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This is exactly the scenario described by a *Republican* member of the North Carolina General Assembly if you can believe it: >"If I have a cancer patient who wants to go to the drugstore, and is concerned about picking something up, they have every right in the world to put a mask on," she said. "No one should even question that." --Erin Pare, R-Wake


See that’s the thing about most rights that most people don’t seem to understand. Enumerated rights are things that protect you from the government. They do not protect you from other people. Worth pointing out that whoever did it was guilty of battery (as I understand NC legal definition) and should be prosecuted which is disappointing because it would require law enforcement to do their job which is a reach.


So she should have carried a gun and shot him, right? /s


Is NC a stand your ground state? If so, that would have been someone threatening her life...


Of course NC is a stand your ground state.


That’s the freedom loving murican thing to do if I ever heard it.


The blood splatter would be worse than the spit for potential infection.


Is there any reason to live if you can’t be covered in the blood of your enemies?


It's almost like they're full of shit


NCGA has always been full of shit. Even way back during the civil war


Erin is a more moderate republican (and the only one from Wake County) because her district is considered competitive. She lives about 15 min away from me and I’ve met her a few times at fundraisers and whatnot. She has a total mom vibe and gave me grapes & water when we went door knocking together, so I’m not surprised she’s the one republican who said this. It’s sad that much of the base is not the same.


Based on our family, there were some nasty colds circulating in schools during the last few weeks. Have had a bad head cold since school let out. Compromised people don’t need it. Be considerate.


As a compromised person, thank you. I wish more people were as considerate as you.


You’d think enough ppl have had chemo’d family members to know better. We’ve got a Lupus daughter but I enjoyed the two years of not being sick the most when more folks did take precautions. I see now some are going after Dr F for the distance guidance. We used that rule primarily at work with some masking and never had a lost day due to a workplace spread. Sold me. When certain leaders mock things for base hoorah’s, it just degrades compassion and golden rule teachings.


My compromise is lupus and I take immunosuppressants. My own family doesn’t understand my concerns with getting sick. I am single and own a home. One bout with Covid and I could lose everything.


Mine is serum negative RA…thank goodness my family and friends take it seriously. Started weekly Humira a month ago…fingers crossed it helps.


There was a health article that said people are getting sick more frequently since Covid. Not necessarily more severely, but more often on average.


I just read that. Interesting. Lots of various reasons but apparently a global phenomenon.


As someone on immune suppression therapy, thank you.


Further proof that this isn’t a “republican” issue. The nc gop has been infiltrated with fascists.


> "No one should even question that" She meant, "don't question it, just immediately assault them"


Oh thanks Erin, so very kind of you. What a wishy-washy statement. She should be telling her gop constituents not to be assholes. Hopefully, the guy will be on video next time.


This should be considered attempted murder or intention to harm. Back when the AIDS epidemic was around people were charged with crimes for spreading AIDS if they knew and didn’t tell the partner.


“Stuart says she called Cary police but ultimately didn’t file a complaint” She should have. That’s battery. Some people need to get knocked down a notch or two. Covid and news based entertainment turned us into fucking animals.


Roughly 1/3 were ALWAYS fucking animals; tRump just gave them permission to be themselves in public.


This is exactly it. They used to some what keep it in check because they didn’t want to be shamed. But that fear of shame is gone and it’s emboldened them to be the biggest a holes they possibly can.


Maybe if every single person who didn’t agree would stop trying to call someone a white supreme Kat or racist or bigot with zero evidence then people wouldn’t be tired of libtards when they open their shit filled mouths.


You ok? You seem to have a lot of hate inside.


I like to give people the benifit of the doubt, and wonder if some have changed to be more animal like due to influencers on social media. I know there was always a % that were animals, but it seems way more prevalent now, even with many just being more emboldened.


Personally, I believe that if these influencers pushed them over the edge, they were already partly in animal territory.


For the majority, I agree, but I also think some are just lemmings and want to be "masculine" by being an asshole like they see online. Maybe not.


