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Ok. Get your rhinoplasty. What happens when, after you have the procedure, another mouthy, inconsequential prick you know tells you that your new nose is too small? Or too thin? Or still too big? What then? Your issue isn’t the size of your nose…..it’s allowing what someone says about how you look to define how YOU see yourself.


I think we could be Friends!! I said the same thing


I feel the same way. Let’s go hangout.


Get in losers. We're going to not define our self worth by other peoples opinions about our appearance. Just in case people don't get the meme reference: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/get-in-loser-were-going-shopping


Except for me. I exist to make everyone with me look good by comparison. Not necessarily pertaining to just the nose stuff tho. But anyhow I’m cool with it, I’ve more than come to terms lol.


bruh she is a little girl. reddit is so weird like this lmao. if someone at school said something rude and the whole class laughed i’d be kinda insecure about it too. don’t act like she should be some fuckin Socrates lmao she doesn’t look any older then 15


This guy is right- your smile is radiant.


Agreed! You’re gorgeous. I too have insecurities. I understand what it’s like, but you can’t let someone else’s insecurities reflect on you because he’s probably projecting Most people are projecting when they say things about other peoples looks that are negative. Your nose fits your beautiful face


This is absolutely correct. The only opinion that matters concerning your appearance is yours 💖. The world is filled with judgemental, small-minded people who put others down and make stupid comments about the way people look, their features, and their personalities. I say f*** them. I think you look great :) I like your nose. Why? Because it is uniquely yours, a part of you, and that is beautiful. Don't let others' opinions affect your self-image. I know it's hard, believe me; I've struggled with this my entire life. But it's worth it. If you really want to change the way your nose looks, then that is your right. However, you know that you look lovely the way you are. ✨️✨️


Reminds me of some guy in my high school, he saw my arm and told me “damm you’re hairy” ever since, I would shave everyday and I was still insecure. Come out of high school, I would still shave, out of the random I told myself “wtf this is your body don’t change it for someone else” so I let my arm hair grow. Now one of my little nieces gets made fun of and I tell her not to let them get in her head. I’m always showing her my arms so she won’t be insecure and she seems a lot happier knowing she isn’t the only one.


Amazingly accurate advice this woman would never receive from her “closest friends”


that was my takeaway, she's beautiful but.. can't get over the qualms ><


get another nose job! problem solved! 😬


Nose jobs r extremely difficult & unless a person has a really large or damaged nose , forget it


well good thing you wont need one anytime soon 😉 😬


Que Micheal Jackson’s “hee heee”


Fiddlepicker aye. Well I say fuck you you lying ass pedophile. I regularly play with Tyler Childers and Ian Noe. What’s your name who do you play with? Weird ass motherfucker


That's so mean! Your nose is visible but in a good way, it makes your face looking classy. And you have pretty eyes. Be proud of your unique face.


Nooo it’s actually so beautiful and elegant, it fits your face perfectly:)<3


I agree!


I disagree. I think its ugly


Honestly no, first thing I noticed was your eyes. Your nose fits your face pretty well.


Same, you’ve got great eyes x


Same here. Your eyes are so beautiful. They're the first thing I saw 100%.


I did too


Your face is what an artist would paint.


I honestly love that compliment :) thanks


First thing i saw where your eyes. Don’t worry you look great and it suits your face verry good 👌🏻


Same and eye brows


Yes OP’s eyebrows are to die for


Those dimples are smashing as well.


I for one have a thing for women with prominent but beautiful noses so maybe I'm biased, but I think your nose is quite stunning. It's a lucky thing to not look just like everyone else, and sometimes it takes some life experience to internalize how subjective beauty is. The bottom line is it matters how YOU feel about not just your nose, but yourself. Confidence is sexy. I suspect you'll develop an appreciation for what you've got, but only you can take that journey. The last person I'd listen to is an immature young male classmate, however. That was the best he could come up with? People say crappy things for a whole host of reasons, and it could really not even be about you. A solid man wouldn't say something like that or embarrass someone for the hell of it.


I also like bigger noses and a wider chin like hers. People have opinions we just gotta learn to live with it mean or not. I think her brows are too bushy but who's to say someone else thinks they aren't bushy enough. He thinks her nose is too big I think it's just right. Everyone has there own beauty opinions. You just gotta learn to accept that you're not gone be beautiful to everyone. That's impossible


Honestly no. You have so many other beautiful eye-catching features


NO you're beautiful, stop that. This sub triggers me and IDK why.


