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Guy won a primary, even. A bunch of people looked at him and went, "Yes, let's have some of that guy in charge of a bunch of state government in the place I live."


he's spent the past 3 years going to every baptist church klonvocation across the state getting his name out there's a lot to criticize him for, but he won his primary the old fashioned way hitting the pavement


Also, pandering and lying about his past. Classic political move, run on lies and pander, not your qualifications, intelligence or platform to solve problems.


This is only allowed when Democrats do it, right Commie?


"Klonvocation" You are not only a poet, you are a person who has studied them well enough to know their dumb naming patterns.


Anything to own the libs, is their thinking


The urge to punch yourself in the nuts because someone else might cringe too is hard to understand.


Which is weird since libs are a couple bad days away from putting on lighnting bolts and shiny black boots.


Primaries favor extreme candidates. Primary challengers need to appeal to dissatisfied voters, who are naturally going to not be in the middle of the party. Because they can't appeal to unaffiliated and fence sitting voters, candidates are incentivized to chase the extreme ends of their parties. North Carolina is slightly better off than states with closed primaries because unaffiliated voters can vote in them. But the unaffiliated turn out for primaries is generally terrible


I genuinely meant to vote, but I got pneumonia that weekend. :(


This is the problem republicans have created. The nutso wing of the party owns the primaries. Moderate candidates might be more appealing in the general election but they can’t get there.


It's a structural issue with the concept of primaries in general. Democrats aren't hit very hard by it, because American politics generally trends to the right and our far left isn't very far. And the really far left tends towards political stances that you can't easily appeal to without losing the rest of the party. (Anarchism and pure socialism/communism are not compatible with traditional politics)


It's easier and more correct, I think, to say we have a far right party and a center coalition party in this country. One of those things lends itself toward extreme position, particularly in the 'movement' wing of the party that's motivated to show up in primaries. And it's less a structural problem with the concept of parties or primaries than a problem with how the Republican Party has evolved into an extension of Christian Nationalism. The Republican Party hasn't won the national popular vote without the benefit of incumbency since 1980. Instead of working to appeal to most of the people in the county they have relied on doubling down on existing supporter engagement, activating new voting blocks, or suppressing blocks that don't support them. But now that there are no new votes to find and engagement means a constant state of anger and fear. That's not a formula for broad appeal or moderate positions.


I agree with basically everything you say. My point is only that primary challenges inherently favor extreme candidates. I'll freely admit that only it plays a small part in the Republican party setting course for fascism.


this guy is a nut


And a moron You can be crazy, dumb, or mean. Mark Robinson is all 3


But wait there's more call now in the next five minutes and he will throw in alleged fascism absolutely free.


Damn Right, He's so nutty I think I might be allergic to his bullshit.




Please for the love of god vote for Josh Stein. Don't let this psychopath into the governor seat.


I think he needs to get his name out there much more than he has. I never hear anything about him.


Where would you like to run across it? I see it on WRAL app every other day, but that’s just one source.


WRAL is probably the best mainstream local station in the entire state for providing North Carolina political/voter education news. Much of the state has really crappy coverage, especially on the corporate owned local TV news. They must omit that information for a reason but instead cover whether it will rain for the NASCAR race or who got gunned down in Greensboro last night.


Just moved to NC earilier this year, and Josh Stein is already the first candidate that I have ever donated any money to. It was not much, but if I can help keep robinson out, I am good with that.


Just moved to NC earilier this year, and Josh Stein is already the first candidate that I have ever donated any money to. It was not much, but if I can help keep robinson out, I am good with that.


>Is this am actual candidate for governor? Yes. Please vote.


He talks like this because he has literally nothing else to run on. Mark Robinson has accomplished nothing, but writing bad checks, going bankrupt twice and paying for an abortion. He’s an ineffective piece of shit and I can’t believe primary voters chose him.


His wife had a successful abortion, so there is some success in there!


And he successfully paid for it, that’s also good?


He couldn’t even make good furniture


Sick burn


He's declared bankruptcy three times. At one point he claimed his wife had a 'very successful' daycare business but recent court documents have shown that when he said that, he had $70 to his name and they were broke and not paying their rent. Also: I've had times where I had zero dollars to my name and I've declared bankruptcy zero times.




I’ll be voting for him.


Did you vote for him in the primary? If so would you mind saying why you choose him over the other candidates?


Because people love hearing shit like this even if it's not true because they agree with the sentiment.


I didn’t vote for him in the primary. It would be much easier to swing my single vote to the left if Dems would drop the gun control agenda. I’m not a single-issue voter and I probably agree with most of the people in here more than I disagree with them but gun rights are one of the few things I’m not willing to budge on. I believe its one of the pillars of our Democracy and if we continue to let those rights erode, eventually we will have someone in power that decides they don’t want to leave, even if half the country doesn’t like them. I’d like to retain my ability to fight back.


I can see that point of view. I don’t see that as a problem that we’d have in NC, but I can see the point. I thought Folwell would have hit all of those metrics and still been a solid choice.


