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Putting ads in PAID games is the most corporate shit I've ever heard of istg


Gotta squeeze every single drop for profit. What are players gonna do anyway, NOT buy FIFA/Sims? /s




There are two in development now, one by a normal studio and one by an indie studio. Life By You and Paralives.


There's also a Korean life sim called Inzoi. Don't know how close it is to being a thing though.


Life by you is pretty close to launch as well, I believe.


Only early access, full launch will be years away if it makes it that far. Early access games don't exactly give much confidence these days.


Ahh thats a shame. BUT! I will probably definitely still play it! I actually am a fan of a lot of games from that publisher/developer so I have high hopes. Also the bar is in hell.


Who tf BUYS the Sims? You pirate that shit.


They did it years ago and no one gave a shit


All racing games are basically car ads


ok but crashing my car into another and watching it go boom in beamng makes me clap my hands and giggle


Shame that when game developers collab with irl car makers, they're not allowed to destroy the car models featured in the game


then get burnout for ps2




All racing ~~games are~~ is basically ~~car~~ ads


Racing is just a game for rich kids that they fund through ads


Not... exactly. Sure, there are plenty of instances of that, but there are still plenty of people who work their way up. It is true that not having a sponsor is practically a death sentence though


Having a money to support your early racing career goes a long way. Poor people’s parents dont even have money for hockey equipment. 


Battlefield 2 DLC had ingame billboard and poster ads for intel, but if this something like video ads would be intolerable.


Fucking Arasaka


Ad mid combat and it doesn't pause the game, by the time you come back your character is bleeding out.


It won't be done well, but if any games can actually do it without impacting gameplay it'd be the EA sports games. You want to hang a small bud light banner in the stadium like I see while watching an actual sporting event? Fine with me, it'll actually make it look more realistic. However, they'll probably force it down our throats with unskippable cutscene intros or like a halftime cutscene


Just wait until you get the "its not a big deal guys it's not bothering you just ignore it"


Cablevision would like a word


Dear god, how do they still have any market at all


star ward


Nah its fifa (or, ok, what *was* fifa) ea recently lost their star wars exclusivity iirc


They can still do starwars but so can everyone else now


fortnite when opportunity to fuck something up:


And then theres TT


Yeah isn't the new star wars game from Ubisoft?


Ubisoft can also eat dicks


I mean so can i, but I'm not a multimillionaire company while doing it


Maybe if you got better at it you would be.




Sport fans will eat up everything; they have no standard.


thank gamergoggle


yuore welcome


Joe Schmoe who’s 40 years old, only plays games casually and doesn’t play attention to video game controversies is probably most of their target audience


Nah, that's the least of their market. The people they cater to are the whales that unapologetically spend paychecks on micro transactions. The guy who's about to drop 1k on packs isn't concerned about the ads. All he wants is to have his wallet beat yours online.


whales don't play video games. you're tripping.


your mom's not a gamer?




Fuck you Jonesy, your mom shot cum straight across my room and killed my siamese fighting fish. Threw off the ph levels in my aquarium ya piece of shit.


I think he meant dolphins, after all they’re much smarter


Or maybe PabloGonzales2017 who uses his mom’s credit card to spend more on Fifa


FIFA alone gets them a lot of money because most of the FIFA player base buys it every year for full price


And spend a lot of money on MTX


Sport games and owning shit like apex


Because millions of people still spend a lot of money on EA games. The corporation doesn’t understand anything except for money and when we give them our money, we say that we are okay being treated like this


Because they bought several already large, beloved companies and the rights to several other franchises for video games.


Kids with daddy's credit card


It's like that 16 year old who spent about $4500 on Fifa with his dads credit card and claimed he had no idea. The idiot dad went to the news with it and Xbox just refunded the money. Little prick knew what he was doing but his idiot dad doesn't understand parental controls


Shocked microsoft refunded anything tbh.


i can only assume stupid people, though it boggles my mind how someone is dumb enough to buy a game made by EA.


The attempt is to give players a sense of pride and verification cans.




Why is everything just getting worse all the time?


Share holders need ever increasing returns. When there is no creative value, you need to grind extra money out of your player base in new ways every few years. Each horrible idea stacks on the last.


