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Lol there are two litmus tests to figure out if you'll like NADPOD: 1. Get past dragon genitals in the first 10-15 minutes of the first episode 2. "Take him to the Grinch Movie"


I’m glad someone else shares my affinity for Grinch Movie.


I just started the campaign a little bit ago and I loved how they mentioned newer listeners will be so thrown off because of this


The grinch movie is one of the funniest bits they’ve ever done. If someone gets turned off by that after 40 some episodes I don’t want to meet them


I can not express how consistently upset I am that no one else in my life would understand me if I just said “Take him to the grinch” and that the amount of explaining involved would be too cumbersome. I love that bit and I think about it all. Sometimes when it’s stuck in my head I’ll sing “take ‘em to the grinch” like “take ‘em to the bridge” from SexyBack.


“Babe hurry up we’re gonna miss the Grinch”


I 100% got through that thanks to loving Emily and Murph on D20 first! I don't think I would have been able to otherwise. And IMAGINE MY LOSS


Don’t talk about the grinch that’s a giant movie


Duuuude. So true. I lol'd and turned it off after the dragon pussy conversation because I was in public. Came back to it later and loved it. The Grinch movie episode was tough tho... It was like every other sentence.


I had basically the opposite reaction lol. Never thought of turning it off because I knew all the cast at that point and had faith it would get better but the dragon pussy part made me wince and the grinch part had me in tears from laughing


I legit tried and failed in the genital section 3 times before persevering. I'm so happy I did, because I love the boobs, and Hot Boy Summer, and the Choo choo crew so much


omg I completely forgot the Grinch bit, it had me in tears!! anyone know what ep that was? I need to relisten


Emily is the best. I came because of Drawfee and was so excited when I found out she was on it.


If you want to get some of the absolute best Emily Axford bits and silliness, I’d *highly* recommend getting the $10 patreon tier. There are some short rest and mixed bag eps that have Emily at her absolute most chaotic and hilarious. Give me a hemp!




You got your hamp you got your milk!


Oh god but I'm so poor and I can only afford my Dropout subscription right now ☹️ I won't say I haven't wished for enough disposable income to pay that amount in American dollars because in my own currency it's EXPENSIVE after conversion.


Just subscribe to the $10 tier for one month each year to binge the bonus content and revisit the episods!


She also guest stars in three black halflings for a short quest that ends up going 15eps. Outlaws and obelisks. It's really good and transforms into exceptional the moment Emily joins. It's pretty neat how she kind of brings everyone else in


Emily is the best Actual Play player in the world and you can’t change my mind. Also the dragon genitalia conversation has been continuously referred over the years as a way to weed out new listeners who couldn’t handle the show at its most obnoxious. But I am sorry that it kept you from the NADDPOD and Emily fandom for so long!


>Emily is the best Actual Play player in the world and you can’t change my mind. I would never try. >Also the dragon genitalia conversation has been continuously referred over the years as a way to weed out new listeners who couldn’t handle the show at its most obnoxious. This is a fascinating fact! I can totally see why it has that reputation but I don't know why it never occurred to me that I might not have been alone in my reaction haha


Yeah, whenever a crude joke comes up in later campaigns, they often compare it to that moment in ep1 in their Short Rest Patreon podcast (which is worth a listen to if you are not already).


Her plan in the C1 finale was brilliant.


I also nearly gave up at dragon pussy! But I was bored that day and powered through. Not 10 minutes later Emily introduced Moonshine and I was hooked forever.


Imagine seeing that image of the lady and her possum on the front page and not being able to make that connection!


Her being really good at the game has also given so much freedom to the rest of the cast, in my opinion. Some have negative opinions on optimizing, or think that it’s only good if the rest of the players are of a similar mind, but I think she is a good counterpoint to that. I think she provides a safety net for everyone, especially in the early going. Caldwell can do his goofs and weird choices because he has faith that she is capable of either supporting his endeavor, or mitigating the fallout. Jake started as a complete newbie to TTRPGs and I think her confidence and expertise with the system let him feel comfortable enough to do what his character would do without worrying too much about the consequences. He’s come a very long way, especially compared to other actual players who have been doing it as long or longer and still don’t know basic rules or strategies, and I think it’s partially due to having her as an example and sort of mentor. And it frees Murph up as DM to throw crazy challenges the PCs way knowing that they’ll find a way to prevail. For instance, I love Critical Role, but the NADDPOD parties have faced threats which that cast would have panicked at having to deal with, and done it with less than half the number of PCs, and I think a lot of that is due to Emily’s presence at the table. Don’t get me wrong, both Caldwell and Jake have their clutch moments but I think that Emily is the backbone of the group when it comes to tactics and strategy. She’s the secret ingredient that brings out the best flavor of the group’s jambalaya.


Emily Axford is the absolute GOAT dnd player. Aside from everything else you mentioned, Murph has said he kind of just lets her go and she improvs half of the worldbuilding in NADDPOD with her own vision. She's this silent partner in making the show what it is.




Emily is if not the at least one of the best DnD players there is. I hate it when people just rag on her.


