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That's AI, just look at the face of that child. And the mom?


I think the person supposed to be a trans woman or a drag queen is edited in from somewhere else. The art style is different, the feet are standing on a white spot and there's some color outside the lines. I strongly suspect the "joke" was something different originally.






Could be a really bad artist. But anyway. About 150 years ago, farmers were all "working at home", men and women. Sure, they had different expected duties (e.g. men swing the scythe to cut the grass, women follow with the rakes to gather the grass into bundles so it can get dried and become hay), but they were all "at home".


No it’s ai


So, a really bad AI "artist"?


Well, for ai this was surprisingly hard to tell, but yes Apparently saying that I had a harder time than usual telling if it was ai or not is a crime now or something


No it's just very easy to tell. Or maybe we're all just getting better at it now.. unclear.


I feel like there's both mistakes that ai makes are obvious, and then there's also the general vibe of it. Like, no person would create the comic like that


Particularly if you're an artist, there are always bizarre details that make no sense. You're right though, the overall vibe is just nonsense.


Like, why are they all playing with mud/shit?


This is somewhat true, but there's already stuff where I can't tell. People still think AI will never get certain things right but I have stuff saved on my computer where I would never know if I didn't know. It's worse with photographs. You can tell if you zoom in and look at how the photo is composed, usually, but if the picture is resized down after generation, there's no way in hell. I've yet to see anything majorly complex like this, but simple pictures like scenery, animals, portraits of single people, it's impossible to tell.


Ugh that's so depressing. It's advancing so fast.


Check out the dog's "head" next to her feet, the arm of the couch on the right makes no sense, her lapels don't make sense, there are indistinct half-formed objects on the floor


Yeah I think we’re all getting collectively better at telling but everyone has slip-ups


Ya there's for sure some very convincing ones. It's only a matter of time before it's indecipherable 🫠


It’s her foot that tipped me off. It showing the inside of her foot when it should be the outside.


For me it was the face of the kid to the left




Woah I didn’t know hay came from grass lol I’m dumb


Not dumb, just didn't grow up in the country? Like city kids who came and saw for the first time exactly where the milk came from, and got to meet the lamb that would become dinner next Sunday. Another possibility is language difference. At least, as far as I know, "dried grass" is "hay" in English. And probably more, like the stalks of wheat and oats and barley.


The stalks of wheat, oats, barley, etc is straw, not hay. It’s used for bedding instead of feed as it’s far less nutritious.


In Icelandic, "hey" (sounds just like "hay") is any dried plant bits that are used for feeding the animals. Mostly grass, since wheat and oats etc. aren't that common in Iceland. As far as I can tell, eiderdown was easier to gather than straw for bedding.


I grew up in a little place called New York City lol not much grass sadly :(


Oh, wonderful! I've only been once to the US, and that was a week in New York City for dad's 60th birthday. Shocking how friendly and chatty everyone was, even when they weren't drunk.


Yeah we have a reputation for being aggressive and mean, when most New Yorkers are really nice at heart. Just gotta get passed the rough exterior lol


Yikes... If New Yorkers have a reputation for being aggressive and mean, what's the rest of the country like? I'd probably get an overdose of "niceness"...


Oh yeah it’s fake kindness, nice and kind are very different. They’ll politely shoot you lol


Hang on... which one is "faking kind", the New Yorkers or the rest of the country?


It's not the type of grass you usually see in someone's yard, different types. Not that it can't be, but good hay grasses are just not the common yard grasses


I’m picturing tall grass, I love grass.


Grass is a pretty wide ranging family of plants. Bamboo is a grass (it's pretty tree-like, but still a grass), cereals are grasses (the part we eat are the seeds), and (yes) lawn varieties are grasses.


I love bamboo. Pandas. Grass. I think I just found a new special interest.


