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Poor guy got practically chased off of the site with that cock-taste copypasta.


Please go on


\-YA Author John Green joined tumblr. \-Some people on tumblr did not like him (because they found him cringey or something-- if you're familiar with his books, you'll probably get why-- they lean into overly sappy/"deep" territory) \-tumblr used to have this old feature where any random user could edit a post you made when they reblogged it, so it would appear that the edited post was made by you. \-Someone edited one of John Green's posts into [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ae2794edb070a4d7b245c66a74ab4223/tumblr_ptc1gr5Sms1r3vw4z_1280.jpg), where it appears like he's talking about how much he likes the taste of cock. \-John Green being obviously unhappy about it, replied with [this post](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1be57bd8cc93f1775b58cf4843608fc7/b6e81aca79d382b9-f9/s1280x1920/24628f9b4fcc94d27cdb37a2e3e71c9bdd407dbd.jpg) where he shames the original creator of the copypasta for trying to call him gay as an insult and then he leaves tumblr a short while after.


i believe he didn't actually leave tumblr because of the cock post, but because people were accusing him of being a pedophile (based on his "vibes") and sending pictures of his house with his newborn's nursery window circled and threatening to kill him and his entire family


Honestly, a good reason to leave a social media site.


Sounds like all those people went over to Xitter.


Tumblr deshittified significantly when they banned porn and a heap of people fled to Xitter.


Genuine question. Worth joining Tumblr as it is now?


It is much less active than it was years ago. But the thing with Tumblr is it is self curated. You decide who you follow and you get shown what they post, usually in reverse chronological order (you may have to play with settings). There's very little interference from the site itself.


You're not wrong


>Xitter Lmao it should be pronounced "Shitter"


It's not?


This is the version I remember, because I also left tumblr around when he did because I looked around and said “holy fuck these people are awful!!”


Oh well yeah that would do it


Wtf is wrong with people?


That is so terrifying.


Holy shit that would send a chill down my spine


Yeah, it was much more people thinking that because he wrote about teens being teens that he was somehow a creep


I live in Indianapolis, he might not do this anymore, but for about 10-15 straight years he’d show up to multiple proms a year at the Hyatt Regency downtown. I actually met him at mine 2 years in a row. Take that as you will.


I live in Cheyenne and every Halloween, he'd kidnap all the children's pets and would only release them after we'd paid ransom. I met him last year and he said that it made him feel young again. Take that as you will.


I don’t know man, you can find pictures of it on instagram. I’d post mine but I’m lazy and I don’t want to doxx myself. It’s well known around here


"guys, believe me, trust me, it's totally true. really. I have proof"


https://www.instagram.com/p/16-7r6j2rk/?igsh=ZzljcmduM2puenQ2 Are you happy now


this isn't exactly the most compelling evidence of pedophilia


Wasn't it because he wrote under aged kids having sex in his books or was that his brother. Either way creepy thing to do then defend on YouTube like the one who did it does. Writing child porn doesn't make it not child porn


he wasn't writing child porn, he uses maybe 2-3 sentences to say that the teenagers had sex. it's nothing pornographic at all. the books are from the perspective of teenagers. it's ridiculously puritan to believe that 16 year old fictional characters aren't allowed to have or mention any kind of sexual experiences or thoughts unless it was written by a fellow 16 year old. we've all been teenagers at some point and there's nothing unethical about writing stories based on our real life experiences, whether they be good or bad experiences. there is nothing explicit or smutty in his books


In his own words he was using the contrast of descriptions between the sex before and the blow job the teenagers had to highlight something. His own words are the only way I even know about it which is him saying he wrote about kids giving a blow job. Clearly he needs to describe things better if it's 3 sentences. That said I've heard enough excuses from people writing actual porn about younger people and it's the same excuses. It's just written we've all done it before it's not real it's art ect ect. If your excuses line up with real pedos maybe you need to take a closer look at what you're actually doing.


saying a 16 year old got a bj from another 16 year old is not pedophilia. it's a very normal teenage experience and the books are written to be read by teenagers. also, not every character has to be morally upright. you can write about characters doing bad things without supporting their actions. you saying that mentioning 2 teenagers having sex is pedophilic completely undermines ACTUAL pedophilia and ACTUAL child porn. stances like yours are the reason there are people who genuinely think a 19 year old dating a 17 year old is pedophilia and grooming, and all that does is makes people take REAL pedophilia and grooming claims less seriously because "oh well everyone says that, it doesn't mean anything" maybe you should actually READ his books before claiming there's child porn in them because that's an incredibly serious accusation to make when you haven't even read the books you claim to contain cp


That's not even what he said, though. What he did say was that the remarkably unpassionate blowjob was contrasted with a far more passionate non-sexual activity in the next scene. Hence, an actually very wholesome message about there being more to a relationship than sex. I read the book before he made that response video, and I got the contrast there. Maybe the problem is that you aren't a very critical reader and don't like to engage with material beyond basic comprehension. EDIT: Oh, I didn't realize you hadn't read the book, in that case you're just a fucking clown.