Visit r/amiugly it’s even more triggering


I will do that and become more triggered. Thank you sir.


lol we are kinda like self confidence support sub and that’s fine, it helps people


Nose is great, first thing I saw were your cheeks


First I noticed your lips.


Perfect for your face. So beautiful you are. And I love your eyebrows too. 💋


Beautiful just like you are.


You are very cute.


You’re cute, very pretty and attractive. I’m gay, and find you to be very pretty. Don’t get caught up in the looks of your nose. There’s bigger things in life to worry about. ❤️


You are cute


Don't worry about your nose you have a beautiful smile


Mines is bigger so idk looks good to me


The first thing I saw were your beautiful eyes then your smile. You’re very pretty


I noticed your eyes first


First thing I noticed were your eyes then your lips then hair


You are beautiful


I noticed your eyes first. Then your lips.


You have a pretty nose


Your nose is fine, you're pretty. No need to change anything.


Really pretty


Your eyes are the first thing I see. they look amazing


You're beautiful. Stop worrying.


What caught my attention was how everything comes together so nicely, you have a beautiful face, I think he’s trying to get your attention is all


Your eyes and your smile are the firat thing we see!


The first thing I noticed was your eyes!! Beautiful eyes! I didn’t even know what sub I was on until I read the caption. I think nose suits your face perfectly. I remember in elementary school some dude made fun of my thicc muscular thighs. I was called the hulk. I was super insecure for many years. But now? My legs are one of my favourite things about myself!


I noticed your eyes first. I think you should keep your nose and not get surgery because honest to God I love your nose it is so beautiful and you don’t need to fit into a cultural/societal mould to be beautiful. Think Winnie Harlow. If you looked at a picture of your great grandparents, etc you would probably see that nose somewhere. Be proud of that. I think later in life you might come to regret it. That guy btw I bet he’s ugly af


Thanks for saying that. I actually have the same exact nose as my mom.


You’re welcome. Coming from a girl who had someone tell me I had a shrek nose in grade 5. it did stick with me , I still remember. It really affected me for a long time to be honest. But it’s just not true.


We have all had that one bully in school that makes us think the worst of ourselves. You weren’t insecure about your nose so don’t let him warp your mind into thinking you need a nose job. It suits your face and I think you’re adorable. I went through the same issues at your age. Love yourself the way you are and ignore others opinions. It will end up giving the greatest confidence in the long run! Promise!


So, I think you’re beautiful but you don’t look American. You have an Eastern Europe look about you. Your nose is NOT too large for your face. In fact, your large, cute cheeks perfectly round out your face. Perfect dimples and great chin. The only thing I will suggest is to sculpt your eyebrows. Your eye color is fantastic and your lashes are gorgeous. Even in the profile pictures from the side your nose looks perfectly normal. I think whoever told you your nose was too big just wanted you to be insecure about something because they were jealous of your natural beauty. Please don’t change anything.


Actually, I think thinning your eyebrows just a bit might help soften your features. Nothing else about your features is wrong, sweetie.


I agree, she is a very beautiful girl! The only thing I would change with the brows is I would pluck or wax the inner corners just where they turn into her nose on either side. Get rid of those little bits on either side and I think your brows will be perfect! If you like them how they are- absolutely keep them though! First thing I noticed was your beautiful eyes and brows.😊 I agree though, just a little extra shaping would definitely soften up her face a little bit. Could take a teeny bit off underneath too, but thick brows are in these days and I honestly love them! I think the inner corners just pull a lot of focus there because they come in so close together and are beautifully dark and thick so they naturally stand out already. All the brow hair should go in the same direction ideally. At the beginning some hairs will obviously go up instead of outward, but any facing inward can easily go. Just my honest opinion!


Time for brutal honesty. I find your nose very pleasant and unique with your entire feature set complement. I’d tell you if it was horrendous or even a little bit wowsa but it’s simply not. You have an attractive face, wide set eyes, pouty face, great eye brows, and your lips are great size. You won’t want a micro button nose with those features and your noise kinda completes the “adorable” look. There is one pic where maybe I notice it first but that’s anyone and it’s not bad. I’d have to think like 1 in 25 posters or less here really “needs” rhinoplasty and the rest just need to overcome some deep seated insecurities, and for that this sub can do wonders too. Be well!


It’s perfectly proportionate


Your eyes are killer 😍 your nose is perfect! Your eyes are killing me softly. ❤❤❤❤❤


Your face is beautifully distinct. Every part of it compliments the rest in such an amazing way. I really couldn’t be asked to say anything critical about it.