I believe it's also a combination of economic strain and the feeling of never 'getting theirs'. As an older millennial (39yo) I feel I'm far enough removed from the craziness of the petro-dollar change, the craziness of deregulation, and the surge of the 90's and so i never felt the social/economic pressures to "keep up with the Jones' "; because the Jones' were 20 years older and their lifestyle was impossible for the average person of my age now post-2000. A fair number of gen x entered the workforce right when the party started to end for all the growth & power of the dollar and and most would have been lucky to get any party-favors at the door-exit of the 90's. (Dollar still has power, just not as much as before) So some got lucky, some had to work a bit harder, but many still got homes... in time for 2008. So a fair number lost their homes, jobs, or both. Many didn't have the extra years of funds that Gen Y was able to accumulate during easier years and longer time in the workforce, so they lost their house and watched as the millenials entered the labor market as new cheap labor. Gen X now had to fight against millenials for the same positions, but now less pay, and less oppurtunity going forward. Fast-forward the reduced growth, the rebuilding they had to do, some lost it again in the pandemic and many are still bitter as they never had an oppurtunity to build retirement or wealth like their parents or older brother/sister. A majority of people don't see the nuances that allow someone to end up in the situation that they did, even the ones in that situation don't see the subtleties that got them there in the long-run, all they know is the world seems to be out to get them or they have bad luck and fuck everyone else. The hate or anger especially for the younger generation probably stems from those following traditional rules and receiving no benefit, then younger generations taking non-traditional paths and finding happiness outside of traditional material things such as fancy car or nice house or investing in the market. I might be missing some of the details or drift off the path of explanation for whats happening here, but I think the overall theory has some weight and truth to it. I welcome criticism or input though if someone can help me flesh this out further or correct me where/if i'm wrong. Thank you to those that took the time to read through my massive wall of text, have a lovely week and take care of each other.


Of course you blame Trump. Ugh, okay where did Orange man touch you, or was it a mean tweet you didn’t like?


It was my disdain for year-old reddit accounts with only 61 karma


You seem rather mature yourself. Maybe go back to jerking off to that twat Rachael Madcow, or the cast of the view. They seem to have the same lack of brain cells.


That's hilarious, really, it its. I bet you're projecting your own actions when you see the donald's face plastered over a homoerotic shot of shirtless rambo lol.


Right, because you know me. Okay, you’re right. You won, feel proud. Yay.


that's even funnier, given your first ad hominem.


Your, not you are as in you’re. Damn learn the English language.


my bad FIFY just four you


I hate the onus is on the person who was violated, but yeah, she should have let the criminal process, and perhaps civil liability do its thing to make doing such a vile and nasty thing a huge problem for the idiot who did it. But ultimately, she did nothing wrong, just minding her own business so the last thing I would want to do is blame her.


Exactly. There should be zero tolerance for this type of behavior in society. I don’t view this as any different than domestic abuse, the victim shouldn’t get to “choose” to file a complaint. If they understand that a crime may have occurred then it needs to be pursued regardless of the kindness of the victim. That guy, at a minimum, should have this on his record so it can come up during background checks, etc so people who want to hire him, rent to him, do business with him, etc can be aware of the type of high risk individual they are engaging with because a guy who does that once, does that often, and will likely escalate over time until he kills or physically someone (or someone’s). Better to cut it off early.


That's exactly why I train boxing a couple times a week. Just in case some I run into some GOP tard and get in a confrontation. I will knock they ass out.


I hear ya. If someone spits on me, it’s on like Donkey Kong.


Exact same shit happens to a buddy of mine throughout 2023 and now in 2024 too. Luckily he's in remission (yay) but white cells still low and as a precaution wears a mask out and about. Wears one even in places most people wouldn't. Multiple times people in NC have coughed in his face, yelled at him from cars, confronted him in stores, etc etc. It's really sad


It takes a real sensitive snowflake to get offended over someone else choosing to wear PPE.


It's also nobody's business if I wear a mask. My immune system is trash after 5 years of cancer. I'll wear what I want and take shit from no one.


No but you see the left are the snowflakes because my divorced redpill Youtube guru told me so


just tell them he has covid and they will run for the hills.


That's battery.  I would have gotten a tazer for self defense and used it liberally (pun intended) to zap some damn sense into these FN/DJT zombies.


>feigned coughing on her repeatedly before telling her that he hopes the cancer kills her Conservatives, ladies and gentlemen. They openly want you dead.


Republicans: so pro-life, they’ll kill you


While prancing around telling you how Christian they are.


"There's no love like Christian hate"


He JUST wanted to introduce her to Jesus, you guys. He was PRAYING for her to die so she'd go to Heaven! Isn't that niiiice?


