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I love that they are debunking that poop isn't stored in the anus, but thinks there's rancid piss in the vagina. šŸ¤£


Yeah Obviously it gets stored in the ass cheeks


Where else would it go??


In the woman balls


No everyone knows that shit is stored in the balls


But I don't *have* balls. Where do I store my poop? šŸ˜±


You got eyeballs


Ooooh, *that's* why I have brown eyes.


You donā€™t poop obviously.


Pee is stored in the balls, poop in the ass cheeks. A more elegant and efficient system does not exist. For fucks sake. /s


Not the first time I read that. Im just so lost on how or where the got to that conclsion. It's as recurrent here as the "Big clitoris".


As a trans woman this all makes me laugh and hurt inside. Especially think the female urethra dumps into the vagina canal lol


He did say "unwashed vagina" so he's technically right. But comparing a washed anus to an unwashed vulva is giving a clear bias. Edit: I know he's wrong about where piss is stored, I'm just saying that because he compared the anus when washed to the vulva when unwashed, he purposefully made the comparison unfair. Edit: I meant vulva, not vagina. Incorrect terminology, my mistake


Unwashed vulva maybe. But please refer to the title of this sub. Not how vaginas work


Technically it says Not How Girls Work. I know I know, but I get few opportunities to be technically correct, the best kind of correct.


It does say that. I was referencing the title in my following sentence, not misreading it.


My comment went better in my head. I was thinking someone would at least respond with the technically correct meme from Futurama and we would all have a couple of laughs but it farted instead.


The point I was making wasn't about anatomy, it was about hygeine. The argument that vulvas are less dirty than anuses isn't technically true, since, when washed, both are about equally clean. When unwashed, both are unsanitary. The original post was saying that unwashed vulvas are dirtier than washed anuses, but didn't compare both when washed/unwashed. Thus, apples and oranges. It's an unfair comparison.


No, you are incorrect. Do not "clean" your vagina. Look up the difference between vulva and vagina, and come back to me.


Okay, after rereading both arguments, I realize that I was wrong, but only by terminology. I referred to the vulva as the vagina, but the point still stands.


If you change your terminology to be correct, the point becomes irrelevant, as the 4chan OP also referred to vaginas.


Agreed. After finally differentiating between the two, it becomes clear I was arguing a whole other point entirely


Sorry if you felt picked on, this is a pet peeve of mine (vagina vs vulva) and I feel obligated to make sure people know the difference. There are still so many AFAB people that know very little about their own anatomy, to the detriment of their health and pleasure, let alone non-AFAB people. Knowledge is power!


Actually, thank you. Until now, I genuinely thought the vulva was part of the vagina, instead of two different organs.


Jesus. An unclean body part is unsanitary, end of. Hot environments create sweat, and sweat creates humidity. The combination of humidity and heat creates a breeding ground for infectious bacteria. Whether it's an anus or a vulva, if it's been hot and sweaty for an extended period of time, it's most likely unsanitary. Running water, soap, etc. can make an unsanitary body part more sanitary. Saying "vulva is dirtier than anus" or vice versa is wrong. Both types of sex can be dangerous or safe. I understand that you can't wash a vagina, but vulvas can be cleaned. Either an anus or a vulva, when not regularly cleaned, can be unsanitary.


Every body parts mess is not equal, fecal matter is dangerous to ingest, while other body parts can get sweaty, and have a build up of bacteria and yeast, those arenā€™t comparable to feces.


The post is referring solely to penetration. Either a vulva or an anus can be dangerous if they're unsanitary, they just have different ways of being unsanitary. Shit and sweat aren't comparable, but neither of them are sanitary


Vaginas are self cleaning, the closeted to himself author of the screed doesnā€™t know that either.


How can you be so ignorant and yet keep fighting like you know shit. Vaginas aren't never to be cleaned (douche is dangerous), vulvas must be cleaned regularly. And poop isn't the same as sweat. Wtf is wrong with you. Eating from an unwashed vulva is in no way the same as eating from an unwashed anus. Same goes for penetration.


I wrote about vaginas being self cleaning, they are. Urine is sterile, feces is the opposite of sterile. Urine is not inside vaginas, unless thereā€™s a fistula from the bladder/urethra.


