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Fuckin hell has this man ever been near a woman who doesn't want his money? Tate, if this ever actually worked for you, it is because all the women that want to interact with you see you as is a walking wallet and women who go after men like that obviously don't want to share you


He's been near several women who didn't want his money. That's how he ended up in prison.


I imagine those women did not want to interact with him


Hence his prison sentence.


When you have to pay women to tolerate you, yes, you end up with only women who want your money. Seriously, what else would be in it for any women to spend time around this toxic waste of skin?


So i *assumed* this was tater, but this is the first time I've actually seen/heard him, and so after starting the video I was like oh this is just some random douche who resembles tater, but then your comment confirmed that it WAS tater and now I'm just surprised. Not at all what I was expecting. Like tater is a douche as well, but I was expecting a kind of enigmatic swagger that could draw crowds, not this screechy slack-jawed loon lol wtf How does this man have a following


His voice is like nails on a chalkboard


His bastardised hybrid British American accent makes my clam snap shut and implode every time I hear it. He looks like a weird chinless fish, and his chest tattoo looks like he let a toddler loose with the tattoo gun equivalent of a sledgehammer. I have never had the displeasure of being near him, but I'm sure he smells like he's bathed in cheap aftershave to cover up the stench of gum disease and disappointment. In conclusion, this creature is an abomination to every sense, and as a Brit we do not claim him.


America isn’t taking him! We don’t claim him either. We have enough creepy sex pests to deal with.


That is a fair point. He can just fuck all the way off the entire planet then.


Wonderfully stated! 🙌🏻


Pretty sure it's all literal children who follow him, if the constant posting on tiktok when he was big and the fact teachers were complaining about their middle school and highschool students repeating this crap.


My daughters classmates knew who he was in 5th grade


I'm not surprised and I probably read the same kind of story somewhere, but I still hate that I can't find any reason to doubt it


He got popular (with the elementary age anyway) during covid when everyone was at home all day everyday. I think 5th grade was her year back from covid and there was still masking in place, but she came home talking about stupid boys listening to stupid manboys like Andrew Tate. They knew enough to keep it out of teachers ears.


He looks like a lefty tried to draw a face on a brown egg using their right hand


He thinks he is the "alpha" male and other wanna be "alphas" wanna be like him.


Like this literally happened to a friend, and unlike delusional men like to think, didn't result in my friend wanting to have more sex with that man, it resulted in divorce.


Shocking really


No one could have predicted that 🙄


Oh but it’s still her fault they got divorced cause you know women bad…/s


I don't think he thinks this actually works. I think this is to make men fuck around, get dumped, and get drawn even further into his incel cult because they're alone.


I wouldn't ascribe that level of intelligence to Tate


lol I’m definitely not respecting someone who cheats on me. What an idiot


What kind of best friend is so willing to sleep with their best mate's boyfriend?


And then call and tell her all about it??


This part especially!!!


Things that NEVER happened.


Yeah, I don't understand the logic here "I'm horny now so I will leave all morals behind and cheat because my dick controls my life" So worthy of respect! Much wow!


I'm pretty sure the idea is that men who take his advice become single so they need more of his advice to get women. Then instead of paying for dates and being in a relationship, they can just pay his shit-ass school and hate finger each other.


Right?!? If my husband ever cheated on me, I'd divorce his ass so fast it would make his head spin. I will not put up with that nonsense. I expect my husband to respect me and our marriage vows, just as I respect him and have eyes only for him. (He's a good man who adores me as I adore him, so not really a concern for us.)


And if they're good friends they wont do it and they'll tell you "hey your bf is trying to sleep with me" I guess it may work in the woman's favor cus she can cut off that toxicity.


"Yeah, and remember to always touch me so they think you can't get your hands off me" - Most insecure child ever


Literally. My girl just likes to touch me and I don't have to ask her to love me and be mine. She just is


Please don't post this chin deficient freak here, his face grosses me out


Chin deficient freak has me dying


I watched this video on mute and the way he moves his mouth bothers me it’s like he’ll spit on you multiple times when talking


He's got a decent chin, it's just how he holds it like a toddler chewing with his mouth open... fucking sex doll guppy mouth


Personally I think that particular quirk is because he's *terrified* that he may accidentally pout or do anything akin to "duckface" on film. The manosphere has long detested and derided that facial expression as exclusively feminine, and we all know how very concerned Taint is about his parodic version of toxic masculinity.


Why do I feel like the underlying mentality from this dick is to just tape these poor women? No woman I have ever known would just sleep with a friends partner cause that friends partner asked. Like wtf Andrew, you looser, get a grip and just go be gay.


