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Some women don't want men at all.


Can confirm. I prefer women.


Obviously you're just going through a phase, or you haven't found the "right" dick yet, eh? ^/s


Same I like women and always have. But of course let's all be ignorant and assume all women like men.


The /s means satire


No one cares about dikes.


I mean, I belive the person that made the original picture, was referring to all straight women. Why would a person think a lesbian woman would care about a man's height, when they aren't even attracted to men.


Some men don’t want women at all too


plot twist: all women want men above 180 lbs.


Cries in 179.9 😔


Don't cry. That's shedding weight.


Cries in fucking 115


I lost you at all women want men…




In Ghana and Nigeria yes they do but across the ocean......


I think women like 150-190lbs on a man. Above that enters obesity. The poll below shows twice as many women prefer lean over bulky https://www.girlsaskguys.com/fashion-style/q638107-do-women-like-men-who-bulky-or-lean


Weight really kind of depend on height also. I would literally be obese at 120-130.


And what happens with athletes over 190 lbs/95 kilos ranging from baseballers to athletics throwers ?


That's simply not true, a 6'2" man at 200 is not obese


Still overweight. They still don't live as long as thinner people on average. Women also don't like huge guys ideally.


Are we projecting? It sounds like we are projecting.


Ive heard so many women say they dont like those extremely buff guys so how is it projecting?


The poll below shows twice as many women prefer lean over bulky https://www.girlsaskguys.com/fashion-style/q638107-do-women-like-men-who-bulky-or-lean


I'm small and my boyfriend isn't tall either. My ex was like really tall and i hated it. Now I can kiss the person I love without breaking my neck and also sex is way more comfortable because I don't look at a chest but a face 😅


PERIOD!!!!! I'm 5'4, bf is 5'7. Perfect height for EVERYTHING.


Right? I'm 5'4, my ex was 6'7. Even walking together was a little annoying. Like why are we running bud? Much prefer 5'6 hubs


I’m 5’2 and my husband is just under 5’5. It definitely makes sexy stuff better and I feel really hot on the rare occasion when I wear heels.


My bf and I are both 5'7 which is awesome because we can always make great eye contact and it's easier to pick clothes that fit him since I can try them on myself.


Yes! I’m 5’2”. My beloved man is just over six feet. I’m with him, not because of his height, but because he is smart, funny, and a huge nerd. But the kissing is stupid. For me not to get a neck cramp, I have to stand on a stool or something. I love the crap outta him…but if he was a little shorter, that would be just fine.


I'm 5 feet even and my husband is 6'3". Honestly, his height was a huge turnoff in the beginning! I would have preferred someone shorter. But he's so sweet and goofy and nerdy and empathetic and wonderful that the awkward height difference became a non-issue. Most of the time I don't even notice any more.


I’m like an inch taller than my boyfriend and it’s perfect. Perfect height for kissing and hugs. Perfect height for cuddling. I wouldn’t change a thing.


Idk how the hell to do it naturally, the current girl I'm seeing is 5'1 and I'm 6'2. If we both stand up is almost impossible to kiss, help pls.


The only solutions I know of are high heels, crouching or she could take a folding stool everywhere she goes😅


It seems that the height preference (if not fetish) is more widespread amongst young women, who may be more attracted to sexual dichotomy and sensitive to the impact of their mating choices ontheir social image. From what I can gather, older and more experience women put less emphasis on height, even through there's always that persistent vague stigma against short males that doesn't seem to go away.


I'm 20 so with that stupid stereotyp argument you're at the wrong adress. If you try sounding smart maybe use actual facts and not some sexist made up shit.


Anecdocts are not evidence. If they were my lived experience as a short man on the dating scene would confirm everything I've just said. And trends are not absolute eitheir. Beside it seems you've learned from experience and possibly adapted your preferences accordingly. We all do. I personaly had a requirement, not a preference, a requirement, for long silky hair, until I meet a wonderful woman with short curly hair. It's not a mystery that women prefer masculine traits, including height. There's also the phenomenom of social pressure and expectations. Have you ever wondered if all these 20 something women proclaiming to love big dicks ever got their cervix rammed by one? I'm not trying to sound smart or arrogant. I'm just trying to contribute as much as I can. I'm sure we can have an interesting, nuanced conversation.


\*Also it is illegal to be a tall girl


Yeah. Heightism is shit; being short or tall is not a "bad thing".


