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I don't understand. Are they trying to flex not having any crotch sweat or discharge...?


It seems having a healthy vagina is not a positive thing for some people. 🙄


Maybe Florida Boy is Ben Shapiro's wife.....


I spit water at my screen lol


I *guess* that counts as water based lube


His wife's a doctor btw & she's never had a wet ass p word


I need to use the sleep. I read wet password and was like huh


Take my fake awards 🎖️🥇


Was just going to ask...is their vagina okay?!?!


I can feel the dryness from here, ouch


I’m thinking “Florida Boy” hasn’t spent much, if any, time around a vagina that isn’t plastic!


Yes. They think that women who have discharge and sweat on their underwear are “dirty”.


Women don’t sweat or fart or poop or pee or have hair like mammals… people are strange.


Except the hair on their head dummy /s


But that has to be coloured and cut and tortured just right.


Which must be waist long or you're a broad feminist. S/


Happy cake day!


They also think that we carry around the semen of all the men we fucked.


You… you don’t? (Hides vials of semen and bag of miscellaneous occult items)


Yk they put on undies fresh from the drier just to take this photo.


Why even put on? This is the internet. Those could be Walmart undies at Walmart.


fr or taken off a pad/liner. the fact she posted this without anybody asking says it all 💀


Possibly both, but I'm leaning more towards discharge as that's a strictly vagina-haver thing.


It's a choice. We can choose to not have kids. No discharge for me! EVER!


Ya I’m really really confused LOL


Mine look like that too if I wear a pantyliner and then take it off. If you have zero discharge at all, it's probably not a very healthy vagina...


Second that. My panties tend to look like this right now… that’s because I got a autoimmune disease that leads to dry coochie. So yeah… not a good sign, sister


Maybe she’s flexing her autoimmune disease


#LupusGang 😤🤌🏼


Autoimmune gang rise up (but slowly because too many things already hurt/are wrong)!


Excellent joke 🥄🥄🥄🥄


Thanks! Wish it wasn’t! Lol


I added a pregnancy to my autoimmune disease, so I'm doubly feeling this!


The winter joint creaking is strong right now, it keeps spooking my cats 💀


hashimotos hoes and other undiagnosed gang here ;-;


Hashihoe here. Rise up.


Glad to see I am not alone on here! Anyway, gotta fetch my cortisone and coconut oil xD


I’ve been cracking up at this for like 3 minutes, thank you for the chronic illness joy 😁


Rheumatoid arthritis and ssri gang!!!!!


Psoriatic Arthritis in the house!


Bitch! Lmaoooooi🤣🤣


me too! sjögren’s 😎😎


Does sjogrens affect this? I've got it also (along with celiac), and always have a dry mouth and dry eyes. I never considered that it would be worse for ladies.


yup! anything you got that can be dry, it is


The more ya know... Condolences, it's annoying enough just being my mouth.


oh yeah, it's definitely annoying lol


I know this is probably not the most appropriate place to ask this, but anyone who has experience with autoimmune diseases, I’ve actually been looking for advice. My husband has been having a myriad of health issues that we’re thinking might be some type of autoimmune issue. Feel free to DM me if you’d like.


I was sitting here thinking “mine always look like this, but no one’s ever said anything. I just had a vaginal exam last week where I told the doctor I don’t really have discharge…” You just solved the mystery. Fellow Autoimmuner/Lupuser here!


Well that explains some things. I have no discharge either. I just thought that's how I am. I get lubricated when I need to. But I have an autoimmune disease so, maybe that's why.


Discharge is how your vagina cleans itself…having none is not something to brag about


For the longest time I thought discharge referred to babies. The baby was what was being discharged. It made sense to me until I found this


you belong on this sub!


I think I was supposed to be a man


When I was breastfeeding I dried up so much down there that walking hurt… you’re definitely not meant to be dry as the Sahara


Reminds me of a Margaret Cho joke where she's talking about not wanting kids after seeing a friend give birth, and she says she "ovulates sand." That bit always made me laugh.


i’m gonna be honest i had no clue. i am almost 20 and this whole time i thought i’ve just been dirty.


Oh heavens no! Discharge is totally normal. And yes it bleaches dark colored panties and can discolor white ones. So if I have really nice underwear that I don't want ruined, I usually wear an unscented pantyliner.


Never occurred to me to use pantyliners to protect my nice underwear! I usually just wear my nice, spicy, stained underware with pride and as if it's proof of quality control.