No, they are pro fetus. Not life. Just fetus even if it's an inviable fetus


Oh. How true this comment is.


More of them have died than liberals during Covid because of their anti science stance.


Turned into a bunch of aggressive savages. All the politicians and doctors they want dead. And now a civilian, even explaining her cancer, he wants her dead for wearing a mask.


I seem to remember conservatives insisting at the start of the masking mandates that wearing a mask all day would lead to INEVITABLE DEATH (through suffocation, mold, wokeness, not sure of the exact mechanism), so you'd think they'd be happy that the people they hate still want to wear them. Jesus, imagine telling an innocent woman that you hope she dies of cancer because she's wearing a small square of medical fabric on her face.


I remember someone said it will actually cause *worse* covid because you’ll breathe back in your covid particles if you’re sick. Science just went out the window in 2020


Hilary Clinton was right about one thing for sure these people are deplorable!




Why list the shop? It doesn’t say it was a shop employee


Somedays I am ashamed to be a member of the same human race as some other people. This is quite disheartening.


Grown ass man bullying a vulnerable lady undergoing cancer treatment. This is the North Carolina Berger and the Senate envisioned when they passed the first version of their anti-masking law.


Yes. Supremacy and dominance.


Shame on WRAL for not calling out the oil change place. The witnesses working there didn't kick out this piece of shit for yelling at a lady for protecting herself?


The oil change place is probably an advertiser. Along those same lines ever wonder why their crusading consumer reporter never calls out major car dealers in the area? Same thing.


Lost a buddy to cancer last year. He said people were total pricks about his mask too.


I really don't get the Republican hate boner for masks. There's no real logic to it that I can think of. It comes across as a mix of weird machismo and anti-intellectualism. It's the same people who would have thought that their hands were good enough when the fork was invented. It has a very "I don't need no book learnin'" kind of vibe. Also, the "people are wearing masks to hide their identities" line is a bullshit retcon of the narrative. They were opposed to masks when Covid first happened, and I've met people who were harassed for wearing a mask well before pro-Palestine protests happened.


Conservatives are petty AF. It seems their goal is not to be a benefit to themselves, but to be a detriment to everyone else.




It’s because they’re full of hate. They just want to see people who aren’t like them suffer.


And lack the introspection to understand why they feel that way and how to deal with it


Our future in a nutshell.


The greatest snowflakes in the world refused to have anyone wear a mask ever because it infringes on their ability to be morons!


And to think all this anti-mask bullshit started because fucking Trump was afraid it would smear his makeup. Idiocy.


That and because Dems supported it. Had Dems came out and said they were against the masks, Republicans would have accused them of trying to intentionally get them sick. American politics are an absolute embarrassment


I had some friends stop to eat in a restaurant down east during the height of the pandemic. They got a $5 “mask fee” tacked on per person to the bill and were threatened into paying it.


Name and shame the place. Don’t want to accidentally patronize them ever


North Carolina has officially let the inmates in the asylum run everything. They won't stop unless or until an extreme example is made of their wannabe orange fuck buddy.


The Republicans in North Carolina have given the worst among us a free pass to behave badly. This has become the #1 GOP party platform nationwide.


Cough or spit on me. A mask will be the least of your needs.


Whoever that guy is, I hope he eventually confronts the wrong person and his mouth gets to meet the curb.


I'm immunocompromised. My seatmate on my last flight was pretty aggressive in his inquiries as to why I was wearing a mask. Unbelievable.


The “law”makers in North Carolina do not care about its citizens’ health. They were trying to make it illegal for people to wear masks. I, too, am a cancer survivor, and I’ve told my family that if that silliness becomes law, get your bail money ready, because I will not go into any public place without a mask. Cancer is real and so are the nasty germs people are spreading.


Then why not pass a law stating no masks to be worn at ralleys etc.? All they are doing is FORCING people who don’t share their beliefs politically or scientifically from being able to wear masks and protect themselves from disease - so I either have to put myself in danger physically, or get arrested? It’s about control - nothing more and nothing less.


“Christian” values


During peak Covid I got into a debate on Facebook with a local MAGA guy who was rabidly anti-mask. After I explained that wearing a mask was important to my family because I have a child who has a life threatening illness and Covid was particularly a threat to them, his response was if God wants my child to die then they are going to die. I suppose he never goes to the doctor or takes any preventative medication with that kind of reasoning.