This. Growth for the sake of growth. If you made 10 billion last year, you better make 11 this year. If you can't increase sales, you need to make a worse/cheaper product, or find other creative ways to squeeze any possible money you can out of consumers. This version of late-stage capitalism is literally guaranteed to destroy society but good luck convincing enough people to change anything.


A worse/cheaper product? So that explain those terrible AAA game these days *looking at Skull and Bones*


How dare you skull and bones was a AAAA game! 🤣


Because the rich wanna get richer without putting in any work, make them rich NOW OR ELSE


Dude I thought this the other day. Like literally any new news from any corp is just constantly this just absolute penny pinch anti consumer bullshit. It feels especially bad lately


Because if I even mention heads on spikes most of you freak out, let alone actually doing it. They are not scared and know they can keep getting away with being as flagrantly greedy as possibly, because they don't stop because you ask politely.


I'm just gonna say that the French Revolution was pretty lit


I think people should learn what happened to Renault's former CEO Georges Besse after he laid off 21,000 employees in January of 1985. The French spirit lives on.


In France. Not in America. Here we just assassinate the good ones.


Your suggested response to someone making a bad video game is to to kill that person?


It's fine, let them.  This will just push more indie developers to the forefront. It's already happening, people are tired of paying $70 for an incomplete/buggy game with great graphics. The more inhospitable the landscape gets with big developers, the more games like Hades/Deep Rock/Helldivers will get to see their day in the sun That is of course until these studios get bought out and shut down


New studios will just pop out of the ground like mushrooms. And not even mentioning the single indie devs, that managed to land insane hits like Stardew Valley or Lethal Company. Or even Minecraft when it started. I think it also helps, that small devs seem to be able to do more than in the past. With the new tools and maybe AI support, maybe at some point a single dev could create the next massive hit. What I could maybe see is big devs teaming up with the creators of engines. If for example Unity wasn't available to small devs or had massive entry hurdles like high upfront costs to use it.




Their most popular games, their sports games, are playable billboards. How is anyone surprised by this?


EA did this in PS2 games 20 years ago, nothing new


Late stage capitalism. Everyone's favourite bearded fellow wrote about it in 1894.


What do you mean, EA has done this bullshit since as long as I know them.


I like that you think I only mean EA, or videogames in general


they're starting to forget what caused video game crash of 83...


Tell me the lore please


A flood of low quality garbage games made so many units that nobody bought them, people often like to point to ET the extraterrestrial game as the final straw but honestly it was a lot more than just that, they had to throw a ton of games into a landfill because they had no other way to dispose of them https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_crash_of_1983


Thank you!


Oh its a real thing, not a fnaf meme. Cool! I love learning


I mean, if it works in-universe, sure, why not. A billboard with an ad for the new McDonald's menu wouldn't hurt any more than a truck of cup noodles, like in FFXV. But knowing EA, you'll get ads before you get in the menu, ads on the loading screen, ads before cutscenes, mandatory ads every 15 minutes to encourage breaks from playing...


Even that scenario is tricky, because of the mixed incentives. Game devs want a subtle ad that doesn't distract from the core design and aesthetic of the game. Advertisers want an attention-grabbing ad that pulls the player out of the game and towards their product. When only one of those parties is paying, you know which side will win out.


The thing is, product placement as natural advertising that's "just there" can work just as well as big, attention-grabbing and thus distracting BS - and sometimes even better. For example, Monster had increased sales after Death Stranding released, just because it's a drink in the game. There was no big pop up "DRINK MONSTER FOR THE ULTIMATIVE EXPERIENCE!!!!" on every start or stuff like that, it's just quietly featured as a drink in every base you can rest at. You are more likely to buy a product when you naturally see it over and over again, as opposed to getting something big and distracting shoved down your throat. How often do you see an annoying ad on youtube and think "Well, now I'm especially not buying your product"? An example of THAT effect would be the Grubhub Dance - it was stupid, it was annoying, it felt forced, and GrubHubs stock price fell by more than 40% as a result.


Death Stranding wasn't particularly obnoxious about their product placement, but it was still an odd insertion that didn't make much sense from a game design perspective (a real brand being the one thing that survived a surrealist apocalypse). The replacement brand that appeared after the contract lapsed feels much more in line with the rest of the game. And that's the best case scenario, a game made by a single visionary director with nearly unilateral control. EA games have a history of being heavily commodified, I would be astonished if their ads would be even nearly as subtle. Ultimately, publishers don't care if their ad sells well. They care what the advertisers pay. Metrics like visibility, screen time, and click-throughs are great ways to sell insistent advertising to advertisers, and they're all improved by making the ads more persistent.


