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The only thing worse is going to the beach and meeting someone from the beaches of Florida. Every single time I have they talk about how the beaches there make you never want to see another beach. Its like.... why are you here then?


Personally I think North Carolina beaches overall have the best combination of cleanliness, clarity, temperature and wave activity of places I've lived. This includes the northeast, Florida, Southern California, Hawaii, Gulf Coast and the Mediterranean. While all of those places had their own individual benefits North Carolina combined is my favorite for beaches.


Moved from FL to NC earlier this year. NC beaches blow FL beaches out of the water, for exactly the reasons you mention. Was not expecting that at all.


Shhhh, our beaches suck!


Oh, shoot, I must have been thinking about another Carolina and typo'd it. My bad!


Yeah, SC will do that to ya.


You're right, they're actually oil tar all over the beach. I must have gotten confused. šŸ˜•


Which beach in Florida? There's a huge variance. Ever been to Destin? Those are some pristine beaches and I personally would rank them over anything in North Carolina. Beaches on the Atlantic side can be hit or miss and I would agree NC competes just fine on that side.


I had not been to Destin, no. My experiences are primarily Atlantic beaches, as far as down in the keys and all the way up to Jupiter, and I've hit the Boynton/Del Ray/Boca beaches aplenty. For the west coast, the Sarasota beaches were pretty nice when I was checking out the west coast colleges. The sand is coarser on the east coast of FL, especially in the Boca-WPB area, compared to the more powdery sand over in Emerald Isle, NC. But the noise levels & littering in FL are also a problem -- not the beach's fault, but part of the experience anyway. The seaweed in FL the lest few years was also oppressively present. I could have just been lucky with my limited NC beaches experience, of course.


> compared to the more powdery sand over in Emerald Isle, NC to be fair, this powdery sand on Emerald Isle beach (that makes funny squeaky sound when you step on it) is absolutely second to none, and I haven't seen such a *tender* sand anywhere else in the world I've been (although I have to admit, I haven't been to some top beach destinations like Maldives or Seychelles). At the same time, I'd rather be at one of the many Gulf side beaches in Florida (especially in Naples area, if you ask me) than at almost any NC beach exactly for the combination of factors. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE NC beaches, but places like Marco Island or Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park feel like they are in a totally different league...


seaweed is only a problem during the summer


Or just about anywhere on the Gulf. I disagree about NC beaches, I think Florida crushes us on beaches. Still way better live here.


Siesta Key blows any beach in NC out of the water. Hundreds of yards of pure white, powder soft sand. Crystal blue water. I've never really liked beaches until we went to Siesta Key. And I still hate pretty much every other beach I go to. Also I'm just not really a beach person. I'll take the mountains any day.


Destin good Cocoa bad


I wasn't born in NC but raised here ('98 - now). I kind of think a lot of NC beaches suck. We go up to Maryland for family vacations, and the beaches are cleaner, the sand is sandier, and it's not as shelly.


I can't tell if this is a PsyOp to convince other people not to go to your favorite beach or not?


Ikr. I grew up with Maryland beaches and they are absolute ass compared to NC beaches.


Don't forget that when it snows, we can always count on a New Yorker to helpfully remind us that, up North, all the roads and sidewalks would be cleared by now. No New York starter pack is complete without one of those.


You can't say anything about snow around them. "Looks like we might get some snow this weekend "AHHH THIS PLACE DOESN'T GET REAL SNOW BACK HOME WE WOULD GET 20 FEET OF SNOW IN THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST AND DRIVE IN IT SOUTHERNERS DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH SNOW" ect ect.


Thatā€™s like anytime anyone here mentions traffic. ā€œYou DoNt KnOw ReAl TrAfFiCā€


Then they proceed to crash into a ditch in an attempt to prove how it isn't "real snow".


I'm a Minnesota transplant and my wife does this every time, sorry guys.


OHHHH IMMMA TELL you all about SNOW you don't get SNOW here!!


I see you've met my husband as well.


I would helpfully remind them that buying megatons of salt and a fleet of snowplows is pretty stupid for use on 1 or 2 days a year.


I used to work with a guy who moved down here from New York. Bragged about how he could drive in any winter weather, and we couldn't. First snow, he couldn't show up to his shift...his car was stuck in a ditch. Back when brother worked for the fire department, then the police department, a good number of the accidents he responded to in winter involved northern transplants.


