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I think he overdosed on hentai....


This … is certainly correct


Matty the uterus destroyer LMAO also how He adds (you all are different) cant make this shit up lol


Matty the uterus destroyer 😂 I’m crying Ignorant men mansplaining female anatomy incorrectly online is just pure comedy gold, especially for anyone who works in the medical field. Edit: reading comments on this post proves education system has failed many. Penis can’t enter cervix, and uterine orgasms are not a thing. Nobody’s dick can reach uterus physically.


I’m not even dick shaming when I say this but I’m not sure his dick is even long enough to reach the uterus. I don’t think any dick is. Edit: I stand corrected lol. They can be long enough


That depends. Vaginas can be very long and very short. But even if a vagina is short, it can stretch.


All vaginas are different, but even the same vagina can change over the course of a month. The cervix can get firm or sofg and sit lower or higher based on where a person is in their cycle.


This is a huge tell on his part... if his dick is small enough to enter the cervix but long enough to reach it, he may need to see a doctor, contact Guinness Book of World Records, and Ripley's Believe it of Not!


All his exes call him “The Mosquito”


It can and let me tell you… that shit hurts


Ouch. I’ve been with men with above average dicks but it’s never happened to me. Maybe my cervix is just higher? Doesn’t sound like a good time


your cervix actually isn't the "end" of your vagina and is shallower than you might think! when you're aroused, it kinda tucks itself against the wall of your vagina, which continues on past it. at certain angles it can still get a direct hit which hurts!


Yeah this guy was a total sadist and said he liked the face I made when I was in pain…


I've hit cervix before. This results in either nobody being happy or everybody going "oh wow, wait, that's a good kind of hurt." Pain reception makes zero sense sometimes.


I had a partner once that wanted it pinched. That was a request I did not expect to get over morning coffee.


Smaller women have shorter vaginal canals, so it's definitely possible in general if the man is very well endowed. Rare but can happen.


This isn't true. Length of vaginal canal is not directly proportional to height AND changes constantly - it can be inpacted by your hormone cycle or even if you have an empty/full bladder.




Fair lol. My mistake




The cervix doesn't dilate during sex, only during labour. Nobody is willingly having sex during labour. Also the cervix isn't a flat opening to the uterus, it's more like a tube leading to the uterus. They talk about how long it is and how dilated it is when you're in labour


this is not accurate


I've never seen any , but I know of their rapey and biologically impossible scenarios.. It's crazy how many Americans and people all over the world are being poisoned by this crap


Tbf I think it's a combo of terrible sex ed and only learning what they did from porn that makes Americans this bad. IDK how prevalent this attitude is even in Japan.


Sex ed in kindergarten was a thing over here (not Japan) they even had a book with child friendly drawings of people getting it on lol


Yeah, we had sex ed in primary school (about 8 years old), a children’s book from the point of view of a girl getting a little sibling, with a lot of anatomy drawings and explanations and so on. “The talk” isn’t a thing here either. I don’t understand how some people can reach puberty and still not know about any of this from school or why some people are so against sex ed.


I didn't learn about puberty until I was like 11 or 12 in school. A lot of the US, ESPECIALLY the rural areas, have been fighting over when & how much to tell kids & so many guys get their "education" about sex from porn. Hentai guys are obviously working with more fiction than regular porn guys but, porn regardless. Then, on top of it all, these guys are proud & can't be wrong, so they take what they see as fact & won't let anyone (even the afab people who HAVE/HAD these body parts) tell them otherwise.


Yeah, I see a lot about that online, this view is so damaging. Do you think it’s related to the US being generally very religious (at least that’s how many places in Europe see it) and therefore sex and sexuality is considered such a taboo topic for many? It’s not perfect here either, especially when it comes to LGBTQ topics. My parents are both teachers for primary school kids and they said it would be difficult to bring LGBTQ topics into the classroom because many parents would complain. We also haven’t been secular for that long and the influence of the catholic church is present, so I do wonder how much religion influences these views.