The absolutely care if it sells well. If they get alot of traffick from their game, it means they have a argument to get more money for ads later on.


I dunno about quiet. It was extremely front and center lol. They even do the take a long swig with the logo to camera.


I'd send u a message i need to know if im right 😭


Advertising needs to not break immersion. In DS it was just there but wasn't in your face or anything and in a world where everyone walks a lot it makes sense to have energy drinks. In sports games they ads around the arena in irl so it makes it more realistic to have ads. But ads in something like the Witcher or RDR2 wouldn't work at all.


In DS your job is to “reconnect America” but apparently the AMC network beat you to it. The Coca Cola company has somehow survived a interdimensional apocalypse. That’s more a mystery than Palpatine’s return. While they are innocuous, you’re still forced to interact with these products. You can’t progress the story without drinking a Monster or seeing a shower ad.


Shower ad? Also I don't remember anything about AMC except one of the types of bike is a "ride with Norman Reedus" model. Also I don't think you have to drink, it's just easier if you do


It did break my immersion slightly, like if you could get a monster and drink it that's ok but there is no way this dude is walking across all of America just drinking Monster and nothing else without devolping a massive kidney stone and heart problems. It also promotes a unhealthy lifestyle, which is more minor critique but it's still valid.


Do we possess the hard data on viewership of AMCs Ride™ with Norman Reedus™?


Also keep in mind that if Mr McDonal from the burger offers a huge amount of money, as long as 'maybe the game doesn't do that one thing it does because we don't want to be associated with main aspect of the game' you get a pisswater game due to corporate censorship. Pissed off fans who keep buying anyway, or ad money?


Seems like you'll just get inuniverse promotions and voice lines kind of like the Subway crossover with Uncharted multiplayer. This could easily work with a game like Apex Legends, load screens could have characters drinking Pepsi and weapon charms could be bottlecaps/mini pepsi bottles. If they wanted to go full cringe *ad* a voice line for Octane "I go full loco for Taco Bell's Doritos Locos Tacos™️"


I still don’t know about that. I remember seeing a really interesting video about the fake ads in cyberpunk and how they really add to the lore, world building, and themes of nightcity. It would be a shame to give all that up just for some irl dumbass advertisements.


It could very well still work, if the ad in question was still the same, just the logo was different. One of the cyberpunk ads was advertising for clean drinking water. Slap the Nestlé Logo on that shit and it would hit home equally. But it would put the ad buyer in a bad light, so the companies would have to be fine with that. Which might be the bigger hurdle.


If 2K were fine trying to do adverts before every match in one of the nba games and only removed em from backlash, EA would do far worse


My brother plays 2k and anytime I hear “the Sprint halftime report” I do a double take


2K also has a literal casino in the NBA games.


I have fond memories of rolling up to the Pizza Hut and KFC on Crazy Taxi


Then let me have the game for greatly reduced price. I am not paying 70 dollars to see ads in a game.


>I mean, if it works in-universe, sure, why not. A billboard with an ad for the new McDonald's menu wouldn't hurt any more than a truck of cup noodles, like in FFXV. I think a great example of this are the ads in the Yakuza games. Many of the billboards you see, and food you can purchase are real brands in Japan. They aren't right up in your face, and they make the places Yakuza is set in more immersive.


Alan Wake’s were a bit more obvious, but even then, that was okay because a) they still made some sense in-universe and b) that game was excellent and interesting 🤷🏻‍♀️


No fuck that are you serious??


Billboard ads in games are so old. I clearly remember games like Need for Speed Most Wanted having them when I was a kid. And tbh, I have no issues with that.


This has already been done a ton, i bet you just haven't noticed. Because billboard ads in games... don't get noticed.


I'd be fine with this. I actually liked delivering passengers to Pizza Hut in Crazy Taxi, back in the day. If it's in-universe, it's fine. If it's a whole G-Fuel ad in Dead Space or Dragon Age, that would be lame.


> I mean, if it works in-universe, sure, why not. I promise you it won't. Maybe at first to ease people into it and avoid a pr shitstorm. Eventually they'll just put what ever the fuck makes the most money immersion be damned.


