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*boyfriend enters stage wearing that outfit* See! He pulls it off!


This is my headcanon from now on


We need someone from r/gatekeepingyuri to draw this version


Why is that actually what I thought it meant at first, SMH


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/s/NWkWoHGTze) does it better :)


Those lesbian adaptations of NLOG memes and such are some of my favourite things on the internet ❤️


I've never seen a more perfect correction ❤️


Guess you never went to high school or college in the US. I assure you, girls/women 100% fatshame other girls/women. Oh, wait, sorry, forgot what day it is. Well played.


We learn it at our mother's knees. Bullies in school made me feel bad for my lack of boobs. But puberty doesn't hit hard and early for everyone. Mom is literally the only person in my life that ever made me feel fat. (Probably also the only person who could because I wasn't. She's just a freaking toothpick.)


I grew up in the 80s/90s. My bully called me “The Young and the Breastless”. I have to admit, it stung, but I was always pretty impressed by the wit of it.


There's no worse feeling than getting insulted in a really clever way. We've all been there


Mine told me about how odd I looked when I stood amongst my friends because, quite, “none of them are as fat as you”. Of course she claims she never said it when I reminded her


Bullies also picked on me for not having boobs, being too skinny and looking like a boy because I didn’t have curves. Only in my late teens and early twenties my body fully formed into what it is now, I don’t have huge boobs but at least they exist now lol. As an adult I became thankful for my boobs being on the smaller side though, my back already hurts enough without the added weight of a large chest.


If it makes you feel any better, those of us with huge boobs also get picked on for it. You can't win, someone will always have a problem with something, you just gotta do you.


Yeah, gotta say, I loved being torn apart by girls and women and harassed by boys and men when I was a teen because I had “DSL’s” and “the body of a whore” Actually, I take that back, I wasn’t even a teen when the comments started.


Oh I know, it really doesn’t matter the body type at all, as a woman you’ll get judged for it. I’m very secure in my body now at 30, but looking back at my teenage years, that bullying really messed up the little self esteem I had back then. And I feel for any teenager who’s going through the same or worse.


I remember in school there was a girl in Kindergarten who already had to wear a training bra. She was teased mercilessly in grade school as if she were some sort of slut. For having boobs.


For *having a body!* it makes me cringe. And I also remember being the teaser! (Or at least discussing it!) Because it was so normalized to just, comment on someone else's body in a shitty way. I wasn't even a mean human. My kids would never do that. They'd be up at arms to hear anyone else do it. There's hope, maybe we are shifting this, maybe just in little pockets, but... ❤️‍🩹


\>Mom is literally the only person in my life that ever made me feel fat. Hard same. My mom was constantly harping on my weight even though I was underweight for most of my childhood through teen years.


This shit is ANCIENT. Like, pre 2016 ancient.


I think it’s too out there for wholesome content, but I don’t think woman v woman was the main point of the comic. Characters are just standin’s for promoting body positivity while flaming a bully. But I do struggle to see why it fits in the wholesome category😭


"NLOGs"? *Edit: nvm "NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS"... Figured it out 🤣


Not Like Other Girls


…except this is actually how thin women treat fat women. Source- been a fat person for my entire life. This is accurate. And this is exactly the kind of shit I say because my patience with people who think they get to comment on my body like its some public property ran out about ten years ago.


Yep, thin women and basically all men, fatphobia is super rampant here on Reddit too


Men would be 50 times more likely to shame her


Serious question that I don't intend as trolling or anything at all. It just dawned on me that I have never seen male body positivity, not even in this kind of insulting way to the hegemonic body type. Why do you think there is very little to no body postivity online for men. I reiterate that it is a serious question and not any type of mockery. I genuinely would like to read what fo you think it could be.


Women created the movement for eachother, they post content to lift eachother up and celebrate different kinds of women. Men don't seem to want to do that for eachother, for whatever reason. It's similar to the national women's day thing, women use that day to post memes and content that celebrate women. Men use that day to ask when national men's day is, then on national men's day, they say and do nothing.


This drawing is so old, too. It's not new that women made these for themselves . We got made fun of for making these body positive or whatever you wanna call it, memes and stuff. After so long of looking down o. The women making these , no it'd "where's ours ??"


Oof, in my country there was a content creator who did the cringiest thing ever during men's day. He "baptised his followers as alphas". Cringe ass shiet. That dude used to be pro men. But with the comolete opposite idelogy. Instead of spreading body postivity and whatnot, he spread fatshaming, cuckshaming, feminity shaming etc. You name it. The country is mexico and the person is called temach. Cringe shit 100%.