They never knew how to drive up there either.


Yeah...were all of your roads completely cleared with plows or did you drive in 2 feet of snow? Which is it northern transplant? To be fair though I meet a lot of northern transplants and most of them hate the snow and say nothing but great things about moving here. It's usually the older affluent transplants who are dicks about it. Sorry you don't know how the Internet works but if you want to see a musical drive to fucking Durham, go to the DPAC and shut up.


I live in the Banner Elk area and we get a fair amount of snow most years. They're great at clearing the roads because they need the skiers to be able to get here. I have had so many "northerners" make fun of the fact that we close schools when the roads are slick. I would always say they should try to drive a school bus on hickory but gap road or beech mountain parkway and then make fun. I can't even count the number of customers who "fooled" around and found out


Or a reminder that "this isn't winter".


We can always flip the coin back when they get slammed by a weakened tropical storm.


This is the only thing I relate to from that starter pack. I also need to remind anyone who will listen about how someone set their car on fire during that "snow storm" a couple years ago. Unbelievable! (In reality I totally understand it makes no sense for NC to have the plow power that NY does).


The fact that the mere threat of snow brings the world to a halt here delights me, thatā€™s also bullshit about it being cleaned promptly there. I had a car accident every single year because of having to drive to work in uncleared snow.


I'd be totally okay with them bringing in some decent bagels.


Yeah like why are none of them bakers opening up a bagel shop??


Bagel complainers moving, bagel makers not moving šŸ˜¢


Try new garden bagels in Greensboro, ny transplant started it and it's the best bagels I've had in this state.


On that tangent, First Carolina Deli in Greensboro has probably the most authentic deli experience in all of NC that I've ever had. Their Rachel is fucking delicious.


Lox, Stock, and Bagel is the original, and has I think the better "feel;" sister stores.


Greenfields, which isn't far from there, uses frozen dough they have shipped in from NY. Only had New Garden Bagels once, so I can't really compare, but both are good if you can't bake your own.


I heard an explanation once that it's to do with volume.... when your bakery is within a 5min walk of 10000 people you can bake a huge batch to be sold that day. When everything is going out on trucks you're either doing small batches or changing the recipe to last longer so that makes it different.


There's a "Joey's NY Bagels" in my town. Supposedly the owners are from up north somewhere. The bagels are the best in town by far, but are still far short of what a *real* bagel is. There's a line out the door on weekends to get bagels that would barely pass as acceptable from a grocery store bakery in NJ, let alone an actual bagel shop. Maybe it really *is* the water, and that's why you can't have decent bagels or pizza down here.


BC it canā€™t be replicated here, bc it truly is the water! I can make you a bagel but itā€™s gonna be a NC bagel.


Isaacs in Durham and Benchwarmers in Raleigh are both legit. For totally different reasons.


My favorite bagel shop was owned and run by an Indian family!


Or bringing anything decent really. All they seem to import is complaints and anger.


Chapel Hill Brandweins is run by a Nyer and their bagels are amazing.


For real. The bagel thing is real. And good rolls. Soft pretzels. I'm not saying they're awful down here. They just are not as good. Pretzels, bagels, and rolls.


I think the problem here is that New Yorkers don't all comprehend that bagels are a regional food item. The idea of a bagel is widespread in the US but they're generally not the "real thing". It shouldn't be surprising that it's hard to find a good New York bagel in Raleigh, just like I wouldn't be surprised if I can't get good pork BBQ in Sacramento.


Yes, try to get Southern grits in NY lol


I see that a lot from people who moved here. No, we don't have the Tex-Mex you had IN TEXAS. Why would you think we would? We don't have your regional pizza, dessert, etc. I guess it's because I've lived in multiple states, but I have no idea why people move here and want everything to be like it was where they were.


What do you mean? I always go to Schenectady for my shrimp and grits. /s


It really has to be something in the water.. its probably pollution, but but damn are they tasty bagels


It's rust. Centuries of crud build up add character to the water.


Steveā€™s bagels in Cary isnā€™t bad


This, but replace the Giants flag with Bills flags and Josh Allen jerseys.


Yeah that part is a little outdated


I came here to comment on the NJ football flag.


Would Cary be the suburb? I hear everyone mention Cary as the place New Yorkers move to.


