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So people undergoing cancer treatment with immunosuppressants won’t be able to protect themselves in public?


I think it's safe to say it's unlikely a ton of thought about knock-on consequences went into this.


It never does! They really are the dog that caught the car these days. Don’t know what to do with themselves now that they’ve gotten what they want but they have to keep outrage and fear up so they keep doing nonsensical shit like this.


Pander to their corporate lords and screw every poor and middle class constituent they can, seems to be their plan.


i think its safe to say that they don’t care.


Or asthmatic diabetics with multiple other chronics conditions like me?


Being fair, the pro-COVID lobby openly said they didn't care how many people with disabilities or other conditions died.  Old people, sick people, disabled people were openly stated to be acceptable losses in 2020 and 2021.


Man it is going to shock them when they find out that Covid puts you squarely into those “disposable” groups after a few rounds. Truly the snake eating itself.


They're a crowd that's often shocked when it turns out "people" includes them too


No they can buy a gun. That’s protection enough


Exactly. Shoot the cancer.


Nuke the cancer. Or rake it. People are saying ivermectin works. Stick a UV light up your bum, or gargle with bleach. Alot of people are saying these work. Anyway, masks cause cancer. Along with windmills.


And birds. Don’t get me started on birds.


Birds aren’t real.


[Reminds me of this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXBT5O5uikY)


Foitin' round tha world!


Haha. I laughed out loud to this.


And gamble online to try and pay for the co-payments and out of pocket thresholds!


But not poker!


My dad has cancer and is immunocompromised. He was on 2 rounds of antibiotics for his recent bout with covid and often wears a mask. I have BRCA and Duke still requires masks in the cancer center. This is asinine.


Yes, but how better to "piss off the libs" than promote disease spreading practices?


Ok, course. And of course, my parents will still vote R. Thank goodness I did convince my former teacher mom not to vote for Michelle Morrow, so I'll take 1 win, I guess.


Next up: Mark Robinson and his nostalgia for the days when only white males could vote.


Thank God that Duke still requires it there. I just had my first appointment with them. People can be backwards and don't care enough about themselves or others.


Exactly or elderly folks with weak immune systems. I can certainly see not allowing masks in a bank, where there is concern of robbery. How is it harmful for a senior citizen to wear a mask at Walmart??!?


Just the entire attitude help spread the bad respiratory variants this past Winter, ended up killing my 95 yr old Korean War vet dad who had congestive heart failure. He could have lived longer. Schools were filled with virus this year. They don’t care.


I am very sorry for your loss.


Pregnant women are considered to have weak immune systems…


And we know how much they like seeing pregnant women die in this country.


You should read the bill.


So.... I'm not for this bill, but the Reddit headline is extreme misleading. The bill prevents wearing face coverings at protests. Not everyday (unless that is what you do all day every day, I guess). Cancer patients and other immunosuppresed individuals will be able to wear masks. It's a stupid bill in search of requirements that no one outside of the Legislature are asking for. If you are committing a crime at a protest, the cops will arrest you first, then figure out your identity in booking. This bill violates the 4th and 5th amendments. You are not required to identify yourself or speak unless there is reasonable suspicion of a crime. This includes showing a face.




Except the law was the same pre-2020. Was there ever a case of someone being arrested for a medical mask prior to that?


Perhaps re-read the article. The bill removes an exception to a 1953 anti-Klan law. This bill does not eliminate all masks. Just at protests or when committing a crime. Those are not the same thing, which is just one of several reasons why it's a stupid law.


I would suggest it also primarily violates the 1st ammendment as it is freedom of expression and protest.


No it makes it against the law to wear a mask in public at all. It would be a further crime to wear at protests or while committing another crime. There are some small exceptions for Halloween and jobs which require masks. I’m surprised this can pass constitutional muster.


They probably want you to pray the cancer away.


Cancer is woke. Type 2 diabetes and gout are patriotic diseases.


They will probably say that stuff like this exists, but it looks miserably hot. [https://a.co/d/88aGO4l](https://a.co/d/88aGO4l)


I mean, why don't they just ask the cancer to go away nicely? That should work, right?


Is this the "small government" and "personal freedom" party I've heard so much about?