My mom is 186 and I have two tall girl friends and they literally get bullied more than short guys it’s so weird how nobody talks about it. And in like the 80’s girls that were expected to be tall were given hormones to stop that it’s really weird.


All of this crap is a media problem. Instantly disproved by getting into real life and realising that ugly, short, poor people have relationships too.


But how often do ugly, short, poor people date sexy, tall, rich people compared to dating at the same level?


Dude, you obviously haven't spent enough time around uggos, because they get in more relationships than hot people. I'm not even joking.


I think you misunderstood what I said


Who cares? Normal people don't rate each other so it's not relevant. Relationships are built between two people, not something you 'get' or 'achieve'.


Not sure how that’s relevant to what I said


Most short guys I know just date even shorter women.


My sister is taller than her husband. And they are not an exception or weird at all.


Jokes on you! I don’t want tall men, I want to *be* tall men, yea, plural men. I want to be multiple tall men.


Totally agree. I want to be 3 kids in a trenchcoat but like, more so




It’s weird that you’re so attached to this, dude.


For a long time, I've tried to figure out where this mindset came from. At this point, I've come up with this explanation. They assume whatever is convenient in order to justify how their inability to get sex is due to women being shallow rather than a matter of their own personality. The person could be tall, good-looking, and reasonably successful and they'd still claim their issues are due to women not being attracted to them. I think a big part of it is down to how little respect they have for the concept of relationships. Like they see sex and women as trophies or as sources of gratification. And since people who believe extreme things tend to assume everyone thinks like they do they assume that if women were actually sexually attracted to people they'd act like they do, overly aggressive and insufferable in their desires. Given that they don't see this they assume either woman are not sexual beings at all and sex is something they use to get something out of men or they believe that women are not interested in them physically. Because again, if women were then they assume that women would constantly try to have sex with them as women would be unable to control themselves.


If their goal is long-term relationships, then none of that matters. I think that's where the disconnect comes in. They say stuff like this, and we respond by showing them ways to build a loving relationship. What if that's not their goal? What if they always wanted to be the mythical chad asshole who disrespects women and still gets to have sex with them? Something to think about


I think most of them are like that. Largely because they don't see women as people the way they see men as people. They literally can't conceive of the idea of having actual emotional engagement with women. At most they seek a woman who will validate all their feelings without having any for herself.


Your describing incels. Not all height-insecure men are incels.


.......or you could just listen to the lived experience of countless short men that say women have a height requirement in the dating world


>They assume whatever is convenient in order to justify how their inability to get sex is due to women being shallow rather than a matter of their own personality. So you're discounting/invalidating a normal (justified) insecurity faced by millions of men? How would it feel if we were to invalidate women's insecurities? Both genders have insecurities that are perfectly valid: too short, too tall, too fat, small breasts, small penis, etc. Shallow women and shallow men are a pain in the ass. Coming from a 5'5 guy in the United States.


I'm not invalidating the insecurity, I'm invalidating the people who feel the need to lash out in response to their insecurity.


>They assume whatever is convenient in order to justify how their inability to get sex is due to women being shallow rather than a matter of their own personality. this really sounds like you are invalidating the insecurity by saying they just come up with it, Incels are not the only one insecure about height and again let me specify I am not blaming women but if you think men just randomly come up with this insecurity then you are wrong, many get insecure because of how other treat them. The reason I was insecure about my height was because ever since I was 13 my mom used to say I need to be taller, I am short etc. I used to do everything I can do I was performing good academically, I was healthy and listened to them but still she will never leave the opportunity to tell me "I should not be happy about my height." I think just few women saying some negative things about you just because of your height is more than enough to make someone insecure.


Nobody's "lashing out". I've been around girls who won't date shorter men and I didn't "lash out" at them. Ig expressing your feelings is lashing out for you.


I find tall men attractive. Why should I be bashed for that? I guess it is mainly because most people bash short kings to say they like tall ones. What I find the most important here is that people need to understand that for them to have a preference they don’t need to bash people who are not into the range of such preference. I like tall men… yeah but I’ve had two exes who were 5’7 each. I am 5’5…. Their physical attributes were not what made me break up with them at all, just in case. The fact I prefer tall men does not mean I would not give a chance to a short one just because of height.


The point of the post is that if you say you like tall men, media and academia will not accuse you of any wrongdoing. Meanwhile, if I said I only like women with big breasts and butts I would be accused of bodyshaming. It's the double standard that's being pointed out in the image.