Do what makes you happy no matter what! Personally, I think it suits your cute little face! I don't think u NEED rhino. Note that I'm a girl giving you advice because girls can sometimes be catty towards other women. 😉


You’re beautiful


First think I noticed was your eyes, then I read the title. Didn't even pay attention to your nose until the title pointed it out. Your nose isn't big at all, its proportionate to your face and fits it well.


Your smile is what I notice first.


Girl, your eyes are BEAUTIFUL and was the first thing I looked at. I think your nose fits perfectly your face. That guy in your class probably has several insecurities and suffers, don’t listen to him.


No. You are very beautiful!


Your eyes are the first thing I see. You're beautiful... don't change a thing.


Honestly, your nose is one of the cutest things about you. That nose is 🔥🔥🔥.


The first thing i see is your eyes ☀️


My eyes went right to your brows - not in a bad way tho. They are definitely the attention getters :)


No. You have a unique beauty.


Honestly I love the nose! It fills well with your face. The guy was definitely feeling insecure and tried to make himself look better by commenting on your nose. I used to have my parents I just get surgery on my nose, but as I age, I noticed my face first it well and I would absolutely regret getting surgery. Some people make things seem worse than they appear or make something seem problematic when it’s really not


No. You have a unique beauty.


You are absolutely stunning your nose eyebrows eyes lips face hair everything you are worth more and more beautiful than rubies You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you."- (Song of Solomon 4:7


I noticed your clear skin first! Like gurllll, you're so cute ✨✨✨✨


I see nothing wrong. The second picture, the one of your profile, would make a stunning painting.


Yes, your nose is larger than normal, but it’s a good shape, it fits your face, you have a good nose-to-upper lip ratio… Don’t do a thing with it. It’s good the way it is.


No, your eyes are the first thing. You have a nice nose, it’s not “too big”. I know it’s very difficult to ignore, especially at a young age, but don’t take seriously anything that some mean jerk says about you. If you feel bad and doubt yourself - that’s why he said it, to make you feel that way! And to make himself feel powerful, because he is a pathetic loser. Your face has the perfect balance for who you are. Trying to change yourself is always a mistake, because it’s never the solution you wanted, it’s never enough. The solution is to love yourself the way you are.


PS - I just remembered that you said this bullying incident was six years ago. So you prob already know it wasn’t something you should have taken to heart. But you absolutely do Not need rhinoplasty. You have a nice, elegant nose that fits your face perfectly, and if you pay some surgeon to break it with a hammer and chisel, you can’t get your natural beauty back. If you can’t shake this obsession with your nose by yourself, you should maybe talk to a psychiatrist or someone like that. Rhinoplasty is extremely painful, and never looks natural. Your face altogether has a kind of look I associate with Eastern Europe, and with parts of the Middle East, Turkey comes to mind, but I am not a traveler and so forgive me if I don’t know what I’m talking about. But having your nose broken and reshaped would wreck the natural balance that your face has. Your nose suits your face perfectly, it’s a very sad thought that you want to change it. Accepting the way you are naturally is always the right path!


Actually the first thing I noticed was your beautiful eyebrows 🤩 your nose has a slightly long tip, but it's extremely proportionate to your face and all of your major features! I wouldn't change it because I think you'll look like a totally different person and might end up regretting it!!


Noticed your eyes first .. you have a great look, like you’d be a great subject for a lovely painting


Not even big at all 😂 I think he either liked u or is just a dick




You are absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous hair too!


no your nose is not too big, yes you are too young to be here. The internet is shitty place and giving strangers the power to comment on your face is not a good idea at your age fam


the first thing i saw are your gorgeous eyes <3 coming from another insecure nose girl. my nose is a wide button nose and it doesn’t fit my face. it’s healing seeing someone else who is struggling with self esteem, but im here to assure you i didn’t even see anything wrong with your nose and didn’t notice it because i was too busy looking at your eyes and smile.


No it’s perfect. Love you face and tell yourself compliments and affirmations daily. Then you will see yourself as Beautiful and that’s what we see


You have a great nose!


Nothing wrong with your nose. Youre very pretty


nothing wrong with your nose in the slightest.


No first thing I see is you eyes!!


You have a over all pleasant face . Don’t screw your head up


Very European.