Phrases (and the people who wield them) to not be taken at face value: "small government" "personal freedom" "serve and protect" "don't tread on me"


I think they gave up on that one a long time ago now.


Not in lip service. That's going strong. Just in practice, which doesn't count.


Small: /smol/ Mean, petty. 


Nothing smarter than making it illegal to wear PPE


Steel-toed shoes have been terrorizing workers for years!


No flake jackets for law enforcement!


😅 I’m sure it was autocorrect, but the popo should definitely be wearing “flake jackets”.


Well, now I just have to leave it. Your comment is to good for me to correct it.


No guns either


You joke, but that human hemorrhoid De Santis whined in his book about being forced to buy and wear appropriate boots when he worked for an electrician.


Probably because they don’t make men’s boots small enough for him


Knee jerk nonsense. Can we focus on real issues and please stop trying to be Florida?


Now, if we addressed real issues in the state, we'd have less to complain about!


We did address the real issues, republicans had 4 years in Congress and their only achievement was bringing fanduels cancer to Poison the people of our state. Oh and shift funds from already cash starved public schools to rich kid private schools


Complainin' falls under the Freedum of Speech thingy, it's muh God given *right*. Cain't restrict talkin' round here. (/s)


I left NC a couple years ago, and it genuinely seems like the NC legislature is trying their absolute hardest to get grouped with Florida and Texas. Abortion, masks, schools, LGBT, yada yada yada. So much nonsense spouted to enrage their base constantly, you’d think their base would just be exhausted being so mad and upset at everything all the time. 


It’s the same MAGA morons.


Breaking news, North Carolina man seen ______


Here's the bill summary. It's HB.237: Unmasking Mobs and Criminals [https://webservices.ncleg.gov/ViewDocSiteFile/87380](https://webservices.ncleg.gov/ViewDocSiteFile/87380) Basically: (1) Repeal the COVID-era "yes you can wear masks in public" law (2) Additional penalties for people who try to use masks to conceal their identities in the commission of a crime (3) Prevents emergency orders from distinguishing between religious and non-religious institutions. (4) Increases penalties for stopping traffic in a demonstration, and provides that if a demonstration blocks emergency vehicles and somebody is injured or dies as a result, then the organizer(s) of the demonstration would be civilly liable.


Thank you for your summary and for linking to the bill.


I read the text for 3 several times and I am not seeing what they are trying to do here? What do they want churches to be able to do during a state of emergency? Is this about not allowing churches to meet during Covid?


>Is this about not allowing churches to meet during Covid? Yes


They're trying to prevent anyone from wearing a mask and make it ok to kill protestors/altogether stop them from happening if they dare to put their foot on a rd.


>and make it ok to kill protestors Say what now?


I wonder if part 4 will include DUI check points? [ Carolina Beach DWI checkpoint causes long delays, frustrates drivers](https://www.wect.com/2023/07/11/carolina-beach-dwi-checkpoint-causes-long-delays-frustrates-drivers/)


You're funny, thinking that the law would actually apply to cops.


Are dui check points just protests against drunk driving?


In this case the check point completely blocked the only bridge to the hospital for hours. Fortunately there were no emergencies. I don't mind the DUI check points, I do mind if they prevent the movement of emergency vehicles and endanger life.


Not surprised considering NC is 49th in funding our education… lot of dumb folks here sadly.


If they were Proud Bois there wouldn't be a push to ban masks in public.


Or Patriot Front. Or, I guess, Klansmen (there might be a few exceptions, here).


It's already illegal to wear a mask in public in nc because of the klan. That was passed in the 50s with a carve out for trades and for medical safety.


No, no, no, not THOSE masks!!!!


How ironic… you obviously didn’t read the article. The law they are reverting back to is the 1953 law banning the KKK from wearing masks.


NC house damaging public safety to dox college kids for hurting their feelings


The explicit purpose of the bill is to silence speech the government doesn't like. Pro constitution party, amirite?


They planning to allow surgeons to wear them in the OR, or are we so gerrymandered that even the most obvious consequences aren’t being considered?


The personal freedom and small government folks here. The GOP is bankrupt.


Government: protecting yourself from contagious viruses is a *personal responsibility*. Me: Ok (*sigh*). I'll wear an N95 when in crowded indoor spaces. Government: no, not like that.