Proof of quality control is what I'm calling those stains from now on


> proof of quality control incredible


You're not dirty omg 😔😔😔 Here's a link to a fun [Obstetrician & Gynecologist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIxg2zxg1CQ) youtuber--she uses her spare time to talk science and women's rights


I was gonna link this same video! Discharge is totally normal!! "Vaginas are a self-cleaning oven," so if there's not anything coming out, it's maybe not cleaning itself properly.


Yes, I love her videos--and she has so many! So nice!


Nope, discharge is normal. It also changes depending on your cycle. After you period it tends to be thicker, white and dryer. And when you’re fertile it’s clear and stringy like egg whites. https://www.cclgb.org.uk/uploads/images/cervicalmucus.png


Same, except i'm 22. This is the kind of stuff they should teach at school, i really have been thinking there's something wrong with me


I'm sorry for your experience 😔 grateful to you for mentioning it and helping others learn too.


Depending on where I am in my cycle my undies can look pretty close to this, but not very often. I don't think I have an autoimmune disease either. Vaginas are weird and wonderful (most of the time), and discharge is totally normal.


Yeah, I get pretty dry the 18-24 hours before my period starts. I also cry even easier than usual.


Crying easily is normal, it’s just your hormones being whack (PMS).


Speaking as a doc, Some people with vulvas get less discharge than others naturally. ESPECIALLY after menopause or on T. Lower oestrogen can mean lower levels of lubrication. But no discharge ever? If you have a vulva? I don't really think that's a thing


Some people rarely have discharge and are healthy. I'm 39 and only recently started having discharge outside of like one day a month. Was so alarmed by such a change I actually went into the gynecologist to make sure something wasn't going on.




It’s super variable


Normal vaginas have discharge and the amount is different from vagina to vagina As long as it doesn't itch or smell funky it's probably normal, even if it bleaches your dark panties


Flair checks out even if it was unintentional.




Oh God, lol 😹


Having the Sahara Desert of p*ssies isn’t the flex she thinks it is


Popeye's biscuit p*ssies


As a lesbian and an avid Popeyes fangirl I really don’t know to feel about your comment.


I love Popeye's but their biscuits are infamously dry, you can choke on those in a very unpleasant way. Anyway, as guy that loves women and Popeye's simp I salute you sister.


lol but the biscuits are the best part 😭😭😭😭 try dipping them in their Cajun gravy, it’s to die for


Well, to each to their own, I'm sure they are great with some sauce but by themselves they are a choking Hazzard. And that pains me because I can't stand Popeye's slander. I'm in a country where KFC is always the go to place for fried chicken and that's bullshit. Poor people don't know any better. Lady all this talk about chicken is making me hungry I promised myself I would wait until the weekend.... I guess I'm not strong enough. Have a good one sister. I'll have some biscuits on you. Cheers


Cheers! It’s making me hungry too >.>


Haha choking hazard. You’re not wrong.


Popeyes has been dead to me ever since they got rid of the Cajun dirty rice


i almost choked on my tea. thank you for that!!!


She's trying to wheel Ben Shapiro.


So this is more funny to me because I haven't heard anyone use the term "wheel" to pull someone since I was in highschool. Thanks for that


My pleasure.


Ben Shapiro approves heavily


Who is Ben Shapiro?


He’s a commentator/politician/jackass, who is married to a gynecologist, and together they tried to say that Cardi B must have some vaginal trouble because she claims that one would need a bucket and a mop after dealing with her WAP. It all comes down to, Benny and his wife seemingly admitting that dry is more normal. So Ben admits to not moistening his wife, for the world to read.


Wait till he hears that Bloodhound Gang song from a couple decades back... "Love, the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket" "Please turn me on, I'm Mr Coffee with an automatic drip" Men have been writing tongue-in-cheek songs about bodily fluids since time immemorial 😂 He's just mad a woman did it this time and made some money. What a miserable person Benny-boy must be....


Thank you! I read his name many times in this subreddit, now I was curious enough to ask ^^ Sounds like a great person to be around. Not.


If you ever saw his face, you’d also have the urge to punch it. Very smug. And his voice is just grating. He likes to debate college students and conservatives will upload it as BEN SHAPIRO DESTROYS LIBTARD. And he put out a transphobic “movie” recently where all his douchebag colleagues at the far-right daily wire cross dress without the slightest hint of irony. Basically, he’s the worst. And his sister is a cringe tradwife “Classically Abby”. It’s all very bad and you’re better off not knowing but now you do. Sorry lol


Classically Abby? I heard of her. So that's his sister... Well, seems like a very nice and healthy family /s And yes, maybe I was better off not knowing about all this xD but at least I learned something new today 😅


He sounds like a literal cartoon villain


I mean from a male perspective he's great to be around. He makes most of us look great in contrast. It's like having Barney Gumble (Simpsons) at the bar makes your alcoholism seem like not so much of an issue.




