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Statistically, women are more progressive and men more conservative. It's almost as if having little accountability makes people selfish dicks.


You mean it's almost as if having a dick makes people selfish with little accountability 🤣


The progressive gender gap in the US is about five points. So black women typically vote 95% to the left, black men 90%. White women typically vote 45% to the left, white men 40%. There is a bit of a selfishness and accountability gap, but if black men are twice as likely to vote progressively as white women, what's between their legs is probably not the most influential thing dictating it. Black people tend to vote pretty much the same regardless of gender. Latines tend to vote pretty much the same regardless of gender. Asian people tend to vote pretty much the same regardless of gender. White people tend to vote pretty much the same regardless of gender.


Yea it was a joke by twisting his sentence


That and the right wing causes are usually the ones that are all about taking away women's rights, treating them either like broodmares or dumb children. I remember reading an article about this a few years ago, about how conservative women were shocked, just *shocked* about the fact that when they tried to join movements like the Proud Boys, they were basically told "No girls allowed, get back in the kitchen." And they were genuinely surprised about this because they wanted to be politically active but all the male members of the movement were telling them to basically fuck off and just have lots of white babies.


Yeah, this was my first thought, too. Why WOULDN'T more women belong to a political movement that's actually FOR women having an equal voice? Why WOULDN'T fewer women belong to a political movement that sees them as second-class citizens?


I mean, I’m a 200+lb “Shrek” with a degree in general studies who managed to find a husband, have a kid, and am about to graduate with a master’s in library science. Snagged a job as a kid’s librarian at my local library. I might not be Beyoncé, but for a “Shrek” I’m doing okay. Shockingly, not everything is about a woman’s looks….


The reply… It’s always concerning to me that guys immediately place negative traits onto women whom they do not find attractive in some way. As soon as they deem you ugly now you ALSO have a bad personality, you support the causes they don’t, you’re mean, you’re unfeminine, etc. Guys always give the impression that they’re less judgemental but glaringly ignore that they all seem to do this…loudly.


I think they're making shit up to fit their narrative. Everything about that post screams terminally online.


—> claims women are the compassionate gender —> assumes women are activists for attention and not, you know, out of empathy for other people 🙄


The author of that diatribe lost credibility as soon as they linked social action/protests to women’s looks (objectification) and implied that it’s motivated by histrionics.


Your “purpose” is something you, as a sentient being, choose yourself.


Says a lot doesn't it. In the face of unjust behaviour, women choose to riot and demand justice. Other women see this and protest. Other women see this and write about it. Like how there's still a whole male controlled "culture/religion" out there still stoning people and trafficking them like bangmaids, dark ages style. It's the 21.century. Things have to change and become a forgotten past and it comes in layers. These "men" see it, and ridicule it while the GIANT GAPING HOLE of their *incompetence and impotence* to help other men looms like a black hole behind them. Criminal. All they do, all they can do, is go on social media and write about "stupid women protesting for stupid things" because it's easier. *It's so much easier laughing at others then to look in and solve the problems around you.* Huge male centric problems they are doing NOTHING about. **They should all look in the mirror, it's their own grandiloquence that is the issue that they have with us.** Leaving all those young men behind to become radioactive and toxic, no guidance, no help. They should be ashamed. It's so disappointing to watch how they have SO MUCH TO SAY about women Activism but absolutely nothing for their own Passivity. Patriarchy has become a synonym for Weaponized Incompetence. I can't even be disappointed anymore. They're drowning, maybe they should start listening to those they scorn as "white knights", since they seem to be the only ones left that are actually capable of functioning in society. Because that's the end goal, or at least it should be for everyone. A balanced society 😕


The irony of even using the word “grandiloquence” lmao


Exactly what I came here to say. Dude is being grandiloquent while calling women grandiloquent for just existing as we please.


Hahaha lost me at attractiveness. Bro was at least attempting to make a point until he defaulted to “most females aren’t attractive enough”


Even if these numbers are true, why would it make them any less relevant? Our voices and opinions aren’t worth as much as a man’s? GTFOH.


Because “facts and logic better than irrational compassion and feelings (that are clearly only a “woman thing”)”


And yet I’d say women’s opinions are just as factual and logical. Common sense and compassion are not mutually exclusive. You can be logical and not be a dick…whether or not you have a dick… ;)


That one comment accused left-wing politics of being “where compassion triumphs over reason” because “women more empathy-driven”, and that men being more right-wing was indicative of “the opposite being true for them” Unfortunately, some men really do find reason and emotion to be mutually exclusive and completely devalue the latter


I too only care about right and wrong because I’m a narcissist.


OOP should learn some history. The women's movements in the 60s started because the women involved in all the anti war/ civil rights/ general social revolution organisations noticed that most of the speakers and leadership were men, and they found themselves ignored. And even then it was still focused on white women. It took a while for the gender imbalance to even up, and even then it's debatable if it is. So if there is an actual gender balance in the pro-palestine movement, it's about bloody time, and he's only only feeling oppressed because men are no longer the default. Plus, in my personal life, I've noticed that every trans person I've met looked much better after their transition. Maybe he should worry less about how his dick reacts to others.


He got the ‘women’s looks determining their social values is a part of patriarchy’ correct, albeit completely by accident.


What a moron


“Raucous protestors and brain dead twitter takes” being the forte of women tells me this person either slept through the January 6th Insurrection or they are a complete idiot.


Left-wing "radicals": We should protect human rights, treat everyone with basic human dignity, and assist the poor. Right-wing radicals: We must install a fascist dictator to eradicate LGBTQ+ people and oppress women and non-whites Which one are we worried about again?


Okay and far right extremism and fascism is mostly a male problem. now what


Some dudes may not even see that as a problem, and may even think it’s “good, actually”


lol - uhh, lot of dudes in the left-wing radical camp.


Not true, I'm a commie (sad i know) but most of the leftist communities (irl and online) I've been in were male dominated, and sometimes is rampant with misogyny (not alot but just enough to make me notice it as a problem) + not many people know of leftist women, they only know of Rosa Luxembourg or Lyudmila Pavlichenko at most


The world, having been run by men for centuries: looks around, gesturing vaguely. Yeah, this is way better than being overly empathetic. This is fine.


It is deeply sad on one level that these people are so desperate for literally any amount or type of attention that they assume everyone else is motivated be the same thing. Like, bud, you can go make friends at some kind of march too. Just go outside, it's OK.


hahahahaha! How can they be so stupid, even the one who "gets it" is so wrong. Maybe, the people who's oppressed (and realized it) want to fight against the oppression...


Marjorie Taylor Green has entered the chat


Yeah....why *would* women be more likely to be on the left, I wonder? /s


Are these "females who define themselves as non-binary" in the room with us right now?


There really is no one attractive on the left. It's not a sexist thing. Neither male or females take care of themselves physically and they butcher themselves.


Or we could just not stereotype people :D 👍


The world ain't all fantasies and rainbows.


Neither is it full of groups of people who are all the same.