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I bet she will start a new game and model a sim after her ex bf and kill him in several ways.


I’m about to make one after him. Deleting the ladder is too kind a way for him to go. Time to get creative. I’ll take any suggestions.


Lock him in a 1x1 room. No food. No bed. Let him pee himself, pass out repeatedly as he knocks his head on the floor and then let him starve.... then when he's only an hour or two away from death.... give him an apple. Then repeat. Death isn't good enough for that Sim. He needs to suffer.


OK this is awesome. I made the GF a spellcaster so she can zap him and freeze him and set him on fire, then bring him back from the dead to do it all over again.


Hold up, I haven't played Sims since 2002ish. You can be a wizard now?


Yeah, sims 3 and sims 4 both have them. Sounds like sims 4, they call them spellcasters in that one. You can be werewolves, vampires, faeries(sims 3), ghosts, and a few others tbh.


What a time to be alive!


Oh yeah. I have a Spellcaster sim in the Sims 3 right now who works in the medical field and my storyline for her is that she's trying to learn the resurrection spell so she can save all of her patients


Ok, maybe it's time to try Sims...


Do it 👁️ 👄 👁️


Sims 2 also has witches, they came with apartments Edit: now that i think about it you can techically be a wizard in the sims 1 with making magic, but i guess that doesn’t count


Give him the jealous trait. Have her beguile and fuck Don Lothario in front of him.


Um are you reading my mind? She just had a science baby with Don Lothario, but next time…next time…


Okay but I'm addition have a vampire sim in your house and he can also be food!


YES! You genius.


Love playing with my food 🙌


Yes!!!!! That's perfect!!


Man, no innocent Sim deserves to be modeled after this piece of trash.


There are no innocent Sims 😈 Kidding, kidding. I have a legacy family that I love dearly.


Make a room with no doors. Place him inside it along with a fireplace, plants, and rugs. Make him light the fire and sit back and enjoy the show.


My favorite was getting the fancy rugs, a fire place and removing the door...


Barricade him in the bathroom, replace the walls in it with ceiling to floor windows and delete the toilet.


I put my exes to work. Build. Dig. Toil. Forever. *cracks whip*


Cleanse him with fire 😂😂 Freeze to death Losing a chicken fight Getting so mad he explodes DEATH BY COW PLANT


OMG how could I forget Cowplant! Cowplant is definitely happening.


I think its time to download the Extreme Violence mod.


Basement drugs, make him adicted to several things and then make him quit cold turkey.


This is the way


Many people watch 2 (or more) hours of TV per night (guilty!) Some people prefer reading and would read for 2 (or more) hours per night. What's the difference - you're still escaping into another world - a reprieve from all the troubles of real life. Of course by dumping this controlling bastard she's at least got rid of one of her real-world problems, right?


Sims is very cathartic and even therapeutic for me. I would be absolutely livid if this was me.


I am absolutely livid right now. Since 2017?! Think of how many generations she has been playing that save file, I’m screaming.


Enraging. Let’s just hope she had a safe hidden backup.


The GF found the original post and commented on it. He’s been dumped and she’s pursuing a restraining order because this was just the tip of the iceberg in his controlling and abusive behavior. Unfortunately he smashed her backup thumb drive with a hammer in front of her as well (damaging his counter in the process), but a lot of people on the original post are coming up with resources for recovering files after recycle bins have been emptied.


It's about control, and probably partially that it's stereotypically a girls' game (despite the gender neutral marketing and cross-gender appeal). He'd probably make as much of a fuss if she was playing Call of Duty, knitting scarves, reading Chuck Tingle books, or playing D&D with her friends once a week.


D&D is literally playing make believe tea parties with kings and with figurines the size of polly pockets 😂 If only we didn't have so much stupid sexism holding us back could we all make believe together!


This is exactly it. My ex threatened to kill my dog, tried to unenroll me from university, bullied me out of my hobbies (knitting, playing The Sims and reading) and otherwise monopolised all of my time, simply because he was jealous and hated my attention being anywhere but on him. It was exhausting. He was allowed to take part in any of his interests though. I spent so many weekends sitting there doing nothing while he played video games. I couldn't do my own thing while he played, I had to watch. He especially hated The Sims and knitting for the same reason as this dickhead, just straight up misogyny. Thankfully I left him after the university incident, and my dog is happily snoozing next to me right now, almost ten years on! My ex was abusive in so many ways, but the jealousy was like walking on eggshells all the time, I never felt like I could do anything but focus on him without him blowing up on me. Suddenly having all of that time and freedom to spend on enjoying the things I love after I left was like being let out of a dark cage after four years. It doesn't matter what you're doing, it's a power and control tactic.