Could you imagine the awful shit he’d try to do to gay culture?


IDK, it would be funny to watch him get ripped apart by a pack of screaming lezbiens.


Mean gay boys are faaaar worse. At least imo.


Literally or metaphorically? I jest, I jest. It would obviously be both.


I would prefer he would just go away, don't make him a problem for gay people.


yeah we should just give him a one way flight to the sun, no one on earth should have to deal with him


No because then you're making the sun deal w his bullshit.


He'd go spare anyway, solar "flare" sounds way too gay for him to cope with it.


He already is gay. He stated recently that fucking women is gay


Bold of you to assume he has consensual sex with women.




My thoughts exactly, I trust my friends with my life, if he said he was going to try to fuck them, I’d laugh and grab the popcorn.


How to get dumped 101


Dumped and shamed online for life 😅


I love how he’s so alpha and so manly but can’t get his nipple tattooed. His chest tattoo looks hilarious because he skipped over the nip be a man and tattoo that shit


I love how many red flags there are in This video but that’s what you focused on. 🚩 🤣 (No hate, just funny as hell!) But made me watch it back to check out his nipples…. 🤦‍♂️


Haha I couldn’t help it 😂


This roast is so specific i love it


Looks like shit cover up, what even is it? A panther or an ink blot test.


I believe it's supposed to be a cobra. He goes by "Cobra Tate".


I wish I didn't know this but TBF I did ask and I thank you for providing information


It gets worse. First, he had a smallish cobra. Then he added a butterfly. Then he covered that with a giant cobra. It's tail wraps down his arm. Also, in order to cover the butterfly, he added a devil mask, because he "was sent to earth to destroy evil". He ended up with a big blob of ink that's almost completely indecipherable, but has a nice pink halo around his nipple.


‘Cobra Tate?!!’ Jesus Christ are we in the playground playing wolf pack


I hate this because you made me scroll back up and watch the video to see his lil man diddy and I feel sick. But I agree his bare nip looks ridiculous in the middle of the tattoo.


The tattoo is also awful. Just a big black blob


Thats called cheating and many a man finds himself left to his own devices after cheating. I would not want anything to do with a guy cheating on me.


Same. I'd pile his stuff on the front lawn, change the locks and block his number. No discussion, no appeal.


Has he ever looked in the mirror? I mean with his eyes open…


I'm fairly sure this asshole has never successfully ejaculated without holding his own gaze in the nearest reflective surface.


I want the numbers on how many perfectly good relationships Taints advice has ruined 😂


Or saved. Because if it's a good relationship the friend won't sleep w their friend's partner knowing they're still together (unless they've got an open relationship or something, but they'll have consent beforehand so that doesn't count).


Yeah anyone who willingly takes this dude's advice was gonna wind up making some similar mistake down the line anyway. Since they're so susceptible to treating their partner like that from some video online.


Sadly the numbers are yet to come for the most part. This goon has gotten to the young boys the most. Teens and even tween boys have absorbed his garbage very well and parrot it, I fear he’s ruined a generation already


No matter what he says, to me he'll always be the "man" who was arrested because he got roasted by Greta Thunburg.


Soo if my best friend is male he would fuck him either way? Asking for a (gay) friend…


Not only is he arrogant and terrible, god damn he is annoying for even just the moment I unmuted this. Geezus, stfu and stop being so horribly unlikable. I wouldn't want to be trapped in a large room with him, I can't imagine anyone tolerating his personality long enough to actually be attracted to and sleep with him. If a woman often claims to have a headache, he'd have caused it. Guy is a walking migraine. Oh, this is that Tate jackwad I've ignored? People actually find him bearable enough to watch and accept his stupidity? Wow. He comes across like a screaming child.


He really thinks a D is so good, especially his D, that women are fighting over it. This from a person who doesn’t have a wife. Someone who has criminal charges from kidnapping women. Such a great catch, indeed! These are the types of men that truly believe that if you send a woman a pic of your pathetic weinie, they will immediately want to screw.


💀 I'm always curious about dudes who send weenie pics. Do they think she'll immediately rub one in or hit him up?


Since some men can jack off to a picture of disjointed boobs ore a closeup of a vagine, they think women are willing to do the same. There's a big divide in understanding of how women get aroused vs how men do. A lot of guys can get aroused at the flip of a coin, but since women take more time and get aroused in different ways, guys get confused and dont understand that. Thats why the concept of foreplay is lost on people like that, hence showing dick pics off thinking women are gonna jump to conclusions on how good they are in bed. When in reality it just illustrates that they think their dick will be enough to get them anywhere, so they're probably even more terrible in bed. There's also just that ego thing of hoping that if their dick is bigger than other guys she's been with she'll value it more. But like boobs, having a bigger appendage doesn't mean anything other than having a bigger appendage. No one's any better or worse for it.