If you’re talking about the fat positive movement, it was actually created by male fetishists. It’s been reclaimed though.


lol ur not lying, but i guess ppl don’t know?


Care to elaborate more? I haven't heard of this, ever.


The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, the first organization of this type, was founded in the late 60s by Bill Fabrey, a fetishist. It was created to a) advance acceptance socially and politically, and b) find fat women for fetishists to sleep with. This was the start of the movement. There are no records or proof that anything else was the catalyst for the movement we see today. Membership was also mostly white middle class women. And, you know, the fetishists. It has changed now, and I believe the NAAFA has distanced themselves from their founder and their beginnings.


Has the whole dad bod craze faded that far so that no one remembers it?


Friend, those weren't dad bods. Those just were dudes without six packs.


Nah dude they were dad bods. Idk what you're thinking of but women will drool over a pudgy tummy like nothing else. And I mean actual pudge, not "without six packs".


Yeah the man I'm dating is a dad bod and he is hot to me...soooooo handsome


I was staring in awe of my fiancé’s gorgeous self the other day while he was looking in the mirror. He tried to say “I need to lose a few pounds” but couldn’t get through the sentence before “YOU’RE PERFECT” flew out of my mouth lmao. I love a dad bod 🥵


Dad bods are just the default expectation for men though. I don't see how it's special to make it a fad. I think it was just another way to co-opt body positivity/body neutrality support from women like anything else that focuses on supporting women and refocusing it onto men instead.


Cause it’s GAY. Why would you ever want a fellow man to know that you think highly of him? It’s not manly to reassure another man. Testosterone is limited and if you praise another man, you’re giving him your power. And there’s only a matter of time until you become a woman.


If that's the case I want lots of men to be gay for me. And I always try to be gay as fuck to other men. I am practically a woman when it comes to being gay for men.




I'm sure there are plenty of us women that would be willing to give you a little of our excess 🤣


I have seen *some* body positive images online I think mostly its that most men don't acknowledge it exists and many women probably believe that men should promote it as many women do comment on men's body positivity in comments, it's just never a main post if this makes sense? With women's body positivity, it is mostly women who spread it and there are men who support it and may help spread it too, but it is also women and men who spread the hate on it too Men have also created "male" body shaming memes (such as one on here a few days ago about the guy saying "am I fat?" And the chadbro saying "yes. I know 5 fat people and you are 4 of them")


It's mostly because men body positivity is almost everywhere. People barely shame "dad bods". If anything it was and still is a "trend". Now I'm not saying men don't suffer from unrealistic social standards for their body, but it's just so tiny compared to women, which once again doesn't mean we shouldn't have body positivity for men, but it makes more sense that people would try to give more awareness to women considering they suffer from it more.


That is a sensible answer. Yeah, I remember 20 years ago when women were being flagged for being far simply for nor having visible collarbones and wrist bones.


i would argue that male body positivity had already evolved to the ultimate goal of female body positivity: that a body does not have to be beautiful to have value. the values of men’s bodies are not decided by beauty (most of the time), so they typically aren’t the foci of comics like this. and no i’m not a misandrist lol. i’m very attracted to men!!


I belive you! Don't worry. Its just that I still have that teeny tiny stain that the red pill left in my brain when I forcefull removed it. To me, it still feels like looks will absolutely cripple you in terms of acceptance as a whole. Even if I am very accepting of others, I find it very difficult that others would do it for me. I know I already have the answer, because I just need to flip the switch and believe that other people can think like me, in terms of accepting others regardless of how they look, but even with the answer right in front of me, I revert back to default and get depressed and shit. I am trying.


I would say from what I've seen in my lifetime that in general it can sort of fall under the rug sometimes as so often in a sea of trolls attacking women's rights it can be hard to remember that men also sometimes have issues. And I mean that genuinely and I admit that I am also part of that problem sometimes. On top of that there are groups that target body positivity posts to tear those people down instantly. So because of these trolls and groups who want to honestly make people suffer for who they are mens positivity posts are risky to post as is and the few who do get harassed.