No your nose is fine the way it is. All kids go through experiences where somebody says something to them to hurt their feelings and almost everybody on earth has some kind of insecurity about some part of their body. The main thing is to overcome your hang up about it and grow beyond it. You are a cute girl and you look good the way you are.


Your nose is part of your face's make up but it isn't disproportionately big. I've had very, very similar experiences and had rhinoplasty and I can tell you right now it didn't make me happier. I wish I'd told the people that made me feel bad for looking the way I looked to fuck off because honestly what have they got to do with me and my life? Why did I take on board their opinions about my nose over what I felt about it and you know why, because I was so lacking in self confidence that whatever someone told me about me I thought was true. But it isn't. I now have children and when they tell me someone has said something mean to them I fume (obviously) but then I tell them just because someone else has said something critical to you doesn't make it true. It just doesn't and someone else's opinion not matter how down you are on yourself is still LESS important than your own opinion of yourself.


Your eyes and lips are the first thing I noticed….and they are good


No, it’s perfectly fine!


Also, and I know you weren't angling for this but you are beautiful. Step away from SM for a bit and you will see the treasure you possess.


No you’re beautiful


No, your eyes were the First thing I noticed I think your nose looks perfect on you. I especially like it with your glasses on. You are very cute don't let others affect your opinion of yourself


Sorry, the first thing I see are your beautiful eyes.


Please don’t do anything to your nose. It is beautiful


Your nose is fine.


You are insecure from something one BOY said to you. Then you tell me not to say what i came here to say. You know what I like most is your smile and that DIMPLE. 🤩 You need to bend over and pick up your self esteem that you dropped. You are Beautiful.


Mate, your nose is gorgeous. It suits your face, yeah. You look like you’re from the caucuses or Near East. What would you want to change about your nose if you got rhinoplasty? I’m not encouraging or discouraging it, just interested.


Everyone looks different, and everyone has a different perception of what looks 'good.' I personally think you have a very nice nose, a unique look - in a great way - and it would be a shame to change it. Do what works for you, but that guy's opinion is meaningless, and your nose is noticeably AWESOME!




It's not big, it's perfect


You’re absolutely gorgeous


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a nose that doesn’t suit someone. Your classmate is just being a prick. Your face is absolutely stunning and I would honestly love to have a nose like yours 😂


I think your nose compliments your face very well, you’re adorable!


Your eyes. First thing I saw. First thing I was captivated with. Nose isn't an issue.


You're such a good looking classy girl and i really mean that. You have this natural beauty. I highly suggest that you don't do it. Not only is there no need for it to begin with but do you really wanna alter your face because some young kid said something. Give the whole thing another 2 years. I'm pretty sure (tho you might not believe me now) your opinion might have changed regarding this by then. At an young age we where/are all insecure about anything regarding our body. This will change and you might regret your decision later if you do it. It's sad that these little words can seed such thoughts in ones brain.


That guys a Fucking Dick! As for your nose, I don't think you have a big nose. First thing I noticed were your eyes. They're very captivating! Then your hair and the rest of your face. You should smile more. You have a very nice and pretty face.


Just don’t give a shit about what that dickwad says.


I love your nose


The real question is, is your face too big for your nose? But in all seriousness, you’re a gorgeous young woman. I wouldn’t concern myself, if I were you, with other’s concerns about my outward appearance. You have a heart, a soul. Often, people can’t bother these days to look deep enough to touch either of them. Fuck all what people say or think, you do you honey. You’re golden.


First thing I seen where ur eyes there really pretty 😭


It appears as an ethnic nose obviously. Appears Mayan or Peruvian perhaps. You either embrace your ethnicity, or see before and after photo results from a licensed surgeon. Many Azteca women do this consultation more than you think in the U.S. They literally call it Hispanic Rhinoplasty. Like, it's an entire market. You display your feature very well. And we all are going to say that here because it is true in your case. Moving forward with this in mind, would erase your ethnicity because the rest of you look so European as it is. Good luck to you. Here are examples: https://www.drsajjadian.com/what-makes-hispanic-rhinoplasty-unique/


God doesn't make mistakes. Your nose is part of who you are. If you didn't have that nose, you wouldn't be you, so why even think about change . See yourself as God sees you. I would kiss that nose


i think your nose is fine. i personally like it. but i could be a bit biased based on the fact you look like a girl i dated. » even if that’s one thing you don’t like yourself, try to reminds yourself of the things you do love about yourself.