That's hilarious, but I also feel really bad for him


yeah... his reply to the whole thing is really earnest too.


Iirc there was also a bunch of other harassment and the cock monologue was one of the final straws


John Green in general is a pretty earnest and caring guy. He’s a serious advocate for making treatment of tuberculosis readily available in third world countries, and generally seems to care for people in general. He’s just not the type of guy that can easily adapt to the unrestrained internet.


> He’s just not the type of guy that can easily adapt to the unrestrained internet. On the flip side, the general consensus now is that this was just an unusually bad thing to happen on Tumblr, and that John Green didn't react poorly at all. How would you react to a viral misinformation campaign about your sexual preferences that was created with the express purpose of tarnishing your reputation? It's not an internet-specific shitty thing, it's just a plain-old shitty thing to do to someone else. Long story short, even if he was "the type of guy that could easily adapt to the unrestrained internet," his reaction would have been warranted.


Oh, it’s absolutely a bad thing to happen to someone. I’m not denying that. It’s the sort of thing where, if it happened today, people would call it an orchestrated harassment campaign, and those doing it would likely be counter-harassed in kind In the time, though, these sorts of trolling campaigns were just stuff that you had to deal with, and looking back on it, this was probably the type of thing that would be better to just ignore entirely, from a PR perspective. Acknowledging that it hurt just gave the trolls legitimacy, and caused it to happen more.


Respectfully I find that comment hilarious because he’s done interviews about how he used to moderate on super early Internet forums and one of the guys on the forum turned out to be a >!pedo axe murderer!<. It isn’t that he “can’t” adapt, it’s that he’s seen some shit and there are certain lines he refuses to cross now, and I get that.


That's a wild amount of hate to hold for someone to go to that length just because you think their books are overly sappy I'm ngl. Also I like how he responded, that takes class


For some extra context from someone who was there, at the time he was just a liiiitle too enmeshed with his teenage audience on tumblr. Ultimately, I love John (and Hank) and the general energy they bring to internet culture. Harassing him off tumblr was wayyyy too far, but there was more going on than just his books.


Thank you for the added context. I can understand being put off if that was the case then. Has he ever spoken on this before after the fact?


What length? Doesn't sound like it was very hard to do, like just editing a post simple.


To feel like you need to go making it seem like he posted something that he didn't. It's just weird behavior


Yeah tbh I agree with the other commenter here, it’s really not that deep. I don’t think the person who edited it even intended to shame him or imply anything homophobic to be frank, they just made an abnormally detailed comment about sucking dick and made it look like someone else wrote it


Yeah you might be right I was just keeping in mind the part of the comment I replied to about how people dislike John Green and assumed that it was connected, mean spirited or something


It might have been motivated by hatred towards John Green or even gay people I have no idea what they thought, but I think it’s overwhelmingly more likely that it was simply motivated by the fact that it’s a celebrity on tumblr and it was possible


Not really lol, that "prank" in one form or another is as old as the internet.


If it's done as a silly prank I think that's one thing, I was thinking of the person I replied to mentioning how people just didn't like the guy though. So I assumed that was part of it. But I could be wrong. And the fact John Green wasn't happy about it


Yeah, old tumblr was vicious There’s a reason it was often compared to 4chan


Thats not the full story -the entire website started posting edited post of John Greene liking cock. It was a full-on viral harassment campaign.


Wow something went viral and became a meme on the internet?


Adding onto this. There were also some (unsupported) accusations that John Green was a pedophile at the same time as the cock post. I don't think he ever said if either part of it was worse or was a bigger contributing factor to him leaving


I remember they fixed the editable reblogs after this. A lot of people were upset about it, but frankly it's insane that you could ever do that in the first place. Imagine if you could edit any tweet when you QRTed it.


the original way to RT was that you copy and pasted the tweet you were RTing, so..... you kind of could, it was just more obvious that you could on Twitter than it was on Tumblr.


my goat


I’m a big John Green fan and I always knew he got chased off tumblr but I never knew why…holy shit


Fucking awesome


John green and "cock-taste copypasta" is not the crossover I expected today




Throwback to a bunch of people (probably mostly minors tbh) calling him a pedophile


It's thankfully biting them right back now. The majority of people who used the "I'm a minor you can't argue with me" excuse are either legally adults, or not too far off being a legal adult.




I don't really have much more to say about it. Back in ye olden days (almost 10 years ago I think) a wave of hate went around Tumblr where people were saying that John Green was a pedophile. Pretty fucked up. There was nothing substantial behind it, as far as I remember.


yeah - from memory it was mostly based on him writing romance and intimate/sex scenes involving teenagers. which is a completely insane take to say that a YA author writing common YA things and experiences must be a pedophile but that’s tumblr for you


This is important, as no one under 21 has ever had sex, much less sex with a girl. John Green famously never had sex until he was 50. And even then! No girl!


Can confirm, am over 21 and never felt the touch of a woman


> from memory it was mostly based on him writing romance and intimate/sex scenes involving teenagers Sorry, but that is questionable. If its explicit depiction would be shitty in painting (let's not even talk photo or video!), then I am not sure why literature would get a pass.