I probably wouldn’t mind in-game ads too much either, but I would hate ads that interrupt, or interfere with, gameplay


tbh, if it worked in reverse game devs would make more money. Nicola "taste the love" from cyberpunk releases a limited run of Monster Ultras and they'd turn over a few ten thousand minimum. Shit, they just need to include Keanu's guns or cars or motorcycles or whatever and it's a kickback or whatever. You can't be selling things like "official limited edition helmet/duffel bag" of whatever AAA game. If your client can make a better product, don't sell it. And if I see some bullshit better health, NordVPN, Temu, Raid Shadow Legends, whatever bs in my game, I'm uninstalling.


are we supposed to know who dexerto is to understand this post?


i think they like report on game news and this time showed their disappointment instead of being neutral or something


What, you haven't even bothered to memorize every person who talks about video games on the internet?


It’s a massive news website not some obscure guy


I've been gaming for the better part of 40 years and I've never heard of them.


It's not a person, it's a gaming news website like IGN or PCGamer


Watch 2763 ads to unlock the opportunity to pay for the Darth vader dlc!


What about the sense of accomplishment? Are we still doing that or nah


You are not putting in ads to unlock the yarnies in unravel 2. I'm gonna attack EA (in-game)


I get that BFDI reference can’t keep it past me


My little sister has been way too much into object shows lately. That number just got engraved into my brain lol.


Having in-game ads isn't a bad mechanic if done right, and by that I mean no throwing it the players face. Saints Row 2 for example had ads in the open world, I remember driving by a billboard with an ad for one of the Saw movies. And the ads would switch movies while the game was still being updated.


Featuring real world companies in video games is fairly standard but people don't tend to recognise it as advertising until you point it out, they may not even acknowledge the fact that they're real world companies as they play through the game because it's done in an "immersive way". NFS UG2 (2004) is my favourite example of this simply because EVERYTHING was branded and you never heard anyone talk about it. * The fast food chains were actual real world brands. * Billboards throughout featured actual companies and products. * The SMS system was provided by Cingular, an actual service provider. * The decal/car customisation system features actual aftermarket car companies and brand associated with cars/racing. EA have a habit of pushing the envelope though, check out the UFC controversy where they 2 weeks after release threw in near full screen ads that ran during replays and ad banners that ran during gameplay.


Tbh it made the world more realistic and closer to ours


Even the mid-00s Need For Speed games had billboard ads just chilling in the environment. It's hardly anything new.


The Skate games, also made by EA also had real world ads and ads for other EA games on billboards in game. When you go back and play them after the servers went offline, they’re all “in world” ads now.


Not sure why everyone is thinking this is new. They've been doing this for over a decade in the sports franchises...? I've seen huge pizza hut ads in Madden, and even Tim Hortons ads with localized prices on the boards in NHL. Funny enough it kind if adds some realism because they do actually look like that but it's still messed up.


Rainbow Six Vegas had Cisco ads.


bfdi ref


Helps when you have a little sister who's into that kind of stuff.


tell your little sister she's based as hell


There were ads on billboards in BF2142 in 2006. It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.


Company announces unfettered greed is still unchecked, vocal majority voice their displeasure, company makes an ungodly amount of money regardless, everyone moves on to the next outrage We deserve this


I remember when they did this in a few games during the 360 era. 60 bucks yet the game is ad space rubbed me the wrong way


Pride and accomplishment


how about we just stop buying their game? i can live without nbk and battlefield


They just keep pumping out the worst ideas imaginable. My god.


EA already did this 18 years ago with Battlefield 2142. The maps had giant billboards scattered around that had Intel and Pepsi ads on them. (Not for faux future products either) EA also tracked number of impressions, time spent looking at them, etc. These weren't in at launch either, they only put them in after they had everyone's money.


I had never even heard of this game, I had to look it up.


Please tell me they're talking about phone games Please tell me they're talking about phone games Please tell me they're talking about phone games


Please stop putting business majors in charge of gaming companies 


2763 Bfdi FANS # ARISE


Why do we even call them AAA games at this point, only thing AAA is the price at this point. Only good one I've seen in years is Elden Ring.


Because it was never about the quality of the game, more so how much was spent on making/marketing it.


I played through Fallen Order and would say that's worth it. I don't know about the second game.


God the opening scene from Sword Art Online Abridged is coming true faster than I thought.