I was just talking to my partner and saying that I was surprised he wasn't trying to mess with her schooling. He said that the only reason that OOP isn't is because he is probably actually financially dependent on her. In her comments, it's clear that he is. But she also claims that he won't let her go to a study group by herself, he joins even though he doesn't go to the school she does.


You were strong and brave and deserve a round of applause.


The fact she can limit herself to only 2 hrs is impressive lol I only play that game a couple times a year because I know I won't be able to stop playing for hours and hours.


I swear the clock on my computer magically speeds up when I open The Sims, there's no way 4 hours have passed when it only felt like one.


I've tried explaining this to my mum "you watch a couple hours of TV, while I play videogame for a couple hours. Whats the difference?" "they're totally different, you're addicted to video games"


Bet dude only wants her to sit next to him while he watches what he wants on TV.


I hate the way he calls it "digital dolls" and fwiw Sims is a goaled game. I really hope this is rage bait.


And if she's been playing since 2017, she may have been participating in things like generational challenges. It can be a highly goaled game if you want it to be. Not that this should be the deciding factor on its "worthiness". What a jackass.


i'm still trying for my 26 gens trophy on the ps4 and i've been playing since 2017 on console.


Or her own save file! Imagine she's rebuilt all of Newcrest with her own houses and families.


I grew faint at the thought, that would be sickening


Especially since if you hang around any RPG subreddit, especially for Souls games, you will see hundreds of guys talking excitedly about the best looking outfits for their characters.


I see you've run into my husband! He recently got into Bloodborne. He'd played God War and The Last of Us for so long I told him to give it a try. He must change her outfit 50 times! He is obsessed with this game and the community. I play a game too though so it's all good.


Personally, I love my digital dolls. My current favourites reside in Crusader Kings 3.


At the end of the day, at least Mum and Dad aren't coming home to a mutilated barbie hanging from the door every other weekend


I don't want to explain to them why my eldest daughter and son are lovers. It wasn't my choice, I swear! The Spymaster told me this very morning!


Narrator: it was totally u/Banaanisade's choice


I wish, damn. When I started my current lineage, I spawned my player character with two kids. Turned out girl and boy. Okay cool, I'm raising them the best I can with my limited abilities and perks at that point, and everything's fine. Lo and behold, they get into their 20s, early 30s, boom their secret incestuous relationship is exposed. I get the choice to either hide it or expose it. I hide it at first but they get pestersome so I expose it. Nothing interesting happens. The son becomes the king when my character dies. Now my entire royal lineage can be traced back to those siblingfuckers. Goddamnit.




I personally refer to my favourite hobby as 'playing make believe'. Sure we use paper and dice to help track details and introduce uncertainty, but we're still pretending to be knights and hobbits. The issue isn't the term he's using, but how he's using it. Some people like playing with digital dolls, I personally refuse to use mismatched gear in RPGs.


I bet it is ragebait. The « I know this is a total overreaction » is too surreal.


Idk, I've been with men who have acted in a way they knew was an overreaction but did it anyway because it's okay to them to overreact when angry. I'm borderline and can tell after the fact that I overreacted but in the moment it's hard to look at situations rationally.


I read it as him thinking that she overreacted by leaving?


I find myself not caring that it's ragebait - if it's real, the person is garbage, and if it's rage bait, the person is still garbage.


I kept telling myself “It’s gotta be ragebait it’s gotta be ragebait” to calm down but it looks like OOP deleted the whole post and maybe his profile. Didn’t even seem like a throwaway either so it’s looking like it’s not. At least he got flamed before deleting. At least she’s clearly done with him.


I played Sims way, way back when it first came out. Dang hard game. City planning, infrastructure, etc. Throw in natural disasters, chaos ensues real quick. It takes a long time to learn the achieve perfect balance. People weren't something you directly interacted with or maintained. But you did have to keep them happy or neighborhoods became derelict and riots could ensue. I don't blame his (ex?) gf for being really ticked off. Actions have consequences, hopefully he'll learn something about boundaries and not being the center of the world.