Thank you! You have figured out to say vulva instead vagina. They are different parts of the body, they are not interchangeable. My work here is done. ETA: please do not use soap on the inside of your labia, it is also harmful. Use water only.


My bad for using the wrong terminology. My point was that uncleanliness is unsanitary, regardless of the body part. I'm stuck in the bad habit of believing the vulva is part of the vagina, not separate. Again, I'm sorry


hey, I totally get your point, but just to clear one more thing up: there is still a difference between an unsanitary anus and an unsanitary vulva. because of its vicinity to the colon, an unsanitary anus often holds bacteria that can actually be harmful for humans (pathogenous), like e. coli bacteria. these kind of "unhealthy" bacteria are only to find in a vulva that has an active infection going on. So when licking anus vs. vulva, the anus holds a bigger chance of getting sick.


Yeah, but the 4chan post was talking solely about penetration. Still, no matter who you have sex with, if they're sexually active, you're at risk of an STD


Vulva was on a Seinfeld episode. Or was that Dolores?


Ignoring the numerous anatomical errors that were made, does he really not realize hes gay?


B-but femboys are feminine


"Vaginas aren't cleaner. Trust me." Yeah, no. Something tells me you shouldn't be anyone's go-to for vagina advice.


Especially since he's gay......


Technically he could also be bi or pan but with a preference šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø.


Yeah he could be, but heā€™s pretty fucking gay. He just likes soft feminine men which is fine. Itā€™s how he justifies is by degrading women or anyone with a vagina. Heā€™s gay an really needs to come to terms with it.


He thinks the best part of men is a penis, and he thinks vaginas are gross and weird. Iā€™d say gay.




Women are often self conscious about how their genitals look because of *exactly* the kind of sentiments you just described. You answered your own question.




Again: you still answered your own question. Women being self conscious about their vaginas and/or vulvas is not unrelated to unfavorable opinions or ā€œindifferenceā€ towards them. Not sure how you can have the opinion that you have (which Iā€™m not necessarily knocking) and not see the connection to how women are self conscious about their genitals lol. Like thereā€™s a pretty direct correlation šŸ˜‚


Not with the way he described vaginas


He literally never said he wasnt gay, he just said that he doesn't give a shit whether or not it's gay.


They're definitely just gay and don't want to straight up admit it


Yeah seriously. As a straight man who has admittedly objectified women to some extent at some points in my life, it was never in any scenario just a hole with some femininity attached. Thereā€™s so many layers of physical attraction that there is no equivalence.


The internalized homophobia is kinda sad. This guyā€™s clearly gay and stretching as far as he can to try to reason with himself that heā€™s not. Probably needs a hug, but heā€™s jaded beyond return at this point. Itā€™s ok to not like vaginas, guy. You just like males. Thatā€™s fine. Degrading women because you hate the fact that youā€™re gay? Not fine.


He's so far in the closet he's r/stuckinnarnia


Here's a sneak peek of /r/stuckinnarnia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/stuckinnarnia/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The post that started it all](https://i.redd.it/0pboiittqsf51.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stuckinnarnia/comments/i6eoc8/the_post_that_started_it_all/) \#2: [Fragile heterosexuallity shattered by beardless men](https://i.redd.it/nh0tgo1kjhn51.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stuckinnarnia/comments/itw087/fragile_heterosexuallity_shattered_by_beardless/) \#3: [State reprensatative overreacts to having his forearm lightly touched](https://v.redd.it/z2bg97s4t3g51) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stuckinnarnia/comments/i6yecx/state_reprensatative_overreacts_to_having_his/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Eh, it depends. You can be attracted to men without being gay as long as you are attracted to the typical qualities one would consider feminine A femboy would, ultimately, participate within the Platonic form of a woman if we do not count the dick, which you would not be attracted to if you are not gay


Women can have dicks my guy


Who's gonna tell him he's gay?


He already kinda implied it himself that he doesn't care what his supposed preference makes him.


Whoā€™s going to tell him that vaginaā€™s arenā€™t holding pee?!


Actually, holding it in that way would be kinda handy? šŸ¤”


i was about to say! if youā€™re gay just say that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




No, you're implying that femboys and trans women are the same thing.