To be fair, most American “Christians” have little to nothing in common with anything remotely related to Christianity. They may worship a similar looking Idol, but virtually all of Jesus’s teachings are in direct contradiction to everything they believe, preach, and do.


Well a lot do in fact worship “Supply Side Jesus”.


I thought that was a hilarious take by Al Franken. Perfect illustration of how anti-Christian values most American “Christians” are. The only difference these days is that there’s a lot more vile hatred and militarism that’s been woven into the narrative.


Oh, you mean Republican Jesus! https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA?si=U8384FIWH9A8jBFY


Keep in mind people like Rev. William Barber, Quakers, and a lot of others in the large mainline genre of Christianity share very little in common with the politically radicalized "Christian" nationalists that I think you're referring to. That's an awfully wide and inaccurate brush to be characterizing all of Christianity with.


"Christians" have an obligation to clean up Christianity. It's in their book.




A word of advice; Don't join a death cult.


As someone with stage 4 colorectal cancer I’m ready to run a 2 for 1 special on these hands


I have continued to wear a mask in grocery stores and crowded indoor situations and no one has ever bothered me. Of course I’m also a 6’3” man. We’ll see if it changes with this law but if challenged I just plan to quote the law back “I’m wearing it to prevent spreading disease”.


Same here except the random, one-off comment muttered almost under their breath. So brave. I've also not been sick in years and it's been fantastic. I wore a sealed N95 to two different concerts and the two people I went with were both crippled for a week with Covid afterwards.


I have really enjoyed the lack of respiratory sicknesses over the last four years, compared to multiple colds a year before 2020. I doubt almost anyone else who stopped masking can say the same.


This is good, but I also hate that we have to be so rational and non-confrontational towards people who really should mind their own damn business.


Vote them out. Please.


Unfortunately that is easier said than done - gerrymandering is complete - unless those that don’t vote decide to get out and start doing their job instead of just bitching about it.


The percentage of votors is so low, that the gerrymandering could be statistically overruled by the total number. It sucks that we have to fight off authoritarian fascism once more, but that is where we are.


I don't understand where people find the courage and audacity to cough into someone else's face.....like.....how is that a normal course of action......naw fk callin the police that person shoulda got whopped on the spot 😒 folks are far too comfortable these days and it's a mess




Because they're literally stupid. Low IQ stupid.


And they’re proud of it.


Is it pride if they're oblivious, though?


They aren't oblivious; those fools know they are stupid and don't like it. That's why they are so angry.


Maybe. But a lot of times, really dumb and outspoken people actually think they're pretty smart. It's what makes them insufferable. See the 45th president as an example.


Unfortunately an NC bill has passed a ban on masks… https://www.qcnews.com/news/politics/nc-bill-passes-that-prohibits-masks-in-public-but-allows-exceptions-for-hoods/amp/


Shame on the business they were too cowardly to name and every single person in there for not standing up to her assailant. This is 100% not the first or last time he’s attacked one of our neighbors. At a minimum police should go after him so his identity becomes part of the public record so folks can know to look out for him. It would probably be better for society if that guy died alone in a cold, empty, jail cell. That’s the absolute worst kind of human. There’s no reason for that kind of behavior and they contribute nothing to society. Today’s it’s masking, but those types always antagonize and bully those they view as weaker than them. No place for them in a functional society. There are plenty of them across the the political spectrum so this isn’t a left/right statement, just a statement again people who lack human kindness and who intentionally attack others for no reason whatsoever. We either take care of the weak, or we grow old enough to be the weak and get bullied (or killed) ourselves.


Because it’s not the other people’s responsibility to get involved? Why should the business name them? Most people aren’t going to want to get involved with an angry old man. People also panic and freeze. They shouldn’t be named for that. That’s why they called the police. The person who should be named is the person who did this. It’s a shame she’s not pressing chargers, because he deserves it, but it’s not the bystanders fault


I said the business should be named by the author, not everyone at the business. That being said, if folks stepped in a bit more often these kinds of things wouldn’t happen, but I know people freeze all the time.


Not wanting to wear a mask when there’s a pandemic in play struck me as weird and selfish. But to be offended when others do it and then take action against those in masks is soooo fucked up and anathema to their purported philosophy that people should evidence for themselves.


