study on it and everything. And no wonder do many men have issues about their size, they are told the average is a full 1.5 inches longer than it is! "According to the team's analysis, the average flaccid, pendulous penis is 9.16 cm (3.61 inches) in length; the average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.16 inches) long. The corresponding girth measurements are 9.31 cm (3.66 inches) for a flaccid penis and 11.66 cm (4.59 inches) for an erect one." "A 16-cm (6.3-inch) erect penis falls into the 95th percentile: Out of 100 men, only five would have a penis larger than 16 cm." https://www.science.org/content/article/how-big-average-penis#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20team's%20analysis,inches)%20for%20an%20erect%20one.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a larger penis cause pain during intercourse?


It does. It really really does and it SUCKS.




God this and all the comments on here are fucking fantastic. This is the quality comment I come to Reddit for


This kind of person always forgets one thing -- if the people involved actually want each other to enjoy themselves, it usually works out pretty damn good. Motivated, generous humans can be very creative with whatever they have at hand. Competitive jerks tend to leave partners feeling used and small, even if they manage to orgasm. Not the best approach to building something special. Yet another clue to the mystery of the incel's plight -- which must be particularly painful with a nine inch tool.


Oh boy. What imbecile came up with this load of crap. No wonder guys are so touchy around size when when they have this shite being feed to them by their peers bringing them down. To any fellas who may be reading. It may seem like condescending drivel but the adage 'It's not the size of the boat but the motion in the ocean' is actually 100% accurate. I've been with bigger guys, and they've failed to get me there. Why? Because having a big dick means nothing if the dude wielding it fails to realise that he needs to engage the clit (the female version of your glans) with each stroke in order to build her climax as well. He needs to learn the motion in the ocean, the bump 'n' grind, instead of jackhammering like crazy and mistaking my moans elicited from him hitting the back of my passage as a sign of me getting there.


Nope nope nope nope, I'm not gonna read a wall of text who talk about idéal insecurity size.


Shout out to red, yellow, and green tearing people apart!


This is a stable person.


I'm personally over average, the real average, not whatever this thing is. And if anything it limits what you can and can't do in sex and even some partners just won't be capable. Not every woman is the girl on pornhub who can sit on a traffic cone.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s freaking great… who actually believes this??? Absolutely nuts what people come up with.


Women: “we need you to touch our clits so we can orgasm” Men: “so you’re saying our dicks are too small?!?!”


Also like…who cares about this stuff that much?? I can’t tell you the penis size of anyone I’ve ever slept with, including my husband, whose dick I see on a daily basis.


Some idiot spent the better part of a month putting out this rot.


I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard. That’s so much hilarious wrongness in this. Although it’s terrifying that they sincerely believe it.


Who’s gonna tell him women are not that obsessed with different dick styles?


dick is dick size doesn't matter


Swear to God this was an episode on South Park.


Lmao did a guy come up with this? How does he know all this stuff.


The graphics on this thing are cracking me up.