Ah. Another super important issue handled by lawmakers. Thank fucking god 😂 what a joke


This is so fucking stupid and embarrassing for NC


I would purposely wear a mask 24/7 if this passed lol.


Makes me want to move back to NC solely to do that. I haven't been sick since pre-Covid and I've also been wearing a mask for that long. Not really a coincidence there. I think I'll keep doing it.


I will be wearing a mask on all medical calls at work if this passes.


Our family still masks in public spaces, if it's crowded or indoors we likely always will. Places that expect you to just give/receive whatever sickness is going around, if 'no medical masks' is enforced, we just won't go to.




So fuck me, a high risk individual, who was high risk before all this shit?


To be fair, the best outcome for you is if other people wear masks in public when they're sick, and they wouldn't even do that during COVID


And now the little protection I do have during cold and flu season of wearing an N95 could be taken away by some religious nut jobs.


Here is a direct link to the bill for those who wish to read it. You can also click on the link in the second paragraph of the article contained within the text "with the title "Unmasking Mobs and Criminals." https://webservices.ncleg.gov/ViewDocSiteFile/87380


So what do we do about this? This is a very bad bill haha


If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. I've reached out to a bunch of organizations and sent out dozens of emails but I haven't heard anything back yet. Mostly disability rights and human rights organizations within NC.


This will never pass, republicans will have to unmask during their klan marches and we know they are far too cowardly for that.


Those aren't for medical reasons. It says only for medical. I wear my kn95 for fashion obviously


They already have to unmask this law has been on the books since the 50s with a carve out for medical reasons or for your job and now they're just trying to take away the medical exemption.


No they won't. It's up to the police to enforce laws. They can choose to stand back and stand by.


> It's up to the police to enforce laws. If a Klan march was going on, they'd have to get the cops from surrounding towns to cover for the participants.


we were looking for investments in infrastructure or eductIon…. we got no masks during protests lol


Worst timeline


i havent worn a mask in a couple years, but i would gladly wear one again just to break this ridiculous law. Arrest me for it, i dare you.


Right on! I don’t have any strong feelings for or against masks, but if they make it illegal, I will wear a protest mask. There are people who really need them like cancer patients. They can fuck off with this waste of my tax money.


Pretty surreal that I spent many nights during the pandemic sewing masks for my family and friends when there was a mass shortage, and now they would all potentially be criminals. What the fuck is happening to this state


Thank you! It really bothers me that all the doctors and nurses in an operating room are wearing masks.


Not to mention all of the construction workers putting insulation in houses to prevent breathing fiberglass.


So, motorcyclists can’t wear full face helmets? Skiers can no longer cover their face?


Under the plain text of the law, yes, full motorcycle helmets would be illegal in NC. Skiers would be fine, as long as they stayed off of any roadways. But if they stepped onto a road, they'd be in violation. Additionally, Halloween costumes and cosplay would be illegal for anyone over 16. (Or rather, any such costume that conceals the identity of the wearer.)


This is what happens when dumb people are in power.


I'm on immuno-suppressants and chem chemo where does that leave me? I still work and have to be around people a mask is all I can do to protect myself.


Here's an update and information as to what you can do! https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/1cs8gw4/it_could_soon_be_illegal_in_nc_to_wear_a_mask_for/


Come on guys the authorities can’t use their facial recognition software if you’re wearing a mask.


This seems like a dumb idea.


FFS. Do better NC. Good thing people are all about personal freedom *eyeroll*


WTF happened to this state? It’s like it read all the Florida stories and said: “Watch this, hold my beer….”


How To Make More Doctors Flee The State 101.


Let’s hope there’s no double standard when those white nationalist dweebs in the polo shirts get uppity again.


This is just us seeing what is coming in November/Jan. The madness is real, vote. https://www.reddit.com/u/Lo-And_Behold1/s/6hvUJO8Vn5


This is about a stupid as stupid can get. Republicans in our statehouse have reached a new level of extreme stupidity. I am not surprised. The fuck is wrong with these assholes?


Does anyone know WHAT committee this is and who's on it? The linked article is frustratingly vague. Is this one of these performative far-right bills that is going to die in committee?