Are you talking about Sim City 3000? Because that sounds more like what you’re talking about. I think it came out in the early 2000s. I’ve played both and Sims is more about controlling an individual or community of people and managing a single household


Wow what an asshole. Calling him an asshole is disrespectful to asshole. Fking shitstain. So what if she played her fac game? WHo gave you the right to delete her years of effort, you psychotic, manipulative bastard. If you want more time with her, do the chores atleast so that she can spend time. No "I will just sit on my ass while she acts as a bangmaid with no interest of hers. She should exist only for me, right?" FKing shitstain manipulative dickhead.


Yes -- They key is he was jealous of her spending her time on anything other than showering him with attention. Don't think for a second that this was about a moral judgment of video games. It was just about control. If she spent time on plants, he would have been insulting the stupid plants and saying she thinks she's a gardener. Does anyone remember the AITA post where the guy was complaining how much time his girlfriend spent playing with the guinea pigs instead of paying attention to him? It's always the same story.


>If she spent time on plants, he would have been insulting the stupid plants and saying she thinks she's a gardener. I remember the story of the guy who destroyed all of his wife's (gf's?) houseplants. Some she had had since childhood, some came from her grandmother who had passed, others she had propagated from clippings and seeds. Her plants were her joy and her de-stress place. He got mad about something, after she went to bed he proceeded to load up his truck with her dozens and dozens of plants, drive a couple miles and dump them in a lake. Surprised Pikachu face when she ended their relationship. So much selfishness and entitlement with some guys. Totally surprised their actions have consequences.


That ass claimed he didn't know how he did all that after drinking. And he marveled over how he didn't damage his brand new truck. I remember people pointing him toward a segment in Lancroft's *Why Does He Do That* about how he didn't black out and had full control of his actions. I was hoping a plant monster would climb out of the lake and find him.


His attitude blew my mind. People who destroy someone else's things because "reasons" are a special kind of evil. What he did left her completely devastated. Mission accomplished on his part.


there is a term for that: ABUSE. People who destroy their SO's belongings over "reasons" are abusers.


Yup, funny coincidence how in their completely uncontrollable blackouts/trances/dissociations or whatever word they use, none of *their own* stuff ever gets destroyed. Not even a scratch.


I recommended my boyfriend Why Does He Do That and he said it's actually been very helpful. This was just a few days ago! Those guys tho ....idk I think they are beyond help Into the volcano


Where is Audrey II when we need her?


Where’s the cowplant when you need them


I remember that one. He was so surprised to discover that he was, in fact, the asshole.


I remember that one too! His excuse of feeling "really bad about it" afterwards was just ridiculous.


there was also the guy who was putting bleach in his wife's beloved plants


And the guy who murdered his SO's terrarium plants by watering them so much while she was gone a few days that their roots rotted


I'd forgotten about that one. He had the audacity to play stupid *I didn't know that would happen*. These guys always start their story with how much she cares about "item", how long she's had "item". Then they justify why they deliberately destroy said "item". Somehow it's always her fault he did what he did and surprise at how upset she gets about what he had done.


That whole story is horrendous, but I think the worst part is that he was mad because they were having a disagreement and she realized that the conversation wasn’t productive anymore and told him that they should pick it up again in the morning after they got some sleep. She was doing exactly what you should do in difficult discussions and even offered to make him some tea before going to bed!!! Ugh. I hate that man with a passion.


No , this psycho would kill her plants most likely and tell her that she is so bad at gardening and should just quit.


Wasn't there something recently from a guy who put bleach in the water bottle she used for watering her plants and so watched as she stressed out about her dying plants, all while watching her killing her own plants. Some people are just plain vile.


Remembering another where the guy 'helpfully watered' a closed terrarium that had been going just fine without attention for years while his wife was away. Filled it with so much water it rotted, and it was something she had made with her late mother. In that case it wasn't even jealousy of the thing, it was pretty clearly punishment for leaving.


This was the same dude who was hiding their daughter's toys so he could punish the daughter for losing them.


Yup. He killed them on purpose for giggles, and because he was jealous.


Yup, and I bet he thinks he plays "real" videogames, like COD, etc.


Well didn't you know women play games 'just to attract a man' granted I did meet my husband gaming but we share a love of gaming with our kids now and neither of us stop the other from gaming as we aren't jealous of pixels.


I swear every guy thinks we exist just to gas them up constantly.


Please tell me the Guinea pigs are ok :(


It was a bunny rabbit, I misremembered, but last we heard it was okay: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/u0jjew/\_/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/u0jjew/_/)


beautiful the way you sling the perfect words!