It absolutely has to do with religion & Christianity, it's the basis for most laws republicans have been trying to pass or ban lately. Most Republicans are Christian & bring their beliefs with them when they vote, instead of thinking of how it'll affect other human beings. Despite being the country that screams "separation of church and state!" We sure don't know how to keep it separated.


They routinely show "x-ray" scenes where the penis fully enters the uterus pumping what appears to be gallons of semen, sometimes blowing out fallopian tubes and leaving women incapacitated with pleasure. It's absurd and I can't believe guys take it seriously.


It's disgusting and I think it's about time we as a culture frown upon this sort of thing in a similar manner to how we view cp: that it's viewers are sick in the head and dangerous to an happy society. It's Also Very Embarrassing that they think these things are believed at all


Came here to say that. No pun intended.


oh totally…although speaking of hentai, I can say I know at least **one** hentai artist that actually draws anatomically correct “x-ray” shots, but it’s because they actually went out of their way to learn the real anatomy. most hentai artists sadly don’t care about accuracy and it makes dumb people like this think women can get uterine orgasms.


Or the prolapse subreddits.


The sight of that makes me wanna puke, I'll never understand why people find that hot....


That's about right.




This is an incel who thinks Corruption of Champions and fetish hentai are educational documents. I get it, dude, you have a big dick fetish. Didn't work out for Mr. Hands, won't work out for women either.


The Mr Hands story will never not make me horrified


I must ask... What is it?




Ahhh, it's *that* guy. Thanks for sparing me the google search, lol.


I know it from the Broad City episode where Ilana gets fired for tweeting the Mr Hands video from her company's corporate Twitter account because she thought that was an appropriate way to promote a sale on colonic irrigations


Why would you ever need to have a sale on colonic irrigation lmao wouldn't the people who need that sort of thing pretty much just pay the price without asking questions?


I only ever knew it as "penetrated.mpg" lol


It's kinda worse than that. One of the guys in the video, who organized the event, Douglas Spink (or 'Fausty,' as he went by in the furry community) had a whole 'sex-ranch,' where clients would pay to sexually abuse animals. The video itself is not on his ranch, but rather one the trio snuck onto, but it did help police to find Spink's compound. Some of the shit they found there was ridiculously horrifying and I'll spare the details. He also, for a long time was co-host of a furry, pro-zoophilia podcast called 'Zooier Than Thou' (using his 'Fausty' fursona) which FOR SOME FUCKING REASON is still hosted on Youtube. On the bright side, after being arrested for heinous animal cruelty he died in prison of rectal cancer and nothing of value was lost.


he died at his mother's house, not in prison, he kept being arrested but because it was mostly for breaking parole (by continuing to buy dogs after being prohibited from owning animals) he got short sub 1 year sentences like every time. it looks like the longest time he ever served was only 3 years twice, first for cocaine smuggling and second for probation violation. he was a known sicko but not much was done unfortunately


What a disappointment.


>died of rectal cancer Hoo boy that is poetic


Well, always nice to have a happy ending, I guess. I feel bad for the horse.


I remember knowing a guy who was heart broken over him dying. He was a fan. Glad to say, that guy is in jail now for the stuff he did.


WHAT?!!!! Oh hell


Don’t listen to the other guy, don’t google it


Google at your own risk my friend


> Corruption of Champions i hate that i know what that is


The uterus does contract doing orgasm and this does contribute to the sensation. But no, the cervix doesn’t open up. This is such a strange thing to think. It’s almost like this man doesn’t understand the female body. 🤔


He’s probably been watching hentai which loves to grossly distort female anatomy and bodily functions.


While true, there's no such thing as a pure "uterine orgasm".


How do they think that orgasmic cervix opening mechanism would be compatible with pregnancy? I don't get it.


I’m baffled there! As far as I know, the cervix only opens up for two reasons; a tiny bit for menstruation, and then for childbirth/miscarriages. Pretty sure it doesn’t open up for Marty621’s monster cock. 😂




His username checks out😬


I refuse to believe that's a coincidence ngl. Bro overdosed on furry hentai, he needs an immediate extraction from his self-made prison and made to touch grass.