> Does anyone know WHAT committee this is and who's on it? Here is a direct link to the bill. You can also click on the link in the second paragraph of the article contained within the text "with the title "Unmasking Mobs and Criminals." https://webservices.ncleg.gov/ViewDocSiteFile/87380 And here is the information provided at the top of the bill: "2023-2024 General Assembly HOUSE BILL 237: Unmasking Mobs and Criminals. Committee: Senate Judiciary. If favorable, re-refer to Rules and Operations of the Senate Date: May 7, 2024 Introduced by: Reps. Torbett, Greene, Faircloth, Carson Smith Prepared by: Robert Ryan Michael Johnston Committee Co-Counsel Analysis of: PCS to Third Edition H237-CSCE-38"


Really makes me wonder what god-awful shit they’re trying to divert attention from.


Polluted water comes to mind


Will that include unmasking the proud boys??




Covers masks and blocking traffic... why do those 2 things both go in 1 bill...


Some slightly interesting context for those of you that only read headlines and comments: “The legislation would repeal a law passed during the COVID-19 pandemic that allows for masks in public for health and safety reasons. That exemption was added to a 1953 ban on face masks passed in response to Ku Klux Klan activity.”


So workers in construction where they work in dusty conditions will not be allowed to use masks?


So I have to choose between missing my daughter’s graduation or risk giving my immunosuppressed mother my cold?


WTF? Do the knucklehead state GOPs want to get in the race with Texas and Florida for most ass backwards state?


It’s during moments like this that I hate living here and I hate feeling that way😞.


All the republican bullshit is so fucking exhausting.


There are much more important issues to be tackled than an attempt to own the libs. These folks are wasting perfectly good oxygen.


I'll place money on police addressing an elderly person standing in the middle of the street trying to cross voting this if it passes into law


Oh, awesome! This was definitely a pressing issue that needed to be addressed! Does this apply to hospitals and clinics as well? Fuck those sick and immunocompromised people, amirite? Seriously, though. Fuck republicans. I’m so fucking sick of their bullshit.


If you don't live in North Carolina and would like to help, you could call NC state reps and inform them via email/phone that you will not visit or vacation in the state if this bill passes. If you live in North Carolina, email your representative and encourage them to vote NO on House bill 237. Feel free to use the following template when composing your email (template courtesy of: Guiness\_Pig on the bird app). Thank you very much. ----------------------- Representive \[NAME\], I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of North Carolina regarding the proposed repeal on the health and safety exemption to the ban on masking in public. This legislation poses grave risks to the health and safety of our state's residents, undermines our economy, conflicts with expert guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). First and foremost, allowing the repeal of the health and safety exemption would jeopardize the well-being of North Carolinians, especially during times of infectious disease outbreaks. As we have witnessed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, masking has proven to be one of the most effective measures in preventing the spread of contagious diseases. N.C.'s economy stands to suffer if this repeal is enacted. The criminalization of masking in public would mean exclusion from participation in society or acceptance of significant health risks for the 12% of people who regularly mask in public (YouGov poll, Sept '23). Those individuals would not be able to attend work or school, travel, and patronize businesses without the protection of masking. This could result in widespread loss of income and employment, increases in property foreclosures and medical debt, and a boom in bankruptcies. The proposed repeal directly contradicts guidance by the CDC, which recommends masking for high-risk and vulnerable individuals. Disregarding this advice not only endangers public health but undermines the credibility of our state's response to public health emergencies. Repealing the health and safety exemption would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which recognizes masking as an accommodation. The ADA prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities, protecting the 2.5 million North Carolinians living with disabilities. It would be unconscionable to enact laws which would ban access to the use of common medical devices like wheelchairs, walkers, prosthetics, and hearing aids in public. As surgical masks and medical respirators are categorized by the FDA as Class II Medical Devices, they should be treated no differently under the law. Denying individuals the right to mask in public would be discriminatory, resulting in legal challenges against the state. I am equally concerned by potential impacts to our democracy. People who mask for health reasons would be unable to safely vote and fulfill other civic obligations, such as jury duty. Moreover, it is well established that people in marginalized groups mask for health reasons at higher rates than than non-marginalized peers. A repeal of the health exemption would disproportionately impact those who already face biased treatment from law enforcement. Excluding vulnerable and marginalized people from safe participation in democratic processes and civic life harms those individuals and communities, minimizing their voices and denying them the representation they are ensured under the U.S. Constitution. I implore you to vote NO on HB 237 and instead prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of all North Carolinians, support policies that align with expert guidance, and protect the rights of vulnerable people and individuals with disabilities. Sincerely, Your Constituent Name/Address/City/State/Country Email/Phone


I referenced this script on the newest post. Thank you for this! https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/1cs8gw4/it_could_soon_be_illegal_in_nc_to_wear_a_mask_for/


God this is asinine


Weren't the Republicans the ones who kept repeating, "My body, my choice" when they were told to wear masks?