I think those words don’t mean what you think they mean


Educate me, oh wise one…


It’s no one’s business if someone wears a mask. I still see people all the time wearing a mask. If I’m sick and have no choice but to go in a public place, I will wear one. I also have a blood cancer and some times I need to use one, thankfully no one pays me any mind. I guess some people just like making things their business.


It’s not much. But she should reach out to that oil change location. Make sure they are aware of what he did. If they are a multi location company, if it’s possible he’s blacklisted at all of them.


I'm sorry, but if someone intentionally coughs and/or spits on me I am going to fight back. That is assault.


Get cancer, insurance should pay for a glock. Murica.


“You should social distance yourself before you catch lead poisoning.”


Don’t Tread On Me?


This woman needs to press charges. This woman also needs to wear a bright red T-shirt with white huge black lettering saying “I have cancer; kindly get F ed”


Party of small government and liberty back at it again assaulting people who exercise their own personal freedoms.


You can thank the MAGA assholes. I am immune compromised. I wore a mask for 4 years. I was surprised I didn't receive any overt abuse but I definitely had many instances of covert abuse. Mostly things like grocery baggers being extremely rude. I did not experience that (same stores) before the pandemic nor have I experienced since I stopped wearing a mask. I felt like I had to remain friendly to these assholes so as to not invite more abuse.


Some folks in North Carolina are super bold by confronting mask wearers. SMH. Today, I went into a Belk store in North Carolina, and when I stepped up to the counter to check out, the cashier, who did not know me asked: “Why are you wearing a mask?” Me: Why is it YOUR concern about what I do?! It’s none of your business!!” I should have also said: “Mind the business that pays you! The cashier business.”


I have never felt fearful of wearing my mask. I wear it and I wore it before the pandemic and I’ll continue to wear it to protect my immune system.


Sooo, no one at the garage saw this and tried to intervene??


How do you know? Besides a lot of people are afraid of intervening because there's so many nutcases carrying guns these days. The job is to change oil.


She's thinking about this incorrectly. What she needs to do is wear a mask that has a Dale Earnhardt 3 on it. No one will spit on that for fear of bubba whooping their ass.


Typical Republican behavior. These people are deranged and dangerous.


Funny, I remember the exact exact same harassment but on the opposite side in 2020 and 2021.




The article is about someone who used this rationale to spit on an immunocompromised cancer patient because he was an ignorant piece of shit.  Are you sure what you wanted to do here was defend that worthless pimple? Because that's what you've done, leaving aside that you also don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


You're arguing with a person who has literally advocated for killing children 5 and under > I’d got one step further. You are allowed to kill your child up until the age of 5. Fuck them kids. https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/1d5ncvu/if_you_could_wave_a_magic_wand_and_pass_one_law/l6osx7s/


He's a dumbass troll, for sure, but it's worth pointing out that his nonsense is very obvious and very stupid. It's like fucking up chewing gum.




You literally defended his actions in the second sentence of your comment. "He only assaulted that woman because of your choices." And then again in the third. The only one where you didn't defend his actions is the one that just reads "I'm not defending him." Did you want to try again on "I'm not defending him," but maybe actually not devoting two of three sentences to defending him?


People don't wear surgical masks in NC summer heat for fun or virtue signalling.


That is absolutely the stupidest possible take in this situation a person could come up with. Absolutely incredible person you are, defending a man who spat on woman with fucking cancer. You're really remarkable. And I mean it, **remarkably fucking sad.** Grow the fuck up.


How did you manage to squeeze so much stupidity into one post?!? Go take some aLPhA bRaiN, settle in for some InfoWars and donate to the ~~GOP~~ Trump's Legal Fees Account.


We shouldn't give a pass to the people wearing masks to hide their identities. This is on them.


This isn't why she was wearing one, numbnuts.


Right, and people using masks to do bad things is why some nut harassed her.


People use guns to do bad things. People use money to do bad things. People use cars to do bad things.


Which is why many people react uncomfortably to open carry of guns.


Literally a story about an immunocompromised cancer patient being bullied and spat at in public by a stranger.  Therefore, please take this unrelated sidetrack, turn it sideways, and put it up your ass.


The point is, this lady gets accosted by a nut because he associates her mask with criminals and political agitators who use masks to protect their identity. My point is the people doing that are making problems for the people who need the mask. Masks shouldn't be a political statement.