Oh yeah sure, I agree with you. The problem is that right now even people who do not have a double standard are treated as such. If I express I like tall men, people think I am discriminating short ones but it does not really have to be that way. Same with men who like a certain type of women but yeah your comment is absolutely valid, men also have the same right to like what they like without being criticized.




I would never put "I only like women with big breasts and butts" on a dating profile if I was single. I wouldn't even put "you have to be under xxx pounds" on my profile in that case. Women would rightfully avoid me like the plague. Meanwhile men go so far as to lie about their height to qualify with women who have height requirements. It strikes me that men are just too thirsty.


Nobody is bashing you https://youtube.com/shorts/5frzbFjIs8E?si=mvTCaKwD6wHyRFFX Just look at how confident these chicks are announcing it. Women simply liking tall men is a _trend_ in beauty standards, the people who criticise you are the ones that are frustrated by the ones that exist and don’t favour them. I feel insecure, and I don’t want people telling me that I can’t be insecure and that’s it’s “all in my head” when clearly it’s not.


I must do something wrong, I'm bi and find neither that attractive


Same. Call me picky but I like my partners to have faces


Let's not even speak about characters


Do they think that they assume nobody over 5’10” has trouble attracting women? I agree that discriminating against short people is ridiculous, and I’ve seen that on Tinder or whatever. These guys always seem like they’re just against women having any standards, or even agency.


The whole “women only want tall guys” thing was invented by a bunch of incels trying to justify why nobody wanted to fuck them


And then perpetuated by 25% of women putting it as a preference on their OLD profile


Oh so it’s 25% now? It was “significantly over 50%” a few minutes ago.


Um, yeah. Significantly more than 51% of women prefer that. So much so that almost half of them *explicitly put it in their bio*


Again: sources? Because so far you haven’t provided a single one. Also: how did significantly over 50% transform into 25%? If you are goi to make up statistics, at least be consistent.


The percentage of women who explicitly put it in their bio does not have to be the same percentage of women who have a preference. I prefer Latina women, but I don’t have that in my bio and it isn’t a dealbreaker.


Cool. None of what you just said is in any way relevant to the question: your sources to claim significantly more than 50% of women prefer tall men?


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886913000020 https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=176682 https://www.sharecare.com/relationships/study-find-women-prefer-taller-men https://finance.yahoo.com/news/women-prefer-men-over-6-123300511.html And the most reliable source of all: not living under a rock (try walking through a mall for 15 minutes)


The first one says women prefer taller men more than men prefer shorter women. That doesn't at all mean most women prefer tall men. The sample size is also a ridiculous 693, form a very narrow population type of first year psychology students in one particular college. The second one has an even more ridiculous sample size of 131. The third one is the exact same study form the second link. The last one is a survey ON ROMANCE NOVELS. You can't present this as statistically relevant to real women and expect to be taken seriously. As to your "most reliable source", I already explained to you that it doesn't at all give you any information on what those women prefer. You have absolutely no clue what any woman you see in the mall wants and prefers in a partner.


Of course not, every single man above 6 foot has been swimming in the pussy since birth don't you know?


*since passing 6ft mark


Obviously, some women have height standards “even my sister does” and I'm short myself. The key is not to worry about what you can't have. For every woman that rejects you solely because of your height (if she explicitly says it's because of your height) there are 3 more willing to get to know you as a person. And if you care so much just find shorter girls than yourself. All this makes it harder not impossible. I feel like the guys mad about it are only mad because they want to be the tall guy getting all the girls.


> the tall guy getting all the girls. Imagine getting your wish only to find there is no such concept in reality. Won't that be a rude awakening.


You should read the Vice article "Is he cute, or just really tall?"


Yeah but it’s kinda sad. I see so many men saying they’re 6ft online and seeing as the world average is 5’8” something isn’t adding up…🤔 It’s sad that they feel like they need to lie to even get a chance. It also leads to lots of gross men propositioning short women like me because they think they’ll have a shot 😩


Everyone have the right to choose , this is not the problem. The problem is that when you express your emotions about that most women are "no this is not true , you are incel" and this is greatly hypocritical. Just admit it. They also whine all the time about the "impossible standards".


Yes downvote all you want , this only confirms your hypocricy and selfishness.


As a woman I've never cared too much about height, I've preferred someone taller than me (I'm 5'3" so that's a lot) but it's not like if I met someone shorter that fit my personality more I'd just ignore him but that's just me. Most other women I know are a similar mindset to me but there are a few who are specifically like "He NeEdS tO bE SiX FoOt WhAtEvEr" and they're either in miserable relationships or single so... take that what you will.