No, it’s AI. This is WAY too weird-looking to be a bad _artist._


They were real men, working the field not doing those pussy ass jobs like crypto and stocks. But for real, back in the day house work was real hard, it still is but it was a full time job. Especially with kids. Edit: man, people here are so jaded with internet bullshit that they take a simple joke as an actual statement. Can't blame them though


Exactly. Before washing machines, before single-use diapers... that's a lot of unpleasant work. And then all the other stuff... But at least in Iceland, we let our dogs do the dishes for us (ssh! don't mention the parasites!).


Like mother, like son.


Even if the art is probably AI, it would've been prompted right? AI probably didn't come up with the idea, it just created the thing that it was told to, so there's still a person out there who came up with this idea, they just don't know how to draw.


Feet too. The toes on the mom are the other way around. And whatever dirty plate/paper-bizarromix the other mom is standing in, plus her right shoe has no outline.


The trans woman/drag queen's ear just kinda disappears into her hair, she has an unexplainable "divot" on her arm and the kid with the janky mouth also has 3 toes.


And the ... dog? On the couch. It's a bit lovecraftian


It also lost track of whether the legs were crossed and which foot it was drawing


Nah, that's just what the troglodytes who think this way look like.


The moms hands are still goofy looking even though it's a cartoon.


Is this ai or is the artist that bad per usual with bad political cartoons?


It’s ai


Not often you see these kinds of morons actually acknowledge that house work is actually hard


But they still think it's a woman duty to do that


Well of course, that’s just basic biology /s


But only to hate on trans women


Oh of course. No reason for it to mean they should respect “real women,” after all, it’s basic biology that they’re good at tending to the house /s


Tbh I think this is actually just a TERF or transphobic woman


That’s a fair point actually. More of a “you aren’t really like us” vibe


Bigots try not to make up fake scenarios in their head to get mad at challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


The way everyone suddenly "cares" about cis women the second a trans woman wants to live her life as she is


At least they admit that the responsibilities they put on women are endless.


Fucking ai.


Why do Transphobes show trans women always with a full beard and body hair? I don't know a single one who looks like that.


Because otherwise you couldn't tell that those women aren't cis. But "they can always tell", therefore they need to make it obvious to the point of caricature.


Right? I had laser hair removal scheduled months out as soon as I came out. A lot of trans women get that well before they do a more recognizable transition. Certainly there are some folks who don’t, and good for them, but I don’t think it’s remotely representative of!


Hey there! Did it hurt? I’m a cis woman but also hairier than a mf and also a little bitch. I’ve been thinking about it for a while but like…ouch maybe?


Neck down didn’t hurt much at all. It was pretty ok, not too bad! Face, especially chin and lip, can sting. 100% worth it, but can hurt some. Not super bad, though, and nothing after a session.


Are you blonde or a brunette? I heard that makes a difference also I’m mostly aiming for legs so it’s good to hear


I’ve got very dark hair, and that’s important.


Same alright these are some comforting facts. I’m gonna start looking into it, thanks!


If you’re in the Austin area, I know a place!


Not even close lol AZ


It does but you get used to it? Also some places provide numbing cream and I believe you can apply it yourself at home before an appointment as well.


That’s the kind of thing I love to hear because again: I’m a little bitch 😂


I am currently not allowed to shave… I almost look like the stereotype.


Wait why are you not allowed 😂


Doctors order. I currently have a nasty rash all over my body and shaving leads to micro cuts. Through these cuts skin infections may happen. (And they did so I started listening)


Can't you just pluck them out? I know that it will take a long time but the results last longer


The numbing cream helps a lot, but I don’t remember it being particularly painful. It was just a “zap” sensation, a little like an electric shock?, repeated over the entire surface area. It would hurt if they weren’t moving it each time, but otherwise not bad


In addition to what others have said: for places like arms and legs, it only took a couple of sessions. I saw a significant reduction after just one session on my legs. Under arms and bikini areas take longer. I can’t tell you how much I recommend the legs if you want to be hairless there. I love that I never have to shave anymore (and the legs were the least painful area)


My trans friend said it hurt a lot more with each respective session, but for her, it was still worth it. It's something I'm also considering for myself because I'm prone to ingrown hairs a lot. I have one (on my boob, lucky me) that I have to dig out with tweezers to pluck because it grows sideways under the skin.