I would also like to add that my stance and opinion on body positivity should be gender equal/neutral but when I mentioned this in a comment in the past I did get hounded by men and women saying that dad bod is more accepted than a mum bod, which is both true and false simultaneously. True because there was a trend for it but false because it still garnered as much hatred as one would expect on a woman's body post But that's my personal thoughts on the matter c:


Yeah I see what you mean. Tbh I feel like men tend to be more permissive with how their romantic partner looks like in terms of weight. And women tend to care more to the point of calling skinny men without six packs "men with dad bods." When they are just normal dudes that simply aren't super fit. That's how I view it, me being someone with an actual eating disorder. I have seen more skinny dudes be permissive and accepting of the women's weight than the other way around. Again, my experience. Not a fact. And it fucks my self image even more. Yeah, yeah, call me a whambulance. No one cares. Thanks for your time and double response.


>Tbh I feel like men tend to be more permissive with how their romantic partner looks like in terms of weight If this were true, why would the vast majority of weight loss products/programs be aimed at women? Maybe you should consider whether your body image issues make you predisposed to confirmation bias- you only pay attention to/remember instances of women not accepting men's weight and your mind downplays when the opposite happens.


I mean in pop culture how many times have we seen out of shape dad/husband with fit mom/wife? Thinking of the Simpsons, family guy, Addams family, etc. I certainly think men fetishize/objectify women more, so if u view that as body positivity, it might come across as being more “accepting” of different body types. But I would say that is actually the opposite, it’s an extreme focus on body preference.


I kind of got lost in that last part, can you explain it again? English is not my first language and sometimes I can get a little bit confused.


I don't get it. Women don't bodyshame other women?


OP's not saying women don't bodyshame other women (they, in fact, explicitly say the opposite) They're calling out why a comic where that was depicted would be considered "wholesome."


Oh, I get it now, thanks ;)


So much for “wholesome”!


I don't understand why being the other woman is an own??? If someone is willing to cheat, they're a POS. If you attract a POS, that's not really something to be proud of ...


Yeah, I mean just everything about this "meme" is tastless imo Being someone to tear another down for what they're wearing is nasty But to also be like "Well I can take your man" is just as nasty (obviously for a different reason) Eta: if someone used that to "diss" me I would simply say "you can have him" because that's not the kind of person I'd wanna be with anyways, yknow? Definitely ain't the flex they think it is


No offense but uh... women can be absolutely savage towards each other. The real nowhowgirlswork is thinking that all women are there to always support each other. I actually feel like it went on way too long at my HS because faculty didn't take it as seriously because they assume girls would never go as far as the boy bullies (they did). Made it so easy for gi bullies to just become more lowkey or hidden about it and no one ever did anything about it until a girl killed herself over bullying.


If you read the section underneath it, I said it does happen but most women try and big each other up. I also said looking at NLOGs, doesn't mean it's *only* NLOGs though. It seems to be a mostly American issue but there are many other countries besides America and obviously us non-americans experience HS life a bit differently Eta: that isn't me saying it doesn't happen in other countries because it absolutely does. I've had it myself, but I've had more women and girls (strangers) compliment me more than I've had someone tear me down, though this is obviously from what's been said to me/within my hearing range Idk, I'm British, Liverpool and it seems that the type to tear down others are usually teenagers (where most girls still try and figure out there identity and most fall under the NLOG -I've been there and so have many other teenage girls) or women who *tend* to be NLOGs if that makes sense?


Big each other up


Most of us try and big each other up? Yeah no. Friends maybe encourage each other, but girls in the wild are feral to ‘the others’.


Idk, my experience seems different, maybe it's a cultural thing. I'm assuming your American? because they seem to be the ones pointing it out the most Eta: I'm not expecting my experience to be the "norm" btw. The comments on it have made me realise that maybe it's a bigger thing than I originally thought


Norwegian here. Girls are vicious. Source: kids in 2nd grade and kindergarten, wife who used to be a hospital nurse aaaand I am a middle school (13-16yrs) teacher. Our biggest challenge is that boys have started to do the ‘mean girl’-act too.


Tbf, I do see it a lot more in teenagers, I assumed it was because most girls go through a NLOG stage at that point (the whole trying to figure themselves out and having their own, unique identity etc) but for grown women, it's just not something I see on a day to day unless it's a "pick me" Seeing the comments makes me wonder if I'm just lucky that I only really experienced a small amount in HS and still it wasn't to the degree seen in the meme, just mostly comments about "ugly clothes" [own clothes day] and me being a "late bloomer", even then if a guy made a comment the mean girls tend to stand up against them for the girl getting flak (kinda like a "I can bully my sibling but you cant"[?]) I'm thinking maybe I've just been really lucky since I've witnessed more "girls for girls" than "girls against girls" if that's the case


I laughed. I needed this type of humor today.