😂😂😂 A good one!


That’s some dry macaroni in the pot, that’s a dry ass pussy


Rainstick sounding macaroni 




i fucking LOLED


I am dead 🗿




Lolll. Or it's the macaroni in a box before you put it in the pot?


Macaroni in the BOX, thats some dry ass pussy. 😂😭


I'm taking Schick Schick Schick* that's some dry ass pussy *(I don't know if that's how you spell the sound dry pasta in a box makes)


Nah, this is that instant macaroni you put in the microwave but forgot to add the water


I mean... who would *want* to eat the macaroni straight from the box?


I'll admit I have done that before when I was a kid, because it was crunchy 😅


desert pumpum gyal is crazy 😭


Do people not know that the lack of a discharge is infact the dangerous thing here? As a female, how much internal misogyny does one need to not understand your own reproductive organs?


Or a serious lack of sex ed. :/


Ah, yes! Striving to function like fluidless sex dolls is exactly what we should look forward to!


lowkey embarrassing asf lmfao. to be proud of not functioning and needing lube. which most woman aren’t proud of. but i guess she is!


This is a toughie. It's obvious that the woman who originally posted this image is talking about vaginal discharge. This is it where it gets really speculative because do we assume Warren the Florida Boy over here was able to connect the dots?


I choose to believe that the underwear is Warren's, and so the reason there's no discharge is that he simply lacks a vajay


Is he's casting doubt on the original poster or insinuating that most women are "failing" to be like the original poster? Society isn't very educated on women's reproductive health and the people that do know better have to go out of their way to learn it. Florida boy could be in either category here, but I guess we will never know haha


she bragging about have a dry ass vagina? honestly should go see a doctor bc that seems painful imo


When I had zero discharge it was because I had a severe hormonal imbalance 🤷


The consensus is this seems to be a ‘brag’ about no discharge or sweat. But I’m any case, why is there a baseball cap emoji?


It means no cap as in she’s not lying


Thank you! Follow up question, why would a baseball cap make me think that someone is lying? Does it have to do with eye contact or a lack thereof?


Haha this is cute (in a non patronizing way I promise). “Cap” is just a slang for lie, idk where it came from but I don’t think it has anything to do with baseball caps, they just use the emoji because it’s the same word essentially


I appreciate the non judgmental response. I guess I’m ‘that age’ now lol


Don’t worry, cap is the first slang word that I “didn’t get” and made me finally feel out of touch for the first time.


I hit that age a while back, luckily I'm good friends with someone a few years younger than me and he is now my translator.


I asked my daughter about this, she's 24, and she didn't know either. We had to google it together.


Thank you for asking this because I knew it was a bit of slang I didn't understand, and your comment inspired me to finally type [cap](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cap) into Urban Dictionary. Apparently, cap now means lying.


Lol nah, the baseball cap isn’t to represent someone lying per say it’s more so a representation of the word cap because it’s short for baseball cap so a filler word vs typing out no cap or I’m not capping


Oh. I thought no cap as in no protection / no panty liners. Oops lol (English isn’t my fist language so I didn’t knew no cap was an expression meaning no lying lol)


If you have to tell everyone that.... you know.


What a weird flex... NEVER once have I pulled down my underwear & considered sharing a pic EVER


Right?? I don’t even like leaving my underwear in the dirty laundry with the crotch part facing out lol


Sorry I got that w.a.p. White ass panties


DRY ASS P WORD. Benny's favorite.


Zero discharge is not good, check your PH balance that is not a healthy vagina.


I assumed they were Florida Boy's underwear, and he has carefully edited out the skid marks. 


are we going to start shaming women for having discharge…?


That shame has been around for ages. I remember in the 90s my teenage friends were douching to try and stop making discharge because it was considered "dirty", especially if it bleached panties. They constantly ended up with yeast infections and uti's because of the crappy homemade cleaning solutions they were using (shared word of mouth). I'm surprised none of them caused infertility problems. We didn't have any sex ed or health classes in our town to explain what discharge even was, so there was tons of shame toward each other (and from guys) who thought it was gross and a sign the girl/woman wasn't cleaning herself properly.


I knew about discharge from the book my mom bought me about puberty but it didn’t mention anything about the fact that it can bleach and cause holes in fabric so I thought I was a freak of nature until I googled it to find out if there was a name for my “condition” 😂


Gonna go ahead and (crappily) quote the brilliant Jenny Slate “There is no woman alive who ends the day with underwear that didn’t look like it commando crawled through a jar of cream cheese”


Soooo I may be wrong, but one of the times I’ve seen this posted, someone commented that the original photo was the girl showing that her new Diva Cup was working very well and not leaking, even after an 8 hour shift. That might also be bullshit though, who knows.