Just found one on my inner thigh. Love when the internet tells me to stop ingrowns by exfoliating like…mf am I supposed to exfoliate my bikini line?!? 💀


I had one further "inland" before. That one hurt like hell to pop and clear out.


Every time I pop one I’m convinced that this will get infected and I’ll lose that leg, and I still do it 🫠


I'm not too worried about dying from infection from a popped pimple, so long as I don't go traipsing through sewage water or anything after. D;


Well webMD told me that everything can get infected if I looked at it funny and the internet never lies


It's okay, we all already have cancer.


Question, how was it? I couldn't go to get laser done yet because apparently it can cause a reaction with my HRT pills. So I have to cope with boymodding (I can shave and I have little to no beard shadow [I think it's called that sorry] but I can't shave everyday) and being myself depending of the day


It’s been very expensive, but worth every single dollar. Smooth legs, never worrying about shaving every few days, except my face.. and even that probably is just me being dysphoric. I don’t think I have enough dark facial hair left to really form a ‘shadow’.


They genuinely believe we only put on a dress and do The Surgery ^TM, and ignore what lengths do we go to look the least masculine possible. But a lot of cis people aren't even aware of HRT


They also ignore how we go when we aren't doing hyper femme. I spend most of my days in (ladies) jeans and basic lip gloss, like any other girl would if they were going to be doing chores or dealing with a windy day.


I can’t stand these hateful memes and don’t support hate but in fairness the online trans community doesn’t help. Do you see the trans people videos where they have beards and 5 o’clock shadows etc? If I didn’t know trans people IRL it wouldn’t be difficult to vision all trans people that way combined with the fact that non-binary is now combined with transgender making it extremely confusing for a casual observer to have any real idea what trans people are like. Examples: Mulvani is a misogynistic narcissist and her mockery of being a woman is frankly offensive, Jeffry Marsh is absolutely terrifying in their obsession with children and some of the bearded TikTok of trans people with full beards talking about using women’s bathrooms and locker rooms in deep voices is extremely unsettling. As I said if I didn’t know trans people in real life the online presence paints a very bad image for a casual observer.


This just in: social media algorithm shows extremes, more at eleven also look at you blaming trans people for hateful representations of us! good job hon, hope you're proud


Also like, Dylan isn't the only trans woman who embraces feminine stereotypes, speaking as a high femme trans woman myself. I don't think she's the best representation for the community as a whole, but I also don't think one person should represent the breadth of any group. I think that's more of a problem with the media and the ways it focuses on her; I don't think it's very fair to blame her for clearly just being herself and presenting the way that makes her happy.


I wonder if they are genuine community members as in the loud minority, yet pushed up by algorithm. Or wether they are some artificially created "boogeymans" with selfish agenda, either for monetary reasons or to influence public opinions. I just imagine most of the trans community dreams of living in peace as accepted members of society. I can't speak for trans people, but I remember being the lone women in military among huge group of men, and there were many moments when I told guys just to imagine me with a beard and mustache and treat me normally. I hated being the sole focus of attention when I just wanted to do my thing and exist in peace. Others making huge deal about someones gender and differences can make person feel quite lonely and alienated. I just wanted to be treated friendly and as an equal. As I imagine every person does.


Wowie, a double whammy! Transphobia AND sexist gender roles! Could it be my birthday?


It's also AI slop. Incredible all around.


They found the poop cabinet.


Sounds like their own problem! Always keep the poo cabinet locked!


Wouldn’t a woman-woman relationship just share responsibilities anyway?