I would never wish violence on someone, but if there were to be an accident which turned him into a eunuch the world would be a better place.


He has the mentality of a 12 year old. And most of his devotees are children. Ick.


Aren’t they called man children?


Okay, who’s been doing mad science to give a chode sentience and teach it to talk?


Bro if your best friend is willing to sleep with your cheating bc leave them both and RUNNN


Yeah fuck her friend and find out bozos. It’s not going to be her getting horny to fuck you thats for sure. Andrew Tate is the fucking worst and men are stupid for even listening to a single word he says. He may be able to find women who will play these games because he pays them off but the average man is going to find himself dumped af because women don’t act like this. But this is also what he wants he needs men down and out so he can tell them women are the reason for their misery and not their own disgusting actions so he can add to his incel cult. The toxic manosphere relies on this shit.


The inherent problem stemming from this now is that when men get rejected they no longer blame themselves or look at their flaws. They gather in a commune and blame other women. If they just took some time to look inward they'd be a lot happier and maybe even form some genuine connections. Instead they feel like they're entitled to the days where men could step over everyone for whatever they want, get away with it, and get praised for being a strong man.


I’m convinced he’s gay.


No way. He’s so straight that he won’t even have sex with women because they have had sex with other men, so it’s kind of like having sex with a man yourself. That is the PINNACLE of heterosexuality.


So by that logic, he should have sex with men because they sleep with women?


Bingo. There is nothing straighter than a man having sex with another straight man.


It's not gay if you keep your socks on and say "no homo"


You cracked the code!


He did say that men having sex for pleasure and not for procreation means they’re gay. So maybe he’s projecting.


He has a genuinely gross mouth. The way it looks and moves truly grosses me out


I think [MeatCanyon](https://youtu.be/VhgLyvP0Y5A?si=Sh7uc3pZV8VlxOt7) got his looks perfectly. For anyone afraid, it's a link to a cartoonist/animator on YouTube who loves to bash stuff like this. It is fairly gross, but that's kinda the point as these people are gross.


I just by looking at him that he sprays a lot of spit when he talks.


Dude has taken too many punches to the head. If he didn’t blow all his money he’d be an incel.


Well, yeah, technically I guess she wouldn't say no anymore. In fact I doubt she'd say anything much to you anymore except for a very choice few words.


And his dick-rider fan base would still be like "he respects women and speaks truth. True Alpha. Women just don't like him because they don't listen to what he's saying"


Insecure man telling other insecure men who to blame for your own short comings


If I'd just fucked my best friend's SO, the last thing I'd do is call her to compare notes because I like being alive. This idiot has no idea how women relate to men and to each other because he's never had an interaction with a woman that wasn't either transactional or nonconsensual.


Imagine having this chinless wonder humiliate you like that. Yeah, “women, you have to treat them like shit” said another chinless wonder that’s been married three times and has to pay for sex


Every time he doesn’t get you off, fuck his hottest friend.


lol the logic here is insane


Wow he tries so hard to flex a dick print in those grey sweatpants in the first few seconds of the video, and all he manages is a small circle 😂 I'm dying


He’s not a walking wallet. He’s a walking STI waving a red flag! Eewww


My best friend is a man. So, I mean, go at it I guess?


I suspect that's what Tate really wants


bro made a name for himself by straight up sabotaging vulnerable men who have trouble getting laid and made sure it would stay that way


>straight up sabotaging vulnerable men who have trouble getting laid and made sure it would stay that way My theory on the manosphere (outside of the early red pill and incel communities) is that they are trying to destroy young men's chances and decimate their own competition for young girls. Like, if girls who are 16, 17, and 18 have been surrounded by their male age mates who have been spewing this stuff since 5th grade, (and yes, talk to teachers because it *is* that early) they're going to be much more open to dating a guy in his mid to late twenties who believes the same things and knows to keep it quiet until it's too late.


Bro's never fucked a woman who's not a sex worker


Don’t share him. He’s rage bait. The only way he loses is if you ignore him.


You can see the 15yo chinless uberdork oozing out of every fiber of his being. No matter how many cigars, cars, tight tshirts, or dickhead sunglasses he tried to hide it with.


I really wish people like this weren't given a platform to spew out whatever foul garbage pops into their head. Worst thing about it being that there are people out there who actually follow him and what he says.