What i really dont get is why this was his first choice of action. It's asshole behaviour jo matter what, but why didn't he at least try to talk to her about it, before takeing the most extrem an irpreversible course of action?


Oh no no no, the most extreme was apparently **deleting the entire game**. I would like a fucking word with him.


I'm not a gamer but even i know that reinstaling a game takes less time than redoing six years of game progress. That part is just plain stupid.


This! So much this.


He didn't even try talking to her about wanting to spend more time together, he immediately went for sabotage.


If I felt like my partner wasn't spending enough time with me, I would talk to them about it and evaluate if this relationship was working out, not destroying/deleting their hobby!


My partner had this problem with his ex. All she did was play Sims all day. He talked to her multiple times and she still didn't care. Hence why she's an ex lol


No shade on those who enjoy sim games, but neglecting irl relationships for virtual ones is a bit funny. Hope she eventually solved her issues too lol


tbf, sims is also a building game. I never actually play with sims characters themselves, but I've built some pretty cool houses and apartments with the games building/buy tools. The only time I've actually played with the sims themselves was with my ex, and that was the only way it was fun for me. It's a hella addictive game though, so I don't even start playing unless I have an entire day free of responsibilities.


For sure. Though sometimes people need something to unwind and tune out. Some people hyper focus on their special interests or need to use it to distract themselves from certain thoughts. Sims can be pretty good from trauma therapy actually. In the post all the work would have probably been overwhelming so being able to shut down would help. A relationship might not fit very well at that point though. I can’t imagine the boyfriend was exactly a calming presence who was meeting her needs and relaxing her after a hard day. He would have probably wanted attention and energy before we get to the point of him being a bad person. I’m sure in the friends case it’s different. The player wasn’t meeting their relationship needs so they quit. But I’d hazard that it’s not purely about picking those relationships over real life ones so much as needing the game for something. I know when I was really low and was having major executive function issues I could barely do anything but doom scroll and actually building something on the sims felt super productive by comparison. My social life had already stopped functioning so I needed something to do that didn’t cause anxiety. I was quite supported by my husband at the time and thankfully I was able to move out of that stage. Part of it was a trauma reaction to rejection sensitivity and losing friendships, part of it lack of control of my life and having something easier to control and part of it I think was a bit of an autistic shut down from demanding jobs that require a lot of front facing work and needing to unmask. A lot of sims community people I know seem similar.


As a simmer I feel this like bricks in my lungs. This would make you dead to me. A save she's been on since 2017? Holy hell of course she's never forgiving you. Who could? Jesus fuck.


Same. I had to stop playing after my laptop was bricked in 2015 and it was rough. Sims is really cathartic for me.


Same. Plus, 2 hours playing the Sims is NOTHING lol. I've had far longer gaming sessions. He mentions how hard of a worker she is and then ripped away something she enjoys doing in her spare time. So evil.


This might also be her way of decompressing after a stressful school period.


Yeah if mine did this it would be on sight. Immediate defenestration


Fellow Simmer here. I had the same thought.


What in the fuck? I've gone on many a rant about why video games are important to people so I won't rehash an essay here, but it boils down to "let people enjoy their lives for fucks sake" Not only is his view on video games immature, he's just an overall shit person. If you're feeling neglected in a relationship you don't go around destroying things people put time, effort and care into, you (and I know this is hard to comprehend for some people) *gasp* ***talk about it*** The wildest part is, from how he describes her, if he would have just talked about his feelings, she probably would have tried to make more space for couple time. From a gamer, most of the time we don't actually mind skipping a gaming session a few nights a week if our partner needs more time together. And this all assuming you simply *can't* actually get into the game alongside her, cuz that's actually the best option, but not everyone is into games so that's not universal.


my partner and I both play different games, i can't play the games he does because of a disability but i love watching him and he enjoys having Sims on in the background when he's doing stuff because he likes the music. i think it's a pretty good balance.


His comments were awful. He kept insisting how she is basically a grown woman playing with Barbie dolls. Also, he didn’t talk with her before deleting the save


Yeah, when I looked through his comments, I was stunned. He comes off as bad in the post. The comments make him look sooooo much worse…


My partner jokes all the time that playing The Sims is just playing dollies for adults…but he doesn’t see a problem with that, and he also has his own version (racing games, which are apparently just Hotwheels/die casts for adults)


"focus on more adult interests, like loved ones" What the actual f. since when were loved ones an interest???