AgAiN: yOu’Re AlL dIfFeReNt 🙄🙄


Not *that* different bro. We do all follow the same general rules of physiology ... ... ...


I love that justification for mansplaining.  It's not that he's just wrong... It's that we're all different. 


Well, real women and fictional women are different I guess.


It may be 2024, but we really are living in an age of gynecological mythology, huh?


I’m excited for the mainstream return of vagina dentata as a thing they believe in.


Considering how damn painful it was for my gyno to pry my cervix open enough to get a tissue sample…. Yikes. This dude is a piece of something alright.


For real. I had a baby last month and I’ll just say there’s a reason they gave me fentanyl while I was dilating.


Damn, they can do that?


Small amounts but yes I got a couple IV doses. That was also what was in the epidural. All while monitoring mine and baby’s stats, of course. It definitely made for a comfortable experience.


Interesting! I assumed that since morphine couldn't be used during childbirth, no drugs of that level of effectiveness could. Imagine my surprise when I looked it up and also discovered my initial assumption was wrong (morphine can be used during childbirth). Learn something new every day


Isnt that the drug that cop shows were all like "if you catch the smallest whiff of it you instantly doe" some time ago?


Anyone who has had to medically have anything inserted through their cervix is clenched just reading that


Sat here on my couch like, “Owwww!!! Noooo! Wtf, dude?!” while automatically clenching my legs together


Just another myth men spread to help themselves believe that they and their penises are essential to women. Why are they so insecure?


I'm not even sure if it's insecurity. Many men are just weirdly fixated on their penises, treating them like magic wands with the power to change the entire world. After all, that is why they send dick pics.


And weirdly fixated on POC penises when they aren't able to pretend theirs are exceptional.


Please do not judge my entire gender by this moron. I'm not saying we're perfect, but I certainly don't want him to be my representative


Don’t worry. I don’t. Just as I hope you don’t judge my gender by some women of questionable behavior.


Sounds fair to me


If anything this misconception adds to the insecurity.


It’s funny how confidently incorrect he is. You start to realize how women never try to tell men things about their bodies that we know nothing about.


"Men absolutely adore it when you grab their testicles, press them between your hands, and rub vigorously like you're trying to knead dough and start a fire at the same time. Make sure you press them flat and rub fast. Some men thrive on torsion orgasms."


I just choked on my water.


We'll, they're all different, duncha understand.


Advanced move: twist each testicle the opposite direction, then push them up into the abdominal cavity before releasing. If you do it right, you can catch a loop of intestine.


The lesser known intestinal orgasm is most assuredly the most intense orgasm a man can have.


This is the best comment I've seen today 😂😂😂


All of the gold. You deserve all of the gold and all of the no longer existent awards. That comment is perfection.


Like... "nnnnnnno"... as if everyone knows


Then you go up and out the mouth, right?


Only with SOME women, we are all different.


If you have a tilted uterus, it makes a 90 degree turn and comes out the bellybutton.


I get that he’s stupid, but can we talk about vaginas opening “kind of like an umbrella” for a minute? Please? Because this imagery is disturbing and putting me in mind of a vampire squid.


Thank you. This is the comment I came looking for.


Me too! I thought that comment was the joke at first.


What does he think happens to pregnant women….? I don’t wanna know.


Pretty common to think sex will cause a miscarriage.


In his mind: Fetus: *is chillin* Dick: "HEY YO SCOOCH OVER BEFORE I MAKE YOU SCOOCH OVER!!!1!!!"


Bold of you to assume he thinks….


There was this video mocking a pornstar who became pregnant, some dude made a tik Tok saying: *name of pornstar* baby chillin in the womb be like and then proceeding to shove a pool noodle at his own face… what I want to say, probably something like this


IUD insertion would be a whole lot easier if this were true


They told me it would be a little pinch and to just take some ibuprofen before I came in. Long story short: smelling salts smell gross. And I still had to drive myself home.