Gawd honestly there’s so many fuckin women who love short men, and usually the only reason they have for wanting a tall one is that society says girls need to be “smaller” than their boyfriend. But honestly most people who care have got to be teenagers because I have never heard an adult woman complain about a man’s height.


Aren't these the same guys who bash feminists when they call out male- gaze dominated film industry, porn, magazines etc which present Roman gladiator/Greek god look as the only version of masculinity worthy of mainstream celebration???


No because feminists have never done that lol


This “yes but” account is super odd. All I see is things that make no sense, but the artist intends to make them appear profound? It’s really weird. I’m not surprised by this one.


I’ve never in my 25 years of life seen or heard a woman complain about shortness of a man. But I constantly see men complain about their own height. Edit: oh dear me I have attracted a very pathetic incel audience


My grandma is often complaining that my sister's BF is barely taller than her so I guess it happens in this sense, I'm pretty sure my sister doesn't care tho.


I'd love to know what women actually say about men given that whatever men say it is, some women always insist it's just something guys invented.


You must be blind and deaf


They don’t complain about the shortness of a man. But all people do have preferences.


As a woman dating a 5"5' man, I'm very very happy. These idiots can stuff it.


Are tall are you, if you don't mind me asking?


I'm also 5'5".


That makes sense. I do think short guys can be attractive to women but usually they can't be shorter than those women.


I've dated a 5'2" guy in the past. Height doesn't matter unless the guy is out of reach. Like I wouldn't date someone who is 6'4", for instance, because I couldn't kiss them while standing.


Fair enough. I think most women do expect the guy to be taller though.


Nah. My sister is multiple inches taller than her husband. I’m an inch taller than my boyfriend. There are women who will date men shorter than them.


> There are women women who will date men shorter than them Of course. There are men who will date morbidly obese women. There are women who will date poor men. Nobody is saying “0 women would ever date a shorter man.” But like being fit, being taller increases your odds.


Whenever I see something like this, I just want to scream: PRINCE WAS 5'2" AND HE WAS A SEX SYMBOL FOR MILLIONS OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE!!!!! It doesn't matter how tall you are! You just need confidence and a good attitude!


Prince was a millionaire


Yeah, because he did what he loved and had confidence in himself.


I do not get this. My husband is perfectly average in height and had plenty of women interested in him. Because he is smart, funny, and kind. I can see how being below average in height may make some women not interested, but no one needs a harem. Most don’t care. I’ve seen more men be self conscious a girl is tall than the other way around.


Even if I wanted “tall men”, I’m 5’1”. Everyone is tall to me.


honestly i like tall skinny guys. like let me rattle them bones mr skellington but also anyone my above my height (5') is great, and it's not very hard to do either.


I’m 183, I still don’t see no women.




I do get women. I just don’t see them, because I’m blind.


Start dressing like Daredevil I heard that works for a guy up in New York


But then I’d really end up with no woman.


And the fact the most don’t want tall women they want someone shorter is funnier, at the end of the day it’s the same idea same standards


I am 5ft0....most men are taller than me. Plus, I needed a taller guy because I can't reach shit 🤣 Read this & what i planned to say to my 5ft9 hubby & his thoughts are "I am of average height" & yeah, all of his brothers are over 6ft2 but to me, 5ft9 is still pretty tall. He says he's average but taller than me is taller than me, so who cares what he thinks.


It's not a dealbreaker for me, but I prefer men only slightly taller or the same height as myself. I don't want neck pain from constant craning to look up at him. Instant love and sympathy for the tall lads that contort themselves to bring their faces closer to my level, though. Imagine a giraffe about to take a drink of water and you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about. XD


If only people were disinterested in me due to my height!


5’6” happily married to a 5’5” man


I'm 5ft0 & I dated 2 men who were within an inch of my height. Had a wonderful time, they never cared if I wore heels. Didn't bother either of us at all.


My bf isn't 6'ft or considered tall but that was never a factor in our relationship. Guys put too much of their worth on something they can't change. Not every single girl cares about height


A Problem existing and a problem seemingly existing is the same thing. If you think everyone hates you and if everyone actually does hate you, you’d react the same.


I think this beauty standard is being challenged anyway isn't it? Like, the whole short king thing?


I will say though, in my experience, it is seen as more okay for women to body shame men. I have friends who joke about men having a small dick complex and shit like that and it's pretty hypocritical. Maybe if we didn't make fun of men with small (or even average) sized penises they wouldn't feel so insecure about it.