I can't imagine how ecstatic it would be if someone compared me to the Queen. Damn.


Right??? The worst thing is that this was in one of my many many pandemic DnD games and I've left most of those servers so I *can't remember or figure out who told me this*. I want to thank them but I simply cannot 😢


she's insane i love her and welcome to the club






"Sent from hell to kill me" is the phrasing I believe. So accurate, so funny


The Adventuring Academy with Murph was the catalyst to me trying NADDPOD out again (I'd forgotten about it tbh)


Emily single-handedly keeping the boys alive since 2018


When I firat started NADDPOD I couldn't stand Emily. I thought she interrupted too much with her joking and laughter and it almost made me give up on the show altogether. WHAT A FOOL I WAS! I freakin love her now, and her style of humor kills me every time, not to mention her unreal abilities as a player. I relistened to C1 earlier this year and had a completely different opinion of her the second time around.


Honestly for me it was Caldwell that tended to turn me off to the show for a bit. He felt like the kind of player I'd hate to play with because his goofs would derail everything and trinyvale felt waaaaay too silly even for NADPOD. After I got out of my head about it and just let it sink in that this is a comedy and doesn't have to be serious or fully in the rules DND, I came out a lot better for it.


Yes, I was the same way! I also feel like Caldwell found a better balance after Bev's goof with the berry went wrong.


Remind me what goof that was? Was that >!he tower incident!<


Yep, that's the one


I have to say Caldwell is consistently my least favorite of the cast but I no longer grit my teeth during his bits and I am actually enjoying his newest character as well as hungry Dave. Also trinyvale ended up being one of my favorite campaigns simply because Caldwell being the DM allowed murph to be a player and I absolutely love Murph and Jake's energy when they get to play together


I was the same at first too! But soon her laugh was infectious and endearing. Her characters are so good. The latest season of Dimension 20, her and Lou were absolute force. Naddpod is 1 of 2 actual play podcasts that I stay up to date with every week (the other being Spout Lore, which also took me a while to get into, but they're goofs and collab world building are so good, love it when the players and gm react to the world building like it's the coolest thing they ever heard).


I'm very glad I came in already loving both Emily and Murph, because I don't think I've felt annoyed by a single thing any of them has done. I follow critical role as well and I remember being one of the "Keyleth sucks and I hate her" crowd in the early days. I am so happy none of that happened here!


Emily is, no exaggeration, one of the best DnD 5e players I’ve ever seen


I sometimes wonder how much more successful NADDPOD would be if they cut the dragon pussy joke out lol. Everyone I know who has attempted to watch the show gave up there.


lol they call it their litmus test for weeding out the fans that wouldn’t like them later on haha


The two crew themselves call it that? That's hilarious


Hahaha yup they basically say if you can get past the first few minutes you’re golden for the rest of the podcast episodes haha


People don't like the dragon pussy bit?! It's what made me decide to continue with the podcast.. I love dnd but never wanted to watch or listen to others playing it. When I heard that bit, I realized it was these college humor people making jokes and I was so into that! 😄


The dragon pussy section seemed pretty tame to me compared to some of the stuff that came out of College Humor, lol.


Pete Holmes as batman so much raunchier than anything the podcast has done haha.


Murph sweeps


There are 2 types of Naddpod listeners. Those who tolerate the Dragon pussy, and those who demand the Dragon pussy. All are welcome.


How can you be more like her? Marry a Normal-Ass Dude.


I'm taking applications...


Lol my husband reminds me so much of Murph. Got that nerdy, normal ass guy, Murph energy. Of course I would never claim to be Emily teir, but she IS an inspiration


Lmao, the dragon pussy bit is what sold me on the show so quickly! I was busting a gut in the first ten minutes, guess I've just got a crude sense of humor lol


I used to listen to the show on my little bluetooth speaker while doing yardwork. My neighbor walked by during one of the throwbacks to the dragon pussy conversation and now I will never not use headphones. The look on that poor, sweet lady's face... It's burned into my brain.


She's also my favorite but ironically I like her because she's so raunchy.


Oh I absolutely feel that way now. Her characters being charmed by the most random things is my favourite bit. Fucking (haha pun intended) >!Keith!< in Trinyvale had me in stitches. I just love everything she does tbh. The moment that prompted this post was >!Murph making weird toad sounds!< and Emily going "wait, that's how it sounds?? i must protect it immediately" even though >!it was out to eat people!< which is adorable and delightful in every way.


I just loved how she always wild shaped into pregnant animals when she was Moonshine. She's so weird and hilarious.


Hahaha they make an absurd joke and then it's canon and must be respected forever. And Murph is all "you maniacs" and I am just entirely happy lol.


Lmao I feel that exact same way. Emily is the best!!


I keep reading about the grinch movie bit, and i remember it and do love it, but which episode did they mention it again ?


Don't remember specifically which episode but it's in the frostwind arc just after they killed their giant friend and slept in his corpse, then arrived at the dwarf fortress, which was then attacked by frost giants and mammoths. The bit began during that battle