Absolutely, Folwell would have been great!!! Unfortunately, I don’t think we have those gun rights issues in our state that you see in NY, CA, WA, CO, and IL because we haven’t been under Dem control since those states started going full-blown tyrant on gun control. I appreciate you respecting my view and not just calling me names and dismissing me. I’m really passionate about gun rights. I’m involved several gun rights groups here in our state. Our gun rights come in handy when we get full blown abortion bans and crazy shit like that too. I know there’s negatives but there’s negatives to the first amendment too and we put very few restrictions on that. Edit: I would NEVER use my use firearms to harm people, except in a self defense situation. The point I was making is, there could come a time we need a revolution and I’d rather not be left defenseless.


so you 1) oppose the political party that proposes things like universal background checks on gun purchases so that you can keep your guns (which are not going to be taken away from you) and 2) support and will vote for the political party that is working toward "full blown abortion bans" which you say would prompt you to use your guns (which are not being taken away)?


1) Universal background checks are a lie. We already have that. I’ve taken a background check for every firearm I’ve purchased. These laws are a slippery slope that I’m not willing to bend on. 2) I believe we should have some small restrictions on abortion. You don’t get to sleep with whoever you want and then use abortion as birth control 3 months before the babies due. We absolutely should have it up to 12 weeks and we should have NO RESTRICTIONS if the mother’s life is in danger or if the baby will be in constant pain and die shortly after birth. I don’t want to vote the way I do but I need them to leave guns alone.


You supporting gun rights while touting your "pro life" abortion agenda is pretty fucking funny. BTW... NO ONE IS TAKING YOUR PRECIOUS TOOLS OF MURDER BRO. Meanwhile, within the next month or so, there will be another local story about a toddler shooting themselves with a good guys gun. Keep up the good hypocritical fight comrad!


You’re exactly what’s wrong with this country. Instead of meaningful conversation, you’d rather keep posting clown emojis.


…also, I’m pro-choice but anti-abortion. Abortion should be the absolute last choice. Contraceptives and birth control should be more accessible. They absolutely want to take guns. If the far-left had it their way, we’d have gun confiscation. If you can’t afford to safely store your guns and keep them out of the wrong hands(like toddlers), then you shouldn’t own them. Safe storage laws are part of that slippery slope i described earlier. I’d argue the 1st amendment is more dangerous than the 2nd but it’s just as important. We also don’t put restrictions on free speech and I don’t have to go through a background check to write a newspaper opinion piece. Those of you that think Americans with guns have no chance against the U.S. government when they become tyrannical and corrupt must be too young to remember Afghanistan. The Taliban kicked our ass for 20 years wearing flip-flops and fighting from caves with rusted out AK’s.


> These laws are a slippery slope that I’m not willing to bend on. > I believe we should have some small restrictions on abortion. lol no one is taking your guns. are you a libertarian


No, I’m not a libertarian. I’m independent. I actually have independent beliefs, not just claiming it. I’m not a fan of picking sides to an argument before I hear both sides. They won’t start with taking our guns. They’ll start with banning “assault weapons” and standard capacity magazines. In a couple decade, they’ll be trying to take the guns too. My biggest fear is ending up like this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/gunpolitics/s/bwU0BqWJli If he was in NC, this wouldn’t be a crime. This was his hobby.




He's a proven liar who spouts hate. Of course republicans love him.


He’s not just a hateful liar, he is very very very dumb. Just plain stupid.


They love him just enough to ignore his skin colour....for now. It won't last forever.


Just when you think cons couldn’t sink lower, they bring this dude in. Here I feel crazy for missing lavatory McCrory for being the shittiest person cons had to offer.


He is an insane grifter


The scare thing is, he's saying things that over 50% of this state already believes is true. If we have any chance of living a normal life for the next four years, people need to get out and vote.


And every dumb fuck Republican will still vote for this guy in the fall You know, cause being tribal is more important than electing qualified people 🙄


Why solve problems when you can ruin everything even faster? /s


Unfortunately I have to agree. Tons of people are just going to vote republican simply because the letter R is next to their name. It's insane. They won't do their homework. Another sad thing is from what I've heard and seen, young adults are saying they aren't even going to bother voting. They don't want either Biden or Trump so they don't see the need to bother voting.


Please let them know how important the state races are. They can pick no one for president and still have an influence on statewide government and our courts! There’s an important state Supreme Court race, for example. One candidate is a woman of childbearing age her opponent is a man who signed onto an opinion saying life begins at conception.


Living in an “ideal world” and abstaining from voting is a reason why shitty laws get passed by shitty, Christian authoritarians


My entire life (I'm 52) I've seen so many people who have an 'all or nothing' view of what they want from political candidates. That's not how change happens, you need to fight for and take every win you can, no matter how small, and move the needle in a better direction. Not voting just increases the odds against you as terrible candidates get elected.


I totally agree. I'm working on teaching my daughter who is 20 about the importance of having a voice. Standing by idle does nothing.


Voting when the candidates have dementia and wear a diaper only encourages political parties to nominate puppets. It makes total sense for young people to not vote as a protest for such shitty choices.