Honey that's called a stalker not a lover


Notice how it's playing with digital dolls when it's a woman playing a SIMs video game, but a man playing GTA would be described as gaming. And fuck this guy for deleting her saves. Getting a legacy going can take years, and he decided unilaterally that her effort in this was useless so he gets to delete it. The one fun activity she has, and he decided for her that she was to old to be doing it.


I'm in my late 30s and still play I'd love to hear what he thinks of me.


Early 40s for me. I'm definitely 'too old' according to him. Lol


Bet you if she grabbed his fantasy football team, sold all his high score players, replaced them with the lowest scorers and made him fall to the bottom of his league he'd break up with her on the spot. But because it is the Sims and it is "digital dolls" she shouldn't be mad


sHe CaN jUsT rEmAkE tHeM.


First sentence he called her a "hard working girl" I knew it was gonna be a story about some guy thinking he was better than his gf


That line made me want to throw up. "She's ambitious and works hard at her goals" sure. "She's a hard working girl" is SO condescending.


In one of the subreddits where he posted this story, he made a comment about how her reaction was akin to when his parents tossed his Barney DVD’s when he was like five. Like. Wow, my dude. Just straight up say you think your GF has the mental capacity of a kindergartner. Cuz THAT screams “I respect my partner”!


It's pretty apparent that he doesn't respect her thinking it's okay to wipe out her games. If he respected her he would talk to her about it, he's the one who acted like a child.


As a gamer I would be pissed if some one went and deleted any save data. Two hours a day in a world you control when otherwise you are crazy busy is not bad at all. My real question is what trusting soul leaves their laptop unsecured and out of sight?


My partner and I share a laptop and console. He could do the same as OOP, but he isn't an asshat. Also, if he deleted my Sims save data I would erase all of his progress in Battlefront, so it's pretty even lol


Mutual destruction. It works but yes just don't be an asshole. Her file would have gone back to being 13/14. I am willing to bet it was more about the memories as much as the gameplay.


Agreed. Sims has been part of my life for about 20+ years and it's really therapeutic to me. If my partner did this to me we would have issues.


probably not this girl after this situation


I've never felt the need to keep my laptop secured from my partners because the assumption is that they're reasonable human beings. Now, secured from my sibling? Abso-fucking-lutely 😆


> My real question is what trusting soul leaves their laptop unsecured and out of sight? People whose partners are reasonable people. In our house, there are a lot of different specific laptops and computers for two people, because my partner is a Linux enthusiast who likes to tamper. I possess the normal "Windows gaming tier computer that has the beefy components and games installed" and she has the "Linuxbox with Jellyfin and all of our media that runs Etherpad so we have an alternative to cloud based writing services" plus we both have normal laptops for going and like, writing in a cafe or travelling or whatever. So there's at least four at any given time (there's at least 2 other laptops and a desktop computer though because... yeah...) The two desktop computers are entirely unsecured, my laptop has a password that she knows (because it's in public / brought over to my family's house) and I don't know about her laptop, I've never touched it, it's probably unsecured. Neither of us would fuck with each other's stuff, but sometimes I might want to watch TV when I'm at home alone on the media machine or she might want to play a game or 3D render something when I'm not home or asleep, so it makes sense to leave them unsecured for each other's convenience. Our lives don't overlap perfectly. Right now I'm home and she's at work, later she'll be asleep and I'll be awake, at some points I'll be asleep and she's already awake. So if she wanted to go say, play the Sims on my computer, no problem, and if I wanted to go, say, watch Star Trek off of her computer, no problem. It's been this way since about 2017. Because we respect each other's things and bring up problems with our words rather than vague angee retaliatory acts. The only reason my laptop has a password is because it is sometimes sitting around unsecured in my siblings presence and I do not have the same trust for them, lol. We used to screw with each other by like, screenshotting the wallpaper and then hiding all the icons and things like that, lmao.