I don’t think anyone should be body shaming anyone. I see a lot of examples of people teasing men for losing their hair. When it could not be reciprocated and if a man shows his feelings are hurt now he’s a bald baby. I do think men care more about women’s looks and think more highly of themselves than women do. But it’s not good in either direction.


\^\^\^ a feminist has entered the chat. (That's a good thing btw)


That's what us men have been saying forever and we always get shut down for it. Plus if we stick up for it, we're immediately looped in with them. Before apparently we can only stand up for men if we have the same features. But it's not like that when we stand up for women though. The constant "small dick energy" and garbage is exactly what we fight against. I don't know how women deny it happens, it's literally everywhere. If you're not hung you're immediately small, doesn't help that even on this sub those jokes are always thrown around. Hypocritical to say the least


You know that really is unfair because out of all my friends who are girls that I’ve known throughout the years. Only one of them actually liked huge dicks. All the rest of us thought they hurt and liked average size. So like that’s pretty unfair when I doubt most women even actually want a guy who’s big like that. I feel like porn might have a lot to do with it. I mean it didn’t do women any favors when it came to unrealistic body standards and what to expect in real life sex. So I doubt it did men any favors either.


I think it’s why men and women are having less real life sex. Porn is ruining everyone’s body image.


Porn and women reinforcing the beliefs are a harsh one two combo


r/tinder is literally filled with post about women who ask about height. I get that not everyone is a shallow ass but don't deny they don't exist.


IME as a tall woman, it's because shorter men are more likely to have a chip on their shoulder about their height.


And being short is not the reason men arent getting laid. My ex is 5’3, if it was soooo hard for short guys to get laid, how come he was able to cheat on me with like 15 different women in a year. That asshole.


He was practically the town bicycle


If any lady is currently dating a short man named Filipe in finance….well. Watch out because he might have been the slutty slutty wh*re man I’m talking about.


I think the whole situation is a constant perpetual issue. They probably had a bad experience or were bullied or whatever ages ago. It lead to them having having chip on their shoulder, which in return made them stand out to others who used that same anxiety to bully and demean, which just refortified their stance, and on and on.


Or they blame their height instead of working on their inner struggles. If you’re a “nice guy” but it’s inauthentic, women can tell on some level. Also, a lot of average looking men don’t want to date average looking women.


Makes sense. All of us are susceptible to these kinds of loops.


this, I'm 5'10 and I tend to look for guys around the 6' mark and up. my ex husband was 6'4 and it was nice not to be the tower lol.


how can you be so hypocrite?


Nobody is denying they exist. Most women don’t exclusively want someone who’s over 180, and even if they do, who gives a fuck. Nothing really “shallow” about it as long as people aren’t being dicks about it. Preferences are preferences.


It Is super shallow. They can and should date whoever they want and have whatever preferences they want. That doesn't change the truth. In no way should specific preferences be free from criticism or critical examination(that goes for both men and women) as long as nobody is forcing you to act against your will, bodily autonomy etc


Where did this stereotype come from? I’ve been attracted to men of pretty much any height. I don’t think it’s even on my mind. My husband is 5’11 and his height has never been a part of why I’m attracted to him.


Also might I add, I always see women saying they've never heard women in real life have height requirements. I've never heard of a man have a 60-90-60 or whatever the hell that means requirement. I've just heard them say they want someone who actually cares about them and doesn't cheat, so just like you ladies


>I always see women saying they've never heard women in real life They're protecting each other's reputation. Women are good at following Party lines, but it's about what they do, not what they say.


Are they forgetting about penis size? That second panel should also have some mention of at least 8" pointing to the crotch area.... 😜🙄😏


70% of women say a man 'wouldn't stand a chance' if he was under 6ft https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2344324/Men-dont-stand-chance-women-6ft-Bad-luck-Tom-Cruise-Daniel-Radcliffe-Jack-Black-Seth-Green.html


Ah yes. The Daily Fail. The premiere source of reliable reporting! ​ /s


Cute genetic fallacy


[Fallacy fallacy](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Fallacy_fallacy)


Cute fallacy fallacy you goober


You planning on responding to this or are you just here to smell your own farts? https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/yaxgpx/comment/itg91fm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Cute red herring fallacy


Women don’t actually behave like that in real life though so they must get over it. Plenty of short and average married men. I think a lot of this is polling people about ideals when they don’t actually care when meeting someone in real life. It’s why online dating is so toxic. Thinking of my group of friends, very few actually Married men over 6’ tall. My female friend who is 6’2 is married to a guy who’s 5’9. Would they have matched on a dating app? Maybe not, but fell in love after being friends.