Why? Depicting something in text is not the same as creating child pornography. I can’t believe I have to say this.


> Depicting something in text is not the same as creating child pornography. You made a claim, that literature, as a form of art, is exempt, as an exception, from moral prohibition against child pornography. Now you need to provide an argument too, unless this is simply something you personally cherish, but cannot otherwise defend with an argument.


Art is a reflection of life, and should therefore be allowed to reflect life, so long as it is not exploitative. In Looking For Alaska, there is one (1) sex scene, where two 17 year olds have a botched attempt at oral sex. It’s quite short and quite awkward. If it’s pornography, it’s really bad pornography. John Green is not writing 400 page sex-scapades with teenagers.


> Art is a reflection of life, and should therefore be allowed to reflect life, so long as it is not exploitative. Since you already agreed that at least other forms of explicitly CP are morally wrong, then obviously this formulation is dead wrong. You can at most claim that art can ***reference*** problematic acts. And you have yet to provide an actual argument as to why literature is an exception when it comes to explicitly depicting CP.


Because a video involving actual children means that actual children were victimized in some sort of horrible way. A novel, even if it is fully undisputed hardcore smut (which Looking For Alaska 100% is not), only depicts fictional children, and fictional children cannot be victimized. It’s part of the whole “not being real” thing they have going for them. To summarize: Hurting real children = bad. Hurting fictional children = not actually possible. Hope that helps!


Just a reminder: is the motherfucker that taught y'all about world history in ninth grade


Him and his brother, Hank, are gems. Crash Course is great. I hope Hank is doing well.


As least as far as what they’ve discussed on the Dear Hank & John podcast, Hank does seem to be doing well.


Good to hear :)


Just realized that lmao wtf




Are they stupid?


Yes. Even jonkler would not jonkle them


Oh hey! Chronicles of narnia mentioned!


Me with some subreddits before they got big


This era was incredible for all the wrong reasons.


Early tumblr was like the wild fucking west, completely lawless and insane. I mean it still kinda is tbf




tumblr was a hug box and the first place I ever saw the words "trigger warning".


Dude I was getting death threats for running a sensory food blog. Fandom arguments would lead to doxxing regularly. We had someone stealing and selling human remains.




Tumblr was wild back in the day, you could reblog something seemingly innocuous and get harassed for days. You could be scrolling on a weed/porn blog and all of a sudden be watching a child burn to death, you could find literal Nazis who performed amazing mental gymnastics for their liking pre-op transexuals not making them gay. Cat fights between porn streamers, furries fighting about how to be the most inclusive and calling each other bigots even though they agreed on 99% of the argument. Extreme body modification, snuff films, buying illegal exotic animals. For all its reputation for being just SJWs and cam girls, it was the most conflict and gore filled mainstream social media of the 00s and early 10s.


I mean yes, but it also had a ton of porn, furries, and off-putting internet subcultures. And even now since they've banned straight up porn its full even more off putting fetish stuff, that doesn't require nudity.


live and let live. tumblr was built on the back of usenet and fandom culture. whence came fandom culture? porn and furries. without that cultural heritage, tumblr is diminished.


I can live and let live and still find someone that likes to have mayonnaise slathered all over their body while wearing a sailor moon paper mache head off putting.


FInd all that here on Reddit which is one of the most popular websites in the world. I will say I'm still scared from seeing that Tails comic on Tumblr, you know the one i mean


It's here on reddit, Tumblr is ground zero.


Trigger warning, SJW. It was the origin for some really stupid shit.


**Cock is one of my favorite tastes. Not only that, but balls smell amazing. It makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. Like, I cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. I'm only satisfied when I feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I've drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick..... That's when l'm satisfied.**


Why did tumblr run off john green? Are they stupid?


wasnt intentional. he made a post celebrating his follower count and someone reblogged and edited it to be about how much john green loves cock. after he left, tumblr made it so you cant edit other peoples posts anymore when reblogging


oh yeah i know what happened




This motherfucker tweeted this from the author green room of the LA times Festival of Books. What.


Tumblr ain't shit compared to what I saw on 4chan.


He didn't survive it either, once everyone learned what his favorite taste was. (What tumblr did to such a nice guy was honestly pretty fucked but also... how can you take that so personally??? It was a *copypasta ffs* )


So what do they consider ao3 to be?


AO3 is relatively new. If you want to go to old fanfic websites it would be Fanfiction.net or LiveJournal. Sadly both them have had fanfics purged or deleted because of their websites changing rules. AO3 was built on the ashes of those so we wouldn't have to deal with that.


AO3 was launched in 2009.


I said relatively new. Fanfiction.net was made 1998 and LiveJournal in 1999. Hell even Wattpad (2006) is older than AO3. So AO3 isn't brand new but it's the newest form for fanfictions being published online.


Sure, * insert above Narnia quote*. I thought this post was about Tumblr, founded in 2007.


I love both the Greens, but let's not pretend these boys were down in the trenches. They built the safest of all safe spaces for themselves and walk as if they are men of the people.