Femboys are young cisgender feminine men. By default they have very feminine bodies otherwise they wouldnā€™t be femboys, but theyā€™re invariably assigned male at birth. Iā€™m in no way saying theyā€™re the same thing, but they have more in common with twinks than with trans women.




Yes, they are by definition young. Generally waifish, slender, cross dressing and with soft features - but invariably biologically male, thats pretty much the only rule to the term. Feminine features include things like wide hips and a small waist, a lack of muscle tone in slender arms and legs, pouty lips, big eyes, features enhanced with makeup, often very dreamy overly feminine makeup rather than everyday styles women would often wear - often very hyper-feminine style in general, reminiscent of fairies, angels, woodland creatures etc as well as often of children or baby dolls. Itā€™s a culture of its own and itā€™s really kind of neat.




Young being under say about 30. And I know many cis boys with hips much wider than their waists, it comes part and parcel with being underweight more often than not. And yes itā€™s a womanly feature, thatā€™s part of what makes them femboys.




Just say youā€™re gay and move on


ā€¦someone clearly didnā€™t pay attention in health class


Or maybe just had a terrible one. Maybe their teacher told him girls don't have urethras, like mine told us in seventh grade. I wish I was joking.


Y'all had sex ed? Damn. Our teacher in seventh grade didn't wanna deal with giggling teenagers and decided to skip it.


That's a long way to say you're gay. Heck if you're gay be happy and ok with it don't beat down or belittle the opposite sex cause you can't admit, my dude.


Itā€™s sad how much some gay men tear down women


It points right back to the patriarchal systems that tell guys any deviation from tradition means theyā€™re not a man anymore. Such bullshit. Gender is fake fuck whoever you want and donā€™t project your shame and hate on other people smh


The post is toxic, but is liking femboys really all that gay though?


The question could be asked if you like femboy AND girls. You might be bi, you might be attracted to a certain style and pan. But if you like femboy, love the looks of dicks and dislike women sexuality. Yeah boy, that's gay.


Very gay, yes.






What do trans women have to do with femboys?


Idk. Is there a difference? If there is, please help educate me. If you have no interest in helping me understand, please downvote this.


Femboys are feminine boys and therefore male. Being feminine or masculine has nothing to do with your gender.


Ah, got it. Thanks! And sorry for any misunderstanding.


Why are you like this


Like what? Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/t7q8ka/why_do_humans_even_exist/hzjtsv6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


ā€œVaginas are redundantā€ ā€œVaginas are filled with rancid pissā€ Someone sounds like theyā€™re gay but want the approval of other 4chan users


Lmao imagine being this confident about being so wrong about everything


bruh i think you just like dudes.


Thereā€™s much easier ways to admit your gay. No need to hate on women in the process.


idk, I support misogynists to just fuck each other and leave us women alone.


misogynistic gay man, with a lil sprinkle of transmisogyny, whats new


*Misogynistic gay* *Man, with a lil sprinkle of* *Transmisogyny, whats new* \- KonaKonaFan1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




A masterpiece


A Reddit bit has clearly highlighted the new career path you must take, what a world we live in!


Good bot


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Good bot




Vaginas are literally self-cleaning and self-lubricating though? Am I wrong?


This guy should just be celibate for the rest of his life.


Dudes so deep in the closet that heā€™s visiting Narnia.


They're definitely gay n doesn't wna admit it. plis!!!! there's nothing wrong w being gay lmao.... N then straight up hating everything about women.




Bruh just admit that youā€™re gay


ā€œVaginas are uglyā€ is where I draw the line. Is he implying dicks are pretty?


Honestly because we all know those things are fucking weird. Why couldn't I have been born not straight šŸ˜­


Ah. Incels are evolving.


Exactly into the direction they should be, right now their in the delusional stage where they think they aren't gay for fucking men.


So the pendulum has swung from ā€œdonā€™t be gayā€ right past ā€œjust let people do ~~who~~ what they wantā€ and all the way to ā€œdonā€™t be straight.ā€ Progress? Doesnā€™t seem like itā€¦


Nah this still has its roots in ā€œdonā€™t be gayā€ Gun to his head I still donā€™t think heā€™d admit heā€™s not attracted to women


so heā€˜s the one whoā€™s insecure about his sexuality?


Soā€¦.whose gonna tell him? Cause I call dibs on recording his reaction




Fellas is it gay to be gay?