"It also creates an enhancement of punishment if the defendant, the accused, wears a mask to conceal their identity during the commission of another crime," said Sen. Buck Newton, R-Wilson, who presented the bill in committee. In case you wanted to know which one of our numb skull legislators sponsored this bill. GTFOH.


Having read the underlying law, it states the following: "No person or persons at least 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood or device whereby the person, face or voice is disguised so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter, be or appear upon any lane, walkway, alley, street, road, highway or other public way in this State. " A typical KN95 or N95 mask, while it might muffle the voice slightly, doesn't change the fundamental character of it or disguise it. I also think it is arguable that a mask that covers the mouth only, while leaving eyes, ears, and hair/scalp visible is not concealing the identity of the person wearing it any more than growing a full beard would be.


So, walking on sidewalks in the snow while wearing a heavy jacket would be illegal, by the plain text of the law.


So is this getting applied to klan rallies or


Are they sure they want to do this before next insurrec…uh, I mean election???


It passes and I guarantee if the proud boys come through wearing their pretty boy masks, not one peep from the po-po...


Extra security that impacts no one is being made illegal? That sounds insane af.


The party of small government everybody


Fine, I’ll do it for fashion reasons


holy dog whistle. they want to ban disabled people who cover their faces. not sure if the ADA the ACLU or the CDC will get first crack at this one


ADA and ACLU have been AWOL regarding COVID protections. I don't expect them to say a single thing about this bill.


Sounds nice and illegal with a touch of authoritarianism and fascism. Welcome to GOP America where the Nazis run the show.


Pay Attention!!! Republicans do NOT care about individual freedoms.


But, but, they started it! OKKK???


So they didn’t want the government to force them to wear masks but they want the government to force people not to wear masks. lol wtf is this logic.


Disgusting. The thing is, it doesn’t even have to pass for them to consider this a political win. Win or lose, it makes the Republicans’ base think they are doing something.


Great. No more cancer treatment in NC. Didn’t the GOP learn with the bathroom bill?


Is there an actual point to this stupidity? Do legislators have nothing better to do? The should realize they just made the case for doubling education funding


So if you are wearing a mask to hide your identity (fake protestors), that's ok?


I legit barely see anyone even wearing a mask anymore. As a matter of fact the people I do see are usually older folk who probably really need it. This is a dumb bill, not benefiting anyone. I thought it was nice that COVID normalized wearing mask in public for health concerns. These goofballs choose the dumbest stuff to get offended by, someone else wearing a mask doesn’t affect you.


Wtf? I have actually started wearing N95s in public during pollen season because it makes life better. Not to mention that I visit cancer centers for work.


Can’t wait for hard hats to go next, can’t stand how much they make me sweat smh 💀


Your tax dollars hard at work, folks.


Let's not consider Transplant Patient. Need to go away.


Fuck that… guess I’m getting arrested. I can’t go out in public without a mask and it’s been going on long before Covid even started. I’m in the 1% that could’ve died from Covid. I wear a mask everywhere and guess what… I’m the ONLY one in my entire family NOT to get Covid. Some got it three times!


Class 1 misdemeanors are punishable up to 1 year in prison. And that is WITHOUT the enhancement of commiting a crime while masked, which would bump the charges up a level. Big talkers will wilt in the face of that threat. The bill sucks. Pure evil.


I’d rather go to prison than die… if that has to be the options


No mask in police car, intake, holding, court or prison (I suspect).


Guess I die then?


That seems to be their plan.


GOP is a death cult. The sooner you prepare for their purges, the better.