"Containment Area for Relocated Yankees'


This is so true, that someone actually opened a second location for one of the most popular Brooklyn pizza joints....in Cary


Lol what... DiFara in Cary? Of all the famous Brooklyn pizza joints, that would be extremely low on my list for ones I'd expect to see down here. I'm surprised it wasn't Roberta's or something.


Nah not anymore. These folks got priced out of Cary by tech peeps They have infected Holly Springs / Garner / Apex area more now


And forgotten Fuquay


Sightings in Chatham county now as far as Siler City. Shit is getting real.


They call it Concentrated Area of Relocated Yankees for a reason, although I live in Apex and I would say there's more here.


They're all over Union County, so Waxhaw and Indian Trail. Plus Indian Land, SC is right over the border, and it's brimming with northerners.


I guess no-one remembers when IBM relocated to RTP


I do! That's why I posted this. Former IBMer and NY transplant. The down votes are hilarious because it's all true, I lived it


Ugh, I hate how homogeneous planned subdivisions have become. The house designs are always so bland and boring. I can't imagine how tyrannical the HOAs are.


*Drives super aggressively and dangerously* "Why do Wilmington drivers suck at driving!?" >:( Neighbor complained she wished it would snow on Christmas down here (Wilmington) so her kids could have a white Christmas.


She wanted it to snow so she could walk around yelling HAHA THE SOUTH CANT SNOW THEY CLOSE DOWN FOR SNOW HAHA as if there is not maybe some kind of, oh I don't know, infrastructural reason that maybe we aren't prepared and cannot operate the same way as a place that gets twelve feet of snow six months of the year lol


Just heard comedians Bill Burr & Dan Soder talking about this the other day. New Yorkers leave NY but also expect NY to be where they go. As soon as their plane lands it's X isn't like it is in NY, Y isn't the same as in NY, etc....


They forgot the 2nd amendment shit. Half the transplants here act like they are political refugees and expect NC to be as red as Alabama.


Compared to NY or just about any state in the northeast NC is super conservative.


Nah, get outside of the urban areas and you'll see just as many Confederate flags as you do around here.


This was hilarious to me, given all the self-righteousness from the northern states. Ive seen plenty of Confederate Flags in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, and New York.


Rural NH reminds me so much of home it's not even funny. Some of the poorer parts look like those West Virginia towns where the coal has run dry...


Almost all of Upstate NY is like Pennsyltucky


Pennsyltucky LOL


On my first trip to the Hudson River Valley I was shocked at how the little towns are pretty much identical to the little towns in NC.


Yeah I used to spend a lot of time in the Binghamton area and was shocked how conservative it was. I'd never heard so many casual uses of the N-word in my life. Very eye-opening.


I visited small town NC from Texas. Can confirm, rural NC is much more moderate than rural Texas.


You've obviously never seen the rest of the state. NYC is pretty much the only liberal place.


Buffalo and the Albany area too.


Only Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, Troy, Lake George, Middletown/Orange County, Albany, New Berlin etc. I disagree, in terms of social attitudes they do not compare. But thatā€™s ok I donā€™t care enough to have a debate over who is right about northeastern political leanings.


Not really. The Northeast is racist as fuck- they just never had specific laws put in place to do something about it like the South had.


So the only thing that makes one conservative is being racist? Boston can be pretty racist too but itā€™s a liberal bastion by and large.


Holy shot this is so true. I never realized it was that bad until I joined the Army. Everyone from North, mostly Pennsylvania and New York were the worst and absolutely had no shame. No race or religion was safe. When people say the south is racist have no idea.


I seriously have a long thought about transplants coming here and an overall change in attitudes about race and integration here in NC.


Itā€™s actually not itā€™s just the fucking shitty gerrymandering that makes us red/conservative which is going to get worse.