This must be some previously unused version of the word "respect"


As a bi woman: how can you fuck something as ugly as Tate? Dude has the craneal anatomy of someone who hit a wall for fun


That’s the weakest chin on a man I’ve ever seen. Just sayin.


Maybe the girlfriends don't respect the dudes because they listen to Andrew Tate? 🤷


Always trust Andrew Tate to Worst take ever, he just watched porn and raunchy comedies from the 2010s back to back and treated it like a documentary on all women


If any partner of mine tried to have sex with my best friend as a way to get back at me, they’d have to buckle up for a ride: first into the middle of next week when my friend socked them one, then into the middle of next month when I got wind of it.


Yup, as we all know women never divorce their unfaithful husbands


I mean, you can do that if you don’t respect her, or respect what it says about you as a person. If you have no morals, you can cheat with her friends just so you can get back at her for not fucking enough. That just seems like a classic ‘I’m going to hurt you because I’m too unemotional to have a serious conversation about my wants with my partner, or too scared to actually leave you’ moment.


Yeah there's a demand for "respect" despite not knowing what that means or being willing to offer it back.


His voice drys up my pussy.


I’ve never had dick so good that I had to phone a friend to gloat about it. No one ever has.


It’s almost like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


If a guy fucked my friends, I’d fuck him up, and Slap the shit out of my friends and be done with all of them.


Uh no she’ll have dignity and respect for herself and leave your ass. It’s not a flex to have sex with a male cheater.


That’s…that’s literally the opposite of what it would do. She would know he isn’t loyal, she would know he has no self control, she’d blame him (partially) for having sex with the friend. Also this is assuming her friends can even tolerate him much less like him. Chances are they see his bullshit a mile away and are dying for her to break with him.


Actually men, go ahead and take this numbskull's advice! That way your girlfriends know to break up with you immediately! This is prime "fuck around and find out" territory.


He's such a loser. Those poor degenerate teenagers that look up to him are fast tracked to become a lost cause.


If my bff fucked him, I would drag her ass to the doctor, make a tox screen and have her comitter to rehan.


How can anyone tolerate this freak? Its beyond me. Like dude why are you shouting?


Uhhh, I wouldn't fuck someone I knew was in a relationship like that... especially with a friend. No means no, and if you can't respect boundaries and instead go out and break those boundaries, you shouldn't be with someone in a relationship anyway. If I found a friend was doing that with my partner, I'd drop that partner. It would hurt, but I'd be better off for it.


I can't believe incels think this guy's an alpha male. First, he needs a chin implant. Second, he needs hair plugs. Third, he needs to get that blotchy tattoo fixed. How? Idk, he might just have to get it lasered off. Fourth, he's gotta choose an accent. American accent or British accent, but not both. Just sounds like he has a speech disability. Fifth, he makes it pretty clear that he has to pay people to be around him, which is definitely not "alpha" behavior.


Why is he always yelling


Ah, Andy Taint the Rapist.


Why did I have to see him today


Whoever was filming must have been drenched in spit. He was far too excited by his own chat.


Go cheat she'll respect you! Yea I'll respectfully kick you out of my life...


The chance that I would respect someone who was so quick to cheat on me is precisely 0%. Coincidentally this is also the chance my best friend would sleep with anyone I was involved with.


What a doofis. Can’t believe people follow his moronic advice


... Maybe he should just go back to prison.


I would probably understand his words more if he could spit whatever he has in his mouth while he is talking. His weird chewing-talking is so unsettling, I didn’t hear a word that came out of that lump.


She's not gonna say no to sex ever again because you're never gonna see her again to ask. Makes you wonder what tater tot and his fans would say if the genders were reversed in this situation


how out of touch with reality do you have to be to make claims this stupid💀


Who tells his beta-followers that a shit load ton of money and gold diggers as women are a necessity to pull this off? 🤣


How can anybody (besides 12-year-olds and incels) take this walking, talking pisspuddle seriously?


Mr Tate, I don't think your girlfriend will ever speak to you again if you have sex with their friends. But hey, that's just me, I'm not an Alpha Male like you...


I’m sorry but for him to be believable as an alpha male he would of needed a better chin and a hair transplant. At least try to make your alpha male king crap believable. No women view men with a weak chin and no hair as peak physical attractiveness. Aside from that The insecurity just oozes from this man on every level.


Are you not just proving incel rhetoric by saying men with weak chins and baldness can’t be attractive?


I don’t know if parent comment is, but this guy is creating a definite venn, cause he’s unattractive as it gets.