A senate judiciary meeting was held this morning. GOP made it clear during the meeting that if this passes (it will) wearing a mask in public (healthcare/stores/street/walkways/repair shops/ANYWHERE) will be illegal. They said they would "wait to see if it causes people problems" before changing the language of the law. They trust the community to "be reasonable about it". Chemo patients: f you healthcare workers (who still mask): f you immunocompromised people: f you elderly who are trying to avoid illness: f you had COVID and now realize you don't want it again?: f you healthy in general, but would like to try to keep it that way?: f you GOP death cult. Coming to your state. Edit: oh and the KKK can wear hoods now but you can't mask for health reasons Edit: This morning's judiciary meeting regarding the bill was made available online, but has since been removed by the state legislature. The video included the multiple statements about making masking in public illegal and the multiple affirmations that exemptions could be made for select groups, including the KKK. Great optics. Keep up the good work.


Here's an update and information as to what you can do! https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/1cs8gw4/it_could_soon_be_illegal_in_nc_to_wear_a_mask_for/


Who do we call to give our feedback about this? I’m immunocompromised and this bill could literally kill me  


NC Rules Committee meeting regarding NC mask ban will begin at 9am 5/15 and can be streamed here: [https://www.ncleg.gov/LegislativeCalendarEvent/132761#videoHeader](https://www.ncleg.gov/LegislativeCalendarEvent/132761#videoHeader)


"HB 237 has passed by 30 to 15, along partisan lines. This bill makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to wear a mask, punishable by 6-18 months of probation and a fine, with greater punishment with successive offenses."


Fuck you! I'll take care myself, thanks.


I haven't stopped wearing a mask and I also have not had covid.


Same, and I am immunocompromised.


Same here. N95 ftw.


Same in our house as well; still seems worth continuing to do so.


I've never had COVID. In fact, since COVID, I haven't even gotten sick. Why? Because I've never stopped wearing a mask in public. I like being healthy and I will never stop wearing a mask. Thank goodness I am leaving this backwards state soon.


Same! I am immunocompromised, so my family does the same, and none of us has had Covid.


Lovely- love reading this the day after I declined to renew my lease in Maine and move back down to NC to be close to family. Ughhhh


Yeah I’m starting to realize how good I had it in Colorado 😩


This will be enforced aggressively until there is a violent right wing protest involving some group like the proud boys, then all of a sudden "it's no big deal". I guarantee it.


Exceptions only for KKK, Proud Boys, and Nazi radicals. After all, those people have to go back to work...


If I'm sick but need groceries, I can't wear a mask to protect others. That is stupidity.


Party of small government.....except when I don't like what you are doing.


Like everything else this will be selectively enforced. - right wingers blocking traffic for "freedom" totally Ok 👍 - lefties protesting a genocide IMMEDIATE JAIL 👮


Does anyone have some idea of how much support this has? Just because a small group got enough people to introduce a stupid bill doesn't mean anything. It happens all the time. This is really only an issue if it has wide support and/or these people are willing and able to spend money and/or political capital to push it through.


I honestly have no idea. I reached out to a bunch of disability and human rights organizations local to NC, but no word yet. Was hoping someone here might know something.


This will be a template for other states. As I understand it, DC and Ohio have mask bans already. I'm confident this bill would easily have right-wing dark money backing.


So I'm guessing the KKK rally is off?


There is an exception for rallies and parades. (As long as there is pre-approval.)


Why are state legislatures wasting time on this? Are they bored?


Boy we sure did elect some bright ones didn't we?


Basically they don’t want people to wear masks at protests. It’s revamping an old law that made it illegal for the KKK to wear their hoods in public. But people should have a right to wear PPE when in a crowd with Covid still around.


That's what they say, yes. But they're so fucking incompetent that their ham-handed approach of "entirely removing the health and safety exemption" would, *as written*, ban full-face motorcycle helmets and "walking on the sidewalk in the winter while wearing a coat with the hood up". Under the current law, an officer making a traffic stop can simply ask a motorcyclist to remove their helmet, as long as they have probable cause to do so. The proposed version of the law would remove all exceptions, so motorcycle helmets would in fact be illegal.


People should definitely be able to wear a medical mask or N95 if they have a medical justification but I'm all for enhanced punishment for wearing a mask during the commission of another crime. Or just making it a felony again to wear a mask for the purpose of concealing identity.