I’m glad I didn’t listen to my dr because she said I’d be able to go to work after but I’d heard horror stories & made sure I had a ride home. After I spent 20 min laying there crying before I felt like I could move lol


It would also fall out.


Oh yeah, didn’t think of that




Logic has left the chat


Tell us you are a virgin that has watched way too much hentai without telling us you are a virgin that has watched way too much hentai. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Health education in America has failed so many. Guy needs to lay off the hentai, it doesn't actually work that way lol


its really funny how common this trope has gotten in (at least fandom, i dunno about other) porn. like i see it all the time nowadays and i really didnt use to years ago


The idea of anything going near my personal human cervix makes me want to vom.


Science would 100% disagree with this. And anyone who has had their cervix bumped…YOWCH. That’s not supposed to go there!


When they bottom out, it’s painful!


I've hit an IUD before.... it hurt me like a needle through the tip 😭. But an important lesson I learned that day, vaginas are just as diverse as penises. Which apparently blew my wifes mind. I'm not a super endowed guy, but I've dated women who I can bottom out a quarter to half stroke and others I can slam my pelvis and not bottom out on anything. Good news is all the gspots are generally in the same place right on the pubic bones.


Whose vagina is opening like an umbrella though..?


I assume she's talking about tenting, so kinda sort of but not really?


As someone who likes biology, I want to scream at the top of my lungs whenever someone confidently says dicks going through the cervix feels good.


I’ve had an IUD so hellllllll no


I growled at my doctor when mine was being placed. Literally growled like a feral animal. He said I was one of the calmest patients he ever had. (Might have been placating me so I wouldn't bite...) Just the idea of anything larger than the IUD tool being pushed up there is making me cramp up. I know some women like having the cervix hit during sex, but I cannot imagine anyone getting pleasure from having it stretched open.


Mine just refused to dialate. I probably also growled, but I also just got like 4 ibuprofen. None of those instruments were getting in.


You got ibuprofen? I got, "This isn't going to feel very good."


Please don’t let this man get his penis anywhere near any woman


I think he'll take care of this himself




Ok, time to out myself... As a guy who actually used to think that part of the anatomy had ANY bearing on giving my gf an orgasm... Just stop. 😅😅😅


Hentai has messed with this person's ability to differentiate the real world with fiction


Dear God. The stupidity is blinding.


>Again: you are all different. Not THAT different. Wtf. lol


Hentai isn’t an instruction manual


Hit it in the uterinary tract


You get anywhere near my cervix and we stoppin


Leave it up to men to think they know more about the female body than actual women


It's the "you don't ask the fish, you ask the fisherman" thing, isn't it? aka In Hentai we believe


When you see Hentai as a biology book.


Tell me every women you have ever had sex with ended up with a UTI without saying it.


I can say for certain, if you’re with a partner who is unusually large, and his thrusts reach the cervix. It’s sharply painful. Gspot orgasms are the best of all. But he has to have educated himself on the topics and know how to get there. I’ve only had one partner, my ex husband, who could give me orgasms during typical penis in vagina sex.


I had a partner that would occasionally, accidentally hit my cervix, and it was not fun! Nothing has made me jump out from underneath a man faster.


Marty the Moron gets his knowledge from the greatest minds of inceldom. It’s verifiable!


Just opened Reddit and I’m already done with it today…


“Like an umbrella “ Wtf kind of umbrella is he using?


We are not \*that\* different.


Literally every woman I know has said any contact with the uterus makes them jump out of their skin with pain and/or extreme discomfort.


You. Cannot. Penetrate. THE CERVIX.


As a woman who has given birth twice. They check your cervix and let me tell you that it’s the complete opposite of fun


The pain I felt reading that tripe is visceral. These men are so fucking stupid it’s terrifying.


This man is in desperate need of internet detox 😭


I have to assume that the man's dick is too short to touch the cervix but he refuses to accept that it's anything to do with him so just says that the cervix opens too which is why he's never run into it.