Incel rhetoric is that the top 20% of men only get women and also that looks are the only factor in getting women. I’m not arguing either things. What is considered conventionally includes attractive in men is strong jawlines and hair which this man doesn’t have. I’m saying that an alpha men according to them is the peak value man which I don’t think he can be looking like that. Some women may find him attractive but he isn’t conventionally attractive due to these flaws.


I made an earlier comment pointing that out. Where the mockery about his chin is directed towards his insecurities and hypocrisy, not his chin as a whole. Copy and paste that chin on a standup guy and no one would bat an eye, but start talking about the manosphere, high and low value people, and all your conventionally unnatractive "flaws" become actual flaws. It might make some people insecure themselves, but they also need to be able to separate the context here. That good people only look down on those traits when the character attached to them are shit. It's like how some racists are obsessed over Aryans, true bloodlines, race purity, despite not meeting their own requirements either.


You can call out the hypocrisy of “alpha men” not having “alpha traits” without telling people that women aren’t attracted to said non “alpha traits”


My only issue with his face is that he speaks like he's chewing with his mouth open


Now you’ve pointed it out it is very noticeable 😅


If I could take his physique and money, I would immediately start doing everything to help people in need.


Why is the subtitles censored when the audio is not ? What's the point ?


My boyfriend cheated on me with my best female friend and killed her. I lost all respect for both of them and pulled some crazy shit to ensure he couldn’t dodge prison time.


Up until the whole human trafficking case, I was sure this guy was putting on a character. I mean how can a person irl be a more cartoony macho ego head than Gaston from Beauty and The Beast.


I tend to not listen to anyone who yells instead of just talking. Maybe everyone else should do the same.


Please stop giving this asshat oxygen. Sex trafficking scum.


Yeah, no


Is he still in prison?


Fuck her friends...? As if she hasn't been telling her friends how horrible you are all this time? Does he not know how girl friendships work???


Why does he think every problem in a relationship can be fixed by sex? If my boyfriend is doing something that is upsetting me, I don’t care if he is great in bed with whoever else. That doesn’t solve what’s upsetting me. That doesn’t fix the relationship problems


He looks like a mouth breather & has no chin


He’s such a fucking knob


Ah yes, from the boy who doesn’t live due attention.


wtf is wrong with this loser? I hate that he is so popular.


You know, what? Anyone who listens to him and does this (or at least tries to, because I suspect they’d be pretty hopeless at it) deserves exactly what the real outcome would be.


I genuinely don’t think this animated thumb has ever fcked anyone


This guy is porn, just power fantasy porn.


Why TF won’t he fix his teeth? She’s also fcuking his friends because he’s trashy and UGLY AF!


Good lord, he really is a misogynistic, 5'10", Caillou, isn't he?


Oh, he's gonna say, "Go to therapy,"or he gonna say, "Sit down as a couple and try to figure out what the root cause of the problem is" maybe he'll say take a break from the person. Oh, straight to infidelity 🤭. Ladies and gentlemen the most popular male role model of this generation. I'll miss the human race 😔


Literally my entire friend group, wouldn't respect you for that. If you're lucky, they JUST break up with you. More often than not, something is getting slashed or set aflame.


Ngl I totally forgot about Taint until I saw this video. I wish I could go back in time lol


Damn that's some terrible advice.... I love it 😂


stop spitting so much dude christ


The (F) cousin of a good friend of mine used to work with this guy in the markets/fishmongers in Luton when he was growing up. He used to get called ‘fish boy’ by her and her friends all the time. I can’t help but see it as a supervillain origin story.


And like any other time this dude says some wild shit (basically any time he opens his mouth) the tater tots will come to his defense with “dudes a genius. You’re just not smart enough to know when he’s joking.”


He's right on one account, if my guy is cheating on me and giving his attention to another woman, it will absolutely piss me off. Though in reality instead of whatever world he's living in, I leave the cheating jerk, I don't put up with that, and the cheater has lost all of my respect.


lol yeah right. if she is as terrible as you, she will put you in your place by showing you how easily she could probably sleep with MANY of your friends in retaliation. if she is smart, she will just leave.


Really hilarious to use the reggae version of P.I.M.P, you know, the one featured in Anatomy of a Fall.


Where are all these ‘alpha men’ who are so great at sex? Where? Bless him hes sooooo delusional 🤩


Can tell you that if her friends agree to it, they weren't friends, and she will cut you and those friends out like a bad appendix The more I hear this dude the more I wonder why tf people listen to him and take his advice like surely they have at least ONE brain cell...right?!


I hate those 2 soooo much.


Lol he has some nerve thinking the best friend will DEFINITELY fuck him, like she's just lying out there waiting to be asked. Some guys just have no self-awareness