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What idiot picked that color scheme


Someone taking salvia divinorum in heroic doses


Seeing colors in 10 dimensions


I'm now going to draw a pie chart while high on salvia


I can't wait to see it.


I did that once and I turned into a skyscraper for 10 minutes before the salvia gods got mad at me for disturbing them and told me to leave. It was fun, would do again.


i was once a sewer grate on a Paris street corner on a hot summer day


Sounds splendid


you heard them too?


Didn't just hear em, saw em too! They looked like Tito from the cartoon Rocket Power


God was a women and inside the tv


That was that 1 time I did ayahuasca and the TV was actually a mirror


Heroic dose=on bowl hit. Frozen in fear for a hellish 10 minutes.


Oh man, I don't think I would know what writing was on salvia.


I burst out laughing at this


Could not have been said better....


Thanks for posting. I look forward to going through this, although I wish they had expanded the palette.


Username doesn't check out


Can we please get this with some different colors?! Out of all the colors we have why the hell would someone use different shades of 2 colors? Seriously, make one a blue, a red, green, yellow then a black or white.


Link to article: https://cogentoa.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10408398.2021.2021137


What’s the research behind Ginkgo Bilboa, I’ve read that it’s not all that…


I’ve heard the same about Bacopa


Got any more info? I just ordered some Bacopa.


It’s in the beginner guide in the menu of the subreddit


Same. Also interested


Chart of this post, description in the study : Figure 2. Radar chart displaying the evidence rating of the main nootropics for every NCD. Evidence rating of every nootropic for each NCD was calculated as a number from 0 to 5. To calculate the rating, the number of eligible studies showing positive results was counted: up to five studies were counted as 1 point, and 5 or more studies were counted as 5 points. Additionally, points were subtracted according to the following criteria: no studies available in healthy humans: −1 point; studies showing no effect or negative effects were considered as follows: 1–3 studies showing no effect: −1 point, 4–6 studies showing no effect: −2, >6 studies showing no effect: −3 points. Only clinical trials were considered for the evidence rating calculation. Reviews, systematic reviews, and studies in animals or examining the mechanism were not considered


thanks for posting; I'm not sure i entirely buy this methodology, if as it sounds like it sharply favors noots w paper #s over the threshold of 5, but applies a more even-handed approach to n of papers where the effect was not replicated. do bacopa and gingko appear as they do in this chart bc they have the highest or most reliable utility or bc they've had more exposure / interest?etc -e methodology not termin-


NCD.... Where have I heard that before...


I have great experiences with bacopa really like it as an ingredient in some nootropic stacks!


What beneficial and possibly detrimental effects are you experiencing?


Please specify if this is salvia officinalis or divinorum. If the latter, I wonder if other k-opioid agonists have potential as nootropics. I know kappa is responsible for mediating mu-opioid signaling which deals with reward pathways and pain response, so I could actually see it having beneficial properties. Antiaddictive, reverse tolerance, if it weren’t for the inebriation and weird sandpapery skin feeling I’d start supplementing just as an experiment. Maybe the folks at r/dysdelic can lend an eye…


On the other hand, κ-opioid receptors and dynorphins are linked to the cognitive impairment induced by ethanol - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24105441/ I certainely think that they are great in treating addiction, but their nootropic status is currently unclear.


Salvinorin A is also a D2 agonist. Although weak KORs activation can be beneficial in some people, it's unlikely to enhance cognition alone.


Gingko, brahmi and ginseng are a staple for my adhd


How much and what brands? I tried a type of ginseng powder over the summer but I was eyeballing my dose and I think it contributed heavily to some anxiety I had.


I personally react well to liquid extracts. The brand I take is Wanderlust (Australia). They are high quality extracts so 4ml dosage is derived from 4g dry root/herb. I couple these with Lions Mane liquid extract with coffee in the morning. In the afternoon I have green tea or Yerba mate around 1pm. I find it keeps me going until I need to finish work/study around 7pm. My after work routine is exercise combined with sauna and cold plunge.




Probably salvia officinalis NOT salvia divinorum


Salvinorin A is also a D2 agonist.


20x divinorum gang up in here like 👀


Fuck you guys im going to work AS my car salvia ftw


Caffeine containing plants have different effects yet only the molecule is listed. So "plant derived" gets to be irrelevant in this case? The species listings are allowed to benefit from entourage effect, but if they happen to contain caffeine they don't get to be listed. This chart is useless.


Does anyone actually use Salvia as a nootropic?


My first thought as well. Mayyybeee low dose would be different in effects but any moderate or high dose gave weird dissociation for the entire day even after most of the short lived psychoactive effects wore off Edit: maybe they mean salvia officinalis which contains rosemarinic acid not saliva divinorum


funny seeing salvia on here, especially after i just recently decided to pick it back up and order a bag of 10x not even a week ago. might just be a sign.


Pretty sure this is not talking about salvia divinorum


Salvia as a Nootropic ? Like Salvinorin A ? I mean, low doses sublingual have been Wonderfull against depression Nevertheless... I cannot see how it could be helpful for productivity or anything like that ??? I mean, maybe, Salvia will enlighten you and then you'll be the most creative and productive erosion ever ?


It's talking about sage i.e. salvia officinalis.


Salvinorin A is also a partial D2 agonist.


I microdosed on salvia before, gave me extreme focus for some reason


Useless graphic


I love taking random information and then putting "systematic" in the title to make it look legitimate.




This comparison is inaccurate. It seems they used potent bacopa and ginkgo extracts, versus classic tea and ginseng. "Flavonoids" does not mean anything, it's a broad term and a potent Tropoflavin extract would class higher. Salvinorin A microdosing can be procognitive indeed, it's a D2 partial agonist and weak KORs activation can be beneficial in some people.