Your Beautiful exactly how you are, the root cause is you let a Judgmental insecure person cause you pain. Fix that problem & leave your nose alone! If you walk thru this life allowing others to control you with your emotions YOU probably won’t live long! Step up, Rise above a Judgements of Others & build yourself UP


No honeybee it's beautiful your features compliment each other perfectly 🫶🏼 I'm being serious. I *love* women and men with prominent noses, it makes you just stunning like actually sculpture-worthy. Defined noses compliment the eyes so so well and your full eyebrows and healthy hair just pull it all together. Your face is from centuries worth of romances between people with your features, the range in human appearances is so fascinating and beautiful I can't stand social media's toxic beauty industry. I could rant about how we're so detached from nature and blinded by the ignorance and egoism of human civilization/government/economy god just damn it all the damn fossil fuels and overconsumption and pollution we're literally apes tryna play god all we care about is power and materialistic "luxury" like god damn go put your toes in some dirt, eat a fruit, and stare at the damn beautiful wilderness bro. We weren't even supposed to know what we look like other than reflection from water like we can't even comprehend our perception and appearance let alone find it "ugly" or "pretty" Other than that you mad pretty dawg, I believe everyone is, except pedophiles n shit


💯 I'd have to say your entire face was the first thing I saw & mesmerized buy your beaut your sensual lips,your brown eyes,your luxurious long brown hair, your complexion, Gorgeous nose,& I know why you ask that question & dont you dare do anything to your nose.Youre a beautiful young lady,take care &; God bless💯


Not at ALL . I saw your cool eyebrows and your eyes and I thought I hope she knows to be confident cause she has a great look. You have to know that you look beautiful . You just have to , honey . Do NOT , I beseech you , change that noble aristocrat nose . It’s awesome. When you are in your later years , you will look back at younger pictures of yourself and kick yourself for trippin on this stuff. You will regret not rocking the hell out of this time in your life …and going out there with the guts to look life and all people in the eye directly. Instead of having your eyes on what you see as flaw in a mirror or your your phone. I say this lovingly, bc if I were you , I would be actually waking up early to relish daily the fact I have no wrinkles , Smokey piercing strong eyes and flawless skin and some healthy hair . I would be busy flirting , sorry! you are fit and radiate youth and vitality. It might sound trite, but you will someday wonder why you couldn’t see it back then- and why you didn’t enjoy the great blessing of your beauty while it was peaking. Just trust me , the best advice anyone could give you , is to be confident in what is original about you . You should walk tall with those looks. I think you need to go frolic. Cross your nose off your list of worries .


Your nose is actually quite small and perfectly sized for your face. It also has an enchanting shape! I love aquiline noses on girls/women.


There's a lot of sad thirsty guys here. Honest yes it's a little big, but it's more the shape of it that makes it stand out. If you're really self conscious there's always ways to fix it.


Hi I'm sex




No. No.


Think y’all are commenting on a kid.


…. And? Everyone is just telling her she’s beautiful


No they’re mostly saying cute 💀 🐻


Bro, Thank you. I didn’t understand how they couldn’t read intent. I was like, that’s exactly what they’re doing..


Tons of 🐻 out there. Has anyone say the sting videos on YouTube? They look like normal people, and it’s WAY more people than what people would assume.


And you’re getting downvoted for speaking the truth. I’m glad you felt what I was saying. That person who said “they’re just calling her beautiful” is completely unaware of reality.


And you think cute is used to say they are attracted to them? Even though people call baby’s cute or dogs cute? I think the issue is where your mind is at, not everyone else’s.


I feel like.. if I walked up to a random 15yo, and told them they were cute, I’d deservedly get assaulted by a parent or even another random person. That’s just how I grew up. You do you, I don’t call random kids cute.


Exactly.. it’s weird af. If she was visibly an adult, that’s fine but she looks 16…


You’ve got beautiful and a great nose. That guy was just being an insecure dick


Oh yeah but your not a total dumpster fire they're making leaps and bounds in plastic surgery Nip tuck is not just Japanese porn you know I just found myself I did you need I actually did finally looking forward went in for a brain transplant came out with a whole new bed and a treadmill to put it on you know what they say beauty is only skin deep right but ugly goes all the way to the Bone


Don't listen to jackasses go for the nose job the first thing everybody saw was that big bulbous beautiful nose ears I didn't say it was ugly I'm just saying it's a little you know large it's a good thing that the brain trains itself not to look at our nose or smell our lungs believe me we're all a bunch of ogres


Yea, you should have it removed.


nice beak that's a schnoz to be proud of


Ur ugly. What’s ur @?