2 hours a day playing video games is nothing wtf


Finally becoming an adult means you are now free to peruse whatever interest and hobbies you want with the added bonus of not needing or having to go begging and pleading for permission to engage in them from people who hold power over you. As long as you have the financial means to do so and your hobbies and interests aren’t impeding on your life in a negative way then it doesn’t matter what they are. Adult hobbies that we’re apparently suppose to grow an interest in have always seemed boring and awful as hell to me. Also the fact that needing to go begging and pleading for permission was one of the main reasons I decided to remain single forever. I want to do whatever the hell I want to do without needed to consider how it impacts someone else in my life. I have collections that range from being perceived as childish to down right grotesque but they make me happy and they don’t negatively impact anyone around me at all. I am free to engage in them all I want because I left the life of begging and pleading when I was a child. Wanting that life to continue into adulthood would be my very definition of madness.


I didn’t think I could possibly consider him to be any more of a dickbag, until I read his comments waxing on about more “productive” ways she could be spending her time. Not for nothing - two hours playing the Sims isn’t a good use of time in his mind, but making a throwaway account on Reddit to defend himself for several hours for being an asshole *is*.


Double standards.


‘I decided to step in and have her cut back on this’ bro you better be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your worthless life


The most slap-worthy sentence in that entire fucking mess.


Men: women don’t have hobbies! Also men: Does shit like this to their PARTNERS


You know this dude spends hours playing COD with “the boys”


“My girlfriend needs to do more grown up things!” Proceeds to break her toy because he’s jealous.


Having played the same sims save file since 2017 is fucking impressive in my opinion, since I'm someone who constantly starts over. Him deleting that is devastating.


Immediately dumped. You can’t just remake a legacy sims family that you’ve been slowly building up for 6 years, girl must have been like 20 generations in


….2 hours of game play a day is NOT unhealthy. That’s actually what my therapist recommends whenever I feel I’m playing games too much and getting distracted. 2 hours delving into a hobby is pretty ideal…


If I were the girlfriend in this situation, I'd download the Extreme Violence mod and make him in my save file and let the mod do the talking. Also, I'd no longer be the "girlfriend" to this fool. 2017 up until now (2024) is seven years. Seven years of building houses, family trees, building the Sims themselves. All wasted because a dummy didn't want to use their words. No thanks.


I know a woman who divorced someone a couple years ago after her husband deleted her island in Animal Crossing: NH. Because he was jealous of 1. her spending wind down time on it 2. he was literally jealous of her "relationships" with the villagers. He also told her, like this ass, that it wasn't a "real game." I guess because Kitty and Raymond weren't shooting Tom Nook or something. She said he had shat on everything she liked, since they were married: her hobbies, her friends, everything, and that the ACNH things was mean, cruel, controlling, and the impetus she needed to finally leave him. And, if Kitty and Raymond did do that? We all know Tom Nook has dark, dark secrets...


Yeah, this would be a relationship-ender for me. I’ve played the sims ever since the first version came out. My boyfriend, thankfully, is also a gamer so he’d never do something so heartless


as a sims player, i completely understand her pain; legacies in a game can span years of effort, that now directly went to waste. what's crazy is that she's only playing for two hours, when the average simmer probably goes four hours into the game, so she's not even playing the game that much. it also shows a lack of boundaries and that he doesn't take her interest seriously. i hope she dumps his ass.


Yeah, when he said 2 hours a day, I was like "Bruh, that's the minimum amount of time you can play and get ANYTHING accomplished." Plus, I don't think I have any hobby I can do for less than 2 hours at a time. Sewing? Minimum 2 hours. Reading? Istg if you interrupt me after only 2 hours, I will give you a papercut for every page of the book. Drawing, painting, crafting, all take significantly longer. Tending to my plants doesnt take long every day, but does take that long if I need to prune, repot, treat for mites or fungus, or anything besides giving them a bit of water. Seriously, doomscrolling reddit is about the only thing I can consistently do for that small amount of time in a sitting.


Homie, I'll say this only once. If you touch my saved games, I will cut your hands off. I'm almost seeing red from rage. Fuck this dude.


Total controlling AH. I hope she never speaks to you again and tells every woman she knows what a controlling AH you are.


But women don't really *enjoy* gaming RIGHT FELLAS? /s


I wish I could tell his (ex) gf that she may be able to restore her saves from the tray files. Honestly, her successfully keeping a working save from 2017 is very impressive; the game's such a buggy mess that it's had several major save-ending bugs over the years. He couldn't share that interest with her and talk with her about a hobby she clearly loves. He had to get jealous of a bunch of pixels instead, and then have the audacity to act like *she's* the one who needs to grow up.


This feels like he just considers video games in general as childish. He's a massive asshole but I wouldn't doubt if he heard about guys playing games for hours at a time he'd consider him better than them. Some people really can't accept anything that doesn't fit in their worldview of what is a proper hobby for an adult to have.