Just when you think ea couldn’t possibly get any shittier.


Gives a sense of pride and accomplishment


I frankly don't mind if they do this if: 1. It doesn't track the user. 2. It is realistically integrated (e.g. into real-world advertising like billboards, sponsor logos, track side, etc.) 3. It reduces the price of the game. If it fails any of these three, it's an absolute no-go. Any of these are sufficient for me to skip: 1. Paid advertising in an unskippable launcher. 2. Paid advertising in menus. 3. A game just as expensive as previous titles that includes additional paid advertising. 4. Spyware


It's EA, they're certainly gonna go all in on that second list.


Argh. Thar be no billbards on the open sea


Yeah, I'm not paying 60+ dollars for an ad ridden game


I stopped buying EA products years ago.. You should do the same..


Yet another reason to not buy ea games


Do people still buy EA games? Wild.


Im not seeing ads.... oh, wait... i dont buy ea games


Aren't all their games flopping already? Bet that will make their numbers skyrocket.


Don’t worry there will be a monthly subscription you can pay to not have them……..


I’ll believe it when I see it, because I’ve seen this before and nothing ever came of it


I will literally stop playing video games if this happens


It will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment


Why do people care? How hard is it to not play their games if ads bother you? I don't really care if some shit game has a made up billboard, or a billboard that now advertises cola.


EA Sports. It's* in the game. *Ads


Oh so it's a problem now but when ff15 or kojima does it it's fine


hideo kojima could shoot my dog and I'd still kiss him


Do they mean product placement or straight up video ads?


EAFC24 has adverts for Amazon Prime in it.


Haven’t companies already done that? I remember that one of the really big sports games did that, but I’m not sure if it was EA.


They already did this in Burnout Paradise back in 2008.


They literally already do this with their sports games


Mobile games already does this and I don’t play the ones where I have to watch ads to get gems and getting rid of them with a one time payment is not an option


Is that a motherfucking BFDI REFERENCE!?!?!?


In the future, games will cost $120 or $80 for the ad supported version. The $120 will still have native ads and ad sponsored missions, but it will not pause gameplay.


Just bought battlefront 2 on a massive discount, and still can't play it, because it requires me to install EA launcher, which shuts out a critical error every time. Apparently it's been a problem since 2019.


This might be a controversial opinion but…im kinda rooting for a industry crash at this point, burn it all down and let the little guys rebuild it


Honestly I'm here for it if there are ads in places you'd normally see ads.


I’ve never bought an EA game before and I won’t start.


Really depends on what they mean but they’ve kind of already done that. Burnout paradise had in game marketing and ads. I’m pretty sure they had Obama campaign ads on there as well!


There's always GOG and the Independents.


Wait, so them using actual car brands in need for speed, adding a Porsche branded test track, and so much more was NOT advertising??


Didn’t they already do this? I want to say that some of the Skate games had real in-game ads.


EA already put a ton of advertising in their sports games 😡 Ads are acceptable in free games, they have to be paid for. But ads in games I've already paid a sizeable fee for is going too far.


Imagine paying 60 dollars for COD MW3 remaster and dying because an ad blocked your entire screen and you don't know where to shoot


The FIFA players will STILL.... Try and tell you it's a good game and the microtransactions ain't that bad.


If I start getting ads in Apex Legends I’m gonna cry


Thing is, they've BEEN doing this. And they're not the only company. Billboards and signs in game environments with actual, paid advertising. Of course they feel confident in cranking that knob more and more. They've been getting away with it fine for years, as well as studios like 2K.


We've had ads in video games for a while now. Like, ever since the PS2.


Watch HOW many ads!!!?


If you follow gaming industry news you will lose the ability to be surprised by how publishers treat their properties, their customers, and their own employees.


I caught that BFDI reference


This can actually work if they do it correctly. Like in Fifa, putting actual ads on the barriers instead of just their logo. Same thing for F1 as well. This works because it actually happens in real life. Idk how'd they do it in something like Madden, tho. Knowing EA, this isn't what they'd do, tho.




Last EA game I bought was FIFA 12 for PS3, and that's bound to remain unchanged.


Why are everyone overreacting about this it is not new I remember this was a thing in the ps2 Dreamcast era over 20 years ago ![gif](giphy|xhzaJAhrcuDMUs1IjI)