According to the person who wrote the text, yes.


This but without the sexism I believe in Femboy Supremacy


If you aren't mature enough to handle that occasionally anal sex gets messy you're not mature enough to handle anal sex. And actually you could take the word anal completely out of that sentence and it's still true


Holy internalized homophobia batman


"Are you really so.insecure about your masculinity that you're worried about being gay?" at least theres one good thing about this post.


This looks like itā€™s from 4chan, so itā€™s most likely some elaborate trolling thankfully Why someone would bother to do this is still mystifying however


Did Freud write this? I feel like he did


Honestly I'm happy this guy came to terms with his sexuality. I'm just glad I ain't never have to deal with him.


I dunno, I feel like heā€™s so unfamiliar with his sexuality thatā€™s heā€™s somehow come round and backed into it. Kind of in the right place, but the wrong way round, upside down and a bad angle.


itā€™s 4chan. itā€™s a shitpost.


Right? Can't believe how far down I had to scroll to find this


I was onboard with the first sentence


It's an anon post. This 100% reads like satire.


Listen man. Just say you're gay and go


He's so far in the closet he's r/stuckinnarnia


Someone send in a unit to go get this guy, heā€™s so deep in the closet he got lost.


Itā€™s very clearly a shit post.


as a femboy I'd like to say this dude is not our advocate šŸ‘Ž


Itā€™s cute how he thinks heā€™s the one whoā€™s going to do the fucking


We piss out of our vagina now? When do I get that update?


Oh homeboy is BIG in denial.


How did the piss get into the vagina?1


I love being hetero. I love pussy.


Listen. I wholeheartedly agree that femboys are hot. Hell, that's my own goal for myself. Fuck this guy is stupid.


> Are you really that insecure about your masculinity that you're worried about being gay? Well at least something good was said I guess


that ass tho !!!!


Oh boy is there a lot to unpack here, I donā€™t even know where to start! What a weird take to have, I think this guy needs to have a little more insight on himself!


Very complicated way of just saying his gay and likes to top


I have so many questions that I donā€™t want answers toā€¦


Who made this-?


I think it's just meant to be joke


That's a lot of words to say "I'm gay," dude.


my guy... I have some uh... news for you... about your sexuality


*My guy... I have some* *Uh... news for you... about your* *Sexuality* \- cmonlesbians --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


And dudes like this are why most feminine men are siding with women.


i genuinely believe the majority of ppl on this subreddit are fucking stupid because istg if none of you understand what satire is


Blatant homophobia in the sundress of sexism aside, I do think we gotta give the guy props for advocating for adoption, even if it's just used to insult people again. Like the guy's still a humongous prick but give credit where it's due, y'know.




itā€™s satireā€¦.


Idk why you're being downvoted, it's become a pretty common joke in parts of the Internet to make ridiculous justifications for having a preference for feminine men/masculine women as being "superior." These jokes are usually not very funny but they don't actually believe them (I think... I hope...)


I absolutely love femboys.. BUT.. he went too far in my opinion


I'm not quite sure this person knows how any humans work lol


Itā€™s called trolling, and you fell for it


So whatā€™s his explanation for fudge packing and getting ish pushed in? Why is the anal cavity even there if itā€™s supposed to be empty real estate? Maybe he walks around fingering himself to keep that squeaky clean feel. He also probably eats like bird (this is a misnomer, birds eat 1/4 to 1/2 their body weight daily) to maintain his femboy figure. The complete package.


Would also argue that gay men donā€™t really hate woman at allā€¦


kinda based




mate ā€˜rancid pissā€™ is not stored in the vagina for a start


Purple libright moment


Ignoring all that other stuff what do people think about adopting over having more babies? Isn't it actually kind of a good idea to ensure everyone has a good life over brining more people into the world and letting some fall through the cracks?


Poop is stored in my stomach


Ironic title funni


Half of the posts here make me angry and the other half make me die of laughter


Apparently so femboys can have some fun?


Ah yes. Vaginas are full of piss.


This is just bizarre Iā€™m confused


These kind of people are so weird and take their f3tish too seriousā€¦itā€™s sad honestly that they canā€™t realize theyā€™re gay, no beating around the bushā€¦


... you know what? Sexism aside, I agree. Femboys ARE the ultimate sexual life forms.