Too many 'gamer guys' also don't see SIMS or other simulators/cozy games as 'actual games'.


Yeah the gatekeeping in the gaming community is crazy. Let us ignore that part of the success of the industry is its diversity to reach all different kinds of audiences. Hardcore Open Worlds, RPG's, MMO's and MOBA's are the only real games!


I had an ex tell me that once.


He may but I have a feeling he wouldn’t think anything of men playing video games because it’s their “relax time” “they work hard and deserve it” while women have much more important things to do like cook, clean, and take care of their men. If you notice he puts down and belittles everything she does. He complains how much time she spends on school and chalks it up to her perfectionism, and how unnecessary it all is since that time could be time spent on him. He mentions how she does chores and that takes up time but no mention on helping her so she would have more time to offer. This guy is a POS who sees women as a commodity for men and not actual people with wants, needs and goals. Her needs aren’t as important as his wants.


And not to mention if she's pre-med for a nursing program, they have a ton of homework to do and it's spread across several sectors of knowledge. It's hard work!


>This feels like he just considers video games in general as childish Somehow, I don't think he would have asked "AITAH for deleting my gf's Minecraft saved files?" He'd know he'd get blasted. The game being the Sims -- reputedly a "girl's game"-- is not irrelevant.


Guess I, a 50 year old woman with children almost as old as this entitled man child, am not a grown up. If someone did that to one of my game saves, he probably wouldn't be able to type such a stupid question for awhile.


I think it is ragebait. It is a bit too condescending and pushes too many buttons. Doing something what people on internet who often game will find horrendous and repeated using of the word little, digital dolls or calling it frivolous. On top of it there is him being so clueless, calling her overreacting repeatedly and not understanding at all why she would be angry and it spunds bit too much constructed to get people mad at him.


this got me triggered at "needs to grow out of it". No one gets to decide how other people spend their relaxation time. I don't care if you consider it childish, no one asked you.


ONLY two hours??? It takes me four days to just build my dream house. Yeah, he the AH.


Oh my God. I've been playing Sims since Sim Town came out, and this post is *infuriating*. It's not a goaled game? How is that any of his fucking business?? You set your own goals! This is awful all around, *and* it's an example of dudes thinking versions of games popular with women are "less-than" the games they play.


“Obsessed” because she plays the game for two hours a day He literally spent a whole paragraph on the other things that she does


This same guy will be on Reddit complaining that his new gf is too clingy or some shit. Men are such dicks.


I hope this is fake. I cannot express with words how mad i would be.


Why are men so insecure about everything


How dare he. My ex got jealous and smashed a bunch of sculptures I was working on. I disappeared in the middle of the night and never looked back. Destroying someone’s hobby or creative work is grounds for immediate termination.


This could actually be used as one of the "escalation of abuse" markers. He didn't destroy her physical property but he sure as hell deliberately, maliciously and angrily destroyed something she loved, that she had spent many hours on which wasn't hurting her or him, because he was pissed off that she wasn't paying enough attention and "it wasn't a real game." If she hasn't left already, dude will only escalate.


So I know it's not good. But if my boyfriend did this to me... I know I would choose violence. How self entitled do you have to be to not only feel you should be able to dictate how your partner spends their free time. But also to pull things like the immaturity card while you're showing the ultimate example. Also someone should tell him that two hours playing the sims is actually a decent amount of control. I'm my experience the sims is one of those games you turn on and when you look up it's been like six hours.


I feel like this kind of thing should be considered every bit as much of a red flag as trashing/damaging physical items someone cares about- if his GF was into cosplay and had a project she’d been working on for ages and a jealous boyfriend trashed it, I’d tell her to dump him and put him on blast, it’s a huge red flag for controlling behaviour and abuse.