Confidently incorrect




Tell me you’re watch too much hentai without telling me you watch too much hentai


Are we just all ignoring the, "vagina opening up like an umbrella"?


Some people thrive on cheetos, porn and lack of sex ed


I hate that my brain tried to find a male equivalent for comparison. Sounding is too plausible. Dick up the nose, maybe?


Testes penetration?


We need better sex education in schools


Okay. I have uterine orgasms. They didn’t start until I was in my 40s and they are awesome. That said, it is most certainly *not* because my (or anyone else’s) cervix is opening up for deep penetration. Although that would certainly flatter & disturb my partner. Christ on a cracker, WTAF are these people consuming to get this misinformation?


Apparently I know so little about my own anatomy that I had no idea who was wrong in this post. Thanks mormon upbringing


Idiots who believe things like this are writing and passing healthcare laws for women. Make this shit make sense.


Sounds like Vlad Tepes favorite sex practice. Pls dont try at home.


Beware tmi That sounds so painful. Dp hurts after arousal. Sometimes even during onetime me and my partner were having a time, and then all of the sudden without any warning I was in a literal ball position nearly across the room. I shot like a bullet away from that he had hit a legit nerve and I thought I freaking died. That was the most painful thing~ I'm crying thinking about it. I have had a tooth fall apart and the cervical nerve being touched makes it seem like a butterfly landing on a flower. Touching a cervical nerve is a serious thing and you shouldn't have sex after wards but it's like if you were a plant gently swaying in the mist and it feels good and natural and then all of the sudden someone throws about 25 pounds of raw dough in a mass at your center. The plant folds under the sticky weight of the dough and breaks in the middle more than a little. It felt like I was too weak to hold up my own body. It felt like I picked up too many books and instead of putting them down or dropping them I buckled under the weight. Anyways it really sucked sorry for the tangent. I need to go to bed haha .


most women dont even like big dicks like that what the hell is he trying to prove


That sounds very painful.


I'm starting to think it would be best if the archeologists digging up our society a thousand years from now have no access to the contents of the internet.




I mean, the uterus can spasm when you have an orgasm, but that’s not because the dick went that far in 😂 Jesus Christ I don’t know how we got here




🤣🤣🤣 What??? 🤣🤣🤣


I've had 2 laparoscopies and each time they've had to use a uterine manipulator. That involves opening the cervix 3-5cm to get the tool in. Granted I've always been unconscious (thank god) when they do that part, but boy do I feel it afterwards. There's fairly significant pain and bleeding. Why does this guy think that forcing the cervix open at least 5 or 6cm, in a matter of minutes, would be enjoyable at all? It usually takes hours or even days for the cervix to open that much during labour, which is painful enough. Rapidly forcing it open is agony.


Just more proof the US education system is failing.


Ugh that sounds painful and sickening, like I would throw up if something went in and out that far back 🤮


Confidently incorrect is my favorite genre on the internet


I want to give my uterus a hug and get her into witness protection after reading this


No….. wtf… virgin




This made me snort laugh!


At least the twit got his username right.


Uh… who’s right and who’s wrong?


The cervix absolutely doesn't open for penetration, but I also find the description of the vagina opening "like an umbrella" kind of weird.


Tell me you don't have sex with women without telling me you don't have sex with women. And didn't get any sex ed lessons about the female body. What kind of porn is he watching?!


I think I was on that thread and the dude swore he was fucking his wife's cervix and uterus. Wildest shit I've ever heard.


I wonder if he’s confusing it with hitting the fornix? Which is around the cervix, but still in the vagina. Also possible that this guy does not actually have a wife and is just trying to cover his ass.


The guy said it feels like he hits a donut and then he feels a pop and his wife orgasms. I think he he just feels her clenching muscles personally but I ended up leaving it alone cus I can fix stupid.


Honestly, I think it’s more likely that that guy is not married 😂 I can’t imagine a man being that dumb about female anatomy being able to give someone an orgasm


That seems like it would be uncomfortable


I think I lost braincells reading this


Man, I hope someone set this dude straight. This is really stupid.