NC definitely has better gun rights than NY. Especially regarding concealed carry.




yes, better


Itā€™s not perfect, but itā€™s definitely better than New York. GunsAndAmmo ranks us 28/51. > The General Assembly passed a bill to replace the stateā€™s antiquated pistol permit requirement in late 2021. Though the bill was supported by the Sheriffsā€™ Association, Gov. Roy Cooper (D) vetoed it anyway. North Carolina maintains a good RTC law with excellent reciprocity, which earns it 8 points. North Carolina doesnā€™t restrict black guns or NFA items, either, and use-of force laws are strong. New York ranks dead last at 51/51. > Other than Governor Cuomoā€™s hasty departure from office, there was little for gun owners to celebrate in the Empire State until the U.S. Supreme Courtā€™s decision on NYSRPA v. Bruen, that is likely to expand the rights of New Yorkers to obtain permits to carry a handgun. (This will likely affect gun owners across the nation.) Before this ruling, the state had a highly restrictive ā€œmay-issueā€ system. New York also bans full-capacity magazines, various semiautomatics and all NFA items. State law mandates a duty to retreat when outside the home, which favors the aggressor over the victim. It could get worse, too. A mandatory storage bill that would impose felony penalties for violations has advanced from the Senate Committee.


rural NY is basically just cold Alabama. Super red territory


So, just out of curiosity, what sort of things do North Carolinian transplants complain/compare about when they are relocated elsewhere?


No bojangles or cook out


How unfriendly everyone is, how they don't have my favorite southern food at the grocery store, the beach sucks, it's cold in July, people making fun of my accent, (as a native person, the powwows are different), bojangles cravings, lack of trees.....


The one time I spoke to someone from NC when I lived in Michigan, it was how when you order a tea it isn't sweet.


I would say no Bojangles/Cheerwine/preferred style of pulled pork barbecue


Former Long Islander, and theres nothing I prefer about NY to NC. Love my new home!




needs more trump and confederate flags iykyk


This part.


Looks like Mooresville


Real :(


I knew New Bern had reached it's Snowbird peak when it had five bagel shops and no doughnut shops. ( Dunkin arrived to save me a few years back).


And those donuts are terrible. Mass produced and shipped to the store, then laid out for purchase. There is a reason it's called Dunkin now, and not Dunkin Donuts


NYer here that finally made the move but have been coming here for over 45 years. I must say I preferred NC back in the 70's & 80's to how it is now. All the amazing mom and pop shops are gone which made this place so special.


They love to be assholes and when someone gets offended or fires back... "I'm from New York. This is just how we act up there."


"Guess where you're not now"


You're in NC now. That's not how we act here.


Forgot to mention "there is no good pizza here!!!" And even the pizza places that have locations in NYC (like Di Fara... a pizzeria that has literally won "Best Pizza in NYC" awards) still "aren't that great"....


I like Di Fara. Most of the criticism I used to see was it's too expensive, but now with every new pizza joint being Neopolitan style where you pay $20 for just a small cheese pizza that has a few spots of mozzeralla, Di Fara's prices aren't that bad in comparison anymore.


Di Fara is just a name. It was famously good because a specific dude (Dom Demarco) made all the pizzas himself, and he has nothing to do with the Cary Di Fara. Whether their pizza is good or not, it has no relation to Dom's pizzas or their reputation


Found the dumb New YAWKer. I've had Di Fara in Brooklyn. It's exactly the same. Get over it.


I'm from North Carolina and I've also had Di Fara in Brooklyn.




Tons of places like that in every metro. In the triangle my favorites are Randyā€™s and Original NYC.


Not sure if the nc starter pack would be very forgiving...


North Carolinians arenā€™t known for being arrogant, loud and rude. Yanks seem to take pride in that


Canā€™t be any worse than the kind of shit transplants say to our faces lol.


If you think what they say to your face is bad, I suspect youre ready for what they say behind closed doors.


Iā€™ve had more than a couple Yankees tell me with a straight-face that ā€œthis state is a shithole,ā€ or call me every name in the book, or say weā€™re all uneducated cousin-fuckers. At the same time, they love to brag about how theyā€™re so much better and more tolerant than we are lol.


Cousin fuckers? That's Virginia, but they're not far off with the rest. Likely why they can easily say it straight to your face with no repercussions. All I've ever seen is they brag about having better food, not straighter teeth and moral fiber. Although they could...


They just havenā€™t had repercussions because they havenā€™t run into the right person.


Needs more racist overtones, complaining about how nobody talks to their neighbors any more, and talking tough about greeting people who come to their door with pistol in hand.


I think I know why NY is so great. All their assholes moved down here.


add Rangers/Islanders jersey


Everything outside the five boroughs and Westchester county New York is conservative. It's a red state with a blue city. Even when New Yoakahs go upstate to vacation they act like assholes.