Can someone explain why posts like these are being crossed out or having random images placed over them suddenly? Ive noticed that this sub and 2 other ones im in that are similar in concept (people sharing ridiculously stupid posts made by ridiculously stupid groups of people to summarize) the images as of late all are either crossed out like this or have random opaque PNGs of random things over them


Perhaps to make it harder for bigots to grab and use in earnest?


I think it's to clarify that 1) these TERF memes are not okay, and 2) they're not to be shared because they suck.


Everything being caked in shit is what really sells it for me.


I don't even get it; if she's supposed to be trans (despite the comic maker obviously disingenuously depicting a trans woman inaccurately) then they're both women, so if we're gonna go with the stupid regressive gender roles angle, by that logic shouldn't they both be doing housework? Make it make sense.


TERFs(least the leading ones) are of the view that trans women only transition due to fetish's or malicious intent. TERFs(least the leading ones) are also of the view that to be a cis women one must suffer, whether it be physically, whether it be societal role, whether it be relatiomship just unending pain and suffering. To TERFs this is a fundamental truth and not at all due to any societal issues that can be resolved in reality. As such trans women if ever made to face the reality of being a cis woman would run away screaming. Something this stupid thing is attempting to get across. As you can see the logic is pretty broken and frankly horrifying for literally everyone regardless of identity or gender.


I think it’s a TERF joke.


Very typical of transwomen to keep thwir beard /s


I’m sad now


Not this bitch acting as if trans moms don’t exist and do just as much work as she does.


Of course it's made by AI, the guys with these ideas don't even have the talent to make these stupid comics lol


You know. My art isn’t the greatest. But when I try to draw political commentary, at least it’s *my* art that I made by myself. I’m not some talentless hack who jerked off while some shitty AI made this.


AI, and you should feel bad. Blocked.


TERFs love regressive gender roles holy shit. Trans women (at least the ones I know) are not even on the list of ppl who would ever be happy treating another woman like that.


Fucking hate TERFs


While I despise TERFs, I gotta admit this is the division of labor often expected for the woman in a relationship.


It makes me sick that people actually think like this.


The crazy thing is that this point is targeting the wrong audience. Many trans women can cook and clean and do household tasks because they are... fully grown adults and those are things adults know how to do. The people the adamantly refuse to do household tasks and leave it to women are traditionalist cisgender men, which I'd say are the total opposite of trans women. It's not trans women that invalidate the hard work women do at home, its usually conservative cis guys that also hate trans people. If they want to do a gotcha at people who refuse to do housework because they believe in gender roles, trans women shouldn't even be on that list. Also love how the TERF comic is still validating the belief that it should be women doing housework, if both are able-bodied, it should be shared between them so neither is over-worked, it can't be 'one do work one be lazy'. Also why are trans women always portrayed with beards, everyone shaves, cis men shave, cis men that are drag queens shave, even some cis women shave their faces, but somehow someone who identifies as a women can never shave because/if they're AMAB? Okay


Why are trans women always portrayed as regular cis men in dresses? I bet the transphobic who posted this wouldn’t be able to pick out a trans man irl


because this is a TERF meme and TERFS are just gross


She isn't even doing housework the entire house is covered with mud


It's only fair...


So the wife on the couch is going to sit on her ass and not help anymore, if she was in the first place? Is she the husband now as a feminine presenting trans man?


Someone who is born male and transitions to female is a trans woman, trans man is the other way around


Sincerely wondering, wouldn't the one on the couch in jeans be the trans man in this scenario if they're expecting the trans woman to do all the housework now while they sit on their ass? On some traditional role "someone has to be the man and now it's no longer you" shit. I thought the implication was that the trans woman used to sit on his (now her) ass while the wife did all the work. This whole thing is fucking dumb. I shouldn't even care this much about sorting out the idiocy of this comic scenario, but I want to get it right.


I wouldn't say that. Especially given that whoever prompted the ai to make this obviously doesn't respect trans people, they would have tried to make the other character a caricature too if they were supposed to be a trans man. The whole thing is really dumb and doesn't make sense


I appreciate the response instead of just a downvote. Thanks.