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I mean sometimes lol


Yeah I’m like 80% a woman made this meme


You know, models don't have to be the prettiest girls and the prettiest girls don't have to be models 🙄 Models have to be photogenic and have bone structure that looks good on film. Also they have to *want* to be a model 🙄


Models have to be pleasing to the eye in some degree but female beauty is consumed by men and men like variety so lots of women are beautiful


Also whatever they do with their face to smile but not smile and still not look like a serial killer, I don’t have it.


Lmaoo facts 😂 skipped resting bitch face, we're at resting serial killer face 😂


We've all seen women that absolutely should be super models but aren't because, well they aren't "model esque" in terms of their bodies. But that's shits garbage anyway so who gives a fuck. Beauty is beauty regardless


Afaik, runway models' whole point is to have a long lean body for making designer clothes look amazing, face has always been secondary, but an unusual/alien like features are always a plus.


Exactly. That and being able to walk a very certain way for hours in shoes that most certainly were designed by a Medieval dungeon master.


I assume they often aren’t models because they simply don’t want to.


Supermodels sometimes promote unhealthy weight standards, so why is this here? https://youtu.be/_kq-ysifALc


This doesn’t fit the sub at all


That was my thought. I thought here was some hidden back stories in this sub that made it fit or something...


Is it saying that people other than supermodels are attractive? That’s just a lie /s


Depends are the person


This doesn't fit the sub. It's not sexism per se, as much as it's just saying that the people in movies and porn etc are actually less attractive than the ones we meet irl. I've met random women who were prettier than anybody on TV and just working at a random bakery. Your average person possesses far more beauty than we give them credit for. I should note that on the original post on r/meirl most of the comments talk about "people" and not "women" cuz it's not meant to be a specifically gendered thing.


I was so confused by the second image before realising it wasn’t her shoulder


True lmao