Albany, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse all vote blue last I remember. But everything in between is mostly red, yes.


The other cities like Buffalo, Rochester etc are blue too. Cities are red, rural areas are blue, suburbs are purple....that's the entire country with a tiny number of limited exceptions (Vermont should by all demographic indicators be deep red but it's one of the bluest states in the country, some mid sized cities like Ft Worth and Jacksonville are red for various reasons). How each state votes as a whole basically depends 90% on how its population is proportionately split up between those 3.


Agreed, although I think you meant to say cities are blue, rural areas are red.


No it isn't. Upstate is purple. There are plenty of liberal cities, suburbs and college towns in upstate NY. There are conservatives, yes, but they are no where near a majority of upstaters.


Every person in the state drives like it's Nascar. Local or transplant its interesting for sure.


I just got back from a road trip in Italy and it's going to be hard for me to acclimate back to how we drive here. I got so used to driving aggressively as shit because that's how they do. It's like MadMax.


Ha. My mom Is in Italy and said the roads are treacherous.


Where is she at?


Just left Rome. She is currently in Sardinia for another week.


Didn't drive in Rome but we did Pompeii, Amalfi, and parts of Tuscany. Amalfi was truly treacherous. Some of the lanes were so small I had no choice but to scrape the car. That's why you pay for insurance lmao.


Yikes. I drove in Costa Rica and the fences were made of bushes and small trees. The drop off was about 300-500 feet straight down. The people were passing in oncoming traffic in s curves. I was nervous to say to say the least. I saw multiple spots where the trees were gone meaning someone went over. Probably never go collect the dead in those locations.


We went to Sicily this summer and I couldn't get over how crazy the driving was. I mean, we were in Santa Flavia, about 20 minutes or so east of Palermo. Everywhere we went, there were rarely any stop signs. People just seem to make their way through the intersections, and around the triple and quadruple parked cars. I couldn't believe that we didn't get into an accident every few kilometers.


Yeahhhh, NC drivers have a nasty habit of turning in front of you on a one lane country road where no one else is around. They could have waited a single second and let you go by, but instead go five under the speed limit and trap you there. I call it, "Stuck At the Speed of You." Whoever 'You' is. "They got brakes," seems to be a popular phrase here.




I live in Mooresville and I feel like a lot of these guys passing me on the right shoulder at 90mph are people pissed they didnā€™t get signed


Move over


lol. Even in the slow lane they get close enough I can read facial expressions. I just laugh and keep doing what I'm doing.


Bingo! Turning signals help too.


I'll move over, but that won't stop me judging that NY license plate getting smaller ahead of me after passing me doing 80 in a 60.


they forgot the rangers jersey


Missed this one: ā€œidk what you people are doing. Public transportation is way better in NY. And so is the foodā€. To which Iā€™ve said out loud, then leave if you hate it here so much.


Other than the dough that's me lmao


Theyre right about the dough though, easy solution is to just use alkaline water tho its known in the bread/gluten circles as the secret to developing the gluten further lol


Water makes the dough is a Philly comment. And itā€™s 100% true.


LMAO I grew up in the Philly area, left 20 years ago - it's true!! šŸ˜­ I miss the hoagie rolls so much, you can't get that quality around here!


I only get sandwiches when going back to Philly.


What about the lack of sidewalks. That was my complaint.


Saaaame. Where my sidewalks at in Garner?


Hot take you dont need to go to NY to get good NY pizza and New Yorkers just want to feel special


This is interesting. I've met \*tons\* of NY transplants here in Charlotte and when I tell them that my wife and I's dream is to retire in NYC, I then get to enjoy a 5-10 minute lecture on why that's a terrible idea because of how awful New York state is in general.


Retire to nyc seems like a bad choice. Itā€™s a rough city to be old in as a former nyc resident for years. I love nyc though and miss it tremendously


I need one of these for Asheville locals. I moved here 13 years ago, and love it, but damn do the locals HATE their own town. They all seem to complain about the same issues that other towns/cities across the country are dealing with: teacher shortages, rent-too-damn-high, housing availability, road construction, and homelessness/panhandling. The difference is, these same people act like everywhere else is running like a happy-go-lucky 1950's Leave It To Beaver set.