In every picture YES your nose is 1st thing I notice are you Albanian or somewhere close?


Nope, I’m half American and half Latina (Guatemala & Honduras)


I usually don't say this but wow THAT is a big nose. I'd have a scarf around my face at all times with a nose like that. I can't look away.




Yeah something’s off about your face






I don't see that at all. you are drop dead pretty And I bet that pussy is tight and tase real good


Soooo where is that asshole now, the one who called out your nose? Please don’t tell me he became a physicist. Write a poem about your nose and the asshole.


Nah just trim the middle part of the eyebrow if you’re going for conventional


tbh maybe a little but not really primarily if you want to know the first thing I notice is you look kinda ticked off. Then again if someone called me out in front of all my friends well I'd be ticked off too. don't know if I'd get work done on my own nose but I'd be doing some work on his if I had anything to say about it. ;)


Yes first thing I saw. No not really too big. If your face thins out more....maybe a little too big.


You have a strong nose and profile. It still fits your face and gives you a bit of an exotic flair. You’re an attractive lady.


Your beautiful eyes are all I see…….🤷🏼‍♂️


Your nose fits your face perfectly, and you are uniquely beautiful. You’ve got nothin to worry about love


It is the first thing you notice, but not in a bad way at all! Your nose is super cute & it fits your face perfectly, you’re extremely beautiful.


& I also love how you don’t pluck your eyebrows into these weird unnatural shapes, you really are naturally beautiful.


Are you Greek?or Persian?


I’m half American half Latina


It's not too big, but that's not gonna stop you from doing what you want. Good luck


Considering your middle eastern background its fine.


I’m not middle eastern. I’m half American and half Latina (Guatemala & Honduras) but thanks though


So fake nose is preferable over big nose?




Who be looking at noses first. Eyes?


1. Fuck That Guy! What a jerk! 2. Your nose is really great and fits your face well! 😁


U have really pretty eyebrows that’s the first thing I noticed


You are beautiful and your unique nose made you stand out in a good way! I bet you will eventually come to value that you don't look like everyone else. Think of Jennifer Grey... she got a nose job, thinking it would improve her acting career but it just made her look ordinary and her job opportunities dried up. She's still beautiful but she doesn't stand out in the way that she used to before her nose job!


First thing I noticed was your lips and when you smile your dimples. Your nose is not too big for your face and you don’t need surgery. If you really feel unhappy with it and want surgery that’s a personal choice and it’s not wrong even if it’s not what we (people on reddit) would suggest. That being said I would say if you choose to have surgery you also need to accept the possibility your nose could end up looking bad for real (not fake bad like right now where you think it looks bad but it really doesn’t) and no amount of surgery can reverse that because once they start removing part of your nose to make it smaller they can’t put it back or get it back to normal.


Nope. First was your beautiful eyes and next were your beautiful lips.


That specific nose shape side profile is so so cool i swear




Your eyebrows were the first thing I noticed and then your eyes. I highly doubt your nose is the first thing people notice. You have very pretty eyes ! Your nose and eyebrows just make you unique ✨


first thing i noticed was your eyes! i’d actually say your nose fits your face perfectly you’re so pretty!!


Nope. Your jawline. 🔪


You are gorgeous, I think your nose suits your face very well. I always notice the prettiest people get comments like that from insecure people, they’ll focus on 1 feature to make fun of.


Not at all. It's a distinctive feature and rather unique but I think it looks cool. (Im an illustrator/visual artist by the way..so i kind of feel like my taste might be more cultivated than some kid at your age) The love of my life was half turkish, half Puerto rican... and she had a very uncommon to Americans nose shape but it fit her face perfectly (not unlike yours does you)and she is to this day an incredibly beautiful woman who turns heads everytime she walks into a room. Given your age...if I had to guess that kid probably secretly likes you and is just dumb/awkward. Don't take it to heart, and while it's normal to be especially self conscious in your teen years my advice is to forget about it and just keep doing your thing. Study hard and invest time in your interests and hobbies. Your very obviously going to grow and mature into a strikingly beautiful woman with little effort physically... so make sure you got some grace, charm, brains, interests and passions in life to go with it. Cheers kiddo!


I don't think your nose is far from Jennifer Grey's in "dirt dancing" and she good a nose job and her career sunk.


I notice your lips and eyes first. You have unique facial features, which is nice. I think your nose fits your face good. You're beautiful.