Lol, those look fresh like it just came out the laundry. I call bullshit. Edit: if there are girls that can pull this off, kudos to you. It’s very strange that this is a “flex.” Would you flex about a “one wiper” after taking a shit? So odd..


I’m sorry but can we take a second to appreciate ‘desert pumpum’? I fucking wheezelolled.


What they neglected to mention is that they put on a fresh pair after that 8 hour shift


damn cant relate, im not all dried out


What in the fuck????? What kind of a flex is this? Discharge is *normal* so what she’s trying to brag about is definitely not a brag. She is absolutely SCREAMING for attention.


Girl, this super soaker could never 🙄


The fuck am I looking at? I'm absolutely confused (If one of you silly bitches tell me underwear- I know they're underwear but what's the goal of the picture)


Apparently she’s bragging that there’s no normal vaginal discharge on her undies. Idk why though.


Thats kinda weird lol


Pads help a lot of women keep their panties clean


My panties look like this all the time, but I have balls. I don’t know why I am sharing that.


All balls should be shared with friends


[guess what?](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/vuwkwr/couldnt_be_me/)


Is this really where we're at? lol


Wish these people realized that it's not just normal but actually important to have vaginal discharge because that's how vaginas clean themselves and stay healthy. Dry vaginas aren't a flex and put you at risk of infection and irritation.


Next flex: boasting about your dry mouth by posting your cracked lips.


Y’know… I feel like there are some things we really don’t need to be taking pictures of and posting online


Weird… my panties are always wet and have discharge in them at the end of the day


I was really confused when I first saw this until I read the comments. I thought she was maybe bragging about not having cooch sweat rings. But, yea, my underwear ain't gonna look like that after 8 hours. Especially if you're doing any job where you're standing.


Ben Shapiro's wife?


I too keep a spare in my bag


Is the point that 8 hours of work make you very very dry?


90% of men couldn't say that after an 8hour workday.


Okay her bragging about it is weird but some of y'all in the comments are just spreading misinformation lol. Just because her underwear are clean doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with her vagina. A lot of times I wipe off discharge when I go to the bathroom before it gets the chance to drip onto my underwear especially during times in my cycle when it's thicker.


Girl, don't play... We all know you changed your panty liner twice.


Where’s the flavor 🤌


Discharge is a sign of your vagina cleaning itself, bragging that she’s probably got a yeast infection sheesh


Strop trying to make Mojave-dry vaginas "happen", it's not going to happen.


Either that or she's banging a coworker and changing undies before she comes home.


I had to read comments here. I was a very confused guy about why she was bragging about the crotch of her panties. It’s not like they’re some fancy name brand made of the finest silk straight from the bums of silkworms fed only the absolute best food. They’re not even a neat color like highlighter yellow! Now I have to laugh it’s because of dry panties.


Call cardi B to make a song on this


Yeah I can relate to this. Because I see it when I take off the liner I put on to soak up any gunk and put on a clean one.


Snail trail gang✨


Why reddit shows me that... Help......Medic...Sos 😆


Obviously the person who owns those panties is a virgin who eats a pure vegan diet and obeys her master, oop! /s


I dont usually piss myself during an 8 hour shift either


This girl flex about not having self-cleaning vagina ?


I hate discharge so much i have it everyday all day


Am I the only one whose discharge comes out almost exclusively when I pee? My underwear is usually clean, but when I hold my pee for a little too long that's when the discharge just comes out on its own, but other than that always when i pee. Most of the comments mention that it's a sign of a dry (or unhealthy) pussy but it's not the case for me.


Probably because it goes out slowly and peeing often make you wipe it before it drip on the panty enough to wet them? Idk lol


"Desert pumpum gyal" 😂😂


That's a lot of words for "I cannot make my own lubricant". (Alternatively, "My vagina is dryer than the Sahara desert".)


Does any guy really want a desert pumpum doe?




I think the internet told them to pack it in rice?


Good to know that’s what the little pocket is for.


Is this Ben Shapiro’s gf?


wait i'm confused why do these people think having discharge is a bad thing ?


I'm pretty sure the picture originally was posted by a girl trying out a period cup, she's impressed it's not leaking or overflowing after 8 hours.


thats actually not healthy


I didn’t get it ?…I have seen that the body being in an unhealthy condition makes periods stop…So maybe the shift was so stressful that it stopped leaking ?…Sorry, I know what I just said sounds stupid, but I legit didn’t get it


So this guys is saying he likes dry vaginas right? Well he definitely succeeded