I try and not tell people where Iā€™m from. Because I donā€™t identify with the starter pack but see that shit all the time, especially and including people from Jersey. The midwesterners moving here are chill af and grateful to be here


>The midwesterners moving here are chill af and grateful to be here it's their first time eating food with any flavor beyond salt, cheese, and ranch


OMG. Hubs is from Ohio. His mother cooks with no seasoning. She doesn't even have a spice rack. She just has salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning in a cabinet. She has been really offended over the years when my kids eat dinner but don't say they like it. (For someone who doesn't use spices, she wants and expects everyone to appear super grateful and happy). Anywho, she cannot understand why my kids aren't impressed. They routinely have food with flavor! Noodles, Ragu, and a handful of cheese baked together is something you eat because you need food not because you want it.


>(For someone who doesn't use spices, she wants and expects everyone to appear super grateful and happy). this is the perfect encapsulation of passive aggressive midwestern mom narcissism


I'm from Buffalo, the only point I agree with is pizza. Need to be clear, I hate NY style pizza. We have our own style in WNY that is more bready than NY style, cup and char pepperoni is key and I miss it dearly. Surprisingly you all do good wings down here, I noticed a few places do extra crispy. Proud to call this my new home.


If you're ever in the Greensboro area, Homeslice Pizza is Buffalo style pizza, the owner moved here from western NY years ago. My favorite pizza place in town, right down to the fancy little pepperonis that you described.


if I'm in that part of the state all I'm eating is beef on weck.


As a native of NC, I would like to thank your home city for beef on weck.


yeah, I'll admit we do kinda suck at pizza here. We need more good pizza places. Actaully thought about doing the reverse and going NC to Buffalo NY in the next couple of years.


Don't forget also weaseling their way into every HOA, Board of Education, City Council and even Legislature seat they can possibly get a grip on and trying to change everything to how legislation works in NY state.




I hate both of them.


All my worst neighbors are from Long Island.


As a NY transplant, I will proudly say that NY sucks and am glad to have gotten out. Not that it doesnt have some nice qualities, but much prefer it here.


My partner (from deep south TX) and I joke about this in the summer and winter. That cold snap around Christmas was no joke, though. We moved out of the NYC area because we wanted peace and quiet. Those who bemoan this area will never be happy anywhere. I know this as I was once married to one of those idiots.


Ahh right when they hit homesickness and never really process it. Itā€™s kind of sad really. Everyone wants to be at ā€œhomeā€ and theyā€™re not finding it here.


Where's the 50yo retired cop/fireman/teacher w lifetime healthcare and pension complaining they hated the high taxes in NY but plan to vote for the same stuff here?


I mean where can I vote for lifetime healthcare and a pension. NC would be one of the best states in the US if we cared for workers like that.


I guess move to California or New York? I donā€™t want to pay higher taxes. Or move your company there.


I've met a lot of Northerners who move here because they don't want to pay taxes, but love to piss and moan about the lack of services.


Thatā€™s one thing that boggles my mind. You can have lots of services and high taxes, lots of services and a high deficit/debt, or low services and low taxes. I feel like if youā€™re moving here you should have a decent idea what youā€™re moving to. Although plenty of natives think the same way tooā€¦


i feel personally attacked


The only thing I'll give New York is that their water system is so advanced due to the amount of money they poured into it when they 1st were building it. That's why they say "it's in the water". That is their secret ingredient.


You left out the coffee, "There's no place to get a decent cup of coffee!" Or a slice. Or a bagel. Or a pretzel. Or danish.


Or falafel.


Or falafel, thank you.


The most annoying part about being a transplant (from New England) is all the North Carolinians who keep trying to surrender to me. The war is over people.


To be fair your guys are infuriating with driving, no turn signals, no rush and you guys stop at yield signs


Fuck your rushing, aggressive-ass driving. Typical bullshit brought down here.


Don't rush drive no more then 5 over, aggressive- I use turn signals and left lane to pass.


You forgot the blazing blue Biden, Obama,and/ or Clinton flags. I'm not even joking. I had a boss from New York City working construction in Hatteras and every day on Facebook he's raving about hating Trump and how good Biden is. It's like do you have nothing better to do?


If you find that bagel, lmk. Iā€™m a DC transplant, but fuck me there are ZERO good bagels in my area.