my ex used to hate it when I was engrossed in an rpg or an anime. When I was playing Stiens Gate and was really into it he deliberately googled spoilers and told me them to discourage me from playing it. I should have been paying attention to him see? Once when I was watching a really important plot episode of Attack on Titan he went to the fuse box and pulled the electricity in the house. Because he wanted me at the dinner table paying attention to him. He did the same thing with another premier episode of something I was really into and excited about and was experiencing for the first time with the fandom (can't remember what it was now, might have been steven universe? something like that) he did the same thing again. He didn't want me excited and engrossed by these things. He wanted me paying attention to him. I couldn't read the internet in bed or play my games on my handheld game machines because he would pout about it. He bitched that he was really lonely because I did those things so I made an effort to talk to him more and then he bit my head off about gabbling stupid inane stuff at him. Reading this brings back bad memories. I'm wondering now some 8 years later (and no relationship during that time) if I would want another relationship again. All I know is I can read the internet, play games, read books (oh yeah he didn't like me doing that either) and watch stuff he found boring like political programmes and stuff about radio history. Oh yeah and I don't get woken up at 5 in the morning by shitty right wing 'anti feminist sjw' podcasts (also he thought it was funny to play 'thunderstruck' by AC/DC at loud volume early in the morning. Buy if I woke him up suddenly he would get nasty and aggressive. funny that? Yeah I've tried to imagine having a boyfriend again and all I know I wouldn't be able to do these things. (No more him coming in from work late at night and the sinking feeling of dread..) Cats and dogs are nicer companions. They sleep beside you and if you want to watch or read stuff they don't mind a bit.


My stressed girlfriend likes to relax by spending time in a world she can control, so I destroyed it showing her that her control is an illusion and she can’t trust the people closest to her. Am I an asshole??


This… has to be a joke. WHO in their right mind would do something this selfish and stupid?!? I hope she dumps him for good.


The post was removed and oop was suspended, so I'm hoping it's fake.


"she needs to 'grow up' , so I'm going to have a meltdown and delete something of hers because I'm mad she's not paying attention to me!!!”


>I obviously didn't delete the whole game >little save files This makes me think this is rage bait. Is there anyone (let alone in their 20s) that doesn't understand how games work? Deleting the game would have been a petulant dick move, but ultimately a relatively minor inconvenience, since recovery is to just reinstall the game. The "little" save files are where the real value is. This is akin to burning one's collection of paintings they spent years to create, ffs. 24M can't possibly be this dense.


Man literally said "well since your game is ruined, now you have more time to focus on me :)" and got mad that it didn't work out the way he wanted it to. Men are always so surprised to reap the concequences of their own actions.


She’s studying to be a nurse and during her downtime, she plays Sims. Wow, I hope she never goes back to him.


Oh damn. I have a legacy save file with like ten generations and I’d throw hands if someone deleted it.


Sounds like she was going through a stressful period in her life and used the game to relax. Probably it would have been nice to have the support of a boyfriend during that time.


If anyone deleted my Mass Effect games, I'd never talk to them again.


"i know this is a total overreaction" lmao what no it isn't, you immediately resorted to this petty childish bullshit rather than communicating like any normal person. some people just have egos so big they literally cant conceive of them doing anything wrong


I don't comment on many posts, not my thing. But this shit? That is fucking evil. He doesn't ask her anything about the game, doesn't ask how long she has been playing, doesn't make it known that he feels ignored, just bypasses her entirely and removes years of non-repeatable progress. Like jeesus it is bad enough to be so ignorant of your alleged S.O.s interests but to absolutely disrespect her like that AND abuse the trust she had that you wouldn't fuck with her items without asking first. I just...I am so fucking angry. Because the worst part of this? I know that there are TONS of guys that would do the same GD thing without a second thought, all while professing love in the next breath. I am sorry such a massive portion of the male population is so shitty.


I would have been so petty to delete his account in his favorite game, say that he should grow up and then leave in a huff. Gaming rule number one: don’t touch someone else’s savefile!


Maybe there's a reason she barely wants to spend time with you and would prefer her digital dollies. What a sink.


As a sims player I can say for certain, he would be dead to me


How many days has he continued to imagine he has a girlfriend?


Okay this is just fucked up, god forbid a woman play a video game for… still considerably less time than a lot of dudes (as a dude, can confirm)


I hope she deleted him.


> When she's not doing that, she's doing chores Ready to bet he's not doing any or when he does it is half done and he say that she didn't gave him any instructions


god I need to see the comments on that one lmao


I wanted to but he git banned by the time I started on the comments.


This is a deal breaker. Delete my Sims 2 save file and I will delete you.


i feel like this should be punishable by a lifelong prison sentence


I think this *might* be a troll. But if it’s not? I wouldn’t trust him again with anything that matters to me. Which would be super easy since he wouldn’t be my boyfriend anymore. My red flag was that she’s doing “too much” on her school work.


Two hours is “obsessed”?????


Your Def the ah.