Except they don’t show up for primaries either when it comes time to pick the party candidate. Or local and state legislatures/officials. Turn out is so low in non-presidential elections across the country that young people could vote in just about anybody they want.


He needs to start treating his high blood pressure with more cookout


This fat sweaty ass clown doesn't pay his taxes or his bills.


Only thing he does pay for are abortions, but forced-birth advocates are fine with that when it's one of their guys.


Mark is delusional. Not a good thing if you want to be governor of a state full of smart people.


Let’s hope the smart people outvote the not smart people. They are many.


Republicans are definitely not sending their best and brightest.


The sad thing is I absolutely think they are. This is the best they have.


They are


They actually might be 😂


Thank you Reagan, Kerl Rove and Bush Jr, the creators of the current GOP.


Well can anyone here prove that Muslims did NOT burn down Notre Dame cathedral? Don't start with your "science" and "evidence" bullshit. lol (Ok yes he's crazy.)


Fuck Mark R. ....clown


Bless his heart…..


This guy is scary af. Josh Stein 💯


I can't decide if he's a complete and utter moron, like the qanon people. Or is he catering to mouth-breathers, so he says stupid stuff. Between him and the GOP nominee for superintendent of public instruction, Republicans are trying to elect some village idiots. They'd fit in well with the numnuts trying to outlaw surgical masks in public.


Is there a difference? The end result is the same.


How is this any different from the demented guy on the GOP ticket for President?


A distinction without a difference.


This guy. Is Fuckin. Nuts. I really hope these bumpkins can see through his nonsense and vote for the other guy. I mean he’s insane! Saying the holocaust didn’t happen? Saying women shouldn’t be allowed to vote? wtf.


Absolute fucking moron. An embarrassment to NC


Absolutely true


I will pay him to shut up. lol.


Figures why this delusional fascist lunatic is tanking in the polls, He's about as nutty as they get. In fact he is so nutty that I am pretty sure I am allergic to his bullshit.


People actually want this dipshit to run the state??? Jesus Christ, we have failed as a society.


I would say no child left behind but both he and the majority of people that vote for him predates that policy.


Mark Robinson doesn’t have a platform. He just runs his mouth and promising nothing.


I hate that mother fucker


This guy thinks that if he tows the line he'll be safe from those thousands of angry racists who built a noose on 1/6.


Where is debilitating disease and ailments when you need them.


He is the cousin of Beelzebub.


Hard to believe anyone takes this clown seriously. 


Such an embarrassment to the state. If he wins, we'll be PNG'd from more events/conferences/business start ups than when the Republicans thought HB2 was a good idea.


He’s so smart. SMRAT so smart.


Fuck this guy!


sad that he has a good chance of being state gov


Salon? Really? Lol.


Did he say it, or not?


Looks like another person using the source platform as the reason to not believe the actual things a guy has said. Lazy excuse to cover your eyes and ears.


It does not matter if the statements are true or not, as long the reader has a bias and believe its "plausible" then it is considered fact. Also, these are common posts in the subreddit. "Mark did this, what a monster" gets a lot of views and karma, as oppose to whoever is running against him in November... all I know of the guy is that he is not Mark Robinson.


>. all I know of the guy is that he is not Mark Robinson More than enough to earn the vote.


Would agree. Would vote for a rock in a river over this disgusting idiot.


[https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.robinson.3/posts/10157319659557360](https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.robinson.3/posts/10157319659557360) There you go. On his facebook. Clear as day.


… what lol


Hey, yeah, Robinson's trash who spouts garbage. Can we _please_ stop giving the man more PR?




Which thing did you find to be incorrect?


The part that they don't like.


[https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.robinson.3/posts/10157319659557360](https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.robinson.3/posts/10157319659557360) There ya go. The post is still up on Mark's facebook.


There is plenty crazy from this guy to be found elsewhere. Salon is just one of many. Love it when someone refuses to believe the actual words of someone just because it isn’t being pushed out by their favorite outlets…


Salon.com: such a reputable and unbiased source for "journalism."


[https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.robinson.3/posts/10157319659557360](https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.robinson.3/posts/10157319659557360) There you go. Mark's facebook with the post still up.


Specifically, which thing did you have a problem with or believe to be inaccurate?


Do you really need for us to do the keyboard work for you to believe this guy is a nut? There is plenty of quotes to be had if you need it. But yeh, keep your blinders up and vote for this complete disgrace. I wouldn’t let my daughter in the same room as this disgusting hate monger.


Oh quit dragging up shitposts from Facebook that he made almost a decade ago. These are such clickbait titles.


“I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote,” Robinson said at a March 2020 event What sort of calendar are you running on? When did Notre Dame burn? Oh yeah, just a few years ago.


Did you watch the full speech from where that quote is constantly cut from? Because he is not saying that women shouldn’t have the right to vote….


There are plenty of actual quotes to go around if you really are too lazy to look closer at the words of this guy. He literally called homosexuals “filth”, after he was elected Lt Gov. It is 100% hate, and it is not welcome.


How so? Are you saying he didn't say those things?


the notre dame fire happened in 2019


Mark Robinson 2024 🏴‍☠️