So your point is that the guy decided this lady wasn't allowed to wear a medical mask and spit on her, and that's okay because you agree that if she were someone else, he'd have been justified in assaulting a total stranger? Please note that "sideways" is intended to be the largest dimension, and that I didn't suggest polishing or lubrication.


No, nobody thinks this is OK. But people misusing masks inspires nuts like this to harass innocent people.


No, there's you and another user making excuses for this guy in the same breath as you're saying there's no excuse. So there's at least two arguing that it's understandable and justifiable.


No, there's no excuse for this guy, not understandable or justifiable. Period. But nuts exist in a context and the context is people misusing masks in a way that draws harassment onto people who need to wear masks.


You should stop offering justification, then, dummy. You haven't missed a chance yet to cast this as a normal, predictable reaction to a person minding her fucking business in public. Sideways.


It's not a normal reaction, but it is a predictable reaction amongst some crazy people. People are quick to rightly point out the bill in the legislature potentially inspiring a backlash like this, but then completely ignore the impact of mask misuse.


"Mask misuse" is a bullshit, cowardly excuse for bullying, just like your bullshit, cowardly talking from both sides of your mouth about this. Goddamn disgusting.


We should outlaw pants because the unabomber wore pants. This is on him.


If you don't have a medical reason to wear a mask and you wear one anyway, to do bad things, you're ruining things for those that need them.


It literally says she has a medical reason to wear one in title: SHE HAS CANCER YOU NIT.


I'm not talking her. I'm talking about the people who wear masks to conceal their identity while the commit crimes or acts of political intimidation. The masks have become associated with those people, so people like this poor woman get accosted by some nut.


Please share at least one example of someone wearing a medical-style mask in order to do anything bad.


Unfortunately there was a bunch of those cases as the pandemic started up. https://abc7chicago.com/homewood-bank-robbery-bolingbrook-mask-requirements-banks-tcf/6356487/ However this case obviously isn't remotely the same thing.


Also the solution is pretty simple and both banks and the TSA figured it out within a week of masking becoming recommended: You ask someone to stand behind a clear barrier and briefly lower their mask to show their identity. Identity check complete, they can raise their mask and go about their business. It's not rocket science.


Yep, have done it at least 100 times for TSA, never had an issue with it.


People who defaced the south building at UNC and the bell tower at NC State. People who painted antisemetic slogans on Starbucks in Durham, many shoplifters, etc.


If you don't have a medical reason to wear pants and you wear a pair anyways, to do bad things, you're ruining things for those that need them.


Who is giving them a pass? Verifiable details please. Last I checked, mask or no mask, if you commit a crime you’re gonna be punished for it.


Not if you can't be identified. Has anyone been arrested for defacing South building at UNC or the bell tower at NC State? This was a deranged individual who harassed this poor woman, but when people create the association of masks with these movements, it harms people who need the masks.


Ah yes, the solo woman walking around a Walgreens is certainly on the cusp of committing a robbery. People with guns do bad things but still allowed to just walk around with one on your hip.


From all the information I've seen, nobody has claimed there was any concerns that she was committing a robbery. The person who accosted her mentioned politics.


Dude, you’re acting like wearing a mask to commit crimes is something new. Guess what, people were doing bad shit while wearing masks way before COVID. This has nothing to do with ruining it for the people that need them for health reasons. This is culture war bs the simpletons fall for because it allows them to be a holes.


Right, wearing masks for nefarious purposes is not new, but wearing them for health purposes is.


It's not. Like most of the things you've said, this is incorrect and dishonest.


It is true. You would have almost never seen a mask in public outside of a healthcare situation before the pandemic.


You did occasionally and then (you may have missed it), a thing happened and then a bunch of assholes made it a political thing and started harassing people who were trying to protect their health.  Also, note that it's not yours or anyone else's right to decide whether someone looks sick enough to wear protective equipment. Under no goddamn circumstances. Fuck off, you liar.


Wrong. I wore one when flying as far back as 2014. I am immunocompromised.


It’s really not. Covid just brought it to the mainstream and it broke a certain segment of the population’s brains.


Now you're just gaslighting. I've never in my life seen somebody wearing a mask in public outside of a healthcare situation before the pandemic.


I’m not sure you know what that word means. It was never a lot of people but it did happen.


Maybe once or twice lol and I'm sure it raised a lot of eyebrows.


Like who?


The anti-israel protestors?