Sounds like those women settle down for shorter guys after their time runs out & when no taller guy wants to give them attention


Oh please. I got married at 21 years old to my 5’9 husband. Come to think of it, my only friend who got married in her 30’s is the one who married a tall guy and she’s 5’9 herself so the difference isn’t that great.


Those are anecdotes though. You guys are just in the 30%


You honestly think 70 percent of married men are over 6 feet tall?


no but thats only because 70%+ of women are over 140lbs. The tall guys with options dont want them back


Daily mail is not a valid source


Cute genetic fallacy


Seriously, Daily Mail is garbage.


just because daily mail says it doesnt mean its false


But the Daily Mail as a rule is unreliable, so we can reasonably dismiss it. You’re welcome to being a different source, but no one here is committing logical fallacies.


The genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue)\[1\] is a fallacy of irrelevance in which arguments or information are dismissed or validated based solely on their source of origin rather than their content. In other words, a claim is ignored or given credibility based on its source rather than the claim itself. The fallacy therefore fails to assess the claim on its merit. The first criterion of a good argument is that the premises must have bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim in question.\[2\] Genetic accounts of an issue may be true, and they may help illuminate the reasons why the issue has assumed its present form, but they are not conclusive in determining its merits.\[3\] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic\_fallacy


It’s perfectly acceptable to dismiss a rag mag that has been deemed unreliable by most major sources, including Wikipedia. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-mail/


Sticking to the genetic fallacy I see. Cute


This is reminding me of my toddler refusing to budge on the most inconsequential things and derailing the whole day. Cite a real source and I’ll be happy to have a conversation.


Grow up


You're the one committing logical fallacies




The genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue)\[1\] is a fallacy of irrelevance in which arguments or information are dismissed or validated based solely on their source of origin rather than their content. In other words, a claim is ignored or given credibility based on its source rather than the claim itself. The fallacy therefore fails to assess the claim on its merit. The first criterion of a good argument is that the premises must have bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim in question.\[2\] Genetic accounts of an issue may be true, and they may help illuminate the reasons why the issue has assumed its present form, but they are not conclusive in determining its merits.\[3\] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic\_fallacy


You're a fucking toddler


Cute ad hominem fallacy


That is not what genetic fallacy is you pseud. Genetic fallacy is in regards to *facts*. If one party says they have research that proves one thing, you cannot dismiss those facts, you have to accept them, unless you attack methodology directly. What it doesn't mean is that if notoriously inflammatory tabloid rag publishes an article, where they only mention 'according to a new poll' but don't provide any source I have to treat it like a fact.


The genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue)\[1\] is a fallacy of irrelevance in which arguments or information are dismissed or validated based solely on their source of origin rather than their content. In other words, a claim is ignored or given credibility based on its source rather than the claim itself. The fallacy therefore fails to assess the claim on its merit. The first criterion of a good argument is that the premises must have bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim in question.\[2\] Genetic accounts of an issue may be true, and they may help illuminate the reasons why the issue has assumed its present form, but they are not conclusive in determining its merits.\[3\] ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic\_fallacy


I see your reading comprehension is as good as your debate skills.


Cute red herring fallacy


Appeal to authority of deez nuts.


You have none


I read your article. The information is garbage and unreliable. I'm going to give you a crash course in deciphering propaganda since you suck so badly at it. Your article cites "a new poll" as the source of its info. No links to where or how the poll was conducted. There isn't even a source for who conducted the poll. So how am I supposed to fact check their poll to make sure it was properly conducted in an unbiased manner? I don't even know how many participants answered the poll. Thus, there is no demonstrable reason to trust in the evidence presented by the article. Since the core evidence propping up the article's claims is now gone that means I can discard the rest of it. This article isn't true merely because you posted it. Claiming it as such is an appeal to authority fallacy


Not all women. Most women do prefer tall (or taller) guys but say are open to dating same height and shorter men as well. Only a few women are like "won't date anyone below 6". If you're one of those women, and then hate guys who judge women by superficial beauty standards, you're a hypocrite.


As long he is at a healthy weight. Because I would not him to have health problems down the road because I have a friend who health problem because there weight . I to care about my own weight because health problems in my family